tracker tools seguimiento propiedad google code javascript google-analytics universal-analytics

javascript - tools - Error de Google Analytics en ga("enviar", "vista de página") en ciertas páginas

universal analytics vs google analytics (1)

Recibí el mismo mensaje de error también.

Error: type = {0: "len", 1: 18608} method = message = account =

Busqué cómo resolver este problema en Stackoverflow. Y encontré un artículo. Puede tener interés en eso.

El artículo dice:

el límite para una solicitud http al punto final de Google Analytics es de 8192 bytes; esto se indica en la documentación del protocolo de medición (que es la base de Universal Analytics)

Para evitar dicho límite, puede limitar los datos de impresión para reducir la solicitud http. Después de leer este artículo, limité los datos de impresión solo a la identificación, a la marca y al precio. Excluí los datos del nombre.

Puede remitir este artículo de Stackoverflow por Eike Pierstorff. Google analitico. Comercio electrónico mejorado. Límite de impresiones del producto

Después de implementar Comercio electrónico mejorado, descubro que un subconjunto muy pequeño de páginas aparece en Google Analytics como que no tiene el código de Analytics.

Al inspeccionar la fuente, no hay diferencia entre el código en las páginas que están fallando y aquellas en las páginas que se validan correctamente.

Instalé la extensión GA Debug de Google Chrome y puedo ver que en algunas páginas hay un error al regresar de la llamada ga("send", "pageview") .

Sin embargo, no puedo encontrar información en ningún documento ni en ningún lugar en línea que describa los posibles errores de la llamada ga("send", "pageview") o proporciona información que pueda ayudar a diagnosticar posibles problemas.

Es importante destacar que no hay errores de javascript en la página, la única forma en que puedo ver algo es con el plugin GA Debug, que algunas personas dicen que realmente no funciona muy bien. Sin embargo, Google muestra un problema desconocido con este pequeño subconjunto de páginas.

Aquí hay una muestra del código en una de las páginas:

<script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[''GoogleAnalyticsObject'']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1 *new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,''script'',''//'',''ga''); ga(''create'', ''UA-500228-1'', ''auto''); ga(''require'', ''ec''); // Load the advanced ecommerce plug-in. ga(''require'', ''displayfeatures''); // Load display advertising. ga(''set'', ''&cu'', ''GBP''); // Set currency // Add generated analytics elements from the request container ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109021CB'' , ''name'': ''Cam shaft, Type 4 Mechanical Std. (No Cam Wheel)'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 1 , ''price'': 148.75 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''071109021CB'' , ''name'': ''Cam shaft Type4 Hydraulic Std (No Cam Wheel)'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 2 , ''price'': 133.92 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021198541'' , ''name'': '' Cam bearing set, std, 1.7-2.0 [43]'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 3 , ''price'': 9.93 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109309G'' , ''name'': ''Cam follower 1.7-2.0 Type4 engine 72-78'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 4 , ''price'': 9.00 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''022109309'' , ''name'': ''Cam Follower Hydraulic Type 4/WBX & CT Engine'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 5 , ''price'': 14.17 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''AC10920091'' , ''name'': '' Lifters, Type 4 Scat Lube-a-Lobe Set of 8'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''SCAT'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 6 , ''price'': 95.33 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109301A'' , ''name'': ''Pushrod, Type4 with Solid tappets, 271mm'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''VW'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 7 , ''price'': 24.83 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021198335'' , ''name'': ''Pushrod Tube and Seal Kit for Type 4 Engines 1700-2000'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''KITS'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 8 , ''price'': 40.33 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109335C'' , ''name'': ''Push rod tube 1.7-2.0 Aircooled'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''SSP'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 9 , ''price'': 4.92 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109335CSS'' , ''name'': ''Push rod tube 1.7-2.0 Aircooled Stainless Steel'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''KAEFER'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 10 , ''price'': 8.58 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109345A'' , ''name'': '' Pushrod Seal, Between Tube & Case,1.7-2.0, Small [37]'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 11 , ''price'': 0.42 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109349B'' , ''name'': '' Pushrod Seal, Tube to Head, 1.7-2.0, Large 25.1 [37]'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 12 , ''price'': 0.42 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109339'' , ''name'': ''Retaining wire, push rods tube 1.7-2.0'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 13 , ''price'': 6.42 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''113109651A'' , ''name'': ''Valve collet, all aircooled, WBX, Diesel and Golf 1100-1800'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 14 , ''price'': 0.83 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109641B'' , ''name'': '' Retainer, valve spring, 1.7-2.0 [38]'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 15 , ''price'': 3.72 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109623K'' , ''name'': ''Valve Spring, Type4 1.7-2.0'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 16 , ''price'': 4.17 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109601'' , ''name'': ''Inlet valve, 1.7 & 1.8 8/74-&#62; (39.3mm x 8mm Stem)'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''IVAM'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 17 , ''price'': 5.42 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''022109601'' , ''name'': '' Inlet valve, 1.8, 8/73-7/74 (41x8mm) [39]'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''IVAM'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 18 , ''price'': 8.74 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021109601A'' , ''name'': ''Inlet valve, 2.0, 8/75-79 (37.5mm)'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''IVAM'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 19 , ''price'': 5.83 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''022109612D'' , ''name'': ''Exhaust valve, 1.7-2.0, 33mm'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''IVAM'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 20 , ''price'': 8.25 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''022109612A'' , ''name'': '' Exhaust valve, 1800cc, 34mm* [50]'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''IVAM'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 21 , ''price'': 8.50 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021101403A'' , ''name'': ''Valve Guide, Inlet, Type 4 Engine'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''IVAM'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 22 , ''price'': 3.36 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''021101417A'' , ''name'': ''Valve guide, exhaust, 9mm'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''IVAM'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 23 , ''price'': 3.33 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''022109443'' , ''name'': ''Rocker arm, Inlet, 2.0 Aircooled 76-83, 10mm screw'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''VW'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 24 , ''price'': 21.00 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''022109463'' , ''name'': ''**NLA** Rocker arm, Exhaust, 2.0 Aircooled 76-83, 10mm scr'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 25 , ''price'': 21.00 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''N0110077'' , ''name'': ''M7 nut for 1.7-2.0 Type4 rocker shafts'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 26 , ''price'': 0.25 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''043109451'' , ''name'': ''Valve screw, Best Quality ,1.2-1.6, 8/60-, 8mm'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 27 , ''price'': 1.67 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''022109451'' , ''name'': ''Adjusting screw,valve,1.8-2.0 2.1DJ,1.9DG 89-, 10mm,NOT 1.7!'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 28 , ''price'': 3.33 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''N0111525'' , ''name'': '' Nut, 8mm valve adjuster+general use [10]'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': '''' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 29 , ''price'': 0.34 }); ga(''ec:addImpression'', { ''id'': ''028109453'' , ''name'': ''Nut for 10mm valve adjusting screw'' , ''category'': ''Bay Bus 1968-79/Bay Bus 1968-79 Type 4 Engine Parts - 1.7, 1.8 & 2.0 litre/Valvetrain, Pushrods & Camshaft'' , ''brand'': ''VW'' , ''list'': ''Product listings'' , ''position'': 30 , ''price'': 2.08 }); ga(''send'', ''pageview'');

Esto es idéntico a muchas otras páginas que funcionan correctamente, obviamente con diferentes datos de productos, por lo que me pregunto si los datos del producto en sí están causando un problema.

El error que puedo ver en GA Debug es el siguiente:

Error: type={0: "len", 1: 9199} method= message= account= M.log O fc pc (anonymous function) gc.(anonymous function).H ad.(anonymous function).send b.(anonymous function) jf.R jf.H Z (anonymous function) (anonymous function) (anonymous function)

Las últimas tres funciones anónimas son de ec.js y el resto de analytics_debug.js.

Por supuesto, todo esto podría ser una pista falsa, ya que proviene de la depuración y no de GA en sí, pero no tengo otros indicadores de un problema fuera de Google que nieguen que estas páginas tengan código.