salida procedimientos procedimiento parametros funciones entrada ejemplos ejecutar developer cursores con almacenados almacenado plsql oracle11g job-scheduling

plsql - procedimientos - ¿Cómo llamar al procedimiento almacenado en Oracle con los trabajos diarios programados?

procedimientos y funciones oracle pl/sql (2)

Soy nuevo en los guiones de trabajo de Oracle. Escribí un procedimiento de purga para limpiar todos los datos antiguos y conservar los datos de los últimos 3 meses ... el procedimiento se ejecuta con éxito. Está funcionando cuando estoy llamando también manualmente. el procedimiento es el siguiente:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Archive IS v_query varchar2(2048); v_tablename VARCHAR2(50); v_condition varchar2(50); TYPE cur_typ IS REF CURSOR; c cur_typ; BEGIN OPEN c for ''select tablename,columnname from pseb.purge_tables''; FETCH c INTO v_tablename,v_condition; LOOP EXIT WHEN c%NOTFOUND; if(v_tablename =''cfw.DCTBLPERFCUMULATIVEMASTER'') then v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB3MAINREG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| v_tablename || '' WHERE '' || v_condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB4TODENERG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| v_tablename || '' WHERE '' || v_condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERDFCUMULATIVEB5MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| v_tablename || '' WHERE '' || v_condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB6TODREG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| v_tablename || '' WHERE '' || v_condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB7MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| v_tablename || '' WHERE '' || v_condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB8MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| v_tablename || '' WHERE '' || v_condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete FROM ''|| v_tablename || '' WHERE '' || v_condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; else begin v_query:=''delete FROM ''|| v_tablename || '' WHERE '' || v_condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; end; end if; FETCH c INTO v_tablename,v_condition; end LOOP; close c; END; --Procedure

mi script JOb es el siguiente:

begin DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB ( job_name => ''purgeproc_automation'', job_type => ''STORED_PROCEDURE'', job_action => ''call pseb.archive();'', repeat_interval => ''FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=2'', /* every other day */ auto_drop => false, enabled => true, comments => ''My new job''); end; /

El trabajo se creó con éxito, pero el estado del trabajo falló, no se realizó correctamente. ¿Cuál es la razón detrás de esto? devuelve el siguiente error:

ORA-06550: line 1, column 728: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "PSEB" when expecting one of the following: := . ( @ % ; The symbol ":=" was substituted for "PSEB" to continue.

por favor, guíame para resolver esto ...

Parece que estás mezclando dos formas diferentes de usar create_job con create program. Por favor, cambie su script a algo como esto:

begin DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB ( job_name => ''purgeproc_automation'', job_type => ''PLSQL_BLOCK'', job_action => ''BEGIN call pseb.archive(); END;'', repeat_interval => ''FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=2'', /* every other day */ auto_drop => false, enabled => true, comments => ''My new job''); end; /

Omg, tu código parece muy complicado. Considere esta simplificación primero:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Archive IS v_query varchar2(2048); BEGIN FOR REC IN (select tablename,columnname condition from pseb.purge_tables) LOOP if(rec.tablename =''cfw.DCTBLPERFCUMULATIVEMASTER'') then v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB3MAINREG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| rec.tablename || '' WHERE '' || rec.condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB4TODENERG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| rec.tablename || '' WHERE '' || rec.condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERDFCUMULATIVEB5MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| rec.tablename || '' WHERE '' || rec.condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB6TODREG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| rec.tablename || '' WHERE '' || rec.condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB7MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| rec.tablename || '' WHERE '' || rec.condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB8MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM ''|| rec.tablename || '' WHERE '' || rec.condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; v_query:=''delete FROM ''|| rec.tablename || '' WHERE '' || rec.condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; else v_query:=''delete FROM ''|| rec.tablename || '' WHERE '' || rec.condition||'' < sysdate-90''; execute immediate v_query; end if; END LOOP; END; --Procedure

Definición de trabajo alternativo por dbms_job.submit:

declare jid number; begin dbms_job.submit( JOB => jid, WHAT => ''pseb.archive;'', NEXT_DATE => SYSDATE, INTERVAL => ''sysdate +2''); end; / commit; -- <<--added commit here

Una forma de verificar el trabajo:

select * from user_jobs;