tutorial funciona español ejemplos definicion curso como caracteristicas javascript jquery html marquee

funciona - Muy simple, muy suave, marquesina de JavaScript

javascript pdf (8)

Estoy tratando de encontrar una carpa javascript o jquery muy simple, suave y liviana. Ya probé la marquesina de seda o algo así, pero no funcionaría con la aplicación que estaba usando. Así que cuanto más simple y más corto, mejor y más fácil de depurar. ¿Alguien sabe de un reemplazo de javascript fácil de implementar para la carpa?



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var tWidth=''300px''; // width (in pixels) var tHeight=''25px''; // height (in pixels) var tcolour=''#ffffcc''; // background colour: var moStop=true; // pause on mouseover (true or false) var fontfamily = ''arial,sans-serif''; // font for content var tSpeed=3; // scroll speed (1 = slow, 5 = fast) // enter your ticker content here (use // and /' in place of / and '' respectively) var content=''Are you looking for loads of useful information <a href="http:////javascript.about.com//">About Javascript<//a>? Well now you/'ve found it.''; var cps=-tSpeed; var aw, mq; var fsz = parseInt(tHeight) - 4; function startticker(){if (document.getElementById) {var tick = ''<div style="position:relative;width:''+tWidth+'';height:''+tHeight+'';overflow:hidden;background-color:''+tcolour+''"''; if (moStop) tick += '' onmouseover="cps=0" onmouseout="cps=-tSpeed"''; tick +=''><div id="mq" style="position:absolute;right:0px;top:0px;font-family:''+fontfamily+'';font-size:''+fsz+''px;white-space:nowrap;"><//div><//div>''; document.getElementById(''ticker'').innerHTML = tick; mq = document.getElementById("mq"); mq.style.right=(10+parseInt(tWidth))+"px"; mq.innerHTML=''<span id="tx">''+content+''<//span>''; aw = document.getElementById("tx").offsetWidth; lefttime=setInterval("scrollticker()",50);}} function scrollticker(){mq.style.right = (parseInt(mq.style.right)>(-10 - aw)) ? mq.style.right = parseInt(mq.style.right)+cps+"px": parseInt(tWidth)+10+"px";} window.onload=startticker; </script> </head> <body> <div id="ticker"> this is a simple scrolling text! </div> </body> </html>

He hecho una función muy simple para marquesina. Consulte: http://jsfiddle.net/vivekw/pHNpk/2/ Se detiene en el mouseover y se reanuda en Mouseleave. La velocidad puede ser variada. Fácil de entender.

function marquee(a, b) { var width = b.width(); var start_pos = a.width(); var end_pos = -width; function scroll() { if (b.position().left <= -width) { b.css(''left'', start_pos); scroll(); } else { time = (parseInt(b.position().left, 10) - end_pos) * (10000 / (start_pos - end_pos)); // Increase or decrease speed by changing value 10000 b.animate({ ''left'': -width }, time, ''linear'', function() { scroll(); }); } } b.css({ ''width'': width, ''left'': start_pos }); scroll(a, b); b.mouseenter(function() { // Remove these lines b.stop(); // b.clearQueue(); // if you don''t want }); // b.mouseleave(function() { // marquee to pause scroll(a, b); // }); // on mouse over } $(document).ready(function() { marquee($(''#display''), $(''#text'')); //Enter name of container element & marquee element });

Hice mi propia versión, basada en el código presentado anteriormente por @Tats_innit. La diferencia es la función de pausa. Funciona un poco mejor en ese aspecto.

(function ($) { var timeVar, width=0; $.fn.textWidth = function () { var calc = ''<span style="display:none">'' + $(this).text() + ''</span>''; $(''body'').append(calc); var width = $(''body'').find(''span:last'').width(); $(''body'').find(''span:last'').remove(); return width; }; $.fn.marquee = function (args) { var that = $(this); if (width == 0) { width = that.width(); }; var textWidth = that.textWidth(), offset = that.width(), i = 0, stop = textWidth * -1, dfd = $.Deferred(), css = { ''text-indent'': that.css(''text-indent''), ''overflow'': that.css(''overflow''), ''white-space'': that.css(''white-space'') }, marqueeCss = { ''text-indent'': width, ''overflow'': ''hidden'', ''white-space'': ''nowrap'' }, args = $.extend(true, { count: -1, speed: 1e1, leftToRight: false, pause: false }, args); function go() { if (!that.length) return dfd.reject(); if (width <= stop) { i++; if (i <= args.count) { that.css(css); return dfd.resolve(); } if (args.leftToRight) { width = textWidth * -1; } else { width = offset; } } that.css(''text-indent'', width + ''px''); if (args.leftToRight) { width++; } else { width=width-2; } if (args.pause == false) { timeVar = setTimeout(function () { go() }, args.speed); }; if (args.pause == true) { clearTimeout(timeVar); }; }; if (args.leftToRight) { width = textWidth * -1; width++; stop = offset; } else { width--; } that.css(marqueeCss); timeVar = setTimeout(function () { go() }, 100); return dfd.promise(); }; })(jQuery);


para el inicio: $ (''# Text1''). marquee ()

pausa: $ (''# Text1''). marquee ({pause: true})

curriculum vitae: $ (''# Text1''). marquee ({pause: false})

Hola, simple demostración de las recomendaciones de los comentarios anteriores: jsfiddle.net/FWWEn

con funcionalidad de pausa en mouseover: http://jsfiddle.net/zrW5q/

Espero que esto ayude, que tengas una buena, salud!


<h1>Hello World!</h1> <h2>I''ll marquee twice</h2> <h3>I go fast!</h3> <h4>Left to right</h4> <h5>I''ll defer that question</h5>​

Código jquery

(function($) { $.fn.textWidth = function(){ var calc = ''<span style="display:none">'' + $(this).text() + ''</span>''; $(''body'').append(calc); var width = $(''body'').find(''span:last'').width(); $(''body'').find(''span:last'').remove(); return width; }; $.fn.marquee = function(args) { var that = $(this); var textWidth = that.textWidth(), offset = that.width(), width = offset, css = { ''text-indent'' : that.css(''text-indent''), ''overflow'' : that.css(''overflow''), ''white-space'' : that.css(''white-space'') }, marqueeCss = { ''text-indent'' : width, ''overflow'' : ''hidden'', ''white-space'' : ''nowrap'' }, args = $.extend(true, { count: -1, speed: 1e1, leftToRight: false }, args), i = 0, stop = textWidth*-1, dfd = $.Deferred(); function go() { if(!that.length) return dfd.reject(); if(width == stop) { i++; if(i == args.count) { that.css(css); return dfd.resolve(); } if(args.leftToRight) { width = textWidth*-1; } else { width = offset; } } that.css(''text-indent'', width + ''px''); if(args.leftToRight) { width++; } else { width--; } setTimeout(go, args.speed); }; if(args.leftToRight) { width = textWidth*-1; width++; stop = offset; } else { width--; } that.css(marqueeCss); go(); return dfd.promise(); }; })(jQuery); $(''h1'').marquee(); $(''h2'').marquee({ count: 2 }); $(''h3'').marquee({ speed: 5 }); $(''h4'').marquee({ leftToRight: true }); $(''h5'').marquee({ count: 1, speed: 2 }).done(function() { $(''h5'').css(''color'', ''#f00''); })​

Los siguientes trabajos:


El problema con su código original fue que está llamando scrollticker() al pasar una cadena a setInterval , donde solo debe pasar el nombre de la función y tratarlo como una variable:

lefttime = setInterval(scrollticker, 50);

en lugar de

lefttime = setInterval("scrollticker()", 50);

Mi recuadro de texto para más texto y la posición absoluta habilitada


(function($) { $.fn.textWidth = function() { var calc = document.createElement(''span''); $(calc).text($(this).text()); $(calc).css({ position: ''absolute'', visibility: ''hidden'', height: ''auto'', width: ''auto'', ''white-space'': ''nowrap'' }); $(''body'').append(calc); var width = $(calc).width(); $(calc).remove(); return width; }; $.fn.marquee = function(args) { var that = $(this); var textWidth = that.textWidth(), offset = that.width(), width = offset, css = { ''text-indent'': that.css(''text-indent''), ''overflow'': that.css(''overflow''), ''white-space'': that.css(''white-space'') }, marqueeCss = { ''text-indent'': width, ''overflow'': ''hidden'', ''white-space'': ''nowrap'' }, args = $.extend(true, { count: -1, speed: 1e1, leftToRight: false }, args), i = 0, stop = textWidth * -1, dfd = $.Deferred(); function go() { if (that.css(''overflow'') != "hidden") { that.css(''text-indent'', width + ''px''); return false; } if (!that.length) return dfd.reject(); if (width <= stop) { i++; if (i == args.count) { that.css(css); return dfd.resolve(); } if (args.leftToRight) { width = textWidth * -1; } else { width = offset; } } that.css(''text-indent'', width + ''px''); if (args.leftToRight) { width++; } else { width--; } setTimeout(go, args.speed); }; if (args.leftToRight) { width = textWidth * -1; width++; stop = offset; } else { width--; } that.css(marqueeCss); go(); return dfd.promise(); }; // $(''h1'').marquee(); $("h1").marquee(); $("h1").mouseover(function () { $(this).removeAttr("style"); }).mouseout(function () { $(this).marquee(); }); })(jQuery);

Por qué escribir código jQuery personalizado para Marquee ... solo use un complemento para jQuery - marquee () y utilícelo como en el siguiente ejemplo:

Primero incluye:

<script type=''text/javascript'' src=''//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.marquee/1.3.1/jquery.marquee.min.js''></script>

y entonces:

//proporcional speed counter (for responsive/fluid use) var widths = $(''.marquee'').width() var duration = widths * 7; $(''.marquee'').marquee({ //speed in milliseconds of the marquee duration: duration, // for responsive/fluid use //duration: 8000, // for fixed container //gap in pixels between the tickers gap: $(''.marquee'').width(), //time in milliseconds before the marquee will start animating delayBeforeStart: 0, //''left'' or ''right'' direction: ''left'', //true or false - should the marquee be duplicated to show an effect of continues flow duplicated: true });

Si puedes hacerlo más simple y mejor, te desafío a todas las personas :). No hagas tu vida más difícil de lo que debería ser. Más información sobre este complemento y sus funcionalidades en: aamirafridi.com/jquery/jquery-marquee-plugin

Responsable resistir jQuery marquee simple plugin. Tutorial:

// start plugin (function($){ $.fn.marque = function(options, callback){ // check callback if(typeof callback == ''function''){ callback.call(this); } else{ console.log("second argument (callback) is not a function"); // throw "callback must be a function"; //only if callback for some reason is required // return this; //only if callback for some reason is required } //set and overwrite default functions var defOptions = $.extend({ speedPixelsInOneSecound: 150, //speed will behave same for different screen where duration will be different for each size of the screen select: $(''.message div''), clickSelect: '''', // selector that on click will redirect user ... (optional) clickUrl: '''' //... to this url. (optional) }, options); //Run marque plugin var windowWidth = $(window).width(); var textWidth = defOptions.select.outerWidth(); var duration = (windowWidth + textWidth) * 1000 / defOptions.speedPixelsInOneSecound; var startingPosition = (windowWidth + textWidth); var curentPosition = (windowWidth + textWidth); var speedProportionToLocation = curentPosition / startingPosition; defOptions.select.css({''right'': -(textWidth)}); defOptions.select.show(); var animation; function marquee(animation){ curentPosition = (windowWidth + defOptions.select.outerWidth()); speedProportionToLocation = curentPosition / startingPosition; animation = defOptions.select.animate({''right'': windowWidth+''px''}, duration * speedProportionToLocation, "linear", function(){ defOptions.select.css({''right'': -(textWidth)}); }); } var play = setInterval(marquee, 200); //add onclick behaviour if(defOptions.clickSelect != '''' && defOptions.clickUrl != ''''){ defOptions.clickSelect.click(function(){ window.location.href = defOptions.clickUrl; }); } return this; }; }(jQuery)); // end plugin

Utilice este complemento jQuery personalizado como se muestra a continuación:

//use example $(window).marque({ speedPixelsInOneSecound: 150, // spped pixels/secound select: $(''.message div''), // select an object on which you want to apply marquee effects. clickSelect: $(''.message''), // select clicable object (optional) clickUrl: ''services.php'' // define redirection url (optional) });