paginar paginacion consulta sql sql-server-2008 pagination

paginacion - sql server 2008 pagination

Cómo hacer paginación en SQL Server 2008 (7)

Estas son mi solución para paginar el resultado de la consulta en el lado del servidor SQL. He agregado el concepto de filtrado y orden con una columna. Es muy eficiente cuando busca y filtra y ordena en su Gridview.

Antes de realizar la prueba, debe crear una tabla de muestra e insertar una fila en esta tabla: (en el mundo real, debe cambiar la cláusula Where considerando su campo de tabla y quizás tenga alguna combinación y subconsulta en la parte principal de select)

Create Table VLT ( ID int IDentity(1,1), Name nvarchar(50), Tel Varchar(20) ) GO Insert INTO VLT VALUES (''NAME'' + Convert(varchar(10),@@identity),''FAMIL'' + Convert(varchar(10),@@identity)) GO 500000

En SQL Server 2008, puede usar el concepto CTE. Por eso, he escrito dos tipos de consultas para SQL Server 2008+

- SQL Server 2008+

DECLARE @PageNumber Int = 1200 DECLARE @PageSize INT = 200 DECLARE @SortByField int = 1 --The field used for sort by DECLARE @SortOrder nvarchar(255) = ''ASC'' --ASC or DESC DECLARE @FilterType nvarchar(255) = ''None'' --The filter type, as defined on the client side (None/Contain/NotContain/Match/NotMatch/True/False/) DECLARE @FilterValue nvarchar(255) = '''' --The value the user gave for the filter DECLARE @FilterColumn int = 1 --The column to wich the filter is applied, represents the column number like when we send the information. SELECT Data.ID, Data.Name, Data.Tel FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = ''ASC'' THEN VLT.ID END ASC, CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = ''DESC'' THEN VLT.ID END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = ''ASC'' THEN VLT.Name END ASC, CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = ''DESC'' THEN VLT.Name END ASC, CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = ''ASC'' THEN VLT.Tel END ASC, CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = ''DESC'' THEN VLT.Tel END ASC ) AS RowNum ,* FROM VLT WHERE ( -- We apply the filter logic here CASE WHEN @FilterType = ''None'' THEN 1 -- Name column filter WHEN @FilterType = ''Contain'' AND @FilterColumn = 1 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.ID LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotContain'' AND @FilterColumn = 1 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.ID NOT LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''Match'' AND @FilterColumn = 1 AND VLT.ID = @FilterValue THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotMatch'' AND @FilterColumn = 1 AND VLT.ID <> @FilterValue THEN 1 -- Name column filter WHEN @FilterType = ''Contain'' AND @FilterColumn = 2 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.Name LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotContain'' AND @FilterColumn = 2 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.Name NOT LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''Match'' AND @FilterColumn = 2 AND VLT.Name = @FilterValue THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotMatch'' AND @FilterColumn = 2 AND VLT.Name <> @FilterValue THEN 1 -- Tel column filter WHEN @FilterType = ''Contain'' AND @FilterColumn = 3 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.Tel LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotContain'' AND @FilterColumn = 3 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.Tel NOT LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''Match'' AND @FilterColumn = 3 AND VLT.Tel = @FilterValue THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotMatch'' AND @FilterColumn = 3 AND VLT.Tel <> @FilterValue THEN 1 END ) = 1 ) AS Data WHERE Data.RowNum > @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) AND Data.RowNum <= @PageSize * @PageNumber ORDER BY Data.RowNum GO

Y una segunda solución con CTE en el servidor SQL 2008+

DECLARE @PageNumber Int = 1200 DECLARE @PageSize INT = 200 DECLARE @SortByField int = 1 --The field used for sort by DECLARE @SortOrder nvarchar(255) = ''ASC'' --ASC or DESC DECLARE @FilterType nvarchar(255) = ''None'' --The filter type, as defined on the client side (None/Contain/NotContain/Match/NotMatch/True/False/) DECLARE @FilterValue nvarchar(255) = '''' --The value the user gave for the filter DECLARE @FilterColumn int = 1 --The column to wich the filter is applied, represents the column number like when we send the information. ;WITH Data_CTE AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = ''ASC'' THEN VLT.ID END ASC, CASE WHEN @SortByField = 1 AND @SortOrder = ''DESC'' THEN VLT.ID END DESC, CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = ''ASC'' THEN VLT.Name END ASC, CASE WHEN @SortByField = 2 AND @SortOrder = ''DESC'' THEN VLT.Name END ASC, CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = ''ASC'' THEN VLT.Tel END ASC, CASE WHEN @SortByField = 3 AND @SortOrder = ''DESC'' THEN VLT.Tel END ASC ) AS RowNum ,* FROM VLT WHERE ( -- We apply the filter logic here CASE WHEN @FilterType = ''None'' THEN 1 -- Name column filter WHEN @FilterType = ''Contain'' AND @FilterColumn = 1 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.ID LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotContain'' AND @FilterColumn = 1 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.ID NOT LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''Match'' AND @FilterColumn = 1 AND VLT.ID = @FilterValue THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotMatch'' AND @FilterColumn = 1 AND VLT.ID <> @FilterValue THEN 1 -- Name column filter WHEN @FilterType = ''Contain'' AND @FilterColumn = 2 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.Name LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotContain'' AND @FilterColumn = 2 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.Name NOT LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''Match'' AND @FilterColumn = 2 AND VLT.Name = @FilterValue THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotMatch'' AND @FilterColumn = 2 AND VLT.Name <> @FilterValue THEN 1 -- Tel column filter WHEN @FilterType = ''Contain'' AND @FilterColumn = 3 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.Tel LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotContain'' AND @FilterColumn = 3 AND ( -- In this case, when the filter value is empty, we want to show everything. VLT.Tel NOT LIKE ''%'' + @FilterValue + ''%'' OR @FilterValue = '''' ) THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''Match'' AND @FilterColumn = 3 AND VLT.Tel = @FilterValue THEN 1 WHEN @FilterType = ''NotMatch'' AND @FilterColumn = 3 AND VLT.Tel <> @FilterValue THEN 1 END ) = 1 ) SELECT Data.ID, Data.Name, Data.Tel FROM Data_CTE AS Data WHERE Data.RowNum > @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) AND Data.RowNum <= @PageSize * @PageNumber ORDER BY Data.RowNum

¿Cómo se hace la paginación en SQL Server 2008?

Otra solución que funciona desde SQL 2005 al menos, es utilizar TOP con SELECT subconsultas y cláusulas ORDER BY.

En resumen, recuperar las filas de la página 2 con 10 filas por página es lo mismo que recuperar las últimas 10 filas de las primeras 20 filas. Lo que se traduce en recuperar las primeras 20 filas con orden ASC, y luego las primeras 10 filas con orden DESC, antes de ordenar nuevamente usando ASC.

Ejemplo: recuperación de la página 2 filas con 3 filas por página

create table test(id integer); insert into test values(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10); select * from ( select top 2 * from ( select top (4) * from test order by id asc) tmp1 order by id desc) tmp1 order by id asc

Puede usar ROW_NUMBER() :

Devuelve el número secuencial de una fila dentro de una partición de un conjunto de resultados, comenzando en 1 para la primera fila en cada partición.


WITH CTEResults AS ( SELECT IDColumn, SomeField, DateField, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DateField) AS RowNum FROM MyTable ) SELECT * FROM CTEResults WHERE RowNum BETWEEN 10 AND 20;

Puedes intentar algo como

DECLARE @Table TABLE( Val VARCHAR(50) ) DECLARE @PageSize INT, @Page INT SELECT @PageSize = 10, @Page = 2 ;WITH PageNumbers AS( SELECT Val, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Val) ID FROM @Table ) SELECT * FROM PageNumbers WHERE ID BETWEEN ((@Page - 1) * @PageSize + 1) AND (@Page * @PageSize)

SELECT DISTINCT Id, ParticipantId, ActivityDate, IsApproved, IsDeclined, IsDeleted, SubmissionDate, IsResubmitted,

[CategoryId] Id,[CategoryName] Name, [ActivityId] [Id],[ActivityName] Name,Points, [UserId] [Id],Email, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Id desc) AS RowNum from (SELECT DISTINCT Id,ParticipantId, ActivityDate,IsApproved, IsDeclined,IsDeleted, SubmissionDate, IsResubmitted, [CategoryId] [CategoryId],[CategoryName] [CategoryName], [ActivityId] [ActivityId],[ActivityName] [ActivityName],Points, [UserId] [UserId],Email, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Id desc) AS RowNum from (SELECT DISTINCT ASN.Id, ASN.ParticipantId,ASN.ActivityDate, ASN.IsApproved,ASN.IsDeclined, ASN.IsDeleted,ASN.SubmissionDate, CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FDS_ActivitySubmission WHERE ParentId=ASN.Id)>0 THEN CONVERT(BIT, 1) ELSE CONVERT(BIT, 0) END IsResubmitted, AC.Id [CategoryId], AC.Name [CategoryName], A.Id [ActivityId],A.Name [ActivityName],A.Points, U.Id[UserId],U.Email FROM FDS_ActivitySubmission ASN WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN FDS_ActivityCategory AC WITH (NOLOCK) ON AC.Id=ASN.ActivityCategoryId INNER JOIN FDS_ApproverDetails FDSA ON FDSA.ParticipantID=ASN.ParticipantID INNER JOIN FDS_ActivityJobRole FAJ


FDS_Activity A WITH (NOLOCK) ON A.Id=ASN.ActivityId INNER JOIN Users U WITH (NOLOCK) ON ASN.ParticipantId=FDSA.ParticipantID WHERE IsDeclined=@IsDeclined AND IsApproved=@IsApproved AND ASN.IsDeleted=0 AND ISNULL(U.Id,0)=ISNULL(@ApproverId,0) AND ISNULL(ASN.IsDeleted,0)<>1)P)t where t.RowNum between (((@PageNumber - 1) * @PageSize) + 1) AND (@PageNumber * PageSize) AND t.IsDeclined=@IsDeclined AND t.IsApproved=@IsApproved AND t.IsDeleted = 0 AND (ISNULL(t.Id,0)=ISNULL(@SubmissionId,0)or ISNULL(@SubmissionId,0)<=0)

SQL Server 2012 proporciona funcionalidad de paginación (vea )

En SQL2008 puedes hacerlo de esta manera:

declare @rowsPerPage as bigint; declare @pageNum as bigint; set @rowsPerPage=25; set @pageNum=10; With SQLPaging As ( Select Top(@rowsPerPage * @pageNum) ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID asc) as resultNum, * FROM Employee ) select * from SQLPaging with (nolock) where resultNum > ((@pageNum - 1) * @rowsPerPage)

Prooven! Funciona y escala consistentemente.


CREATE TABLE #employee (EMPID INT IDENTITY, NAME VARCHAR(20)) DECLARE @id INT = 1 WHILE @id < 200 BEGIN INSERT INTO #employee ( NAME ) VALUES (''employee_'' + CAST(@id AS VARCHAR) ) SET @id = @id + 1 END


Este caso supone que EMPID es una columna única y ordenada.

Fuera del curso, lo aplicará en una columna diferente ...

DECLARE @pageSize INT = 20 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, PageNumber = CEILING(CAST(EMPID AS FLOAT)/@pageSize) FROM #employee ) MyQuery WHERE MyQuery.PageNumber = 1