javascript arrays javascript-objects

Suma de valores de propiedad de objeto de matriz en una nueva matriz de objetos en Javascript

arrays javascript-objects (5)

Aqui tienes:

function convert(inputArray) { var temp = {}; for(var i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) { var subject = inputArray[i].subject; // check if there is already an entry with this subject in the temp array if(temp.hasOwnProperty(subject)) { // if it is already in the list, add the marks and the noOfStudents temp[subject].marks = temp[subject].marks + parseInt(inputArray[i].marks, 10); temp[subject].noOfStudents = temp[subject].noOfStudents + parseInt(inputArray[i].noOfStudents, 10); } else { // if it is not yet in the list, add a new object temp[subject] = { subject: subject, marks: parseInt(inputArray[i].marks, 10), noOfStudents: parseInt(inputArray[i].noOfStudents, 10) } } } // the temporary array is based on the subject, you are however interested on the effective value object var result = []; for(var entryKey in temp) { result.push(temp[entryKey]); } return result; }

Tengo una matriz de objetos donde necesito la suma de valores de propiedad de objeto en una nueva matriz de objetos,


var inputArray = [ { subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''40'', noOfStudents: ''5'' }, { subject: ''Science'', marks: ''50'', noOfStudents: ''16'' }, { subject: ''History'', marks: ''35'', noOfStudents: ''23'' }, { subject: ''Science'', marks: ''65'', noOfStudents: ''2'' }, { subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''30'', noOfStudents: ''12'' }, { subject: ''History'', marks: ''55'', noOfStudents: ''20'' }, . . . ];

Salida que necesito,

var outputArray = [ { subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''70'', noOfStudents: ''17'' }, { subject: ''Science'', marks: ''115'', noOfStudents: ''18'' }, { subject: ''History'', marks: ''95'', noOfStudents: ''43'' }, . . . ];

Quiero suma de calificaciones y no de estudiantes de asignaturas en una nueva matriz de objetos. Habría N número de otros objetos sujetos (es decir, Geografía, Física, etc.) en la matriz de entrada.

La solución que utiliza las Array.forEach , parseInt y Object.keys :

var summed = {}, result; inputArray.forEach(function (obj) { obj[''marks''] = parseInt(obj[''marks'']); obj[''noOfStudents''] = parseInt(obj[''noOfStudents'']); var subj = obj[''subject'']; if (!summed[subj]) { summed[subj] = obj; } else { summed[subj][''marks''] += obj[''marks'']; summed[subj][''noOfStudents''] += obj[''noOfStudents'']; } }, summed); result = Object.keys(summed).map((k) => summed[k]); console.log(JSON.stringify(result, 0, 4));

La salida:

[ { "subject": "Maths", "marks": 70, "noOfStudents": 17 }, { "subject": "Science", "marks": 115, "noOfStudents": 18 }, { "subject": "History", "marks": 90, "noOfStudents": 43 } ]

Puede hacerlo con el parámetro opcional forEach y thisArg

var inputArray = [ { subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''40'', noOfStudents: ''5'' }, { subject: ''Science'', marks: ''50'', noOfStudents: ''16'' }, { subject: ''History'', marks: ''35'', noOfStudents: ''23'' }, { subject: ''Science'', marks: ''65'', noOfStudents: ''2'' }, { subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''30'', noOfStudents: ''12'' }, { subject: ''History'', marks: ''55'', noOfStudents: ''20'' }, ], outputArray = []; inputArray.forEach(function(e) { if(!this[e.subject]) { this[e.subject] = { subject: e.subject, marks: 0, noOfStudents: 0 } outputArray.push(this[e.subject]); } this[e.subject].marks += Number(e.marks); this[e.subject].noOfStudents += Number(e.noOfStudents); }, {}); console.log(outputArray)

Puede usar forEach para iterar y generar la nueva matriz

var inputArray = [ { subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''40'', noOfStudents: ''5'' }, { subject: ''Science'', marks: ''50'', noOfStudents: ''16'' }, { subject: ''History'', marks: ''35'', noOfStudents: ''23'' }, { subject: ''Science'', marks: ''65'', noOfStudents: ''2'' }, { subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''30'', noOfStudents: ''12'' }, { subject: ''History'', marks: ''55'', noOfStudents: ''20'' } ], res = [], key = {}; inputArray.forEach(function(v) { if (key.hasOwnProperty(v.subject)) { // check subject already added by using key object res[key[v.subject]].marks += Number(v.marks); //incase already exist parse number and add res[key[v.subject]].noOfStudents += Number(v.noOfStudents); } else { key[v.subject] = res.length; // create index entry in key object res.push({ // push the value ''subject'': v.subject, ''marks'': Number(v.marks), ''noOfStudents'': Number(v.noOfStudents) }) // if you pushed the original object then the original array also will get updated while adding the mark, so never push the refernce } }) console.log(res);

Usando el método forEach

var inputArray = [ { subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''40'', noOfStudents: ''5'' }, { subject: ''Science'', marks: ''50'', noOfStudents: ''16'' }, { subject: ''History'', marks: ''35'', noOfStudents: ''23'' }, { subject: ''Science'', marks: ''65'', noOfStudents: ''2'' }, { subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''30'', noOfStudents: ''12'' }, { subject: ''History'', marks: ''55'', noOfStudents: ''20'' } ], key = {}; res=inputArray.reduce(function(arr,v) { if (key.hasOwnProperty(v.subject)) { // check subject already added by using key object arr[key[v.subject]].marks += Number(v.marks); //incase already exist parse number and add arr[key[v.subject]].noOfStudents += Number(v.noOfStudents); } else { key[v.subject] = arr.length; // create index entry in key object arr.push({ // push the value ''subject'': v.subject, ''marks'': Number(v.marks), ''noOfStudents'': Number(v.noOfStudents) }) // if you pushed the original object then the original array also will get updated while adding the mark, so never push the refernce } return arr; },[]) console.log(res);

FYI: puede evitar el objeto key utilizando el método find() , pero el rendimiento puede ser un poco más lento.

Solo otra propuesta con un objeto como tabla hash.

var inputArray = [{ subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''40'', noOfStudents: ''5'' }, { subject: ''Science'', marks: ''50'', noOfStudents: ''16'' }, { subject: ''History'', marks: ''35'', noOfStudents: ''23'' }, { subject: ''Science'', marks: ''65'', noOfStudents: ''2'' }, { subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''30'', noOfStudents: ''12'' }, { subject: ''History'', marks: ''55'', noOfStudents: ''20'' }], outputArray = []; inputArray.forEach(function (a) { if (!this[a.subject]) { this[a.subject] = { subject: ''Maths'', marks: ''0'', noOfStudents: ''0'' }; outputArray.push(this[a.subject]); } this[a.subject].marks = (+this[a.subject].marks + +a.marks).toString(); this[a.subject].noOfStudents = (+this[a.subject].noOfStudents + +a.noOfStudents).toString(); }, Object.create(null)); console.log(outputArray);