hora formato fecha c++ boost android-ndk boost-date-time

c++ - Uso de boost analizador cadena de fecha y hora: con formato de hora de un solo dígito

formato de fecha y hora (1)

Estoy trabajando en el código que necesita compilar en la cadena de herramientas NDK. Desafortunadamente, la última versión solo es compatible con gcc4.9, que no es compatible con el análisis de fecha y hora de C ++ 11. Tengo una cadena de fecha y hora que necesito enviar a través de dos o tres formatos para descubrir el método de análisis.

Así que probé el tiempo de funcionamiento de la API de Linux, que a veces da valores en el método de análisis incorrecto. Tuve que abandonarlo y avanzar para aumentar.

Ahora viene a impulsar estoy usando la versión 1_64. De acuerdo con la documentación aquí

No pude encontrar una forma de analizar el formato de hora de un solo dígito.

bool getepochtime(const std::string &str, const std::string &format, unsigned long &epoch){ epoch = 0; namespace bt = boost::posix_time; std::locale lformat = std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new bt::time_input_facet(format)); bt::ptime pt; std::istringstream is(str); is.imbue(lformat); is >> pt; if (pt == bt::ptime()) { //epoch = 0; return false; } bt::ptime timet_start(boost::gregorian::date(1970, 1, 1)); bt::time_duration diff = pt - timet_start; epoch = (1000 * diff.ticks()/bt::time_duration::rep_type::ticks_per_second); return true; } int main() { unsigned long eval; // this works. getepochtime("28th january 11:50 PM", "%dth %B %H:%M %p", eval); // this does not work. getepochtime("28th january 1:50 PM", "%dth %B %I:%M %p", eval); // nor this. getepochtime("28th january 1:50 PM", "%dth %B %H:%M %p", eval); return 0; }

Cualquier ayuda será apreciada.

Dejaré que tú elijas cómo quieres que sean interpretadas las fechas sin años. Sin embargo, aquí hay un comienzo rápido usando / just / strptime .

Lo usé en una base de código más grande, y necesitábamos un reconocimiento de fecha bastante versátil. He aquí: el analizador adaptativo de fecha y hora :

#pragma once #include <string> #include <chrono> #include <cstdint> #include <list> namespace mylib { namespace datetime { /* * Multi-format capable date time parser * * Intended to be seeded with a list of supported formats, in order of * preference. By default, parser is not adaptive (mode is `fixed`). * * In adaptive modes the format can be required to be * * - sticky (consistently reuse the first matched format) * - ban_failed (remove failed patterns from the list; banning only occurs * on successful parse to avoid banning all patterns on invalid input) * - mru (preserves the list but re-orders for performance) * * CAUTION: * If formats are ambiguous (e.g. mm-dd-yyyy vs dd-mm-yyyy) allowing * re-ordering results in unpredictable results. * => Only use `mru` when there are no ambiguous formats * * NOTE: * The function object is stateful. In algorithms, pass it by reference * (`std::ref(obj)`) to avoid copying the patterns and to ensure correct * adaptive behaviour * * NOTE: * - use %z before %Z to correctly handle [-+]hhmm POSIX TZ indications * - adaptive_parser is thread-safe as long as it''s not in any adaptive * mode (the only allowed flag is `full_match`) */ class adaptive_parser { public: typedef std::list<std::string> list_t; enum mode_t { fixed = 0, // not adapting; keep trying same formats in same order sticky = 1, // re-use first successful format consistently ban_failed = 2, // forget formats that have failed mru = 4, // optimize by putting last known good in front full_match = 8, // require full matches to be accepted }; adaptive_parser(mode_t m = full_match); adaptive_parser(mode_t m, list_t formats); // returns seconds since epoch std::chrono::seconds operator()(std::string); private: mode_t _mode; list_t _formats; }; static inline adaptive_parser::mode_t operator|(adaptive_parser::mode_t lhs, adaptive_parser::mode_t rhs) { return static_cast<adaptive_parser::mode_t>(static_cast<int>(lhs) | static_cast<int>(rhs)); } } }

Puedes usarlo como tal:

Live On Wandbox

#include "adaptive_parser.h" #include <string> #include <iostream> int main() { using namespace mylib::datetime; adaptive_parser parser { adaptive_parser::full_match, { "%Y %dth %B %H:%M %p", "%dth %B %H:%M %p", "%Y %dth %B %I:%M %p", "%dth %B %I:%M %p", } }; for (std::string const input : { "2017 28th january 11:50 PM", "28th january 11:50 PM", "2017 28th january 1:50 PM", "28th january 1:50 PM", }) try { std::cout << "Parsing ''" << input << "''/n"; std::cout << " -> epoch " << parser(input).count() << "/n"; } catch(std::exception const& e) { std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << "/n"; } }


Parsing ''2017 28th january 11:50 PM'' -> epoch 1485604200 Parsing ''28th january 11:50 PM'' -> epoch -2206613400 Parsing ''2017 28th january 1:50 PM'' -> epoch 1485568200 Parsing ''28th january 1:50 PM'' -> epoch -2206649400

Tenga en cuenta que la época -2206613400 corresponde al 28 de enero de 1900


La implementación viene con un montón de patrones de fecha claros y sin ambigüedades. Nuestro proyecto utilizó una serie de "hacks" para normalizar formatos de entrada extraños, estos se han omitido (puede ver las referencias comentadas para detail::normalize_... funciones para ideas):

#include "adaptive_parser.h" #include "time.h" #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> namespace { enum level { LOG_DEBUG }; static std::ostream s_devnull { nullptr }; struct { std::ostream& log(int) const { #ifdef NDEBUG return s_devnull; #else return std::cerr; #endif }; } s_trace; } namespace mylib { namespace datetime { adaptive_parser::adaptive_parser(mode_t m) : _mode(m), _formats { // use EOL_MARK to debug patterns when you suspect ambiguity or partial matches #define EOL_MARK "" // " EOL_MARK" // use %z before %Z to correctly handle [-+]hhmm POSIX time zone offsets #if __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ <= 15 // ubuntu 12.04 used eglibc and doesn''t parse all bells and whistles #define WITH_TZ(prefix, suffix) prefix " %z" suffix, prefix " %Z" suffix, prefix " Z" suffix, prefix " (UTC)" suffix, prefix suffix #else #define WITH_TZ(prefix, suffix) prefix " %z" suffix, prefix " %Z" suffix, prefix suffix #endif WITH_TZ("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f", EOL_MARK), WITH_TZ("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", EOL_MARK), WITH_TZ("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M", EOL_MARK), // WITH_TZ("%Y-%m-%dT%I:%M:%S.%f %p", EOL_MARK), WITH_TZ("%Y-%m-%dT%I:%M:%S %p", EOL_MARK), WITH_TZ("%Y-%m-%dT%I:%M %p", EOL_MARK), // WITH_TZ("%Y-%m-%d%n%H:%M:%S", EOL_MARK), WITH_TZ("%Y-%m-%d%n%I:%M:%S %p", EOL_MARK), // WITH_TZ("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", EOL_MARK), WITH_TZ("%a %b %d %I:%M:%S %p %Y", EOL_MARK), // WITH_TZ("%a %d %b %H:%M:%S %Y", EOL_MARK), WITH_TZ("%a %d %b %I:%M:%S %p %Y", EOL_MARK), // WITH_TZ("%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", EOL_MARK), WITH_TZ("%a, %b %d %I:%M:%S %p %Y", EOL_MARK), // WITH_TZ("%a, %d %b %H:%M:%S %Y", EOL_MARK), WITH_TZ("%a, %d %b %I:%M:%S %p %Y", EOL_MARK), ////// WITH_TZ("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", EOL_MARK), WITH_TZ("%a %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p", EOL_MARK), // WITH_TZ("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", EOL_MARK), WITH_TZ("%a, %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p", EOL_MARK), #undef WITH_TZ /* * HUMAN DATE: * * This pattern would ambiguate the "%s" one (sadly, because it * leads to obviously bogus results like parsing "1110871987" into * "2063-04-24 16:25:59" (because "1110-8-7T19:8:7" matches * "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %Z" somehow...). * * We work around this issue by normalizing detected * ''yyyyMMddhhmmss'' human dates into iso format as a preprocessing * step. */ //"%Y %m %d %H %M %S" EOL_MARK, // epoch seconds "@%s" EOL_MARK, "%s" EOL_MARK, } { } adaptive_parser::adaptive_parser(mode_t m, list_t formats) : _mode(m), _formats(std::move(formats)) { } std::chrono::seconds adaptive_parser::operator()(std::string input) { if (_formats.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("No candidate patterns in datetime::adaptive_parser"); if (input.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("Empty input cannot be parsed as a date time"); //detail::normalize_tz(input); //detail::normalize_tz_utc_w_offset_re(input); //detail::normalize_date_sep(input); //detail::normalize_human_date(input); //detail::normalize_redundant_timezone_description(input); input += EOL_MARK; std::vector<list_t::iterator> failed; bool matched = false; struct tm time_struct; auto pattern = _formats.begin(); for (; !matched && pattern != _formats.end(); ++pattern) { memset(&time_struct, 0, sizeof(time_struct)); auto tail = ::strptime(input.c_str(), pattern->c_str(), &time_struct); matched = tail; //if (matched) s_trace.log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Input ''" << input << "'' successfully matched pattern ''" << *pattern << "'' leaving ''" << tail << "''/n"; if (_mode & full_match) { while (tail && *tail && std::isspace(*tail)) ++tail; // skip trailing whitespace matched &= tail && !*tail; } if (matched) break; if (_mode & ban_failed) failed.push_back(pattern); } if (matched) { for (auto to_ban : failed) { s_trace.log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Banning failed datetime pattern: " << *to_ban << "/n"; _formats.erase(to_ban); } if (_mode & sticky) { s_trace.log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Made succeeding datetime pattern sticky: " << *pattern << "/n"; _formats = { *pattern }; } if ((_mode & mru) && pattern != _formats.begin()) { assert(pattern != _formats.end()); // inconsistent with `matched==true` s_trace.log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Promote succeeding datetime pattern to the top: " << *pattern << "/n"; std::rotate(_formats.begin(), pattern, std::next(pattern)); } #ifdef __FreeBSD__ auto raw = (time_struct.tm_gmtoff)? mktime(&time_struct) : timegm(&time_struct); return std::chrono::seconds(raw); #else long offset = time_struct.tm_gmtoff; return std::chrono::seconds(timegm (&time_struct) - offset); #endif } s_trace.log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Failed to parse datetime input ''" << input << "'' with " << _formats.size() << " patterns/n"; throw std::runtime_error("Input cannot be parsed as a date time"); } } }