net php magento payment-gateway

php - Problema de en la captura

authorize net php sdk (1)

Mi función para capturar la transacción en es

public function capture(Varien_Object $payment, $amount){ if(!$this->isEnabled()){ return parent::capture($payment, $amount); }else{ $captureCase = $_POST[''invoice''][''capture_case'']; if(isset($captureCase) && $captureCase == "online"){ if($capOrderid = $payment->getOrder()->getIncrementId()){ $capOrder = $payment->getOrder(); $capPayment = $payment; $capAmount = $amount; $capTransID = $capPayment->getLastTransId(); $ccProfile = $this->getProfileForOrder($capOrderid); if(isset($ccProfile[''used_this_profile'']) && $ccProfile[''used_this_profile''] == 1){ $pID = $ccProfile[''cust_profile_id'']; $ppID = $ccProfile[''cust_paymentprofile_id'']; $nick = $ccProfile[''nickname'']; $lastOrderId = $capOrder->getIncrementId(); $cvv = $payment->getCcCid(); $directResponseFields = $this->createTransaction($pID,$ppID,$capAmount,$lastOrderId,"profileTransPriorAuthCapture",$cvv,$capTransID); $responseCode = $directResponseFields[0]; // 1 = Approved 2 = Declined 3 = Error $responseReasonCode = $directResponseFields[2]; // See $responseReasonText = $directResponseFields[3]; $approvalCode = $directResponseFields[4]; // Authorization code $transId = $directResponseFields[6]; switch ($responseCode) { case "1": $capPayment->setStatus(self::STATUS_APPROVED); $capPayment->setCcTransId($transId); $capPayment->setLastTransId($transId); if (!$capPayment->getParentTransactionId() || $transId != $capPayment->getParentTransactionId()) { $capPayment->setTransactionId($transId); } return true; break; case "2": Mage::throwException(__(''Payment authorization transaction has been declined.'')); break; default: Mage::throwException(__(''Payment authorization error.'')); break; } } } }elseif(!isset($captureCase)){ $oldorderid = Mage::getModel(''adminhtml/sales_order_create'')->getSession()->getOrder()->getIncrementId(); if(isset($oldorderid) && ($oldorderid != $payment->getOrder()->getIncrementId())){ // if order is created from admin and has an order to refund first. $oldOrder = Mage::getModel(''sales/order'')->loadByIncrementId($oldorderid); $oldPayment = $oldOrder->getPayment(); $oldAmount = $oldPayment->getAmountOrdered(); $transID = $oldPayment->getLastTransId(); $ccProfile = $this->getProfileForOrder($oldorderid); if(isset($ccProfile[''used_this_profile'']) && $ccProfile[''used_this_profile''] == 1){ $pID = $ccProfile[''cust_profile_id'']; $ppID = $ccProfile[''cust_paymentprofile_id'']; if($directResponseFields = $this->refundCIM($pID,$ppID,$transID,$oldorderid,$oldAmount)){ $responseCode = $directResponseFields[0]; // 1 = Approved 2 = Declined 3 = Error $responseReasonCode = $directResponseFields[2]; // See $responseReasonText = $directResponseFields[3]; $approvalCode = $directResponseFields[4]; // Authorization code $transId = $directResponseFields[6]; switch ($responseCode) { case "1": //$oldPayment->setStatus(self::STATUS_SUCCESS); $oldOrder->cancel()->save(); //$oldPayment->setIsTransactionClosed(1); $oldOrder->setState(Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_CANCELED, true)->save(); //$oldOrder->setState(Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_CLOSED, true)->save(); //Mage::throwException(__("a".$responseCode)); //return $this; break; case "4": Mage::throwException(__(''Error Code 4. You cannot refund an unsettled transaction.'')); break; default: if(isset($responseReasonText) && !empty($responseReasonText)){ Mage::throwException(__("Code: ".$responseReasonCode." - ".$responseReasonText)); }else{ Mage::throwException(__(''Error in refunding the payment. This can happen if the customer has deleted their profile from CIM.'')); } break; } } }else if(isset($transID) && $oldAmount > 0) { $oldPayment->setAnetTransType(self::REQUEST_TYPE_CREDIT); $oldRequest = $this->_buildRequest($oldPayment); $oldRequest->setXTransId($transID); $oldPayment->setXAmount($oldAmount,2); $oldRequest->setXCurrencyCode($oldOrder->getBaseCurrencyCode()); $oldRequest->setXCardNum($oldPayment->getCcLast4()); $oldResult = $this->_postRequest($oldRequest); if ($oldResult->getResponseCode()==self::RESPONSE_CODE_APPROVED) { $oldPayment->setStatus(self::STATUS_SUCCESS); $oldOrder->cancel()->save(); }else{ Mage::throwException($this->_wrapGatewayError($oldResult->getResponseReasonText())); //////////error here///////// } }else{ Mage::throwException(Mage::helper(''authnet'')->__(''Error in refunding the payment.'')); } } } $quote = Mage::getSingleton(''customer/session''); $nickname = $quote->getAuthorizenetNickname(); $profile = $quote->getProfile(); $postedNickname = $quote->getNickname(); if(!isset($nickname) || $nickname == "" || $nickname == "nnnew"){ if ($amount <= 0) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper(''authnet'')->__(''Invalid amount for authorization.'')); } if ($payment->getCcTransId()) { $payment->setAnetTransType(self::REQUEST_TYPE_PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE); } else { $payment->setAnetTransType(self::REQUEST_TYPE_AUTH_CAPTURE); } $payment->setAmount($amount); $request= $this->_buildRequest($payment); $result = $this->_postRequest($request); if ($result->getResponseCode() == self::RESPONSE_CODE_APPROVED) { $payment->setStatus(self::STATUS_APPROVED); $payment->setCcTransId($result->getTransactionId()); $payment->setLastTransId($result->getTransactionId()); if (!$payment->getParentTransactionId() || $result->getTransactionId() != $payment->getParentTransactionId()) { $payment->setTransactionId($result->getTransactionId()); } if(isset($profile) && $profile == "save"){ $order = $payment->getOrder(); $billing = $order->getBillingAddress(); $ccno = $payment->getCcNumber(); $exp = sprintf(''%04d-%02d'', $payment->getCcExpYear(), $payment->getCcExpMonth()); $cvv = $payment->getCcCid(); $email = $order->getCustomerEmail(); $orderId = $order->getIncrementId(); if($profiles = $this->getCustId($email)){ foreach ($profiles as $_nickname => $cust_profile_id){ if($_nickname == $postedNickname){ Mage::throwException(__(''Nickname already in use.'')); } } $profileId = $cust_profile_id; }else{ $profileId = $this->createProfile($payment,true); } if($profileId && $profileId != 1){ $ppId = $this->createPaymentProfile($billing,$profileId,$ccno,$exp,$postedNickname,$email,$cvv,true); $this->assignNicknameToOrder($orderId,$profileId,$ppId,$postedNickname,0); } } return $this; } if ($result->getResponseReasonText()) { Mage::throwException($this->_wrapGatewayError($result->getResponseReasonText())); } Mage::throwException(Mage::helper(''paygate'')->__(''Error in capturing the payment.'')); }else if($nickname != "" && $nickname != "nnnew"){ $selectedNickname = $nickname; $conn_selected = $this->conn(); $results_selected = $conn_selected->query("SELECT * FROM ".$this->getTable()." WHERE cust_paymentprofile_id = ''".$selectedNickname."''"); while ($row = $results_selected->fetch() ) { $pID = $row[''cust_profile_id'']; $nick = $row[''nickname'']; } $ppID = $selectedNickname; $order = $payment->getOrder(); $lastOrderId = $order->getIncrementId(); $cvv = $payment->getCcCid(); $directResponseFields = $this->createTransaction($pID,$ppID,$amount,$lastOrderId,"profileTransAuthCapture",$cvv); $responseCode = $directResponseFields[0]; // 1 = Approved 2 = Declined 3 = Error $responseReasonCode = $directResponseFields[2]; // See $responseReasonText = $directResponseFields[3]; $approvalCode = $directResponseFields[4]; // Authorization code $transId = $directResponseFields[6]; switch ($responseCode) { case "1": $payment->setStatus(self::STATUS_APPROVED); //$payment->setCcTransId($result->getTransactionId()); $payment->setLastTransId($transId); if (!$payment->getParentTransactionId() || $transId != $payment->getParentTransactionId()) { $payment->setTransactionId($transId); } $this->assignNicknameToOrder($lastOrderId,$pID,$ppID,$nick,1); return true; break; case "2": Mage::throwException(__(''Payment authorization transaction has been declined.'')); break; default: Mage::throwException(__(''Payment authorization error.'')); break; } } Mage::throwException(Mage::helper(''paygate'')->__(''Error in capturing the payment.'')); } }

el problema surge al azar cuando trato de obtener una cantidad ya autorizada de Caputre. La descarga de mi solicitud de transacción es

[request] => Array ( [x_version] => 3.1 [x_delim_data] => True [x_relay_response] => False [x_test_request] => FALSE [x_login] => **** [x_tran_key] => **** [x_type] => PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE [x_method] => CC [x_invoice_num] => dummy [x_amount] => 127.48 [x_currency_code] => USD [x_trans_id] => [x_first_name] => dummy [x_last_name] => dummyl [x_company] => [x_address] => dummy Apt 67 [x_city] => dummy [x_state] => California [x_zip] => dummy [x_country] => US [x_phone] => dummy [x_fax] => [x_cust_id] => [x_customer_ip] => 68.183xxxxx8 [x_customer_tax_id] => [x_email] => [email protected] [x_email_customer] => 0 [x_merchant_email] => [x_ship_to_first_name] =>dummy [x_ship_to_last_name] => dummy [x_ship_to_company] => [x_ship_to_address] => dummy Blvd. [x_ship_to_city] => dummy [x_ship_to_state] => dummy [x_ship_to_zip] => dummy [x_ship_to_country] => US [x_po_num] => [x_tax] => 0.0000 [x_freight] => 0.0000 )

y la respuesta es

[result] => Array ( [response_code] => 3 [response_subcode] => 2 [response_reason_code] => 33 [response_reason_text] => A valid referenced transaction ID is required. [approval_code] => [avs_result_code] => P [transaction_id] => 0 [invoice_number] => 100dddd38 [description] => [amount] => 127.48 [method] => CC [transaction_type] => prior_auth_capture [customer_id] => [md5_hash] => dummy [card_code_response_code] => [c_av_vresponse_code] => [split_tender_id] => [acc_number] => [card_type] => [requested_amount] => [balance_on_card] => )

Noté que falta la Transaction ID En mi solicitud, el sitio de desarrolladores de dice lo mismo ... Algunas veces se capturan las órdenes, pero la mayoría de las veces, no. También noté que tanto las capturas exitosas como las capturas sin éxito, la transacción La ID existe en Magento (puedo verla en el panel de administración, vea this

Cuando trato de crear una factura y capturar la transacción a través de mag admin, obtengo el error

Error de puerta de enlace: se requiere una identificación de transacción referenciada válida.

Me pregunto por qué sucede esto ... ¿Puede alguien ayudarme? ¿alguna idea?

El formato de mi placa es Magento Enterpise (1.12.x) y la extensión en la que intento trabajar es Elayers (no la compré, trabajé para alguien)

TransctionID se oculta cuando carga el modelo en la versión de Magento que está utilizando. Pruebe a usar -> addFieldToSelect (''transaction_id'') al cargar el modelo. La razón de esto es porque es un atributo de datos protegidos y nunca se debe tratar directamente de la manera en que lo ha intentado aquí.

Alternativamente, debería usar la capacidad de Magento para crear facturas a partir del modelo de orden de venta.

$order = Mage::getModel(''sales/order''); $service = Mage::getModel(''sales/service_order'' , $order); $service->prepareInvoice();

prepareInvoice toma una matriz opcional de (''sku'' => ''qty'')

Lo que facilita la administración del potencial de múltiples facturas por pedido.