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angular - hooks - Error de pelusa: implementar interfaces de gancho de ciclo de vida

ciclo de vida de un componente angular (1)

Hola a todos, tengo un error de alineación y no estoy seguro de a qué se refiere, este es el error: src/app/particles/particles.component.ts[4, 1]: Implement lifecycle hook interfaces (!#09-01) fila n ° 4 es @Component({ line

He leído el enlace que da y recibo lo que intenta decirme (al menos creo que sí :)) pero no puedo ver cómo se aplica en este caso.

Gracias por cualquier ayuda.

import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef, HostListener} from ''@angular/core''; import { Particle } from ''./particle''; @Component({ selector: ''km-particles'', styles: [''canvas { transition: opacity 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1);}''], template: ` <canvas #canvas [attr.width]=''width'' [attr.height]=''height'' [style.opacity]=''opacity''> </canvas>` }) export class ParticlesComponent { private ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; private width: number; private height: number; private opacity: number; private particles: Particle[]; private particleClearLoop: any; public playParticles: boolean; // get the element with the #canvas on it @ViewChild(''canvas'') canvas: ElementRef; // on window resize, restart the animation with the new boundaries @HostListener(''window:resize'', [''$event'']) OnResize(event: Event) { this.initAnim(); } constructor() { this.opacity = 0; } // wait for the view to init before using the element ngAfterViewInit() { this.ctx = this.canvas.nativeElement.getContext(''2d''); // ok all is ready, start the particle animation this.initAnim(); } createParticles() { this.particles = []; // let''s make us some particles for (let i = 0; i < 150; i++) { this.particles.push(new Particle()); } } draw() { // clear canvas this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); // draw the particles this.particles.forEach((particle) => { particle.timestamp = Math.floor(; particle.counter = particle.sign * (particle.timestamp / particle.speed * Math.PI); this.ctx.beginPath(); // define the circleparticle this.ctx.arc( particle.xPos + particle.radius * Math.cos(particle.counter / 100), particle.yPos + particle.radius * Math.sin(particle.counter / 100), particle.width, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); this.ctx.globalAlpha = particle.alpha; this.ctx.fillStyle = particle.color; this.ctx.fill(); }); if (this.playParticles) { requestAnimationFrame(this.draw.bind(this)); // AGAIN! } } // init resize and make the particles initAnim() { this.playParticles = false; this.opacity = 0; // so we don''t see the flicker clearInterval(this.particleClearLoop); this.particleClearLoop = setTimeout(() => { this.opacity = 1; this.playParticles = true; this.resize(); this.createParticles(); this.draw(); }, 500); } // method that resizes the canvas to the full width/height of the window resize() { this.width = window.innerWidth; this.height = window.innerHeight; } }

está utilizando ngAfterViewInit Lifecycle Hook, solo necesita agregar a continuación para hacer feliz a TSLint,

export class ParticlesComponent implements AfterViewInit

¡¡Espero que esto ayude!!