varianza test resueltos pruebas prueba poblacional parametricas para intervalos intervalo hipotesis graficas graficar ejercicios confianza r statistics

test - pruebas no parametricas en r

Calcular dentro y entre varianzas e intervalos de confianza en R (4)

Necesito calcular las variaciones dentro y entre ejecución de algunos datos como parte del desarrollo de un nuevo método de química analítica. También necesito intervalos de confianza a partir de estos datos usando el lenguaje R

¿Supongo que necesito usar anova o algo así?

Mis datos son como

> variance Run Rep Value 1 1 1 9.85 2 1 2 9.95 3 1 3 10.00 4 2 1 9.90 5 2 2 8.80 6 2 3 9.50 7 3 1 11.20 8 3 2 11.10 9 3 3 9.80 10 4 1 9.70 11 4 2 10.10 12 4 3 10.00

Si desea aplicar una función (como var ) a través de un factor como Run o Rep , puede utilizar de forma tapply :

> with(variance, tapply(Value, Run, var)) 1 2 3 4 0.005833333 0.310000000 0.610000000 0.043333333 > with(variance, tapply(Value, Rep, var)) 1 2 3 0.48562500 0.88729167 0.05583333

Tienes cuatro grupos de tres observaciones:

> run1 = c(9.85, 9.95, 10.00) > run2 = c(9.90, 8.80, 9.50) > run3 = c(11.20, 11.10, 9.80) > run4 = c(9.70, 10.10, 10.00) > runs = c(run1, run2, run3, run4) > runs [1] 9.85 9.95 10.00 9.90 8.80 9.50 11.20 11.10 9.80 9.70 10.10 10.00

Haz algunas etiquetas:

> n = rep(3, 4) > group = rep(1:4, n) > group [1] 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4

Calcular estadísticas dentro de la carrera:

> withinRunStats = function(x) c(sum = sum(x), mean = mean(x), var = var(x), n = length(x)) > tapply(runs, group, withinRunStats) $`1` sum mean var n 29.800000000 9.933333333 0.005833333 3.000000000 $`2` sum mean var n 28.20 9.40 0.31 3.00 $`3` sum mean var n 32.10 10.70 0.61 3.00 $`4` sum mean var n 29.80000000 9.93333333 0.04333333 3.00000000

Puedes hacer ANOVA aquí:

> data = data.frame(y = runs, group = factor(group)) > data y group 1 9.85 1 2 9.95 1 3 10.00 1 4 9.90 2 5 8.80 2 6 9.50 2 7 11.20 3 8 11.10 3 9 9.80 3 10 9.70 4 11 10.10 4 12 10.00 4 > fit = lm(runs ~ group, data) > fit Call: lm(formula = runs ~ group, data = data) Coefficients: (Intercept) group2 group3 group4 9.933e+00 -5.333e-01 7.667e-01 -2.448e-15 > anova(fit) Analysis of Variance Table Response: runs Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) group 3 2.57583 0.85861 3.5437 0.06769 . Residuals 8 1.93833 0.24229 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 > degreesOfFreedom = anova(fit)[, "Df"] > names(degreesOfFreedom) = c("treatment", "error") > degreesOfFreedom treatment error 3 8

Error o variación dentro del grupo:

> anova(fit)["Residuals", "Mean Sq"] [1] 0.2422917

Tratamiento o varianza entre grupos:

> anova(fit)["group", "Mean Sq"] [1] 0.8586111

Esto debería darte suficiente para hacer intervalos de confianza.

Voy a dput() esto cuando tenga más tiempo, pero mientras tanto, aquí está el dput() para la estructura de datos de Kiar:

structure(list(Run = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4), Rep = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3), Value = c(9.85, 9.95, 10, 9.9, 8.8, 9.5, 11.2, 11.1, 9.8, 9.7, 10.1, 10)), .Names = c("Run", "Rep", "Value"), row.names = c(NA, -12L), class = "data.frame")

... en caso de que quiera tomar una foto rápida.

He estado buscando un problema similar. He encontrado referencias a los intervalos de confianza de la calcitación por Burdick y Graybill (Burdick, R. y Graybill, F. 1992, Intervalos de confianza en componentes de varianza, CRC Press)

Usando algún código que he estado intentando, obtengo estos valores

> kiaraov = aov(Value~Run+Error(Run),data=kiar) > summary(kiaraov) Error: Run Df Sum Sq Mean Sq Run 3 2.57583 0.85861 Error: Within Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Residuals 8 1.93833 0.24229 > confint = 95 > a = (1-(confint/100))/2 > grandmean = as.vector(kiaraov$"(Intercept)"[[1]][1]) # Grand Mean (I think) > within = summary(kiaraov)$"Error: Within"[[1]]$"Mean Sq" # S2^2Mean Square Value for Within Run > dfRun = summary(kiaraov)$"Error: Run"[[1]]$"Df" > dfWithin = summary(kiaraov)$"Error: Within"[[1]]$"Df" > Run = summary(kiaraov)$"Error: Run"[[1]]$"Mean Sq" # S1^2Mean Square for between Run > between = (Run-within)/((dfWithin/(dfRun+1))+1) # (S1^2-S2^2)/J > total = between+within > between # Between Run Variance [1] 0.2054398 > within # Within Run Variance [1] 0.2422917 > total # Total Variance [1] 0.4477315 > betweenCV = sqrt(between)/grandmean * 100 # Between Run CV% > withinCV = sqrt(within)/grandmean * 100 # Within Run CV% > totalCV = sqrt(total)/grandmean * 100 # Total CV% > #within confidence intervals > withinLCB = within/qf(1-a,8,Inf) # Within LCB > withinUCB = within/qf(a,8,Inf) # Within UCB > #Between Confidence Intervals > n1 = dfRun > n2 = dfWithin > G1 = 1-(1/qf(1-a,n1,Inf)) # According to Burdick and Graybill this should be a > G2 = 1-(1/qf(1-a,n2,Inf)) > H1 = (1/qf(a,n1,Inf))-1 # and this should be 1-a, but my results don''t agree > H2 = (1/qf(a,n2,Inf))-1 > G12 = ((qf(1-a,n1,n2)-1)^2-(G1^2*qf(1-a,n1,n2)^2)-(H2^2))/qf(1-a,n1,n2) # again, should be a, not 1-a > H12 = ((1-qf(a,n1,n2))^2-H1^2*qf(a,n1,n2)^2-G2^2)/qf(a,n1,n2) # again, should be 1-a, not a > Vu = H1^2*Run^2+G2^2*within^2+H12*Run*within > Vl = G1^2*Run^2+H2^2*within^2+G12*within*Run > betweenLCB = (Run-within-sqrt(Vl))/J # Betwen LCB > betweenUCB = (Run-within+sqrt(Vu))/J # Between UCB > #Total Confidence Intervals > y = (Run+(J-1)*within)/J > totalLCB = y-(sqrt(G1^2*Run^2+G2^2*(J-1)^2*within^2)/J) # Total LCB > totalUCB = y+(sqrt(H1^2*Run^2+H2^2*(J-1)^2*within^2)/J) # Total UCB > result = data.frame(Name=c("within", "between", "total"),CV=c(withinCV,betweenCV,totalCV),LCB=c(sqrt(withinLCB)/grandmean*100,sqrt(betweenLCB)/grandmean*100,sqrt(totalLCB)/grandmean*100),UCB=c(sqrt(withinUCB)/grandmean*100,sqrt(betweenUCB)/grandmean*100,sqrt(totalUCB)/grandmean*100)) > result Name CV LCB UCB 1 within 4.926418 3.327584 9.43789 2 between 4.536327 NaN 19.73568 3 total 6.696855 4.846030 20.42647

Aquí el intervalo de confianza más bajo para CV entre ejecuciones es menor que cero, por lo que se informa como NaN.

Me encantaría tener una mejor manera de hacer esto. Si tengo tiempo, podría tratar de crear una función para hacer esto.



Editar: eventualmente escribí una función, aquí está (caveat emptor)

#'' avar Function #'' #'' Calculate thewithin, between and total %CV of a dataset by ANOVA, and the #'' associated confidence intervals #'' #'' @param dataf - The data frame to use, in long format #'' @param afactor Character string representing the column in dataf that contains the factor #'' @param aresponse Charactyer string representing the column in dataf that contains the response value #'' @param aconfidence What Confidence limits to use, default = 95% #'' @param digits Significant Digits to report to, default = 3 #'' @param debug Boolean, Should debug messages be displayed, default=FALSE #'' @returnType dataframe containing the Mean, Within, Between and Total %CV and LCB and UCB for each #'' @return #'' @author Paul Hurley #'' @export #'' @examples #'' #Using the BGBottles data from Burdick and Graybill Page 62 #'' assayvar(dataf=BGBottles, afactor="Machine", aresponse="weight") avar<-function(dataf, afactor, aresponse, aconfidence=95, digits=3, debug=FALSE){ dataf<-subset(dataf,!,get(aresponse)))) nmissing<-function(x) sum(! n<-nrow(subset(dataf,is.numeric(with(dataf,get(aresponse))))) datadesc<-ddply(dataf, afactor, colwise(nmissing,aresponse)) I<-nrow(datadesc) if(debug){print(datadesc)} if(min(datadesc[,2])==max(datadesc[,2])){ balance<-TRUE J<-min(datadesc[,2]) if(debug){message(paste("Dataset is balanced, J=",J,"I is ",I,sep=""))} } else { balance<-FALSE Jh<-I/(sum(1/datadesc[,2], na.rm = TRUE)) J<-Jh m<-min(datadesc[,2]) M<-max(datadesc[,2]) if(debug){message(paste("Dataset is unbalanced, like me, I is ",I,sep=""))} if(debug){message(paste("Jh is ",Jh, ", m is ",m, ", M is ",M, sep=""))} } if(debug){message(paste("Call afactor=",afactor,", aresponse=",aresponse,sep=""))} formulatext<-paste(as.character(aresponse)," ~ 1 + Error(",as.character(afactor),")",sep="") if(debug){message(paste("formula text is ",formulatext,sep=""))} aovformula<-formula(formulatext) if(debug){message(paste("Formula is ",as.character(aovformula),sep=""))} assayaov<-aov(formula=aovformula,data=dataf) if(debug){ print(assayaov) print(summary(assayaov)) } a<-1-((1-(aconfidence/100))/2) if(debug){message(paste("confidence is ",aconfidence,", alpha is ",a,sep=""))} grandmean<-as.vector(assayaov$"(Intercept)"[[1]][1]) # Grand Mean (I think) if(debug){message(paste("n is",n,sep=""))} #This line commented out, seems to choke with an aov object built from an external formula #grandmean<-as.vector(model.tables(assayaov,type="means")[[1]]$`Grand mean`) # Grand Mean (I think) within<-summary(assayaov)[[2]][[1]]$"Mean Sq" # d2e, S2^2 Mean Square Value for Within Machine = 0.1819 dfRun<-summary(assayaov)[[1]][[1]]$"Df" # DF for within = 3 dfWithin<-summary(assayaov)[[2]][[1]]$"Df" # DF for within = 8 Run<-summary(assayaov)[[1]][[1]]$"Mean Sq" # S1^2Mean Square for Machine if(debug){message(paste("mean square for Run ?",Run,sep=""))} #Was between<-(Run-within)/((dfWithin/(dfRun+1))+1) but my comment suggests this should be just J, so I''ll use J ! between<-(Run-within)/J # d2a (S1^2-S2^2)/J if(debug){message(paste("S1^2 mean square machine is ",Run,", S2^2 mean square within is ",within))} total<-between+within between # Between Run Variance within # Within Run Variance total # Total Variance if(debug){message(paste("between is ",between,", within is ",within,", Total is ",total,sep=""))} betweenCV<-sqrt(between)/grandmean * 100 # Between Run CV% withinCV<-sqrt(within)/grandmean * 100 # Within Run CV% totalCV<-sqrt(total)/grandmean * 100 # Total CV% n1<-dfRun n2<-dfWithin if(debug){message(paste("n1 is ",n1,", n2 is ",n2,sep=""))} #within confidence intervals if(balance){ withinLCB<-within/qf(a,n2,Inf) # Within LCB withinUCB<-within/qf(1-a,n2,Inf) # Within UCB } else { withinLCB<-within/qf(a,n2,Inf) # Within LCB withinUCB<-within/qf(1-a,n2,Inf) # Within UCB } #Mean Confidence Intervals if(debug){message(paste(grandmean,"+/-(sqrt(",Run,"/",n,")*qt(",a,",df=",I-1,"))",sep=""))} meanLCB<-grandmean+(sqrt(Run/n)*qt(1-a,df=I-1)) # wrong meanUCB<-grandmean-(sqrt(Run/n)*qt(1-a,df=I-1)) # wrong if(debug){message(paste("Grandmean is ",grandmean,", meanLCB = ",meanLCB,", meanUCB = ",meanUCB,aresponse,sep=""))} if(debug){print(summary(assayaov))} #Between Confidence Intervals G1<-1-(1/qf(a,n1,Inf)) G2<-1-(1/qf(a,n2,Inf)) H1<-(1/qf(1-a,n1,Inf))-1 H2<-(1/qf(1-a,n2,Inf))-1 G12<-((qf(a,n1,n2)-1)^2-(G1^2*qf(a,n1,n2)^2)-(H2^2))/qf(a,n1,n2) H12<-((1-qf(1-a,n1,n2))^2-H1^2*qf(1-a,n1,n2)^2-G2^2)/qf(1-a,n1,n2) if(debug){message(paste("G1 is ",G1,", G2 is ",G2,sep="")) message(paste("H1 is ",H1,", H2 is ",H2,sep="")) message(paste("G12 is ",G12,", H12 is ",H12,sep="")) } if(balance){ Vu<-H1^2*Run^2+G2^2*within^2+H12*Run*within Vl<-G1^2*Run^2+H2^2*within^2+G12*within*Run betweenLCB<-(Run-within-sqrt(Vl))/J # Betwen LCB betweenUCB<-(Run-within+sqrt(Vu))/J # Between UCB } else { #Burdick and Graybill seem to suggest calculating anova of mean values to find n1S12u/Jh meandataf<-ddply(.data=dataf,.variable=afactor, .fun=function(df){mean(with(df, get(aresponse)), na.rm=TRUE)}) meandataaov<-aov(formula(paste("V1~",afactor,sep="")), data=meandataf) sumsquare<-summary(meandataaov)[[1]]$`Sum Sq` #so maybe S12u is just that bit ? Runu<-(sumsquare*Jh)/n1 if(debug){message(paste("n1S12u/Jh is ",sumsquare,", so S12u is ",Runu,sep=""))} Vu<-H1^2*Runu^2+G2^2*within^2+H12*Runu*within Vl<-G1^2*Runu^2+H2^2*within^2+G12*within*Runu betweenLCB<-(Runu-within-sqrt(Vl))/Jh # Betwen LCB betweenUCB<-(Runu-within+sqrt(Vu))/Jh # Between UCB if(debug){message(paste("betweenLCB is ",betweenLCB,", between UCB is ",betweenUCB,sep=""))} } #Total Confidence Intervals if(balance){ y<-(Run+(J-1)*within)/J if(debug){message(paste("y is ",y,sep=""))} totalLCB<-y-(sqrt(G1^2*Run^2+G2^2*(J-1)^2*within^2)/J) # Total LCB totalUCB<-y+(sqrt(H1^2*Run^2+H2^2*(J-1)^2*within^2)/J) # Total UCB } else { y<-(Runu+(Jh-1)*within)/Jh if(debug){message(paste("y is ",y,sep=""))} totalLCB<-y-(sqrt(G1^2*Runu^2+G2^2*(Jh-1)^2*within^2)/Jh) # Total LCB totalUCB<-y+(sqrt(H1^2*Runu^2+H2^2*(Jh-1)^2*within^2)/Jh) # Total UCB } if(debug){message(paste("totalLCB is ",totalLCB,", total UCB is ",totalUCB,sep=""))} # result<-data.frame(Name=c("within", "between", "total"),CV=c(withinCV,betweenCV,totalCV), # LCB=c(sqrt(withinLCB)/grandmean*100,sqrt(betweenLCB)/grandmean*100,sqrt(totalLCB)/grandmean*100), # UCB=c(sqrt(withinUCB)/grandmean*100,sqrt(betweenUCB)/grandmean*100,sqrt(totalUCB)/grandmean*100)) result<-data.frame(Mean=grandmean,MeanLCB=meanLCB, MeanUCB=meanUCB, Within=withinCV,WithinLCB=sqrt(withinLCB)/grandmean*100, WithinUCB=sqrt(withinUCB)/grandmean*100, Between=betweenCV, BetweenLCB=sqrt(betweenLCB)/grandmean*100, BetweenUCB=sqrt(betweenUCB)/grandmean*100, Total=totalCV, TotalLCB=sqrt(totalLCB)/grandmean*100, TotalUCB=sqrt(totalUCB)/grandmean*100) if(!digits=="NA"){ result$Mean<-signif(result$Mean,digits=digits) result$MeanLCB<-signif(result$MeanLCB,digits=digits) result$MeanUCB<-signif(result$MeanUCB,digits=digits) result$Within<-signif(result$Within,digits=digits) result$WithinLCB<-signif(result$WithinLCB,digits=digits) result$WithinUCB<-signif(result$WithinUCB,digits=digits) result$Between<-signif(result$Between,digits=digits) result$BetweenLCB<-signif(result$BetweenLCB,digits=digits) result$BetweenUCB<-signif(result$BetweenUCB,digits=digits) result$Total<-signif(result$Total,digits=digits) result$TotalLCB<-signif(result$TotalLCB,digits=digits) result$TotalUCB<-signif(result$TotalUCB,digits=digits) } return(result) } assayvar<-function(adata, aresponse, afactor, anominal, aconfidence=95, digits=3, debug=FALSE){ result<-ddply(adata,anominal,function(df){ resul<-avar(dataf=df,afactor=afactor,aresponse=aresponse,aconfidence=aconfidence, digits=digits, debug=debug) resul$n<-nrow(subset(df, !, get(aresponse))))) return(resul) }) return(result) }