vba ms-access combobox access-vba ms-access-2010

vba - Busque mientras escribe con MS Access Combobox

ms-access access-vba (2)

Me gustaría crear un cuadro combinado de búsqueda simple como se escribe en Microsoft Access como se muestra en la imagen a continuación.

NB: la imagen de arriba es de una implementación complicada de lo que estoy tratando de lograr desde aquí

Mi cuadro combinado se llama ctlSearch . Utilizando Visual Basic, me gustaría conectarme al evento onChange , detectar la entrada del usuario y, en consecuencia, perfeccionar la lista de posibles resultados. ¿Es posible utilizar este enfoque para implementar el cuadro combinado de búsqueda por tipo?

Puede configurar el combo o cuadro de lista de la siguiente manera:

SELECT ID,Hotel,Location FROM Sometable t WHERE t.Hotel LIKE "*" & Forms!YourForm!txtSearch.Text & "*" ORDER BY t.Hotel

Luego, en el evento Cambiar, vuelva a consultar el combo o el cuadro de lista.

Intenta usar esto Esto es mucho más simple que tu fuente mencionada.

Option Compare Database Option Explicit ''************* Code Start ************** '' This code was originally written by OpenGate Software '' It is not to be altered or distributed, '' except as part of an application. '' You are free to use it in any application, '' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged. '' OpenGate Software http://www.opengatesw.net Function fLiveSearch(ctlSearchBox As TextBox, ctlFilter As Control, _ strFullSQL As String, strFilteredSQL As String, Optional ctlCountLabel As Control) ''================================================================================== '' THIS FUNCTION ALLOWS YOU TO FILTER A COMBO BOX OR LIST BOX AS THE USER TYPES '' ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS PASS IN THE CONTROL REFERENCE TO THE SEARCH BOX ON YOUR '' FORM, THE LISTBOX/COMBO BOX YOU WANT TO FILTER, AND WHAT THE FULL AND FILTERED '' SQL (ROWSOURCE) SHOULD BE. '' '' ctlSearchBox THE TEXTBOX THE USER TYPES IN TO SEARCH '' '' ctlFilter THE LISTBOX OR COMBOBOX ON THE FORM YOU WANT TO FILTER '' '' strFullSQL THE FULL ROWSOURCE YOU WANT TO DISPLAY AS A DEFAULT IF NO '' RESULTS ARE RETURNED '' '' strFilteredSQL THE FILTERED ROWSOURCE FOR THE LISTBOX/COMBOBOX; FOR EXAMPLE '' YOU WOULD WANT TO USE ''...like ""*" & me.txtsearch.value & "*""" '' TO FILTER THE RESULTS BASED ON THE USER''S SEARCH INPUT '' '' ctlCountLabel (OPTIONAL) THE LABEL ON YOUR FORM WHERE YOU WANT TO DISPLAY THE '' COUNT OF ROWS DISPLAYED IN THE LISTBOX/COMBOBOX AS THEY SEARCH ''===================================================================================== ''ADVANCED PARAMETERS - Change these constants to change the behaviour of the search Const iSensitivity = 1 ''Set to the number of characters the user must enter before the search starts Const blnEmptyOnNoMatch = True ''Set to true if you want nothing to appear if nothing matches their search 10 On Error GoTo err_handle ''restore the cursor to where they left off 20 ctlSearchBox.SetFocus 30 ctlSearchBox.SelStart = Len(ctlSearchBox.Value) + 1 40 If ctlSearchBox.Value <> "" Then ''Only fire if they''ve input more than two characters (otherwise it''s wasteful) 50 If Len(ctlSearchBox.Value) > iSensitivity Then 60 ctlFilter.RowSource = strFilteredSQL 70 If ctlFilter.ListCount > 0 Then 80 ctlSearchBox.SetFocus 90 ctlSearchBox.SelStart = Len(ctlSearchBox.Value) + 1 100 Else 110 If blnEmptyOnNoMatch = True Then 120 ctlFilter.RowSource = "" 130 Else 140 ctlFilter.RowSource = strFullSQL 150 End If 160 End If 170 Else 180 ctlFilter.RowSource = strFullSQL 190 End If 200 Else 210 ctlFilter.RowSource = strFullSQL 220 End If ''if there is a count label, then update it 230 If IsMissing(ctlCountLabel) = False Then 240 ctlCountLabel.Caption = "Displaying " & Format(ctlFilter.ListCount - 1, "#,##0") & " records" 250 End If 260 Exit Function err_handle: 270 Select Case Err.Number Case 91 ''no ctlCountLabel ''exit 280 Case 94 ''null string ''exit 290 Case Else 300 MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred: " & vbCrLf & Err.Description & _ vbCrLf & "Error " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & "Line: " & Erl 310 End Select End Function '' ***** Code End ******