que dcl datos comandos ms-access

comandos - ¿Hay alguna forma de que MS Access 2003 genere un conjunto de archivos DDL, DML y DCL para un diseño y conjunto de datos existentes?

que es dml (2)

Tengo una base de datos existente que tiene algunos datos de prueba y estoy interesado en convertirlo en un conjunto de archivos DDL, DML y DCL para poder ejecutarlo contra otros sistemas de bases de datos y crear el mismo esquema y tal. La base de datos es MS Access 2003.


  1. Si su base de datos objetivo es MS SQL Server, puede usar el asistente de conversión para portar la base de datos de acceso. Puede instalar y usar MS SQL Server Express Edition y extraer el DDL desde allí.

  2. MS Visio 2003 Enterprise tiene una herramienta de ingeniería inversa de la base de datos que puede importar los objetos desde la base de datos de Access y luego exportar el SQL. (Esto solía ser estándar en Visio 2000, si puede tener eso en sus manos).

Acabo de pasar por esta pregunta ... es antigua, pero para referencia futura, escribí dos cscripts que le dan el DDL y el DML de la base de datos y acceso, pegados a continuación. Solo lo han usado en comparación con los archivos de Access 2003, pero probablemente también deberían funcionar correctamente en Access 2007+.

También estoy escribiendo una herramienta de transferencia de base de datos en Ruby que en su mayoría funciona con archivos Access mdb como fuente, basada en el conjunto de herramientas de la base de datos Sequel.

```cscript '' ddl.vbs '' Usage: '' CScript //Nologo ddl.vbs <input mdb file> > <output> '' '' Outputs DDL statements for tables, indexes, and relations from Access file '' (.mdb, .accdb) <input file> to stdout. '' Requires Microsoft Access. '' '' NOTE: Adapted from code from "polite person" + Kevin Chambers - see: '' http://www.mombu.com/microsoft/comp-databases-ms-access/t-exporting-jet-table-metadata-as-text-119667.html '' '' (c) 2012 Eric Gjertsen '' [email protected] '' ''Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: '' '' The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. '' '' THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. '' Option Explicit Dim stdout, fso Dim strFile Dim appAccess, db, tbl, idx, rel Set stdout = WScript.StdOut Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '' Parse args If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) then MsgBox "Usage: cscript //Nologo ddl.vbs access-file", vbExclamation, "Error" Wscript.Quit() End if strFile = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0)) '' Open mdb file Set appAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application") appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strFile Set db = appAccess.DBEngine(0)(0) '' Iterate over tables '' create table statements For Each tbl In db.TableDefs If Not isSystemTable(tbl) And Not isHiddenTable(tbl) Then stdout.WriteLine getTableDDL(tbl) stdout.WriteBlankLines(1) '' Iterate over indexes '' create index statements For Each idx In tbl.Indexes stdout.WriteLine getIndexDDL(tbl, idx) Next stdout.WriteBlankLines(2) End If Next '' Iterate over relations '' alter table add constraint statements For Each rel In db.Relations Set tbl = db.TableDefs(rel.Table) If Not isSystemTable(tbl) And Not isHiddenTable(tbl) Then stdout.WriteLine getRelationDDL(rel) stdout.WriteBlankLines(1) End If Next Function getTableDDL(tdef) Const dbBoolean = 1 Const dbByte = 2 Const dbCurrency = 5 Const dbDate = 8 Const dbDouble = 7 Const dbInteger = 3 Const dbLong = 4 Const dbDecimal = 20 Const dbFloat = 17 Const dbMemo = 12 Const dbSingle = 6 Const dbText = 10 Const dbGUID = 15 Const dbAutoIncrField = 16 Dim fld Dim sql Dim ln, a sql = "CREATE TABLE " & QuoteObjectName(tdef.name) & " (" ln = vbCrLf For Each fld In tdef.fields sql = sql & ln & " " & QuoteObjectName(fld.name) & " " Select Case fld.Type Case dbBoolean ''Boolean a = "BIT" Case dbByte ''Byte a = "BYTE" Case dbCurrency ''Currency a = "MONEY" Case dbDate ''Date / Time a = "DATETIME" Case dbDouble ''Double a = "DOUBLE" Case dbInteger ''Integer a = "INTEGER" Case dbLong ''Long ''test if counter, doesn''t detect random property if set If (fld.Attributes And dbAutoIncrField) Then a = "COUNTER" Else a = "LONG" End If Case dbDecimal ''Decimal a = "DECIMAL" Case dbFloat ''Float a = "FLOAT" Case dbMemo ''Memo a = "MEMO" Case dbSingle ''Single a = "SINGLE" Case dbText ''Text a = "VARCHAR(" & fld.Size & ")" Case dbGUID ''Text a = "GUID" Case Else ''>>> raise error MsgBox "Field " & tdef.name & "." & fld.name & _ " of type " & fld.Type & " has been ignored!!!" End Select sql = sql & a If fld.Required Then _ sql = sql & " NOT NULL " If Len(fld.DefaultValue) > 0 Then _ sql = sql & " DEFAULT " & fld.DefaultValue ln = ", " & vbCrLf Next sql = sql & vbCrLf & ");" getTableDDL = sql End Function Function getIndexDDL(tdef, idx) Dim sql, ln, myfld If Left(idx.name, 1) = "{" Then ''ignore, GUID-type indexes - bugger them ElseIf idx.Foreign Then ''this index was created by a relation. recreating the ''relation will create this for us, so no need to do it here Else ln = "" sql = "CREATE " If idx.Unique Then sql = sql & "UNIQUE " End If sql = sql & "INDEX " & QuoteObjectName(idx.name) & " ON " & _ QuoteObjectName(tdef.name) & "( " For Each myfld In idx.fields sql = sql & ln & QuoteObjectName(myfld.name) ln = ", " Next sql = sql & " )" If idx.Primary Then sql = sql & " WITH PRIMARY" ElseIf idx.IgnoreNulls Then sql = sql & " WITH IGNORE NULL" ElseIf idx.Required Then sql = sql & " WITH DISALLOW NULL" End If sql = sql & ";" End If getIndexDDL = sql End Function '' Returns the SQL DDL to add a relation between two tables. '' Oddly, DAO will not accept the ON DELETE or ON UPDATE '' clauses, so the resulting sql must be executed through ADO Function getRelationDDL(myrel) Const dbRelationUpdateCascade = 256 Const dbRelationDeleteCascade = 4096 Dim mytdef Dim myfld Dim sql, ln With myrel sql = "ALTER TABLE " & QuoteObjectName(.ForeignTable) & _ " ADD CONSTRAINT " & QuoteObjectName(.name) & " FOREIGN KEY ( " ln = "" For Each myfld In .fields ''ie fields of the relation sql = sql & ln & QuoteObjectName(myfld.ForeignName) ln = "," Next sql = sql & " ) " & "REFERENCES " & _ QuoteObjectName(.table) & "( " ln = "" For Each myfld In .fields sql = sql & ln & QuoteObjectName(myfld.name) ln = "," Next sql = sql & " )" If (myrel.Attributes And dbRelationUpdateCascade) Then _ sql = sql & " ON UPDATE CASCADE" If (myrel.Attributes And dbRelationDeleteCascade) Then _ sql = sql & " ON DELETE CASCADE" sql = sql & ";" End With getRelationDDL = sql End Function Function isSystemTable(tbl) Dim nAttrib Const dbSystemObject = -2147483646 isSystemTable = False nAttrib = tbl.Attributes isSystemTable = (nAttrib <> 0 And ((nAttrib And dbSystemObject) <> 0)) End Function Function isHiddenTable(tbl) Dim nAttrib Const dbHiddenObject = 1 isHiddenTable = False nAttrib = tbl.Attributes isHiddenTable = (nAttrib <> 0 And ((nAttrib And dbHiddenObject) <> 0)) End Function Function QuoteObjectName(str) QuoteObjectName = "[" & str & "]" End Function ```

```cscript '' dump.vbs '' Usage: '' CScript //Nologo dump.vbs access-file [table] > <output> '' '' Outputs INSERT SQL statements for all data in specified table of Access '' file (.mdb, .accdb) to stdout. If no table specified, then statements are '' generated for all tables in Access file. '' '' Requires Microsoft Access. '' '' (c) 2012 Eric Gjertsen '' [email protected] '' ''Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: '' '' The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. '' '' THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. '' Option Explicit Dim stdout, stderr, fso Dim strFile, strTbl Dim appAccess, db, tbl, rst Set stdout = WScript.StdOut Set stderr = WScript.StdErr Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '' Parse args If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) then MsgBox "Usage: cscript //Nologo dump.vbs access-file [table]", vbExclamation, "Error" Wscript.Quit() End if strFile = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.Arguments(0)) strTbl = "" If WScript.Arguments.Count = 2 Then strTbl = WScript.Arguments(1) End If '' Open mdb file Set appAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application") appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strFile Set db = appAccess.DBEngine(0)(0) '' Iterate over tables '' dump records as INSERT INTO statements For Each tbl In db.TableDefs If (Len(strTbl)>0 And UCase(tbl.Name) = UCase(strTbl)) Or _ (Len(strTbl)=0 And Not isSystemTable(tbl) And Not isHiddenTable(tbl)) Then Set rst = tbl.OpenRecordset If Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF Then rst.MoveFirst stderr.WriteLine "Dumping table " + tbl.Name While Not rst.EOF stdout.WriteLine getRecSQL(tbl, rst) rst.MoveNext Wend stdout.WriteBlankLines(1) End If stdout.WriteBlankLines(1) End if Next Function getRecSQL(tdef, rst) Dim fld, sql Dim flds, vals, i ReDim flds(tdef.Fields.count - 1) ReDim vals(tdef.Fields.count - 1) i = -1 For Each fld In tdef.fields i = i + 1 flds(i) = QuoteObjectName(fld.name) vals(i) = serializeValue(rst.Fields(fld.name).Value, fld.Type) Next sql = "INSERT INTO " & QuoteObjectName(tdef.Name) & " (" & Join(flds,",") & ") " & _ "VALUES (" & Join(vals,",") & ");" getRecSQL = sql End Function Function serializeValue( val, fldType ) Const dbBoolean = 1 Const dbByte = 2 Const dbCurrency = 5 Const dbDate = 8 Const dbDouble = 7 Const dbInteger = 3 Const dbLong = 4 Const dbDecimal = 20 Const dbFloat = 17 Const dbMemo = 12 Const dbSingle = 6 Const dbText = 10 Const dbGUID = 15 Const dbAutoIncrField = 16 Dim a, ln ln = Chr(13) + Chr(10) If IsNull(val) Then a = "Null" Else Select Case fldType Case dbBoolean, dbByte, dbCurrency, dbDouble, dbInteger, dbLong, dbDecimal, dbFloat, dbSingle, dbGUID a = CStr(val) Case dbDate a = "#" & CStr(val) & "#" Case dbMemo, dbText a = Chr(34) + Replace(Replace(val, Chr(34), Chr(34) + Chr(34)), ln, " ") + Chr(34) Case Else ''>>> raise error a = "Null" End Select End If serializeValue = a End Function Function isSystemTable(tbl) Dim nAttrib Const dbSystemObject = -2147483646 isSystemTable = False nAttrib = tbl.Attributes isSystemTable = (nAttrib <> 0 And ((nAttrib And dbSystemObject) <> 0)) End Function Function isHiddenTable(tbl) Dim nAttrib Const dbHiddenObject = 1 isHiddenTable = False nAttrib = tbl.Attributes isHiddenTable = (nAttrib <> 0 And ((nAttrib And dbHiddenObject) <> 0)) End Function Function QuoteObjectName(str) QuoteObjectName = "[" & str & "]" End Function ```