usar como python namedtuple pprint

como - prettify python

Bonito estampado llamado doble (2)

La pPrint PrettyPrinter en Python 3 es mucho más ampliable de lo que solía ser en Python 2. Puede crear su propia impresora como a continuación para agregar métodos para el objeto que desea manejar sin ensuciar demasiado con los métodos y atributos "privados" de pprint.

Puede ver un ejemplo en línea aquí:

from io import StringIO import pprint class MyPrettyPrinter(pprint.PrettyPrinter): def format_namedtuple(self, object, stream, indent, allowance, context, level): # Code almost equal to _format_dict, see pprint code write = stream.write write(object.__class__.__name__ + ''('') object_dict = object._asdict() length = len(object_dict) if length: # We first try to print inline, and if it is too large then we print it on multiple lines inline_stream = StringIO() self.format_namedtuple_items(object_dict.items(), inline_stream, indent, allowance + 1, context, level, inline=True) max_width = self._width - indent - allowance if len(inline_stream.getvalue()) > max_width: self.format_namedtuple_items(object_dict.items(), stream, indent, allowance + 1, context, level, inline=False) else: stream.write(inline_stream.getvalue()) write('')'') def format_namedtuple_items(self, items, stream, indent, allowance, context, level, inline=False): # Code almost equal to _format_dict_items, see pprint code indent += self._indent_per_level write = stream.write last_index = len(items) - 1 if inline: delimnl = '', '' else: delimnl = '',/n'' + '' '' * indent write(''/n'' + '' '' * indent) for i, (key, ent) in enumerate(items): last = i == last_index write(key + ''='') self._format(ent, stream, indent + len(key) + 2, allowance if last else 1, context, level) if not last: write(delimnl) def _format(self, object, stream, indent, allowance, context, level): # We dynamically add the types of our namedtuple and namedtuple like # classes to the _dispatch object of pprint that maps classes to # formatting methods # We use a simple criteria (_asdict method) that allows us to use the # same formatting on other classes but a more precise one is possible if hasattr(object, ''_asdict'') and type(object).__repr__ not in self._dispatch: self._dispatch[type(object).__repr__] = MyPrettyPrinter.format_namedtuple super()._format(object, stream, indent, allowance, context, level)

y utilízalo así:

from collections import namedtuple Segment = namedtuple(''Segment'', ''p1 p2'') # Your own namedtuple-like class class Node: def __init__(self, x, y, segments=[]): self.x = x self.y = y self.segments = segments def _asdict(self): return {"x": self.x, "y": self.y, "segments": self.segments} # Default repr def __repr__(self): return "Node(x={}, y={}, segments={})".format(self.x, self.y, self.segments) # A circular structure for the demo node = Node(0, 0) segments = [ Segment(node, Node(1, 1)), Segment(node, Node(2, 1)), Segment(node, Node(1, 2, segments=[ Segment(Node(2, 3), Node(1, 1)), ])), ] node.segments = segments pp = MyPrettyPrinter(indent=2, depth=2) pp.pprint(node)


Node( x=0, y=0, segments=[ Segment( p1=<Recursion on Node with id=139778851454536>, p2=Node(x=1, y=1, segments=[])), Segment( p1=<Recursion on Node with id=139778851454536>, p2=Node(x=2, y=1, segments=[])), Segment( p1=<Recursion on Node with id=139778851454536>, p2=Node(x=1, y=2, segments=[...]))])

Intenté pprint desde pprint , pero su salida es solo una línea, no hay salida multilínea ni sangría.

Utilizo la función incorporada vars para obtener la duplicada como un diccionario.

Sin embargo, devuelve un OrderedDict que pprint no pprint , así que lo convierto a un dict :

>>> Busbar = namedtuple(''Busbar'', ''id name voltage'') >>> busbar = Busbar(id=102, name=''FACTORY'', voltage=21.8)

Con pprint y dict :

>>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(dict(vars(busbar))) {''id'': 102, ''name'': ''FACTORY'', ''voltage'': 21.8}