test gtest google linker-errors googletest

linker-errors - google - github gtest

error al hacer GTest (5)

¿Has visto el excelente tutorial de Erik Smistad sobre cómo comenzar con gtest en Ubuntu? Lo probé en (K) ubuntu 12.04 y funcionó perfectamente. En resumen, lo que tienes que hacer es

sudo apt-get install cmake libgtest-dev cd /usr/src/gtest sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt sudo make sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

Si no se siente cómodo ejecutando make y cmake como root, deberá copiar / usr / src / gtest en un directorio que pueda escribir el usuario. En el tutorial, Erik también proporciona una prueba de muestra con un CMakeLists.txt para compilarlo.

Estaba intentando configurar el entorno GTest en mi máquina Ubuntu. pero al hacer el GTest para obtener la biblioteca, me sale el siguiente error ...

som@som-VPCEH25EN:~/Workspace/CPP/gtest-1.6.0/make$ make g++ -I../include -g -Wall -Wextra -lpthread sample1.o sample1_unittest.o gtest_main.a -o sample1_unittest gtest_main.a(gtest-all.o): In function `~ThreadLocal'': /home/som/Workspace/CPP/gtest-1.6.0/make/../include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:1336: undefined reference to `pthread_getspecific'' /home/som/Workspace/CPP/gtest-1.6.0/make/../include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:1340: undefined reference to `pthread_key_delete'' /home/som/Workspace/CPP/gtest-1.6.0/make/../include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:1336: undefined reference to `pthread_getspecific'' /home/som/Workspace/CPP/gtest-1.6.0/make/../include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:1340: undefined reference to `pthread_key_delete'' gtest_main.a(gtest-all.o): In function `testing::internal::ThreadLocal<std::vector<testing::internal::TraceInfo, std::allocator<testing::internal::TraceInfo> > >::GetOrCreateValue() const'': /home/som/Workspace/CPP/gtest-1.6.0/make/../include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:1372: undefined reference to `pthread_getspecific'' /home/som/Workspace/CPP/gtest-1.6.0/make/../include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:1379: undefined reference to `pthread_setspecific'' gtest_main.a(gtest-all.o): In function `testing::internal::ThreadLocal<testing::TestPartResultReporterInterface*>::CreateKey()'': /home/som/Workspace/CPP/gtest-1.6.0/make/../include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:1365: undefined reference to `pthread_key_create'' gtest_main.a(gtest-all.o): In function `testing::internal::ThreadLocal<std::vector<testing::internal::TraceInfo, std::allocator<testing::internal::TraceInfo> > >::CreateKey()'': /home/som/Workspace/CPP/gtest-1.6.0/make/../include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:1365: undefined reference to `pthread_key_create'' gtest_main.a(gtest-all.o): In function `testing::internal::ThreadLocal<testing::TestPartResultReporterInterface*>::GetOrCreateValue() const'': /home/som/Workspace/CPP/gtest-1.6.0/make/../include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:1372: undefined reference to `pthread_getspecific'' /home/som/Workspace/CPP/gtest-1.6.0/make/../include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h:1379: undefined reference to `pthread_setspecific'' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [sample1_unittest] Error 1

Archivo en gtest-1.6.0 / make Debería tener Makefile ver a continuación cómo debería verse. La diferencia está en la última línea

# A sample Makefile for building Google Test and using it in user # tests. Please tweak it to suit your environment and project. You # may want to move it to your project''s root directory. # # SYNOPSIS: # # make [all] - makes everything. # make TARGET - makes the given target. # make clean - removes all files generated by make. # Please tweak the following variable definitions as needed by your # project, except GTEST_HEADERS, which you can use in your own targets # but shouldn''t modify. # Points to the root of Google Test, relative to where this file is. # Remember to tweak this if you move this file. GTEST_DIR = .. # Where to find user code. USER_DIR = ../samples # Flags passed to the preprocessor. CPPFLAGS += -I$(GTEST_DIR)/include # Flags passed to the C++ compiler. CXXFLAGS += -g -Wall -Wextra # All tests produced by this Makefile. Remember to add new tests you # created to the list. TESTS = sample1_unittest # All Google Test headers. Usually you shouldn''t change this # definition. GTEST_HEADERS = $(GTEST_DIR)/include/gtest/*.h / $(GTEST_DIR)/include/gtest/internal/*.h # House-keeping build targets. all : $(TESTS) clean : rm -f $(TESTS) gtest.a gtest_main.a *.o # Builds gtest.a and gtest_main.a. # Usually you shouldn''t tweak such internal variables, indicated by a # trailing _. GTEST_SRCS_ = $(GTEST_DIR)/src/*.cc $(GTEST_DIR)/src/*.h $(GTEST_HEADERS) # For simplicity and to avoid depending on Google Test''s # implementation details, the dependencies specified below are # conservative and not optimized. This is fine as Google Test # compiles fast and for ordinary users its source rarely changes. gtest-all.o : $(GTEST_SRCS_) $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(GTEST_DIR) $(CXXFLAGS) -c / $(GTEST_DIR)/src/gtest-all.cc gtest_main.o : $(GTEST_SRCS_) $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -I$(GTEST_DIR) $(CXXFLAGS) -c / $(GTEST_DIR)/src/gtest_main.cc gtest.a : gtest-all.o $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $^ gtest_main.a : gtest-all.o gtest_main.o $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $^ # Builds a sample test. A test should link with either gtest.a or # gtest_main.a, depending on whether it defines its own main() # function. sample1.o : $(USER_DIR)/sample1.cc $(USER_DIR)/sample1.h $(GTEST_HEADERS) $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $(USER_DIR)/sample1.cc sample1_unittest.o : $(USER_DIR)/sample1_unittest.cc / $(USER_DIR)/sample1.h $(GTEST_HEADERS) $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $(USER_DIR)/sample1_unittest.cc sample1_unittest : sample1.o sample1_unittest.o gtest_main.a $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $@ -lpthread #<----------------------- DIFF

A continuación, ejecute make en este directorio :) y sea feliz.

Intenta mover -lpthread a después de gtest_main.a en tu comando g ++.

Pon "-L / usr / local / $ (uname -m) -linux-gnu" en tu LDFLAGS y "-pthread" en tu línea de comando del enlazador (ld). (Sí, eso es -pthread, not -lpthread)

Tuve el mismo problema y cambié -lpthread en el Makefile a -pthread . (Dejé la pequeña ''L''). Después de eso, compilé ''make'' sin errores.