una resolucion relaciones relacion proporciones proporcion pixeles pantalla imagen fotografia aspecto delphi delphi-xe

delphi - resolucion - Cómo hacer zoom manteniendo correctamente la relación de aspecto

relaciones de aspecto pantalla (1)

Pues este es mi objetivo. Use el botón izquierdo del mouse para desplazarse por la imagen, el botón derecho del mouse para elegir el rectángulo de zoom y haga doble clic para restaurar el zoom completo.

Actualmente me he cansado, hasta ahora he encontrado que NO tiene que ver con la forma en que cargo las imágenes o que muestro la imagen, sino algo con la forma en que pinta. La imagen en pantalla siempre llena el área del cliente del control, independientemente de la forma del formulario o la imagen de origen, por lo que la relación de aspecto no se puede conservar. No estoy seguro de cómo cambiar esto o mantener la relación de aspecto. Así me da una imagen bonita y limpia.

Estoy publicando el código completo para mi unidad ZImage. Aunque creo que el problema está en Zimage.paint o Zimage.mouseup, pero me di cuenta de que si necesitaba ver una función dentro de una de esas, ayudaría a tenerlo todo publicado.

unit ZImage; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils,jpeg, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls; type TZImage = class(TGraphicControl) private FBitmap : Tbitmap; PicRect : TRect; ShowRect : TRect; FShowBorder : boolean; FBorderWidth : integer; FForceRepaint : boolean; FMouse : (mNone, mDrag, mZoom); FProportional : boolean; FDblClkEnable : boolean; FLeft :integer; FRight :integer; FTop :integer; FBottom :integer; startx, starty, oldx, oldy : integer; procedure SetShowBorder(s:boolean); procedure SetBitmap(b:TBitmap); procedure SetBorderWidth(w:integer); procedure SetProportional(b:boolean); protected procedure Paint; override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; public constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure DblClick; override; published procedure zoom(Endleft,EndRight,EndTop,EndBottom:integer); property ValueLeft : integer read FLeft write FLeft; property ValueRight : Integer read FRight write FRight; Property ValueTop : Integer read FTop write FTop; Property ValueBottom : Integer read FBottom write FBottom; property ShowBorder : boolean read FShowBorder write SetShowBorder default true; property KeepAspect : boolean read FProportional write SetProportional default true; property Bitmap : TBitmap read FBitmap write Setbitmap; property BorderWidth : integer read FBorderWidth write SetBorderWidth default 7; property ForceRepaint : boolean read FForceRepaint write FForceRepaint default true; property DblClkEnable : boolean read FDblClkEnable write FDblClkEnable default False; property Align; property Width; property Height; property Top; property Left; property Visible; property Hint; property ShowHint; end; procedure Register; implementation //This is the basic create options. constructor TZImage.Create(AOwner:TComponent); begin inherited; FShowBorder:=True; FBorderWidth:=7; FMouse:=mNone; FForceRepaint:=true; //was true FDblClkEnable:=False; FProportional:=true; //was true Width:=100; Height:=100; FBitmap:=Tbitmap.Create; FBitmap.Width:=width; FBitmap.height:=Height; ControlStyle:=ControlStyle+[csOpaque]; autosize:= false; //Scaled:=false; end; //basic destroy frees the FBitmap destructor TZImage.Destroy; begin FBitmap.Free; inherited; end; //This was a custom zoom i was using to give the automated zoom effect procedure TZimage.zoom(Endleft,EndRight,EndTop,EndBottom:integer); begin while ((Endbottom <> picrect.bottom) or (Endtop <> picrect.top)) or ((endleft <> picrect.left) or (endright <> picrect.right)) do begin if picrect.left > endleft then picrect.left := picrect.left -1; if picrect.left < endleft then //starting picrect.left := picrect.left +1; if picrect.right > endright then //starting picrect.right := picrect.right -1; if picrect.right < endright then picrect.right := picrect.right +1; if picrect.top > endtop then picrect.top := picrect.top -1; if picrect.top < endtop then //starting picrect.top := picrect.top +1; if picrect.bottom > endbottom then //starting picrect.bottom := picrect.bottom -1; if picrect.bottom < endbottom then picrect.bottom := picrect.bottom +1; self.refresh; end; end; //this is the custom paint I know if i put //Canvas.Draw(0,0,FBitmap); as the methond it displays //perfect but the zoom option is gone of course and //i need the Zoom. procedure TZImage.Paint; var buf:TBitmap; coef,asps,aspp:Double; sz,a : integer; begin buf:=TBitmap.Create; buf.Width:=Width; buf.Height:=Height; if not FShowBorder then ShowRect:=ClientRect else ShowRect:=Rect(ClientRect.Left,ClientRect.Top, ClientRect.Right-FBorderWidth, ClientRect.Bottom-FBorderWidth); ShowRect:=ClientRect; with PicRect do begin if Right=0 then Right:=FBitmap.Width; if Bottom=0 then Bottom:=FBitmap.Height; end; buf.Canvas.CopyMode:=cmSrcCopy; buf.Canvas.CopyRect(ShowRect,FBitmap.Canvas,PicRect); Canvas.CopyMode:=cmSrcCopy; Canvas.Draw(0,0,buf); buf.Free; end; procedure TZImage.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin // if mbLeft<>Button then Exit; if not PtInRect(ShowRect,Point(X,Y)) and not PtInRect(Rect(ShowRect.Right,ShowRect.Bottom, Width,Height),Point(X,Y)) then Exit; if PtInRect(Rect(ShowRect.Right,ShowRect.Bottom, Width,Height),Point(X,Y)) then begin DblClick; Exit; end; //here click is in the picture area only startx:=x; oldx:=x; starty:=y; oldy:=y; if mbRight=Button then begin MouseCapture:=True; FMouse:=mZoom; Canvas.Pen.Mode:=pmNot; end else begin FMouse:=mDrag; Screen.Cursor:=crHandPoint; end; end; function Min(a,b:integer):integer; begin if a<b then Result:=a else Result:=b; end; function Max(a,b:integer):integer; begin if a<b then Result:=b else Result:=a; end; procedure TZImage.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var d,s:integer; coef:Double; begin if FMouse=mNone then Exit; if FMouse=mZoom then begin Canvas.DrawFocusRect(Rect(Min(startx,oldx),Min(starty,oldy),Max(startx,oldx),Max(starty,oldy))); oldx:=x; oldy:=y; Canvas.DrawFocusRect(Rect(Min(startx,oldx),Min(starty,oldy),Max(startx,oldx),Max(starty,oldy))); end; if FMouse=mDrag then begin //horizontal movement coef:=(PicRect.Right-PicRect.Left)/(ShowRect.Right-ShowRect.Left); d:=Round(coef*(x-oldx)); s:=PicRect.Right-PicRect.Left; if d>0 then begin if PicRect.Left>=d then begin PicRect.Left:=PicRect.Left-d; PicRect.Right:=PicRect.Right-d; end else begin PicRect.Left:=0; PicRect.Right:=PicRect.Left+s; end; end; if d<0 then begin if PicRect.Right<FBitmap.Width+d then begin PicRect.Left:=PicRect.Left-d; PicRect.Right:=PicRect.Right-d; end else begin PicRect.Right:=FBitmap.Width; PicRect.Left:=PicRect.Right-s; end; end; //vertical movement coef:=(PicRect.Bottom-PicRect.Top)/(ShowRect.Bottom-ShowRect.Top); d:=Round(coef*(y-oldy)); s:=PicRect.Bottom-PicRect.Top; if d>0 then begin if PicRect.Top>=d then begin PicRect.Top:=PicRect.Top-d; PicRect.Bottom:=PicRect.Bottom-d; end else begin PicRect.Top:=0; PicRect.Bottom:=PicRect.Top+s; end; end; {There was a bug in the fragment below. Thanks to all, who reported this bug to me} if d<0 then begin if PicRect.Bottom<FBitmap.Height+d then begin PicRect.Top:=PicRect.Top-d; PicRect.Bottom:=PicRect.Bottom-d; end else begin PicRect.Bottom:=FBitmap.Height; PicRect.Top:=PicRect.Bottom-s; end; end; oldx:=x; oldy:=y; if FForceRepaint then Repaint else Invalidate; end; end; procedure TZImage.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var coef:Double; t:integer; left,right,top,bottom : integer; begin if FMouse=mNone then Exit; if x>ShowRect.Right then x:=ShowRect.Right; if y>ShowRect.Bottom then y:=ShowRect.Bottom; if FMouse=mZoom then begin //calculate new PicRect t:=startx; startx:=Min(startx,x); x:=Max(t,x); t:=starty; starty:=Min(starty,y); y:=Max(t,y); FMouse:=mNone; MouseCapture:=False; //enable the following if you want to zoom-out by dragging in the opposite direction} { if Startx>x then begin DblClick; Exit; end;} if Abs(x-startx)<5 then Exit; //showmessage(''picrect Left=''+inttostr(picrect.Left)+'' right=''+inttostr(picrect.Right)+'' top=''+inttostr(picrect.Top)+'' bottom=''+inttostr(picrect.Bottom)); //startx and start y is teh starting x/y of the selected area //x and y is the ending x/y of the selected area if (x - startx < y - starty) then begin while (x - startx < y - starty) do begin x := x + 100; startx := startx - 100; end; end else if (x - startx > y - starty) then begin while (x - startx > y - starty) do begin y := y + 100; starty := starty - 100; end; end; //picrect is the size of whole area //PicRect.top and left are 0,0 //IFs were added in v.1.2 to avoid zero-divide if (PicRect.Right=PicRect.Left) then coef := 100000 else coef:=ShowRect.Right/(PicRect.Right-PicRect.Left); //if new screen coef= 1 left:=Round(PicRect.Left+startx/coef); Right:=Left+Round((x-startx)/coef); if (PicRect.Bottom=PicRect.Top) then coef := 100000 else coef:=ShowRect.Bottom/(PicRect.Bottom-PicRect.Top); Top:=Round(PicRect.Top+starty/coef); Bottom:=Top+Round((y-starty)/coef); //showmessage(inttostr(left)+'' ''+inttostr(Right)+'' ''+inttostr(top)+'' ''+inttostr(bottom)); zoom(left,right,top,bottom); ValueLeft := left; ValueRight := Right; ValueTop := top; ValueBottom := bottom; end; if FMouse=mDrag then begin FMouse:=mNone; Canvas.Pen.Mode:=pmCopy; Screen.Cursor:=crDefault; end; Invalidate; end; procedure TZImage.DblClick; begin zoom(0,FBitMap.Width,0,FBitMap.Height); ValueLeft := 0; ValueRight := FBitMap.Width; ValueTop := 0; ValueBottom := FBitMap.Height; //PicRect:=Rect(0,0,FBitmap.Width,FBitmap.Height); Invalidate; end; procedure TZImage.SetBitmap(b:TBitmap); begin FBitmap.Assign(b); PicRect:=Rect(0,0,b.Width, b.Height); Invalidate; end; procedure TZImage.SetBorderWidth(w:integer); begin FBorderWidth:=w; Invalidate; end; procedure TZImage.SetShowBorder(s:boolean); begin FShowBorder:=s; Invalidate; end; procedure TZImage.SetProportional(b:boolean); begin FProportional:=b; Invalidate; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents(''Custom'', [TZImage]); end; end.

Con este código puede registrar el componente ZImage y ver cómo se ejecuta ... si es necesario

La pregunta es clara, pero creo que el problema para responderla es cómo no volver a escribir el código completo para que sea comprensible para usted. Y como soy mejor programando y luego explicando, lo hice.

Creo que estás buscando algo como lo siguiente:

unit ZImage2; interface uses Windows, Messages, Classes, Controls, Graphics, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Math; const DefAnimDuration = 500; type TZImage = class(TGraphicControl) private FAlignment: TAlignment; FAnimDuration: Cardinal; FAnimRect: TRect; FAnimStartTick: Cardinal; FAnimTimer: TTimer; FBuffer: TBitmap; FCropRect: TRect; FImgRect: TRect; FLayout: TTextLayout; FPicture: TPicture; FPrevCropRect: TRect; FProportional: Boolean; FProportionalCrop: Boolean; FScale: Single; FSelColor: TColor; FSelecting: Boolean; FSelPoint: TPoint; FSelRect: TRect; procedure Animate(Sender: TObject); function HasGraphic: Boolean; procedure PictureChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure RealignImage; procedure SetAlignment(Value: TAlignment); procedure SetLayout(Value: TTextLayout); procedure SetPicture(Value: TPicture); procedure SetProportional(Value: Boolean); procedure UpdateBuffer; protected function CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; override; procedure ChangeScale(M: Integer; D: Integer); override; procedure DblClick; override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure Paint; override; procedure Resize; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Reset; function ScreenToGraphic(R: TRect): TRect; procedure Zoom(const ACropRect: TRect); procedure ZoomSelection(const ASelRect: TRect); published property Alignment: TAlignment read FAlignment write SetAlignment default taLeftJustify; property AnimDuration: Cardinal read FAnimDuration write FAnimDuration default DefAnimDuration; property Layout: TTextLayout read FLayout write SetLayout default tlTop; property Picture: TPicture read FPicture write SetPicture; property Proportional: Boolean read FProportional write SetProportional default False; property ProportionalCrop: Boolean read FProportionalCrop write FProportionalCrop default True; property SelColor: TColor read FSelColor write FSelColor default clWhite; published property Align; property Anchors; property AutoSize; property Color; end; implementation function FitRect(const Boundary: TRect; Width, Height: Integer; CanGrow: Boolean; HorzAlign: TAlignment; VertAlign: TTextLayout): TRect; var W: Integer; H: Integer; Scale: Single; Offset: TPoint; begin Width := Max(1, Width); Height := Max(1, Height); W := Boundary.Right - Boundary.Left; H := Boundary.Bottom - Boundary.Top; if CanGrow then Scale := Min(W / Width, H / Height) else Scale := Min(1, Min(W / Width, H / Height)); Result := Rect(0, 0, Round(Width * Scale), Round(Height * Scale)); case HorzAlign of taLeftJustify: Offset.X := 0; taCenter: Offset.X := (W - Result.Right) div 2; taRightJustify: Offset.X := W - Result.Right; end; case VertAlign of tlTop: Offset.Y := 0; tlCenter: Offset.Y := (H - Result.Bottom) div 2; tlBottom: Offset.Y := H - Result.Bottom; end; OffsetRect(Result, Boundary.Left + Offset.X, Boundary.Top + Offset.Y); end; function NormalizeRect(const Point1, Point2: TPoint): TRect; begin Result.Left := Min(Point1.X, Point2.X); Result.Top := Min(Point1.Y, Point2.Y); Result.Right := Max(Point1.X, Point2.X); Result.Bottom := Max(Point1.Y, Point2.Y); end; { TZImage } procedure TZImage.Animate(Sender: TObject); var Done: Single; begin Done := (GetTickCount - FAnimStartTick) / FAnimDuration; if Done >= 1.0 then begin FAnimTimer.Enabled := False; FAnimRect := FCropRect; end else with FPrevCropRect do FAnimRect := Rect( Left + Round(Done * (FCropRect.Left - Left)), Top + Round(Done * (FCropRect.Top - Top)), Right + Round(Done * (FCropRect.Right - Right)), Bottom + Round(Done * (FCropRect.Bottom - Bottom))); UpdateBuffer; RealignImage; Invalidate; end; function TZImage.CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := True; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) or HasGraphic then begin if Align in [alNone, alLeft, alRight] then NewWidth := Round(FScale * FPicture.Width); if Align in [alNone, alTop, alBottom] then NewHeight := Round(FScale * FPicture.Height); end; end; procedure TZImage.ChangeScale(M, D: Integer); var SaveAnchors: TAnchors; begin SaveAnchors := Anchors; Anchors := [akLeft, akTop]; FScale := FScale * M / D; inherited ChangeScale(M, D); Anchors := SaveAnchors; end; constructor TZImage.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := [csCaptureMouse, csClickEvents, csOpaque, csDoubleClicks]; FAnimTimer := TTimer.Create(Self); FAnimTimer.Interval := 15; FAnimTimer.OnTimer := Animate; FAnimDuration := DefAnimDuration; FBuffer := TBitmap.Create; FPicture := TPicture.Create; FPicture.OnChange := PictureChanged; FProportionalCrop := True; FScale := 1.0; FSelColor := clWhite; end; procedure TZImage.DblClick; begin if not HasGraphic then Reset else Zoom(Rect(0, 0, FPicture.Width, FPicture.Height)); inherited DblClick; end; destructor TZImage.Destroy; begin FPicture.Free; FBuffer.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TZImage.HasGraphic: Boolean; begin Result := (Picture.Width > 0) and (Picture.Height > 0); end; procedure TZImage.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if (Button = mbRight) and HasGraphic and PtInRect(FImgRect, Point(X, Y)) then begin FSelPoint.X := X; FSelPoint.Y := Y; FSelRect := Rect(X, Y, X, Y); FSelecting := True; Canvas.Brush.Color := FSelColor; Canvas.DrawFocusRect(FSelRect); end; inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); end; procedure TZImage.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); const HorzAlign: array[Boolean] of TAlignment = (taLeftJustify, taRightJustify); VertAlign: array[Boolean] of TTextLayout = (tlTop, tlBottom); begin if FSelecting and PtInRect(FImgRect, Point(X, Y)) then begin Canvas.DrawFocusRect(FSelRect); FSelRect := NormalizeRect(FSelPoint, Point(X, Y)); if (not FProportionalCrop) then FSelRect := FitRect(FSelRect, FPicture.Graphic.Width, FPicture.Graphic.Height, True, HorzAlign[X < FSelPoint.X], VertAlign[Y < FSelPoint.Y]); Canvas.DrawFocusRect(FSelRect); end; inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y); end; procedure TZImage.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if FSelecting then begin FSelecting := False; Canvas.DrawFocusRect(FSelRect); if (Abs(X - FSelPoint.X) > Mouse.DragThreshold) or (Abs(Y - FSelPoint.Y) > Mouse.DragThreshold) then ZoomSelection(FSelRect); end; inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y); end; procedure TZImage.Paint; begin Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; if HasGraphic then begin Canvas.StretchDraw(FImgRect, FBuffer); if FSelecting then Canvas.DrawFocusRect(FSelRect); with FImgRect do ExcludeClipRect(Canvas.Handle, Left, Top, Right, Bottom); end; Canvas.FillRect(Canvas.ClipRect); end; procedure TZImage.PictureChanged(Sender: TObject); begin Reset; end; procedure TZImage.RealignImage; begin if not HasGraphic then FImgRect := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) else if FProportional then FImgRect := ClientRect else FImgRect := FitRect(ClientRect, FBuffer.Width, FBuffer.Height, True, FAlignment, FLayout); end; procedure TZImage.Reset; begin FCropRect := Rect(0, 0, FPicture.Width, FPicture.Height); FAnimRect := FCropRect; UpdateBuffer; RealignImage; Invalidate; end; procedure TZImage.Resize; begin RealignImage; inherited Resize; end; function TZImage.ScreenToGraphic(R: TRect): TRect; var CropWidth: Integer; CropHeight: Integer; ImgWidth: Integer; ImgHeight: Integer; begin CropWidth := FCropRect.Right - FCropRect.Left; CropHeight := FCropRect.Bottom - FCropRect.Top; ImgWidth := FImgRect.Right - FImgRect.Left; ImgHeight := FImgRect.Bottom - FImgRect.Top; IntersectRect(R, R, FImgRect); OffsetRect(R, -FImgRect.Left, -FImgRect.Top); Result := Rect( FCropRect.Left + Round(CropWidth * (R.Left / ImgWidth)), FCropRect.Top + Round(CropHeight * (R.Top / ImgHeight)), FCropRect.Left + Round(CropWidth * (R.Right / ImgWidth)), FCropRect.Top + Round(CropHeight * (R.Bottom / ImgHeight))); end; procedure TZImage.SetAlignment(Value: TAlignment); begin if FAlignment <> Value then begin FAlignment := Value; RealignImage; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TZImage.SetLayout(Value: TTextLayout); begin if FLayout <> Value then begin FLayout := Value; RealignImage; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TZImage.SetPicture(Value: TPicture); begin FPicture.Assign(Value); end; procedure TZImage.SetProportional(Value: Boolean); begin if FProportional <> Value then begin FProportional := Value; RealignImage; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TZImage.UpdateBuffer; begin if HasGraphic then begin FBuffer.Width := FAnimRect.Right - FAnimRect.Left; FBuffer.Height := FAnimRect.Bottom - FAnimRect.Top; FBuffer.Canvas.Draw(-FAnimRect.Left, -FAnimRect.Top, FPicture.Graphic); end; end; procedure TZImage.Zoom(const ACropRect: TRect); begin if HasGraphic then begin FPrevCropRect := FAnimRect; FCropRect := ACropRect; if FAnimDuration = 0 then begin FAnimRect := FCropRect; UpdateBuffer; RealignImage; Invalidate; end else begin FAnimStartTick := GetTickCount; FAnimTimer.Enabled := True; end; end; end; procedure TZImage.ZoomSelection(const ASelRect: TRect); begin Zoom(ScreenToGraphic(ASelRect)); end; end.

Código de muestra:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FImage := TZImage.Create(Self); FImage.SetBounds(10, 10, 200, 300); FImage.Picture.LoadFromFile(''D:/Pictures/Mona_Lisa.jpg''); FImage.Alignment := taCenter; FImage.Layout := tlCenter; FImage.AutoSize := True; FImage.Parent := Self; end;