versiones guia español descargar actualizar ios google-maps google-maps-sdk-ios google-polyline

guia - ios Google SDK Map no puede crear polilíneas con puntos

qgis manual (4)

Sí, lo hace, para líneas discontinuas necesita configurar algunas cosas.

Primero defina algunas variables

NSArray *_styles; NSArray *_lengths; NSArray *_polys; double _pos, _step;

La definición en la función, fuera del for..loop no está dentro, como lo estás haciendo

- (void) createDashedLine:(CLLocationCoordinate2D )thisPoint:(CLLocationCoordinate2D )nextPoint: (UIColor *)colour { double difLat = nextPoint.latitude - thisPoint.latitude; double difLng = nextPoint.longitude - thisPoint.longitude; double scale = camera.zoom * 2; double divLat = difLat / scale; double divLng = difLng / scale; CLLocationCoordinate2D tmpOrig= thisPoint; GMSMutablePath *singleLinePath = [GMSMutablePath path]; for(int i = 0 ; i < scale ; i ++){ CLLocationCoordinate2D tmpOri = tmpOrig; if(i > 0){ tmpOri = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 0.25f), tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 0.25f)); } [singleLinePath addCoordinate:tmpOri]; [singleLinePath addCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 1.0f), tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 1.0f))]; tmpOri = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 1.0f), tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 1.0f)); } GMSPolyline *polyline ; polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:singleLinePath]; polyline.geodesic = NO; polyline.strokeWidth = 5.f; polyline.strokeColor = colour; = mapView_; //Setup line style and draw _lengths = @[@([singleLinePath lengthOfKind:kGMSLengthGeodesic] / 100)]; _polys = @[polyline]; [self setupStyleWithColour:colour]; [self tick]; } - (void)tick { //Create steps for polyline(dotted polylines) for (GMSPolyline *poly in _polys) { poly.spans = GMSStyleSpans(poly.path, _styles, _lengths, kGMSLengthGeodesic, _pos); } _pos -= _step; } -(void)setupStyleWithColour:(UIColor *)color{ GMSStrokeStyle *gradColor = [GMSStrokeStyle gradientFromColor:color toColor:color]; _styles = @[ gradColor, [GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:0 alpha:0]], ]; _step = 50000; }

Espero eso ayude. Aclamaciones.

He llamado al siguiente método para dibujar las polilíneas punteadas entre los marcadores. Cuando se trata de la ejecución, muestra que solo se dibujan líneas continuas. ¿Podría decirme cómo dibujar líneas punteadas en Google Map?

- (void) createDashedLine:(CLLocationCoordinate2D )thisPoint:(CLLocationCoordinate2D )nextPoint: (UIColor *)colour { NSLog(@"next pt latitude %ff" , nextPoint.latitude); NSLog(@"next pt longitude %ff" , nextPoint.longitude); NSLog(@"this pt laatitude %ff" , thisPoint.latitude); NSLog(@"this pt longitude %ff" , thisPoint.longitude); double difLat = nextPoint.latitude - thisPoint.latitude; double difLng = nextPoint.longitude - thisPoint.longitude; double scale = camera.zoom * 2; double divLat = difLat / scale; double divLng = difLng / scale; CLLocationCoordinate2D tmpOrig= thisPoint; GMSMutablePath *singleLinePath = [GMSMutablePath path]; for(int i = 0 ; i < scale ; i ++){ CLLocationCoordinate2D tmpOri = tmpOrig; if(i > 0){ tmpOri = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 0.25f), tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 0.25f)); } [singleLinePath addCoordinate:tmpOri]; [singleLinePath addCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 1.0f), tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 1.0f))]; tmpOri = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 1.0f), tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 1.0f)); } GMSPolyline *polyline ; polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:singleLinePath]; polyline.geodesic = NO; polyline.strokeWidth = 5.f; polyline.strokeColor = colour; = mapView_; //Setup line style and draw _lengths = @[@([singleLinePath lengthOfKind:kGMSLengthGeodesic] / 50)]; _polys = @[polyline]; [self setupStyleWithColour:colour]; [self tick]; } - (void)tick { //Create steps for polyline(dotted polylines) for (GMSPolyline *poly in _polys) { poly.spans = GMSStyleSpans(poly.path, _styles, _lengths, kGMSLengthGeodesic, _pos); } _pos -= _step; } -(void)setupStyleWithColour:(UIColor *)color{ GMSStrokeStyle *gradColor = [GMSStrokeStyle gradientFromColor:color toColor:color]; _styles = @[gradColor,[GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:0 alpha:0]],]; _step = 50000; } - (void)addMarkers { // NSMutableArray *polys = [NSMutableArray array]; if([CarArray count] > 0){ GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path]; GMSMutablePath *currentPath = [GMSMutablePath path]; GMSPolyline *polyline ; GMSPolyline *polylineC ; GMSMarker *marker; for (int i = 0; i < [CarArray count]; i++) { CheckPoints *cp = [CarArray objectAtIndex:i]; CLLocationCoordinate2D position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(cp.getLatitude , cp.getLongitude); marker = [GMSMarker markerWithPosition:position]; // GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init]; marker.position = position; NSLog( @"%d", cp.getState ); NSLog( @"%f", cp.getLatitude); NSLog( @"%f", cp.getLongitude ); NSLog( @"%@", cp.getDesp ); marker.title = cp.getDesp; marker.zIndex = 1; NSString *tmpLat = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%f", position.latitude]; NSString *tmpLong = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%f", position.longitude]; marker.snippet = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", tmpLat,tmpLong]; UIColor *color; if (cp.getState ==0) { color = [UIColor greenColor]; } else { color = [UIColor redColor]; } if([CarArray count] > 2){ [path addLatitude:cp.getLatitude longitude:cp.getLongitude]; if(i > [CarArray indexOfObject:CarArray.lastObject] -2){ [currentPath addLatitude:cp.getLatitude longitude:cp.getLongitude]; } }else{ [currentPath addLatitude:cp.getLatitude longitude:cp.getLongitude]; } marker.icon = [GMSMarker markerImageWithColor:color]; = mapView_; // mapView_.selectedMarker = marker; } if([CarArray count] > 2) { polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:currentPath]; polyline.geodesic = YES; polyline.strokeWidth = 5.f; polyline.strokeColor = [UIColor greenColor]; = mapView_; _lengths = @[@([currentPath lengthOfKind:kGMSLengthGeodesic] / 50)]; _polys = @[polyline]; [self setupStyleWithColour:[UIColor greenColor]]; [self tick]; for(int i = 0 ; i < [currentPath count] -1 ; i++){ CLLocationCoordinate2D thisPoint = [currentPath coordinateAtIndex:i]; CLLocationCoordinate2D nextPoint = [currentPath coordinateAtIndex:i+1]; NSLog(@"next pt s latitude %ff" , nextPoint.latitude); NSLog(@"next pt s longitude %ff" , nextPoint.longitude); NSLog(@"this pt s latitude %ff" , thisPoint.latitude); NSLog(@"this pt s longitude %ff" , thisPoint.longitude); [self drawArrowLines:mapView_ :thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor greenColor]:i+1: false]; [self createDashedLine: thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor greenColor]]; } GMSMutablePath *path2 = [GMSMutablePath path]; GMSMutablePath *path3 = [GMSMutablePath path]; path2 = path.mutableCopy; [path2 removeLastCoordinate]; path3 = path2; polylineC = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:path3]; polylineC.geodesic = YES; polylineC.strokeWidth = 5.f; = mapView_; _lengths = @[@([currentPath lengthOfKind:kGMSLengthGeodesic] / 50)]; _polys = @[polylineC]; [self setupStyleWithColour:[UIColor greenColor]]; [self tick]; // polylineC.strokeColor = [UIColor redColor]; for(int i = 0 ; i < [path count] -1 ; i++){ CLLocationCoordinate2D thisPoint = [path coordinateAtIndex:i]; CLLocationCoordinate2D nextPoint = [path coordinateAtIndex:i+1]; NSLog(@"next pt s latitude %ff" , nextPoint.latitude); NSLog(@"next pt s longitude %ff" , nextPoint.longitude); NSLog(@"this pt s latitude %ff" , thisPoint.latitude); NSLog(@"this pt s longitude %ff" , thisPoint.longitude); [self drawArrowLines:mapView_ :thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor redColor]: i+1 : true]; [self createDashedLine: thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor redColor]]; } }else{ polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:currentPath]; polyline.geodesic = NO; polyline.strokeWidth = 5.f; polyline.strokeColor = [UIColor greenColor]; = mapView_; _lengths = @[@([currentPath lengthOfKind:kGMSLengthGeodesic] / 50)]; _polys = @[polyline]; [self setupStyleWithColour:[UIColor greenColor]]; [self tick]; for(int i = 0 ; i < [currentPath count] -1 ; i++){ CLLocationCoordinate2D thisPoint = [currentPath coordinateAtIndex:i]; CLLocationCoordinate2D nextPoint = [currentPath coordinateAtIndex:i+1]; NSLog(@"next pt s latitude %ff" , nextPoint.latitude); NSLog(@"next pt s longitude %ff" , nextPoint.longitude); NSLog(@"this pt s latitude %ff" , thisPoint.latitude); NSLog(@"this pt s longitude %ff" , thisPoint.longitude); [self drawArrowLines:mapView_ :thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor greenColor] : i+1 : false]; [self createDashedLine: thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor greenColor]]; } } } }

Crear una línea punteada en google maps es tan simple como esto. Esto define una polilínea con un patrón alternante verde y transparente.

GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path]; for (...) { // add coordinate to your path [path addCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude, longitude)]; } GMSPolyline *polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:path]; = self.mapView; polyline.strokeWidth = 3.0; NSArray *styles = @[[GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor greenColor]], [GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor clearColor]]]; NSArray *lengths = @[@25, @20]; polyline.spans = GMSStyleSpans(polyline.path, styles, lengths, kGMSLengthRhumb);

Si desea una línea punteada, puede ajustar la longitud a

NSArray *lengths = @[@10, @10];

Aquí está la traducción de Swift 3.0

//Returns a GMSPath parsed from gpx file path = GpxProcessor(fileNames: "test.gpx").getPolygons() redPolyline = GMSPolyline(path: path) redPolyline.geodesic = true = mapView let styles = [GMSStrokeStyle.solidColor(.clear), GMSStrokeStyle.solidColor(.red)] let lengths: [NSNumber] = [10, 10] redPolyline.spans = GMSStyleSpans(redPolyline.path!, styles, lengths,GMSLengthKind.rhumb)

Todos los que necesitan longitudes de segmentos de línea para ser independientes del nivel de zoom del mapa, esta es mi solución en breve. Creo polilínea de la misma manera que en esta respuesta , y luego de eso y en func mapView(mapView: GMSMapView, didChangeCameraPosition position: GMSCameraPosition) Llamo a este método:

func updateLine() { let styles = [ GMSStrokeStyle.solidColor(UIColor.blackColor()), GMSStrokeStyle.solidColor(UIColor.clearColor()) ] let scale = 1.0 / mapView.projection.pointsForMeters(1, atCoordinate: line.spans = GMSStyleSpans(line.path!, styles, [15.0 * scale, 10.0 * scale], kGMSLengthRhumb) }

15.0 y 10.0 son segmentos de longitud en puntos.