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¿Cómo pasar informes de progreso de la función interna a la función principal? (2)
Actualmente estoy tratando de pasar el progreso (usando Iprogress y Progress) de una función interna a la función principal. Todo funciona después de que la función interna se completa. Sin embargo, estoy recuperando / descargando algunos datos usando las API de EBay (servicio de búsqueda de eBay que es un servicio de descanso que devuelve datos en formato XML) y necesito pasar informes de progreso de la función interna a la principal durante la descarga de los datos XML recuperados /procesamiento de datos.
Aquí está el código de la función principal (un poco comienza a sobrecargarse, pero usted sabe lo que está pasando, comentó sobre la sensatez):
Private Property a As Integer
Return a_value
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
a_value = value
'' ReportProgress(value, Nothing)
End Set
End Property
Private a_value As Integer
Public Async Function EvaluateItem(item As List(Of ItemInfo), evalprogress As IProgress(Of Integer), Optional ManualEvaluation As Boolean = False) As Task(Of List(Of EvaluationInfo))
Dim notevaluatedcount As Integer = 0
Dim iteminfo1 As ItemInfo = New ItemInfo
Dim tmpiteminfo As List(Of ItemInfo) = New List(Of ItemInfo)
Dim tmpiteminfo2 As List(Of ItemInfo) = New List(Of ItemInfo)
Dim pricefunctions As ItemValuation = New ItemValuation
Dim tmpevalinfo As EvaluationInfo = New EvaluationInfo
Dim itemevalresultarr As List(Of EvaluationInfo) = New List(Of EvaluationInfo)
Dim mode As Double
Dim avg As Double
Dim min As Double
Dim max As Double
Dim standarddev As Double
Dim pricearr() As Double
Dim autoitem As List(Of EvaluationInfo) = New List(Of EvaluationInfo)
Dim itemse As New ItemInformation
'' Dim itemsnoteval As New ItemInformation
'' itemseval.itemsevaluated = New List(Of String)
'' itemsnoteval.notevaluated = New List(Of String)
Dim tmpnoteval As List(Of ItemInfo) = New List(Of ItemInfo)
Dim ran As Boolean
''sort and store item condition information in evaluation table in database or by item.sort
If item.Count > 1 And ManualEvaluation = True Then
tmpiteminfo = SortByName(item)
Await ClearEvalTable()
tmpiteminfo2 = SortByCondition(tmpiteminfo)
If CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess Then
Await Task.Run(Function()
''Await Task.Delay(1000)
If evalprogress IsNot Nothing Then
''ReportProgress(4, Nothing)
End If
'' tempCount += 1
Return 5
End Function)
ElseIf CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess = False Then
Await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, Function()
''Await Task.Delay(1000)
If evalprogress IsNot Nothing Then
End If
'' tempCount += 1
Return 5
End Function)
End If
'' MsgBox("condition count:" + tmpiteminfo2.Count.ToString)
ElseIf item.Count > 1 And ManualEvaluation = False Then
''do nothing
ElseIf item.Count = 1 And ManualEvaluation = True Then
''change this code to perform manual evaluation on one item.
End If
ReDim pricearr(item.Count)
If ManualEvaluation Then
If ran = False Then
Dim count As Integer
For Each d As ItemInfo In tmpiteminfo
count = count + 1
If ItemValidation.ContainsValidCharacters(d.name) And ItemValidation.IsDouble(d.price) Then
''decide whether to manually evaluate the item or automatically evaluate it.
Log("Item name: " + d.name + " price #: " + d.price.ToString)
Log("Item: " + d.name + " has invalid characters in its name. It will not be evaluated. Please remove the invalid characters to have the item evaluated." + "The item price may not be an integer. please fix this too (if applicable)")
iteminfo1.name = d.name
iteminfo1.price = 0
iteminfo1.evaluationSource = d.evaluationSource
iteminfo1.damaged = "NO"
iteminfo1.aquisitiondate = "1/1/1111"
iteminfo1.itempicture = Nothing
'' tmpnoteval.Add(iteminfo1)
tmpevalinfo.currentItem = iteminfo1.name
tmpevalinfo.evaluated = False
tmpevalinfo.evaluationcondition = d.itemcondition
'' tmpnoteval.Add(iteminfo1)
notevaluatedcount += 1
End If
Select Case d.itemcondition
Case Is = ItemCondition.Broken
Case Is = ItemCondition.LooksLikeNew
''MsgBox("Looks like new price:" + d.price.ToString)
Case Is = ItemCondition.SomewhatUsed
'' MsgBox("Somewhat Used price:" + d.price.ToString)
Case Is = ItemCondition.SomeDamage
End Select
ran = True
End If
''Automatically evaluate item using different retailers i.e. Amazon, E-Bay, etc.
''use grabfromonlinesource multiple times to grab from each evaluation source used.
Dim tmpevalitem As Task(Of List(Of EvaluationInfo))
For i = 0 To item.Count - 1
''does once for each item
''need to split it into conditions inside of grabfromonlinesource
If ItemValidation.ContainsValidCharacters(item.Item(i).name) Then
'' evalprogress = New Progress(Of Integer)(Function(value) InlineAssignHelper(value, a))
If CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess Then
Await Task.Run(Function()
''Await Task.Delay(1000)
If evalprogress IsNot Nothing Then
'' ReportProgress(10, Nothing)
ReportProgress(10, Nothing)
End If
'' tempCount += 1
Return 10
End Function)
ElseIf CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess = False Then
Await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, Function()
''Await Task.Delay(1000)
If evalprogress IsNot Nothing Then
End If
'' tempCount += 1
Return 10
End Function)
End If
tmpevalitem = GrabFromOnlineSource(item.Item(i).name, item.Item(i).evaluationSource, New Progress(Of Integer)(Function(value) InlineAssignHelper(a, value)))
If CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess Then
Await Task.Run(Function()
''Await Task.Delay(1000)
If evalprogress IsNot Nothing Then
'' ReportProgress(70, Nothing)
End If
'' tempCount += 1
Return 70
End Function)
ElseIf CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess = False Then
Await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, Function()
''Await Task.Delay(1000)
If evalprogress IsNot Nothing Then
End If
'' tempCount += 1
Return 70
End Function)
End If
'' ItemValuation.tmpProgressIndicator.Report(60)
If tmpevalitem.Result IsNot Nothing Then
Continue For
End If
Dim tmpevalinfoauto As EvaluationInfo
tmpevalinfoauto.currentItem = item.Item(i).name
tmpevalinfoauto.evaluationcondition = item.Item(i).itemcondition
End If
Next i
autoitem.Add(Nothing) ''use nothing as an indicator of a new item.
End If
If ManualEvaluation Then
Dim done(4) As Boolean
done(0) = False
done(1) = False
done(2) = False
done(3) = False
''MsgBox("item information count: " + tmpiteminfo2.Count.ToString)
For f = 0 To tmpiteminfo2.Count - 1
Select Case tmpiteminfo2.Item(f).evaluationSource
Case Is = "Gamestop"
tmpevalinfo.valuationsourceid = 1
Case Is = "Amazon"
tmpevalinfo.valuationsourceid = 2
Case Is = "Ebay"
tmpevalinfo.valuationsourceid = 3
''add more sources here later
End Select
Select Case tmpiteminfo2.Item(f).itemcondition
Case Is = ItemCondition.Broken
''If done(0) = False Then
mode = pricefunctions.Mode(broken.ToArray)
max = pricefunctions.MaxValue(broken.ToArray)
min = pricefunctions.MinValue(broken.ToArray)
avg = pricefunctions.AveragePrice(broken.ToArray)
standarddev = pricefunctions.standarddeviation(broken.ToArray)
done(0) = True
'' End If
Case Is = ItemCondition.LooksLikeNew
''If done(1) = False Then
mode = pricefunctions.Mode(Lookslikenew.ToArray)
max = pricefunctions.MaxValue(Lookslikenew.ToArray)
min = pricefunctions.MinValue(Lookslikenew.ToArray)
avg = pricefunctions.AveragePrice(Lookslikenew.ToArray)
standarddev = pricefunctions.standarddeviation(Lookslikenew.ToArray)
done(1) = True
'' End If
Case Is = ItemCondition.SomeDamage
'' If done(2) = False Then
mode = pricefunctions.Mode(damaged.ToArray)
max = pricefunctions.MaxValue(damaged.ToArray)
min = pricefunctions.MinValue(damaged.ToArray)
avg = pricefunctions.AveragePrice(damaged.ToArray)
standarddev = pricefunctions.standarddeviation(damaged.ToArray)
done(2) = True
'' End If
Case Is = ItemCondition.SomewhatUsed
''If done(3) = False Then
mode = pricefunctions.Mode(somewhatused.ToArray)
max = pricefunctions.MaxValue(somewhatused.ToArray)
min = pricefunctions.MinValue(somewhatused.ToArray)
avg = pricefunctions.AveragePrice(somewhatused.ToArray)
standarddev = pricefunctions.standarddeviation(somewhatused.ToArray)
done(3) = True
'' End If
End Select
''assign values to minimum price, maximum price, and the other prices.
If min > 0 Then
tmpevalinfo.MinimumPrice = min
End If
If mode > 0 Then
tmpevalinfo.ReoccuringPrice = mode
End If
If avg > 0 Then
tmpevalinfo.avgprice = avg
End If
If max > 0 Then
tmpevalinfo.MaximumPrice = max
End If
If standarddev > 0 Then ''And standarddev < 1 Then
tmpevalinfo.avgdeviation = standarddev
End If
min = 0
max = 0
mode = 0
avg = 0
tmpevalinfo.currentItem = tmpiteminfo2.Item(f).name
tmpevalinfo.evaluationcondition = tmpiteminfo2.Item(f).itemcondition
tmpevalinfo.evaluated = True
Next f
''Dim iteminfoc As New ItemInformation
''For s = 0 To tmpiteminfo.Count - 1
'' iteminfoc.itemsevaluate.Add(tmpiteminfo.Item(s).name)
'' ''add other item information and change to iteminfo type once I get information to display correctly on findquote form
''Next s
Dim itemval As New ItemValuation
Dim tmpevalsource As New EvaluationSource
Using uie As New DataAccess.SQLiteDb
For h = 0 To tmpiteminfo.Count - 1
tmpevalsource.EvaluationSourceName = tmpiteminfo.Item(h).evaluationSource
tmpevalsource.EvaluationWebAddress = (From EvalWeb In uie.ValuationSources Where EvalWeb.ValuationSourceName = tmpevalsource.EvaluationSourceName Select EvalWeb).ToString
Await itemval.archiveitem(tmpiteminfo.Item(h).name, tmpiteminfo.Item(h).name, tmpevalsource)
End Using
''delete all the evaluated items from the database for next evaluation
Await ClearEvalTable()
''return regular results
Return itemevalresultarr
''return automated evaluation results
''results are archived as they are retrieved so delete data from the table below
''delete all the evaluated items from the database for next evaluation
Return autoitem
End If
End Function
Aquí está la firma de la función interna:
Private Async Function GrabFromOnlineSource(itemname As String, WebsiteSource As String, progress As IProgress(Of Integer)) As Task(Of List(Of EvaluationInfo))
Esto es lo que he intentado hasta ahora ( actualizado ):
primer intento:
tmpevalitem = Await GrabFromOnlineSource(item.Item(i).name, item.Item(i).evaluationSource, New Progress(Of Integer)(Function(value) InlineAssignHelper(totalprogress, value))). ''replace totalprogress with the a integer I mentioned in the comments.
segundo intento:
tmpevalitem = GrabFromOnlineSource(item.Item(i).name, item.Item(i).evaluationSource, New Progress(Of IProgress(Of Integer))(Function(value) InlineAssignHelper(evalprogress, value)))
El código anterior termina en un error sobre el progreso del tipo de datos que no es correcto. Realmente necesito pasar mi progreso de GrabFromOnlineSource a la variable evalprogress o de lo contrario tendré diferentes valores enviados al programa principal.
Nota: técnicamente podría tener GrabFromOnlineSource llamado para cada fuente de evaluación utilizada (4 totales posibles a partir de este momento). Además, cada fuente de evaluación enviada a GrabFromOnlineSource tiene su propio progreso informado que se cuenta para la fuente de evaluación actual (es decir, eBay tiene su propio progreso, Amazon es propio, etc.).
The EvaluationInfo y ItemInfo Structures:
Public Structure EvaluationInfo
Dim ReoccuringPrice As Double
Dim MinimumPrice As Double
Dim MaximumPrice As Double
Dim avgprice As Double
Dim avgdeviation As Double
Dim currentItem As String
Dim valuationsourceid As Integer
Dim evaluationcondition As ItemCondition ''i.e. used,new,broken enum
Dim evaluated As Boolean
End Structure
Public Structure ItemInfo
Public Property name As String
Public Property price As Double
Public Property damaged As String
Public Property aquisitiondate As Date
Public Property evaluationSource As String
Public Property itemcondition As ItemCondition
Public Property itempicture As Byte()
Public Property itemid As Integer
End Structure
Más información:
Una cosa que olvidé mencionar es que el informe de progreso funciona con task.run desde la función evaluateitem pero prefiero modularizar mi código un poco para evitar que una acción ocupe demasiado espacio y es por eso que no he movido el código de GrabFromOnlineSource a evaluateitem.
intenté declarar una variable en la función GrabFromOnlineSource como byref y pasar a este método. después de la modalidad u en GrabFromOnlineSource, puede observar esta variable desde la función principal o cualquier otro lugar.
Perdón, debería verificar eso
Método nr.2
Entonces, ¿por qué no envuelves este proceso en clase, algo así si quieres progresar en 2 tareas, siempre puedes observar este objeto o agregar eventos para el seguimiento del progreso?
Public Sub SomeMethod()
Dim Wrap1 As New WrapConteiner
Dim Wrap2 As New WrapConteiner
Wrap2.Sleep = 200
Dim Tasks(0 To 1) As Task
Tasks(0) = New Task(AddressOf Wrap1.AwaitedProcessAsync)
Tasks(1) = New Task(AddressOf Wrap2.AwaitedProcessAsync)
Do While (Tasks(0).Status = TaskStatus.Running Or Tasks(1).Status = TaskStatus.Running Or Tasks(0).Status = TaskStatus.WaitingToRun Or Tasks(1).Status = TaskStatus.WaitingToRun)
Task.WaitAll(Tasks, 10)
Debug.Print("Wrap1: " & Wrap1.Progress)
Debug.Print("Wrap2: " & Wrap2.Progress)
End Sub
Public Class WrapConteiner
Property Progress As Integer
Property Sleep As Integer = 100
Public Sub AwaitedProcessAsync()
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To 100
Me.Progress = x
End Sub
End Class
Perdón por la demora en responder mi propia pregunta, pero aquí va (no soy perfecto para formatear el código, así que un editor o administrador puede arreglarlo):
Este es el código de prueba de clase que utilicé por separado de mis proyectos dll para probar que esto estaba funcionando (también creé un nuevo proyecto para probar mi teoría):
Imports Windows.ApplicationModel.Core
Imports Windows.UI.Core
Public Class Progresstestclass
Private Shared Property totalprogress As Integer
Public Shared Async Function MainFunction(progress As IProgress(Of Integer)) As Task(Of Boolean)
totalprogress = 5
Dim a As New String("")
Do While totalprogress > 0 And totalprogress < 70 And a <> "Success"
Await InnerFunction(New Progress(Of Integer)(Function(value) InlineAssignHelper(totalprogress, value)))
progress.Report(totalprogress - 5)
Await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(1000)
Return True
End Function
Private Shared Async Function InnerFunction(progress2 As IProgress(Of Integer)) As Task(Of String)
Await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(1000)
Await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(1000)
Return "Success"
End Function
Public Shared Function InlineAssignHelper(Of T)(ByRef target As T, value As T) As T
target = value
Return value
End Function
End Class
Otra cosa que cambió dentro de mi función principal fue mi ciclo de while estaba un poco mal. Necesitaba retrasos entre la aprobación de los informes de progreso o, de lo contrario, no se retractó o se mostró al 100% al final, haciendo inútil mi informe de progreso. Cualquiera puede comentar sobre cómo hacer esto mejor. ¡Es una locura que retrasos perdonados puedan estropear un programa!
Todo lo demás es bastante parecido. Excepto que puse retrasos como los de arriba para que deje de pasar el progreso el tiempo suficiente para que el ojo natural vea el progreso.