c++ templates metaprogramming sfinae

c++ - SFINAE para verificar funciones heredadas de miembros

templates metaprogramming (4)

Como todas las respuestas me parecen demasiado complicadas, me gustaría presentar mi propia solución usando std::declval y std::enable_if (GCC 4.8.3)

#define MEMBER_FUNC_CHECKER(name, fn, ret, args) / template<class C, typename=void> struct name : std::false_type {}; / template<class C> struct name<C, typename std::enable_if< / std::is_convertible<decltype(std::declval<C>().fn args), ret / >::value>::type> : std::true_type {};

NOTA: No se trata de una comprobación precisa de la firma, sino de una función invocable con un tipo de devolución convertible. (editar: cambiado de is_same a is_convertible )


struct One { int get() { return 0; } int add(int x, int y) { return x+y; } }; struct Two: One {}; struct Not {}; MEMBER_FUNC_CHECKER(has_get, get, int, ()) MEMBER_FUNC_CHECKER(has_add, add, int, (1,2)) int main() { cout << "One " << (has_get<One>() ? "has" : "does not have") << " int get()" << endl; cout << "Two " << (has_get<Two>() ? "has" : "does not have") << " int get()" << endl; cout << "Not " << (has_get<Not>() ? "has" : "does not have") << " int get()" << endl; cout << "One " << (has_add<One>() ? "has" : "does not have") << " int add(int, int)" << endl; cout << "Two " << (has_add<Two>() ? "has" : "does not have") << " int add(int, int)" << endl; cout << "Not " << (has_add<Not>() ? "has" : "does not have") << " int add(int, int)" << endl; cout << "int " << (has_get<int>() ? "has" : "does not have") << " int get()" << endl; }


One has int get() Two has int get() Not does not have int get() One has int add(int, int) Two has int add(int, int) Not does not have int add(int, int) int does not have int get()


/// Checker for typedef with given name and convertible type #define TYPEDEF_CHECKER(checker, name) / template<class C, typename T, typename = void> struct checker : std::false_type {}; / template<class C, typename T> struct checker<C, T, typename std::enable_if< / std::is_convertible<typename C::name, T>::value>::type> : std::true_type {} /// Checker for typedef with given name and exact type #define TYPEDEF_CHECKER_STRICT(checker, name) / template<class C, typename T, typename = void> struct checker : std::false_type {}; / template<class C, typename T> struct checker<C, T, typename std::enable_if< / std::is_same<typename C::name, T>::value>::type> : std::true_type {} /// Checker for typedef with given name and any type #define TYPEDEF_CHECKER_ANY(checker, name) / template<class C, typename = void> struct checker : std::false_type {}; / template<class C> struct checker<C, typename std::enable_if< / !std::is_same<typename C::name*, void>::value>::type> : std::true_type {} /// Checker for member with given name and convertible type #define MTYPE_CHECKER(checker, name) / template<class C, typename T, typename = void> struct checker : std::false_type {}; / template<class C, typename T> struct checker<C, T, typename std::enable_if< / std::is_convertible<decltype(C::name), T>::value>::type> : std::true_type {} /// Checker for member with given name and exact type #define MTYPE_CHECKER_STRICT(checker, name) / template<class C, typename T, typename = void> struct checker : std::false_type {}; / template<class C, typename T> struct checker<C, T, typename std::enable_if< / std::is_same<decltype(C::name), T>::value>::type> : std::true_type {} /// Checker for member with given name and any type #define MTYPE_CHECKER_ANY(checker, name) / template<class C, typename = void> struct checker : std::false_type {}; / template<class C> struct checker<C, typename std::enable_if< / !std::is_same<decltype(C::name)*, void>::value>::type> : std::true_type {} /// Checker for static const variable with given name and value #define MVALUE_CHECKER(checker, name, val) / template<class C, typename = void> struct checker : std::false_type {}; / template<class C> struct checker<C, typename std::enable_if< / std::is_convertible<decltype(C::name), const decltype(val)>::value && C::name == val>::type> : std::true_type {} /// Checker for static const variable with given name, value and type #define MVALUE_CHECKER_STRICT(checker, name, val) / template<class C, typename = void> struct checker : std::false_type {}; / template<class C> struct checker<C, typename std::enable_if< / std::is_same<decltype(C::name), const decltype(val)>::value && C::name == val>::type> : std::true_type {} /// Checker for member function with convertible return type and accepting given arguments #define METHOD_CHECKER(checker, name, ret, args) / template<class C, typename=void> struct checker : std::false_type {}; / template<class C> struct checker<C, typename std::enable_if< / std::is_convertible<decltype(std::declval<C>().name args), ret>::value>::type> : std::true_type {}; /// Checker for member function with exact retutn type and accepting given arguments #define METHOD_CHECKER_STRICT_RET(name, fn, ret, args) / template<class C, typename=void> struct name : std::false_type {}; / template<class C> struct name<C, typename std::enable_if< / std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<C>().fn args), ret>::value>::type> : std::true_type {}; /// Checker for member function accepting given arguments #define METHOD_CHECKER_ANY(name, fn, args) / template<class C, typename=void> struct name : std::false_type {}; / template<class C> struct name<C, typename std::enable_if< / !std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<C>().fn args)*, void>::value>::type> : std::true_type {};

Código de prueba

struct One { typedef int type; static constexpr bool v = true; type x; One(type x = 0): x(x) {} ~One() {} type get() { return x; } type add(type x, type y) { return x+y; } }; struct Two: One {}; struct Not {}; TYPEDEF_CHECKER(has_type, type); TYPEDEF_CHECKER_ANY(any_type, type); TYPEDEF_CHECKER_STRICT(exact_type, type); MTYPE_CHECKER(has_x, x); MTYPE_CHECKER_ANY(any_x, x); MTYPE_CHECKER_STRICT(exact_x, x); MVALUE_CHECKER(true_v, v, true); MVALUE_CHECKER(true_z, z, true); MVALUE_CHECKER(false_v, v, false); MVALUE_CHECKER(one_v, v, 1); MVALUE_CHECKER_STRICT(exact_v, v, 1); METHOD_CHECKER(has_get, get, long, ()); METHOD_CHECKER(has_add, add, long, (1,2)) METHOD_CHECKER_ANY(any_get, get, ()); METHOD_CHECKER_STRICT_RET(int_get, get, int, ()) METHOD_CHECKER_STRICT_RET(long_get, get, long, ()) int main() { #define CHECK(name, desc, ...) cout << endl; / cout << "One " << (name<One, ##__VA_ARGS__>() ? "has " : "does not have ") << desc << endl; / cout << "Two " << (name<Two, ##__VA_ARGS__>() ? "has " : "does not have ") << desc << endl; / cout << "Not " << (name<Not, ##__VA_ARGS__>() ? "has " : "does not have ") << desc << endl; / cout << "int " << (name<int, ##__VA_ARGS__>() ? "has " : "does not have ") << desc << endl string sep = string(60, ''-''); cout << sep; CHECK(any_type, "typedef type"); CHECK(has_type, "typedef type convertible to long", long); CHECK(exact_type, "typedef type = int", int); CHECK(exact_type, "typedef type = long", long); cout << sep; CHECK(any_x, "var x"); CHECK(has_x, "var x of type convertible to long", long); CHECK(exact_x, "var x of type int", int); CHECK(exact_x, "var x of type long", long); cout << sep; CHECK(true_v, "var v with value equal to true"); CHECK(true_z, "var z with value equal to true"); CHECK(false_v, "var v with value equal to false"); CHECK(one_v, "var v with value equal to 1"); CHECK(exact_v, "var v with value equal to 1 of type int"); cout << sep; CHECK(has_get, "get()"); CHECK(has_get, "get() with return type covertible to long"); CHECK(has_add, "add() accepting two ints and returning ~ long"); CHECK(int_get, "int get()"); CHECK(long_get, "long get()"); }


One has typedef type Two has typedef type Not does not have typedef type int does not have typedef type One has typedef type convertible to long Two has typedef type convertible to long Not does not have typedef type convertible to long int does not have typedef type convertible to long One has typedef type = int Two has typedef type = int Not does not have typedef type = int int does not have typedef type = int One does not have typedef type = long Two does not have typedef type = long Not does not have typedef type = long int does not have typedef type = long ------------------------------------------------------------ One has var x Two has var x Not does not have var x int does not have var x One has var x of type convertible to long Two has var x of type convertible to long Not does not have var x of type convertible to long int does not have var x of type convertible to long One has var x of type int Two has var x of type int Not does not have var x of type int int does not have var x of type int One does not have var x of type long Two does not have var x of type long Not does not have var x of type long int does not have var x of type long ------------------------------------------------------------ One has var v with value equal to true Two has var v with value equal to true Not does not have var v with value equal to true int does not have var v with value equal to true One does not have var z with value equal to true Two does not have var z with value equal to true Not does not have var z with value equal to true int does not have var z with value equal to true One does not have var v with value equal to false Two does not have var v with value equal to false Not does not have var v with value equal to false int does not have var v with value equal to false One has var v with value equal to 1 Two has var v with value equal to 1 Not does not have var v with value equal to 1 int does not have var v with value equal to 1 One does not have var v with value equal to 1 of type int Two does not have var v with value equal to 1 of type int Not does not have var v with value equal to 1 of type int int does not have var v with value equal to 1 of type int ------------------------------------------------------------ One has get() Two has get() Not does not have get() int does not have get() One has get() with return type covertible to long Two has get() with return type covertible to long Not does not have get() with return type covertible to long int does not have get() with return type covertible to long One has add() accepting two ints and returning ~ long Two has add() accepting two ints and returning ~ long Not does not have add() accepting two ints and returning ~ long int does not have add() accepting two ints and returning ~ long One has int get() Two has int get() Not does not have int get() int does not have int get() One does not have long get() Two does not have long get() Not does not have long get() int does not have long get()

Usando SFINAE, puedo detectar si una clase determinada tiene una función miembro determinada. Pero, ¿y si quiero probar las funciones heredadas de miembros?

Lo siguiente no funciona en VC8 y GCC4 (es decir, detecta que A tiene una función miembro foo() , pero no que B hereda una):

#include <iostream> template<typename T, typename Sig> struct has_foo { template <typename U, U> struct type_check; template <typename V> static char (& chk(type_check<Sig, &V::foo>*))[1]; template <typename > static char (& chk(...))[2]; static bool const value = (sizeof(chk<T>(0)) == 1); }; struct A { void foo(); }; struct B : A {}; int main() { using namespace std; cout << boolalpha << has_foo<A, void (A::*)()>::value << endl; // true cout << boolalpha << has_foo<B, void (B::*)()>::value << endl; // false }

Entonces, ¿hay alguna forma de probar las funciones heredadas de los miembros?

Aquí hay algunos fragmentos de uso: * Las agallas de todo esto están más abajo

Verifique el miembro x en una clase determinada. Podría ser var, func, class, union o enum:

CREATE_MEMBER_CHECK(x); bool has_x = has_member_x<class_to_check_for_x>::value;

Verificar la función miembro void x() :

//Func signature MUST have T as template variable here... simpler this way :/ CREATE_MEMBER_FUNC_SIG_CHECK(x, void (T::*)(), void__x); bool has_func_sig_void__x = has_member_func_void__x<class_to_check_for_x>::value;

Verifique la variable de miembro x :

CREATE_MEMBER_VAR_CHECK(x); bool has_var_x = has_member_var_x<class_to_check_for_x>::value;

Verifique la clase de miembro x :

CREATE_MEMBER_CLASS_CHECK(x); bool has_class_x = has_member_class_x<class_to_check_for_x>::value;

Verifique la unión de miembros x :

CREATE_MEMBER_UNION_CHECK(x); bool has_union_x = has_member_union_x<class_to_check_for_x>::value;

Verifique la enumeración del miembro x :

CREATE_MEMBER_ENUM_CHECK(x); bool has_enum_x = has_member_enum_x<class_to_check_for_x>::value;

Verifique cualquier función miembro x independientemente de la firma:



CREATE_MEMBER_CHECKS(x); //Just stamps out the same macro calls as above. bool has_any_func_x = has_member_func_x<class_to_check_for_x>::value;

Detalles y núcleo:

/* - Multiple inheritance forces ambiguity of member names. - SFINAE is used to make aliases to member names. - Expression SFINAE is used in just one generic has_member that can accept any alias we pass it. */ //Variadic to force ambiguity of class members. C++11 and up. template <typename... Args> struct ambiguate : public Args... {}; //Non-variadic version of the line above. //template <typename A, typename B> struct ambiguate : public A, public B {}; template<typename A, typename = void> struct got_type : std::false_type {}; template<typename A> struct got_type<A> : std::true_type { typedef A type; }; template<typename T, T> struct sig_check : std::true_type {}; template<typename Alias, typename AmbiguitySeed> struct has_member { template<typename C> static char ((&f(decltype(&C::value))))[1]; template<typename C> static char ((&f(...)))[2]; //Make sure the member name is consistently spelled the same. static_assert( (sizeof(f<AmbiguitySeed>(0)) == 1) , "Member name specified in AmbiguitySeed is different from member name specified in Alias, or wrong Alias/AmbiguitySeed has been specified." ); static bool const value = sizeof(f<Alias>(0)) == 2; };

Macros (El Diablo!):


//Check for any member with given name, whether var, func, class, union, enum. #define CREATE_MEMBER_CHECK(member) / / template<typename T, typename = std::true_type> / struct Alias_##member; / / template<typename T> / struct Alias_##member < / T, std::integral_constant<bool, got_type<decltype(&T::member)>::value> / > { static const decltype(&T::member) value; }; / / struct AmbiguitySeed_##member { char member; }; / / template<typename T> / struct has_member_##member { / static const bool value / = has_member< / Alias_##member<ambiguate<T, AmbiguitySeed_##member>> / , Alias_##member<AmbiguitySeed_##member> / >::value / ; / }


//Check for member variable with given name. #define CREATE_MEMBER_VAR_CHECK(var_name) / / template<typename T, typename = std::true_type> / struct has_member_var_##var_name : std::false_type {}; / / template<typename T> / struct has_member_var_##var_name< / T / , std::integral_constant< / bool / , !std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&T::var_name)>::value / > / > : std::true_type {}


//Check for member function with given name AND signature. #define CREATE_MEMBER_FUNC_SIG_CHECK(func_name, func_sig, templ_postfix) / / template<typename T, typename = std::true_type> / struct has_member_func_##templ_postfix : std::false_type {}; / / template<typename T> / struct has_member_func_##templ_postfix< / T, std::integral_constant< / bool / , sig_check<func_sig, &T::func_name>::value / > / > : std::true_type {}


//Check for member class with given name. #define CREATE_MEMBER_CLASS_CHECK(class_name) / / template<typename T, typename = std::true_type> / struct has_member_class_##class_name : std::false_type {}; / / template<typename T> / struct has_member_class_##class_name< / T / , std::integral_constant< / bool / , std::is_class< / typename got_type<typename T::class_name>::type / >::value / > / > : std::true_type {}


//Check for member union with given name. #define CREATE_MEMBER_UNION_CHECK(union_name) / / template<typename T, typename = std::true_type> / struct has_member_union_##union_name : std::false_type {}; / / template<typename T> / struct has_member_union_##union_name< / T / , std::integral_constant< / bool / , std::is_union< / typename got_type<typename T::union_name>::type / >::value / > / > : std::true_type {}


//Check for member enum with given name. #define CREATE_MEMBER_ENUM_CHECK(enum_name) / / template<typename T, typename = std::true_type> / struct has_member_enum_##enum_name : std::false_type {}; / / template<typename T> / struct has_member_enum_##enum_name< / T / , std::integral_constant< / bool / , std::is_enum< / typename got_type<typename T::enum_name>::type / >::value / > / > : std::true_type {}


//Check for function with given name, any signature. #define CREATE_MEMBER_FUNC_CHECK(func) / template<typename T> / struct has_member_func_##func { / static const bool value / = has_member_##func<T>::value / && !has_member_var_##func<T>::value / && !has_member_class_##func<T>::value / && !has_member_union_##func<T>::value / && !has_member_enum_##func<T>::value / ; / }


//Create all the checks for one member. Does NOT include func sig checks. #define CREATE_MEMBER_CHECKS(member) / CREATE_MEMBER_CHECK(member); / CREATE_MEMBER_VAR_CHECK(member); / CREATE_MEMBER_CLASS_CHECK(member); / CREATE_MEMBER_UNION_CHECK(member); / CREATE_MEMBER_ENUM_CHECK(member); / CREATE_MEMBER_FUNC_CHECK(member)

Echa un vistazo a este hilo:


Derivado del código vinculado a esa discusión:

#include <iostream> template <typename Type> class has_foo { class yes { char m;}; class no { yes m[2];}; struct BaseMixin { void foo(){} }; struct Base : public Type, public BaseMixin {}; template <typename T, T t> class Helper{}; template <typename U> static no deduce(U*, Helper<void (BaseMixin::*)(), &U::foo>* = 0); static yes deduce(...); public: static const bool result = sizeof(yes) == sizeof(deduce((Base*)(0))); }; struct A { void foo(); }; struct B : A {}; struct C {}; int main() { using namespace std; cout << boolalpha << has_foo<A>::result << endl; cout << boolalpha << has_foo<B>::result << endl; cout << boolalpha << has_foo<C>::result; }


true true false

La respuesta de joshperry es muy inteligente y elegante, pero (como se indica debajo de la publicación) no comprueba correctamente la firma de foo () y no funciona con tipos fundamentales (como int): causa un error de compilación. Propondré una técnica que maneja correctamente los miembros heredados y también verifica la firma de la función miembro. En lugar de entrar en detalles, le daré dos ejemplos y espero que el código hable por sí mismo.

Ejemplo 1:

Estamos buscando un miembro con la siguiente firma: T::const_iterator begin() const

template<class T> struct has_const_begin { typedef char (&Yes)[1]; typedef char (&No)[2]; template<class U> static Yes test(U const * data, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same< typename U::const_iterator, decltype(data->begin()) >::value>::type * = 0); static No test(...); static const bool value = sizeof(Yes) == sizeof(has_const_begin::test((typename std::remove_reference<T>::type*)0)); };

Tenga en cuenta que incluso comprueba la consistencia del método y también funciona con tipos primitivos. (Me refiero a que has_const_begin<int>::value es falso y no causa un error en tiempo de compilación).

Ejemplo 2

Ahora estamos buscando la firma: void foo(MyClass&, unsigned)

template<class T> struct has_foo { typedef char (&Yes)[1]; typedef char (&No)[2]; template<class U> static Yes test(U * data, MyClass* arg1 = 0, typename std::enable_if<std::is_void< decltype(data->foo(*arg1, 1u)) >::value>::type * = 0); static No test(...); static const bool value = sizeof(Yes) == sizeof(has_foo::test((typename std::remove_reference<T>::type*)0)); };

Tenga en cuenta que MyClass no tiene que ser necesariamente construible por defecto o para satisfacer ningún concepto especial. La técnica también funciona con los miembros de la plantilla.

Estoy esperando ansiosamente opiniones con respecto a esto.