linux debian apt-get

linux - Instalar paquete experimental en debian

apt-get (1)


deb experimental main contrib non-free

a su /etc/apt/sources.list o en /etc/apt/sources.list.d/experimental.list luego ejecute

apt-get update apt-get -t experimental install deluge

Ver Debian Wiki y apt-get manual.

-t, --target-release, --default-release This option controls the default input to the policy engine; it creates a default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This overrides the general settings in /etc/apt/preferences. Specifically pinned packages are not affected by the value of this option. In short, this option lets you have simple control over which distribution packages will be retrieved from. Some common examples might be -t ''2.1*'', -t unstable or -t sid. Configuration Item: APT::Default-Release; see also the apt_preferences(5) manual page.

Me gustaría instalar un paquete experimental de Debian.

Actualmente tengo problemas con la versión anterior, así que pensé que es mejor actualizar e intentar esa porque siempre puedo volver a cambiar. De todos modos quiero instalar este paquete:

Experimental: Normal:

Tengo sibilante debian.