print octave gnuplot

print - octave plot png

Alejar en Octave/gnuplot (2)

Utilizo graphics_toolkit ("fltk") para hacer zoom en los gráficos de la octava que se ejecuta en Linux.

Yo uso Octave con gnuplot en Windows.

Puedo hacer zoom con el botón derecho del ratón. Pero, ¿cómo puedo alejarme de la interfaz de usuario?

Encontré este post en Nabble . Presionando p lleva al nivel de zoom anterior, n al nivel siguiente, y u unzooms. Presioné h en una ventana de gnuplot fuera de Octave y obtuve esta lista de comandos:

2x<B1> print coordinates to clipboard using `clipboardformat` (see keys ''3'', ''4'') <B2> annotate the graph using `mouseformat` (see keys ''1'', ''2'') or draw labels if `set mouse labels is on` <Ctrl-B2> remove label close to pointer if `set mouse labels` is on <B3> mark zoom region (only for 2d-plots and maps). <B1-Motion> change view (rotation). Use <ctrl> to rotate the axes only. <B2-Motion> change view (scaling). Use <ctrl> to scale the axes only. <Shift-B2-Motion> vertical motion -- change xyplane Space raise gnuplot console window q * close this plot window a `builtin-autoscale` (set autoscale keepfix; replot) b `builtin-toggle-border` e `builtin-replot` g `builtin-toggle-grid` h `builtin-help` l `builtin-toggle-log` y logscale for plots, z and cb for splots L `builtin-nearest-log` toggle logscale of axis nearest cursor m `builtin-toggle-mouse` r `builtin-toggle-ruler` 1 `builtin-decrement-mousemode` 2 `builtin-increment-mousemode` 3 `builtin-decrement-clipboardmode` 4 `builtin-increment-clipboardmode` 5 `builtin-toggle-polardistance` 6 `builtin-toggle-verbose` 7 `builtin-toggle-ratio` n `builtin-zoom-next` go to next zoom in the zoom stack p `builtin-zoom-previous` go to previous zoom in the zoom stack u `builtin-unzoom` Right `builtin-rotate-right` only for splots; <shift> increases amount Up `builtin-rotate-up` only for splots; <shift> increases amount Left `builtin-rotate-left` only for splots; <shift> increases amount Down `builtin-rotate-down` only for splots; <shift> increases amount Escape `builtin-cancel-zoom` cancel zoom region * indicates this key is active from all plot windows