javascript jquery google-chrome-extension

javascript - Cambiar las palabras coincidentes en el texto de una página web a botones

jquery google-chrome-extension (1)

Estoy tratando de hacer una extensión de Chrome que analice un sitio web en busca de palabras clave y luego las reemplace con botones. Sin embargo, cuando cambio el texto, la ruta de la imagen se corrompe.

// This is a content script (isolated environment) // It will have partial access to the chrome API // TODO // Consider adding a "run_at": "document_end" in the manifest... // don''t want to run before full load // Might also be able to do this via the chrome API console.log("Scraper Running"); var keywords = ["sword", "gold", "yellow", "blue", "green", "china", "civil", "state"]; // This will match the keywords with the page textx // Will also create the necessary buttons (function() { function runScraper() { console.log($(''body'')); for(var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++){ $("body:not([href]):not(:image)").html($("body:not([href]):not(:image)").html() .replace(new RegExp(keywords[i], "ig"),"<button> " + keywords[i] + " </button>")); console.log("Ran it " + i); } } function createResourceButton() { // Programatically create a button here // Really want to return the button return null; } function createActionButton() { } runScraper(); })(); // TODO create the functions that the buttons will call // These will pass data to the chrome extension (see message passing) // Or we can consider a hack like this: // "Building a Chrome Extension - Inject code in a page using a Content script" //

Imagen de resultados actuales:

Su enfoque de este problema está mal. Para hacer esto, debe recorrer el documento solo cambiando los nodos de texto, no el HTML de todos los nodos.

Modificando el código de esta otra respuesta mía , la siguiente extensión completa cambia todas las palabras coincidentes en la página a botones.

La extensión en acción:


{ "description": "Upon action button click, make all matching words buttons.", "manifest_version": 2, "name": "Button all matching words", "version": "0.1", "permissions": [ "activeTab" ], "background": { "scripts": [ "background.js" ] }, "browser_action": { "default_icon": { "32": "myIcon.png" }, "default_title": "Make Buttons of specified words" } }

background.js :

chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) { //Inject the script to change the text of all matching words into buttons. chrome.tabs.executeScript(,{file: ''contentScript.js''}); });

contentScript.js :

(function(){ var keywords = ["sword", "gold", "yellow", "blue", "green", "china", "civil", "state"]; //Build the RegExp once. Doing it for every replace is inefficient. // Build one RegExp that matches all of the words instead of multiple RegExp. var regExpText = ''//b('' + keywords.join(''|'') + '')//b''; console.log(regExpText); var myRegExp = new RegExp(regExpText ,''mgi''); function handleTextNode(textNode) { if(textNode.nodeName !== ''#text'' || textNode.parentNode.nodeName === ''SCRIPT'' || textNode.parentNode.nodeName === ''STYLE'' ) { //Don''t do anything except on text nodes, which are not children // of <script> or <style>. return; } let origText = textNode.textContent; //Clear the regExp search, not doing so may cause issues if matching against // identical strings after the first one. myRegExp.lastIndex = 0; let newHtml=origText.replace(myRegExp, ''<button>$1</button>''); //Only change the DOM if we actually made a replacement in the text. //Compare the strings, as it should be faster than a second RegExp operation and // lets us use the RegExp in only one place for maintainability. if( newHtml !== origText) { let newSpan = document.createElement(''span''); newSpan.innerHTML = newHtml; textNode.parentNode.replaceChild(newSpan,textNode); } } //This assumes that you want all matching words in the document changed, without // limiting it to only certain sub portions of the document (i.e. not ''not(a)''). let textNodes = []; //Create a NodeIterator to get the text node descendants let nodeIter = document.createNodeIterator(document.body,NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT); let currentNode; //Add text nodes found to list of text nodes to process below. while(currentNode = nodeIter.nextNode()) { textNodes.push(currentNode); } //Process each text node textNodes.forEach(function(el){ handleTextNode(el); }); })();

myIcon.png :

El código en handleTextNode para realizar cambios en los nodos de texto se modificó del código en otra respuesta mía .