varias todas sacar repeticion posibles numeros nombres letras las hacer generar generador con como combinaciones calculadora excel vba combinations

excel - todas - generador de combinaciones sin repeticion

VBA-Escribe todas las combinaciones posibles de 4 columnas de datos (4)

Aquí hay un enfoque genérico que debería funcionar para cualquier cantidad de columnas / valores (dentro de lo razonable):

Sub ListCombinations() Dim col As New Collection Dim c As Range, sht As Worksheet, res Dim i As Long, arr, numCols As Long Set sht = ActiveSheet For Each c In sht.Range("A1:D1").Cells col.Add Application.Transpose(sht.Range(c, c.End(xlDown))) numCols = numCols + 1 Next c res = Combine(col, "~~") For i = 0 To UBound(res) arr = Split(res(i), "~~") sht.Range("H1").Offset(i, 0).Resize(1, numCols) = arr Next i End Sub ''create combinations from a collection of string arrays Function Combine(col As Collection, SEP As String) As String() Dim rv() As String Dim pos() As Long, lengths() As Long, lbs() As Long, ubs() As Long Dim t As Long, i As Long, n As Long, ub As Long Dim numIn As Long, s As String, r As Long numIn = col.Count ReDim pos(1 To numIn) ReDim lbs(1 To numIn) ReDim ubs(1 To numIn) ReDim lengths(1 To numIn) t = 0 For i = 1 To numIn ''calculate # of combinations, and cache bounds/lengths lbs(i) = LBound(col(i)) ubs(i) = UBound(col(i)) lengths(i) = (ubs(i) - lbs(i)) + 1 pos(i) = lbs(i) t = IIf(t = 0, lengths(i), t * lengths(i)) Next i ReDim rv(0 To t - 1) ''resize destination array For n = 0 To (t - 1) s = "" For i = 1 To numIn s = s & IIf(Len(s) > 0, SEP, "") & col(i)(pos(i)) ''build the string Next i rv(n) = s For i = numIn To 1 Step -1 If pos(i) <> ubs(i) Then ''Not done all of this array yet... pos(i) = pos(i) + 1 ''Increment array index For r = i + 1 To numIn ''Reset all the indexes pos(r) = lbs(r) '' of the later arrays Next r Exit For End If Next i Next n Combine = rv End Function

He encontrado un script para escribir todas las combinaciones posibles para 3 columnas de datos, pero estoy tratando de modificar el código para escribir 4 columnas y posiblemente 5 y no estoy seguro de cómo. ¡Si alguien puede ayudar sería genial! Intenté hacer lo que creo que debería funcionar agregando variables adicionales a las que seguirían (donde creo que irían lógicamente) pero estoy generando un "Error de compilación: No hacer ciclo" que no puedo explicar.

Aquí está el código para las 3 columnas (sin mis modificaciones) de User Excellll.

La descripción del código está aquí: "Este código tomará los datos de las columnas A, B y C, y dará el resultado que describió en las columnas E, F y G."

Sub combinations() Dim c1() As Variant Dim c2() As Variant Dim c3() As Variant Dim out() As Variant Dim j, k, l, m As Long Dim col1 As Range Dim col2 As Range Dim col3 As Range Dim out1 As Range Set col1 = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)) Set col2 = Range("B1", Range("B1").End(xlDown)) Set col3 = Range("C1", Range("C1").End(xlDown)) c1 = col1 c2 = col2 c3 = col3 Set out1 = Range("E2", Range("G2").Offset(UBound(c1) * UBound(c2) * UBound(c3))) out = out1 j = 1 k = 1 l = 1 m = 1 Do While j <= UBound(c1) Do While k <= UBound(c2) Do While l <= UBound(c3) out(m, 1) = c1(j, 1) out(m, 2) = c2(k, 1) out(m, 3) = c3(l, 1) m = m + 1 l = l + 1 Loop l = 1 k = k + 1 Loop k = 1 j = j + 1 Loop out1.Value = out End Sub

Gracias de antemano por tu ayuda

Hay un error en la combinación x5 , se usa c4 lugar de c5 (la segunda línea se muestra a continuación):

Do While m <= UBound(c4) Do While n <= UBound(c4)

Para 5 columnas

Sub combinations() Dim c1() As Variant Dim c2() As Variant Dim c3() As Variant Dim c4() As Variant Dim c5() As Variant Dim out() As Variant Dim j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, m As Long, n As Long, o As Long Dim col1 As Range Dim col2 As Range Dim col3 As Range Dim col4 As Range Dim col5 As Range Dim out1 As Range Set col1 = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)) Set col2 = Range("B1", Range("B1").End(xlDown)) Set col3 = Range("C1", Range("C1").End(xlDown)) Set col4 = Range("D1", Range("D1").End(xlDown)) Set col5 = Range("E1", Range("E1").End(xlDown)) c1 = col1 c2 = col2 c3 = col3 c4 = col4 c5 = col5 Set out1 = Range("G2", Range("K2").Offset(UBound(c1) * UBound(c2) * UBound(c3) * UBound(c4) * UBound(c5))) out = out1 j = 1 k = 1 l = 1 m = 1 n = 1 o = 1 Do While j <= UBound(c1) Do While k <= UBound(c2) Do While l <= UBound(c3) Do While m <= UBound(c4) Do While n <= UBound(c5) '' This now loops correctly out(o, 1) = c1(j, 1) out(o, 2) = c2(k, 1) out(o, 3) = c3(l, 1) out(o, 4) = c4(m, 1) out(o, 5) = c5(n, 1) o = o + 1 n = n + 1 Loop n = 1 m = m + 1 Loop m = 1 l = l + 1 Loop l = 1 k = k + 1 Loop k = 1 j = j + 1 Loop out1.Value = out End Sub

Para 4 columnas

Sub combinations() Dim c1() As Variant Dim c2() As Variant Dim c3() As Variant Dim c4() As Variant Dim out() As Variant Dim j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, m As Long, n As Long Dim col1 As Range Dim col2 As Range Dim col3 As Range Dim col4 As Range Dim out1 As Range Set col1 = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)) Set col2 = Range("B1", Range("B1").End(xlDown)) Set col3 = Range("C1", Range("C1").End(xlDown)) Set col4 = Range("D1", Range("D1").End(xlDown)) c1 = col1 c2 = col2 c3 = col3 c4 = col4 Set out1 = Range("G2", Range("K2").Offset(UBound(c1) * UBound(c2) * UBound(c3) * UBound(c4))) out = out1 j = 1 k = 1 l = 1 m = 1 n = 1 Do While j <= UBound(c1) Do While k <= UBound(c2) Do While l <= UBound(c3) Do While m <= UBound(c4) out(n, 1) = c1(j, 1) out(n, 2) = c2(k, 1) out(n, 3) = c3(l, 1) out(n, 4) = c4(m, 1) n = n + 1 m = m + 1 Loop m = 1 l = l + 1 Loop l = 1 k = k + 1 Loop k = 1 j = j + 1 Loop out1.Value = out End Sub

Puede probar el siguiente código para regenerar todas las combinaciones posibles (usando recursión) ------------------------------------ ------------ Public NextLevel As Integer

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() NextLevel = 1 Call rrd(1, ActiveSheet.Range("F5"), 1, "") End Sub Public Function rrd(initiator As Integer, lim As Integer, NextLeg As Integer, CreatedComb) As Boolean If initiator = lim Then ActiveSheet.Range("G" & NextLevel) = CreatedComb & "," & initiator NextLevel = NextLevel + 1 Else If NextLeg < lim Then ActiveSheet.Range("G" & NextLevel) = CreatedComb & "," & initiator NextLevel = NextLevel + 1 Call rrd(initiator + 1, lim, initiator + 1, CreatedComb & "," & initiator) End If Call rrd(initiator + 1, lim, initiator, CreatedComb) End If End Function