pysimplesoap example consumir python soap

example - soap request python 3

GeneraciĆ³n de stubs soaplib de Python de WSDL (2)

Me gustaría generar una clase de servicio web SOAP stub utilizando el módulo soaplib de Python, basado en un WSDL existente. La idea es generar un simulacro para un servicio web de terceros.

¿Existe algún generador de códigos, o debemos escribir el nuestro?


De acuerdo, he intentado hackear mi script wsdl2interface ( ) para generar el código soaplib. Creo que tengo algo que funciona, aunque no es bonito ni especialmente probado.

Lo pegaré aquí para el registro. Podría persuadirme para que lo libere si alguien lo necesita, aunque no es exactamente mi mejor código. Tenga en cuenta que utiliza el analizador WSDL de Suds para generar el código soaplib, que es un poco extraño en sí mismo.

Correr así:

$ wsdl2soaplib <url or filename of WSDL> >

El código (necesitarás espuma en tu camino, idealmente en virtualenv):

from StringIO import StringIO import os.path import sys import textwrap import keyword import re import suds.client VALID_IDENTIFIER_RE = re.compile(r"[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z1-9]*") VALID_IDENTIFIER_FIRST_LETTER_RE = re.compile(r"[_A-Za-z]") VALID_IDENTIFIER_SUBSEQUENT_LETTER_RE = re.compile(r"[_A-Za-z1-9]") HEADER = ''''''/ """SOAP web services generated from: %(wsdl)s. """ from soaplib.serializers.primitive import ( String, Integer, Float, Double, DateTime, Bolean, Null, Array, Map, Any ) from soaplib.serializers.clazz import ClassSerializer from soaplib.service import SoapServiceBase from soaplib.service import soapmethod '''''' INTERFACE = ''''''/ class %(name)s(%(bases)s): """%(docstring)s""" '''''' SERVICE_INTERFACE_DOCSTRING = ''''''/ SOAP service ``%(serviceName)s`` with target namespace %(tns)s. '''''' TYPE_INTERFACE_DOCSTRING = ''''''/ SOAP %(type)s ``{%(namespace)s}%(name)s`` '''''' TYPE_MAP = ''''''/ WSDL_TYPES = { %(items)s } '''''' SOAPMETHOD = '''''' @soapmethod(%(args)s, _returns=%(response)s)'''''' METHOD = '''''' def %(name)s(self, %(args)s):'''''' METHOD_DOCSTRING = ''''''/ """Parameters: %(args)s Returns: %(response)s """ '''''' STANDARD_TYPE_NAMESPACES = [ '''', '''', '''' ] SCHEMA_TYPE_MAPPING = { None: ''%(typeName)s'', ''None'': ''None'', ''boolean'': ''Boolean'', ''string'': ''String'', ''long'': ''Integer'', ''int'': ''Integer'', ''short'': ''Integer'', ''byte'': ''Integer'', ''unsignedLong'': ''Integer'', ''unsignedInt'': ''Integer'', ''unsignedShort'': ''Integer'', ''unsignedByte'': ''Integer'', ''positiveInteger'': ''Integer'', ''nonPositiveInteger'': ''Integer'', ''negativeInteger'': ''Integer'', ''nonNegativeInteger'': ''Integer'', ''float'': ''Float'', ''double'': ''Float'', ''decimal'': ''Decimal'', ''dateTime'': ''DateTime'', ''date'': ''DateTime'', ''anyURI'': ''String'', ''token'': ''String'', ''normalizedString'': ''String'', ''base64Binary'': ''String'', ''hexBinary'': ''String'', } def formatDocstring(text, indent=4, colwidth=78): width = colwidth - indent joiner = ''/n'' + '' '' * indent return joiner.join(textwrap.wrap(text, width) + ['''']) def typeName(type, sd): resolved = type.resolve() return or '''' def schemaTypeName(type, sd, deps=None): resolved = type.resolve() name = or '''' schemaType = SCHEMA_TYPE_MAPPING.get(name) if schemaType is None: # not a standard type # user default schemaType = SCHEMA_TYPE_MAPPING[None] # possibly save dependency link if deps is not None: deps.append(unicode(name)) required = type.required() schemaType = schemaType % dict(typeName=name, required=required) if type.unbounded(): schemaType = "Array(%s)" % schemaType return schemaType def normalizeIdentifier(identifier): if not VALID_IDENTIFIER_RE.match(identifier): newIdentifierLetters = [] firstLetter = True for letter in identifier: if firstLetter: if VALID_IDENTIFIER_FIRST_LETTER_RE.match(letter): newIdentifierLetters.append(letter) else: newIdentifierLetters.append(''_'') firstLetter = False else: if VALID_IDENTIFIER_SUBSEQUENT_LETTER_RE.match(letter): newIdentifierLetters.append(letter) else: newIdentifierLetters.append(''_'') identifier = ''''.join(newIdentifierLetters) if keyword.iskeyword(identifier): identifier = identifier + ''_'' return identifier def generate(client, url=None, standardTypeNamespaces=STANDARD_TYPE_NAMESPACES, removeInputOutputMesssages=True): """Given a WSDL URL, return a file that could become your """ printed = [] # sequence of type name -> string for sd in serviceOut = StringIO() print >>serviceOut, HEADER % dict( wsdl=url, ) printed.append(('''', serviceOut.getvalue(),)) # Types typeMap = {} typeSeq = [] typeDeps = {} typeAttributes = {} typesPrinted = [] for type_ in sd.types: typeOut = StringIO() resolved = type_[0].resolve() namespaceURL = resolved.namespace()[1] if namespaceURL not in standardTypeNamespaces: if resolved.enum(): typeDescription = "enumeration" else: typeDescription = "complex type" # Look for basess interfaceBases = [] if resolved.extension(): def find(t): for c in t.rawchildren: if c.extension(): find(c) if c.ref is not None: interfaceBases.append(c.ref[0]) find(resolved) if not interfaceBases: interfaceBases = [''ClassSerializer''] rawTypeName = typeName(type_[0], sd) typeInterfaceName = normalizeIdentifier(rawTypeName) typeMap[rawTypeName] = typeInterfaceName typeSeq.append((rawTypeName, typeInterfaceName,)) typeAttributes[rawTypeName] = {} print >>typeOut, INTERFACE % dict( name=normalizeIdentifier(typeInterfaceName), bases='', ''.join(interfaceBases), docstring=formatDocstring(TYPE_INTERFACE_DOCSTRING % dict( type=typeDescription, name=rawTypeName, namespace=namespaceURL, ) ) ) print >>typeOut, " class types:" if resolved.enum(): for attr in type_[0].children(): name = attr[0].name.replace('' '', ''_'') print >>typeOut, " %s = String # XXX: Enumeration value" % name else: for attr in type_[0].children(): name = attr[0].name.replace('' '', ''_'') attrTypeName = typeName(attr[0], sd) typeAttributes[rawTypeName][name] = attrTypeName schemaType = schemaTypeName(attr[0], sd, deps=typeDeps.setdefault(unicode(rawTypeName), [])) print >>typeOut, " %s = %s" % (normalizeIdentifier(name), schemaType,) print >>typeOut typesPrinted.append((rawTypeName, typeOut.getvalue(),)) serviceInterfaceOut = StringIO() # Main service interface print >>serviceInterfaceOut, INTERFACE % dict( name=normalizeIdentifier(, bases=u"SoapServiceBase", docstring=formatDocstring(SERVICE_INTERFACE_DOCSTRING % dict(, tns=sd.wsdl.tns[1], ) ) ) methods = {} # name -> (response type, list of parameters,) for p in sd.ports: for m in p[1]: methodName = m[0] methodArgs = m[1] if methodName not in methods: methodDef = p[0].method(methodName) # XXX: This is discards the namespace part if methodDef.soap.output.body.wrapped: inputMessage =[0].element[0] outputMessage =[0].element[0] if outputMessage in typeAttributes: if len(typeAttributes[outputMessage]) > 0: response = typeAttributes[outputMessage].values()[0] else: response = "None" else: response = outputMessage # Remove types used as input/output messages if removeInputOutputMesssages: remove = False for idx, (t, x) in enumerate(typesPrinted): if t == inputMessage: remove = True break if remove: del typesPrinted[idx] if inputMessage in typeMap: del typeMap[inputMessage] remove = False for idx, (t, x) in enumerate(typesPrinted): if t == outputMessage: remove = True break if remove: del typesPrinted[idx] if outputMessage in typeMap: del typeMap[outputMessage] else: response =[0].element[0] methods[methodName] = (response, methodArgs,) for methodName in sorted(methods): methodArgNames = [m[0] for m in methods[methodName][1]] methodReturnType = methods[methodName][0] methodArgDetails = [] methodArgSpecs = [] for m in methods[methodName][1]: argDetail = m[1] # for docstring methodModifierParts = [] if not argDetail.required(): methodModifierParts.append(''optional'') if argDetail.nillable: methodModifierParts.append(''may be None'') methodModifiers = "" if methodModifierParts: methodModifiers = '' (%s)'' % '', ''.join(methodModifierParts) argTypeName = typeName(argDetail, sd) methodSpec = "``%s`` -- %s%s" % (, argTypeName, methodModifiers ) methodArgDetails.append(methodSpec) # for @soapmethod decorator schemaType = schemaTypeName(argDetail, sd) methodArgSpecs.append(schemaType) # TODO: Probably not aware of array return types if methodReturnType not in typeMap and methodReturnType in SCHEMA_TYPE_MAPPING: methodReturnType = SCHEMA_TYPE_MAPPING[methodReturnType] print >>serviceInterfaceOut, SOAPMETHOD % dict( args='', ''.join(methodArgSpecs), response=methodReturnType, ) print >>serviceInterfaceOut, METHOD % dict( name=normalizeIdentifier(methodName), args='', ''.join(methodArgNames), ) print >>serviceInterfaceOut, METHOD_DOCSTRING % dict( args=''/n ''.join(methodArgDetails), response=methodReturnType, ) print >>serviceInterfaceOut # Sort list of complex types based on internal dependencies def sortDeps(printed): printed = list(reversed(printed)) queue = [item for item in printed if len(typeDeps.get(unicode(item[0]), [])) == 0] satisfied = set(queue) remaining = [item for item in printed if item not in queue] sortedPrinted = [] while queue: item = queue.pop() itemTypeName = unicode(item[0]) sortedPrinted.append(item) satisfied.add(itemTypeName) for item in remaining: remainingItemTypeName = unicode(item[0]) depsList = typeDeps.get(remainingItemTypeName, []) remainingDeps = [] for dep in depsList: if dep not in satisfied: remainingDeps.append(dep) typeDeps[remainingItemTypeName] = remainingDeps if len(remainingDeps) == 0: queue.append(item) remaining.remove(item) return sortedPrinted typesPrinted = sortDeps(typesPrinted) # Print everything printed.extend(typesPrinted) printed.append((, serviceInterfaceOut.getvalue(),)) typeMapOut = StringIO() print >>typeMapOut, TYPE_MAP % dict( items='',/n''.join([" ''%s'': %s" % k for k in typeSeq if k[0] in typeMap]) ) print >>typeMapOut printed.append(('''', typeMapOut.getvalue(),)) return ''/n''.join([v[1] for v in printed]) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Usage: %s <url>" % sys.argv[0] print "The output will be printed to the console" return if not ''://'' in sys.argv[1]: sys.argv[1] = ''file://'' + os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) client = suds.client.Client(sys.argv[1]) print generate(client, sys.argv[1]) if __name__ == ''__main__'': main()