when tipos then sqlerrm raise_application_error procedimientos procedimiento no_data_found funciones excepciones ejemplos ejemplo ejecutar developer bloques almacenado sql oracle oracle11g

sql - tipos - ¿Cómo registrar todas las excepciones en el paquete de Oracle?

sqlerrm oracle ejemplos (3)

Estoy intentando registrar todas las excepciones en un paquete de Oracle. Esto es lo que tengo al final del procedimiento:


Esto funciona bien, sin embargo, también quiero registrar el código de error y el mensaje. He intentado:


Pero esto me da el error:

490/7 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 490/100 PL/SQL: ORA-00984: column not allowed here

¿Cuál es la forma correcta de hacer esto? ¡Gracias!

No puede usar SQLERRM directamente; debe asignarlo a una variable intermedia. Tenga en cuenta que Oracle 9i le permitiría salirse con la suya, pero ese ha sido siempre el comportamiento documentado . Vea aquí para obtener un código de muestra.

También podría considerar envolver este bit en una transacción autónoma, por lo que se registra incluso si la transacción de su código PL / SQL se retrotrae.

Gaius te dio la respuesta corta. Su comentario sobre envolverlo en una transacción autónoma es muy importante. Lamentarás el día en que tu transacción se retiró, y no sabes por qué.

Aquí hay algo que muestra el uso de una transacción autónoma con algunos detalles adicionales para conocer un montón más acerca de dónde se produjo el error.

Su bloque de excepción se convierte en algo como esto: -

exception when exception_pkg.assertion_failure_exception then rollback; raise; when others then rollback; v_code := SQLCODE; v_errm := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 255); exception_pkg.throw( exception_pkg.unhandled_except, v_code || '' - '' || v_errm || '' ($Header$)'' );

... aaaand, aquí está todo el código que necesita para apoyar esto. Juega con él, es útil :-)

-- Create a table to hold the error messages CREATE TABLE ERROR_MESSAGES ( ERROR_MESSAGE_ID NUMBER(10) NOT NULL, ERROR_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) DEFAULT SYSDATE NOT NULL, ERROR_USER VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) DEFAULT USER NOT NULL, MESSAGE_TYPE VARCHAR2(15 BYTE), PACKAGE_NAME VARCHAR2(250 BYTE), PROCEDURE_OR_LINE VARCHAR2(30 BYTE), ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2(10 BYTE), ERROR_MESSAGE1 VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), ERROR_MESSAGE2 VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), ERROR_MESSAGE3 VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), ERROR_MESSAGE4 VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ERROR_MESSAGES_XPK ON ERROR_MESSAGES (ERROR_MESSAGE_ID); -- Create the sequence used for the ERROR_MESSAGES PK CREATE SEQUENCE ERROR_MESSAGE_SEQ START WITH 1; -- The package CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE EXCEPTION_PKG as /************************************************************************************ * $Header$ * * Package: exception_pkg * * Purpose: Exception handling functionality * * Authors: M.McAllister (via AskTom - http://tinyurl.com/c43jt) * * Revision History: * * $Log[10]$ ******************************************************************************************/ /*===================================================================== * Constants *=====================================================================*/ c_InfMsg constant error_messages.message_type%type := ''Informational''; c_WarnMsg constant error_messages.message_type%type := ''Warning''; c_ErrMsg constant error_messages.message_type%type := ''Fatal Error''; c_DbgMsg constant error_messages.message_type%type := ''Debug''; c_MaintMsg constant error_messages.message_type%type := ''Maintenance''; /*===================================================================== * Exception Definitions *=====================================================================*/ unhandled_except constant number := -20001; unhandled_except_exception exception; pragma exception_init(unhandled_except_exception, -20001); bad_parameter constant number := -20002; bad_parameter_exception exception; pragma exception_init(bad_parameter_exception, -20002); assertion_failure constant number := -20003; assertion_failure_exception exception; pragma exception_init(assertion_failure_exception, -20003); /*===================================================================== * Procedures *=====================================================================*/ procedure write_exception_info( p_msg_type error_messages.message_type%type , p_pkg_name error_messages.package_name%type , p_func_name error_messages.procedure_or_line%type , p_error_code error_messages.error_code%type , p_msg1 error_messages.error_message2%type , p_msg2 error_messages.error_message3%type , p_msg3 error_messages.error_message4%type ); procedure who_called_me( p_owner out varchar2, p_name out varchar2, p_lineno out number, p_caller_t out varchar2, p_my_depth in number default 3 ); procedure throw( p_exception in number , p_extra_msg in varchar2 default NULL ); end exception_pkg; / -- Package Body CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY EXCEPTION_PKG as /************************************************************************************ * $Header$ * * Package: exception_pkg * * Purpose: Exception handling functionality * * Authors: M.McAllister (via AskTom - http://tinyurl.com/c43jt) * * Revision History: * * $Log[10]$ ******************************************************************************************/ /*===================================================================== * Types *=====================================================================*/ type myArray is table of varchar2(255) index by binary_integer; /*===================================================================== * Globals *=====================================================================*/ err_msgs myArray; /*===================================================================== * Procedures *=====================================================================*/ procedure who_called_me( p_owner out varchar2, p_name out varchar2, p_lineno out number, p_caller_t out varchar2, p_my_depth in number default 3 ) as call_stack varchar2(4096) default dbms_utility.format_call_stack; n number; found_stack BOOLEAN default FALSE; line varchar2(255); cnt number := 0; begin loop n := instr( call_stack, chr(10) ); exit when ( cnt = p_my_depth or n is NULL or n = 0 ); line := substr( call_stack, 1, n-1 ); call_stack := substr( call_stack, n+1 ); if ( NOT found_stack ) then if ( line like ''%handle%number%name%'' ) then found_stack := TRUE; end if; else cnt := cnt + 1; -- cnt = 1 is ME -- cnt = 2 is MY Caller -- cnt = 3 is Their Caller if ( cnt = p_my_depth ) then p_lineno := to_number(substr( line, 13, 6 )); line := substr( line, 21 ); if ( line like ''pr%'' ) then n := length( ''procedure '' ); elsif ( line like ''fun%'' ) then n := length( ''function '' ); elsif ( line like ''package body%'' ) then n := length( ''package body '' ); elsif ( line like ''pack%'' ) then n := length( ''package '' ); elsif ( line like ''anonymous%'' ) then n := length( ''anonymous block '' ); else n := null; end if; if ( n is not null ) then p_caller_t := ltrim(rtrim(upper(substr( line, 1, n-1 )))); else p_caller_t := ''TRIGGER''; end if; line := substr( line, nvl(n,1) ); n := instr( line, ''.'' ); p_owner := ltrim(rtrim(substr( line, 1, n-1 ))); p_name := ltrim(rtrim(substr( line, n+1 ))); end if; end if; end loop; end who_called_me; /*===================================================================== * PRIVATE function: get_session_info * purpose: Returns a formatted string containing some information * about the current session *=====================================================================*/ function get_session_info return varchar2 is l_sessinfo varchar2(2000); begin select ''[SID = '' || sid || ''], '' || ''[SERIAL# = '' || serial# ||''], '' || ''[MACHINE = '' || replace(machine,chr(0),'''') || ''], '' || ''[OSUSER = '' || osuser || ''], '' || ''[PROGRAM = '' || program || ''], '' || ''[LOGON_TIME = '' || to_char(logon_time,''mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ss'') || '']'' into l_sessinfo from v$session WHERE audsid = SYS_CONTEXT(''userenv'',''sessionid''); return l_sessinfo; end get_session_info; /*===================================================================== * procedure: write_exception_info * purpose: Call the exception logging routine *=====================================================================*/ procedure write_exception_info( p_msg_type error_messages.message_type%type , p_pkg_name error_messages.package_name%type , p_func_name error_messages.procedure_or_line%type , p_error_code error_messages.error_code%type , p_msg1 error_messages.error_message2%type , p_msg2 error_messages.error_message3%type , p_msg3 error_messages.error_message4%type ) is -- This procedure is autonomous from the calling procedure. -- i.e The calling procedure does not have to be complete -- for this procedure to commit its changes. pragma autonomous_transaction; l_sessinfo varchar2(2000); begin l_sessinfo := get_session_info; insert into error_messages ( error_message_id , error_date , error_user , message_type , package_name , procedure_or_line , error_code , error_message1 , error_message2 , error_message3 , error_message4 ) values ( error_message_seq.nextval , sysdate , USER , p_msg_type , p_pkg_name , p_func_name , p_error_code , l_sessinfo , p_msg1 , p_msg2 , p_msg3 ); commit; exception when others then -- We don''t want an error logging a message to -- cause the application to crash return; end write_exception_info; procedure throw( p_exception in number , p_extra_msg in varchar2 default NULL ) is l_owner varchar2(30); l_name varchar2(30); l_type varchar2(30); l_line number; l_exception number; begin who_called_me( l_owner, l_name, l_line, l_type ); write_exception_info( c_ErrMsg , l_owner || ''.'' || l_name , ''Line '' || l_line , p_exception , p_extra_msg , NULL , err_msgs(p_exception) ); raise_application_error( p_exception , ''Exception at '' || l_type || '' '' || l_owner || ''.'' || l_name || ''('' || l_line || ''). '' || err_msgs(p_exception ) || ''. '' || p_extra_msg , TRUE ); exception -- we will get this when we have an invalid exception code, one -- that was not set in the err_msgs array below. The plsql table -- access will raise the NO-DATA-FOUND exception. We''ll catch it, -- verify the exception code is in the valid range for raise_application_error -- (if not, set to -20000) and then raise the exception with the message -- "unknown error" when NO_DATA_FOUND then if ( p_exception between -20000 and -20999 ) then l_exception := p_exception; else l_exception := -20000; end if; write_exception_info( c_ErrMsg , l_owner || ''.'' || l_name , ''Line '' || l_line , p_exception , p_extra_msg , NULL , ''**UNKNOWN ERROR**'' ); raise_application_error( l_exception , ''Exception at '' || l_type || '' '' || l_owner || ''.'' || l_name || ''('' || l_line || ''). '' || ''**UNKNOWN ERROR**'' || ''. '' || p_extra_msg , TRUE ); end throw; begin -- This code is run once per session when this package is first touched err_msgs( unhandled_except ) := ''Unhandled exception''; err_msgs( bad_parameter ) := ''Invalid parameter passed into function or procedure''; err_msgs( assertion_failure ) := ''Program execution stopped due to assertion failure''; end exception_pkg; /


Siempre use dbms_utility.format_error_stack||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace , o algo similar.

El registro de excepciones sin almacenar el número de línea es simplemente cruel.