serial saber puerto programa para leer funciona como delphi windows-7 serial-port delphi-xe2

delphi - programa - como saber si el puerto serial funciona

¿Cómo detectar la adición de un nuevo puerto serie? (2)

Para comunicarse con los microcontroladores, uso el puerto serie. Yo uso TCommPortDriver 2.1 que funciona bien. Sin embargo, carece de la capacidad de detectar la adición o eliminación de nuevos puertos. Esto sucede regularmente durante una sesión.

¿Hay algún evento que indique cuándo se ha agregado o eliminado un comportamiento?

Actualización 1

Probé la primera sugerencia de RRUZ y la convertí en un programa independiente. Reacciona en un WM_DEVICECHANGE cuando el cable está enchufado o fuera, pero WParam no muestra la llegada o la eliminación del dispositivo. Los resultados son:

msg = 537, wparam = 7, lparam = 0 msg = 537, wparam = 7, lparam = 0 msg = 537, wparam = 7, lparam = 0

El primer mensaje se envía cuando el cable USB está enchufado y los dos siguientes cuando está enchufado. La parte del mensaje muestra el mensaje WM_DEVICECHANGE (537) pero WParam es 7, que no es WM_DEVICECHANGE o DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL . LParam un poco el código para que el mensaje fuera procesado, pero como LParam es cero, esto no sirve de nada. Los resultados son idénticos a VCL y FMX. Como verificación, ver el código a continuación.

Actualización 2

Ahora tengo el código WMI en ejecución. Solo se dispara cuando se agrega un puerto COM, no hay reacción cuando se elimina uno. Resultados:

TargetInstance.ClassGuid : {4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} TargetInstance.Description : Arduino Mega ADK R3 TargetInstance.Name : Arduino Mega ADK R3 (COM4) TargetInstance.PNPDeviceID : USB/VID_2341&PID_0044/64935343733351E0E1D1 TargetInstance.Status : OK

¿Podría esto explicar el hecho de que en el otro código esto no se ve como la adición de un puerto COM? Parece ver la nueva conexión como un puerto USB (lo que realmente es). El controlador Arduino traduce esto en un puerto COM pero WMI no lo reconoce. La mensajería de Windows ''ve'' un cambio en el puerto COM pero no puede detectar si se agrega o elimina.

De todos modos: el cambio de dispositivo funciona. Solo necesito enumerar los puertos COM para ver cuál está realmente presente y eso es algo que ya hice manualmente. Ahora puedo hacerlo automáticamente con WM_DEVICECHANGE . Acabo de agregar un evento al componente CPDrv.

¡Gracias RRUZ por tu código y ayuda!

unit dev_change; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls; type TProc = procedure (text: string) of object; BroadcastHdr = ^DEV_BROADCAST_HDR; DEV_BROADCAST_HDR = packed record dbch_size: DWORD; dbch_devicetype: DWORD; dbch_reserved: DWORD; end; TDevBroadcastHdr = DEV_BROADCAST_HDR; type PDevBroadcastDeviceInterface = ^DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE; DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE = record dbcc_size: DWORD; dbcc_devicetype: DWORD; dbcc_reserved: DWORD; dbcc_classguid: TGUID; dbcc_name: Char; end; TDevBroadcastDeviceInterface = DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE; const DBT_DEVICESOMETHING = $0007; DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL = $8000; DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE = $8004; DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE = $00000005; type TDeviceNotifyProc = procedure(Sender: TObject; const DeviceName: String) of Object; TDeviceNotifier = class private hRecipient: HWND; FNotificationHandle: Pointer; FDeviceArrival: TDeviceNotifyProc; FDeviceRemoval: TDeviceNotifyProc; FOnWin: TProc; procedure WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); public constructor Create(GUID_DEVINTERFACE : TGUID); property OnDeviceArrival: TDeviceNotifyProc read FDeviceArrival write FDeviceArrival; property OnDeviceRemoval: TDeviceNotifyProc read FDeviceRemoval write FDeviceRemoval; destructor Destroy; override; property OnWin: TProc read FOnWin write FOnWin; end; TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo: TMemo; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } DeviceNotifier : TDeviceNotifier; public { Public declarations } procedure arrival(Sender: TObject; const DeviceName: String); procedure report (text: string); end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} constructor TDeviceNotifier.Create(GUID_DEVINTERFACE : TGUID); var NotificationFilter: TDevBroadcastDeviceInterface; begin inherited Create; hRecipient := AllocateHWnd(WndProc); ZeroMemory (@NotificationFilter, SizeOf(NotificationFilter)); NotificationFilter.dbcc_size := SizeOf(NotificationFilter); NotificationFilter.dbcc_devicetype := DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE; NotificationFilter.dbcc_classguid := GUID_DEVINTERFACE; //register the device class to monitor FNotificationHandle := RegisterDeviceNotification(hRecipient, @NotificationFilter, DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE); end; procedure TDeviceNotifier.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); var Dbi: PDevBroadcastDeviceInterface; begin OnWin (Format (''msg = %d, wparam = %d, lparam = %d'', [msg.Msg, msg.WParam, msg.LParam])); with Msg do if (Msg = WM_DEVICECHANGE) and ((WParam = DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) or (WParam = DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE) or (WParam = DBT_DEVICESOMETHING)) then try Dbi := PDevBroadcastDeviceInterface (LParam); if Dbi.dbcc_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE then begin if WParam = DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL then begin if Assigned(FDeviceArrival) then FDeviceArrival(Self, PChar(@Dbi.dbcc_name)); end else if WParam = DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE then begin if Assigned(FDeviceRemoval) then FDeviceRemoval(Self, PChar(@Dbi.dbcc_name)); end; end; except Result := DefWindowProc(hRecipient, Msg, WParam, LParam); end else Result := DefWindowProc(hRecipient, Msg, WParam, LParam); end; destructor TDeviceNotifier.Destroy; begin UnregisterDeviceNotification(FNotificationHandle); DeallocateHWnd(hRecipient); inherited; end; procedure TForm1.arrival(Sender: TObject; const DeviceName: String); begin report (DeviceName); ShowMessage(DeviceName); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); const GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT : TGUID = ''{86E0D1E0-8089-11D0-9CE4-08003E301F73}''; begin DeviceNotifier:=TDeviceNotifier.Create(GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT); DeviceNotifier.FDeviceArrival:=arrival; DeviceNotifier.OnWin := report; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin DeviceNotifier.Free; end; procedure (text: string); begin Memo.Lines.Add (text); end; end.

Otra opción es usar los eventos WMI, en este caso usando el evento __InstanceCreationEvent y la clase WMI Win32_PnPEntity puede filtrar los puertos serie agregados usando el GUID de la clase {4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} , escribiendo una oración WQL como tal

Select * From __InstanceCreationEvent Within 1 Where TargetInstance ISA "Win32_PnPEntity" AND TargetInstance.ClassGuid="{4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}"

Prueba esta muestra

{$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses Windows, {$IF CompilerVersion > 18.5} Forms, {$IFEND} SysUtils, ActiveX, ComObj, WbemScripting_TLB; type TWmiAsyncEvent = class private FWQL : string; FSink : TSWbemSink; FLocator : ISWbemLocator; FServices : ISWbemServices; procedure EventReceived(ASender: TObject; const objWbemObject: ISWbemObject; const objWbemAsyncContext: ISWbemNamedValueSet); public procedure Start; constructor Create; Destructor Destroy;override; end; //Detect when a key was pressed in the console window function KeyPressed:Boolean; var lpNumberOfEvents : DWORD; lpBuffer : TInputRecord; lpNumberOfEventsRead : DWORD; nStdHandle : THandle; begin Result:=false; nStdHandle := GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); lpNumberOfEvents:=0; GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(nStdHandle,lpNumberOfEvents); if lpNumberOfEvents<> 0 then begin PeekConsoleInput(nStdHandle,lpBuffer,1,lpNumberOfEventsRead); if lpNumberOfEventsRead <> 0 then begin if lpBuffer.EventType = KEY_EVENT then begin if lpBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown then Result:=true else FlushConsoleInputBuffer(nStdHandle); end else FlushConsoleInputBuffer(nStdHandle); end; end; end; { TWmiAsyncEvent } constructor TWmiAsyncEvent.Create; const strServer =''.''; strNamespace =''root/CIMV2''; strUser =''''; strPassword =''''; begin inherited Create; CoInitializeEx(nil, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); FLocator := CoSWbemLocator.Create; FServices := FLocator.ConnectServer(strServer, strNamespace, strUser, strPassword, '''', '''', wbemConnectFlagUseMaxWait, nil); FSink := TSWbemSink.Create(nil); FSink.OnObjectReady := EventReceived; FWQL:=''Select * From __InstanceCreationEvent Within 1 ''+ ''Where TargetInstance ISA "Win32_PnPEntity" AND TargetInstance.ClassGuid="{4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}" ''; end; destructor TWmiAsyncEvent.Destroy; begin if FSink<>nil then FSink.Cancel; FLocator :=nil; FServices :=nil; FSink :=nil; CoUninitialize; inherited; end; procedure TWmiAsyncEvent.EventReceived(ASender: TObject; const objWbemObject: ISWbemObject; const objWbemAsyncContext: ISWbemNamedValueSet); var PropVal: OLEVariant; begin PropVal := objWbemObject; Writeln(Format(''TargetInstance.ClassGuid : %s '',[String(PropVal.TargetInstance.ClassGuid)])); Writeln(Format(''TargetInstance.Description : %s '',[String(PropVal.TargetInstance.Description)])); Writeln(Format(''TargetInstance.Name : %s '',[String(PropVal.TargetInstance.Name)])); Writeln(Format(''TargetInstance.PNPDeviceID : %s '',[String(PropVal.TargetInstance.PNPDeviceID)])); Writeln(Format(''TargetInstance.Status : %s '',[String(PropVal.TargetInstance.Status)])); end; procedure TWmiAsyncEvent.Start; begin Writeln(''Listening events...Press Any key to exit''); FServices.ExecNotificationQueryAsync(FSink.DefaultInterface,FWQL,''WQL'', 0, nil, nil); end; var AsyncEvent : TWmiAsyncEvent; begin try AsyncEvent:=TWmiAsyncEvent.Create; try AsyncEvent.Start; //The next loop is only necessary in this sample console sample app //In VCL forms Apps you don''t need use a loop while not KeyPressed do begin {$IF CompilerVersion > 18.5} Sleep(100); Application.ProcessMessages; {$IFEND} end; finally AsyncEvent.Free; end; except on E:EOleException do Writeln(Format(''EOleException %s %x'', [E.Message,E.ErrorCode])); on E:Exception do Writeln(E.Classname, '':'', E.Message); end; end.

Puede utilizar la función WinAPI de RegisterDeviceNotification pasando la estructura DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE con la clase de interfaz de dispositivo GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT .

Prueba esta muestra

type PDevBroadcastHdr = ^DEV_BROADCAST_HDR; DEV_BROADCAST_HDR = packed record dbch_size: DWORD; dbch_devicetype: DWORD; dbch_reserved: DWORD; end; TDevBroadcastHdr = DEV_BROADCAST_HDR; type PDevBroadcastDeviceInterface = ^DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE; DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE = record dbcc_size: DWORD; dbcc_devicetype: DWORD; dbcc_reserved: DWORD; dbcc_classguid: TGUID; dbcc_name: Char; end; TDevBroadcastDeviceInterface = DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE; const DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL = $8000; DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE = $8004; DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE = $00000005; type TDeviceNotifyProc = procedure(Sender: TObject; const DeviceName: String) of Object; TDeviceNotifier = class private hRecipient: HWND; FNotificationHandle: Pointer; FDeviceArrival: TDeviceNotifyProc; FDeviceRemoval: TDeviceNotifyProc; procedure WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); public constructor Create(GUID_DEVINTERFACE : TGUID); property OnDeviceArrival: TDeviceNotifyProc read FDeviceArrival write FDeviceArrival; property OnDeviceRemoval: TDeviceNotifyProc read FDeviceRemoval write FDeviceRemoval; destructor Destroy; override; end; type TForm17 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } DeviceNotifier : TDeviceNotifier; public { Public declarations } procedure arrival(Sender: TObject; const DeviceName: String); end; var Form17: TForm17; implementation {$R *.dfm} constructor TDeviceNotifier.Create(GUID_DEVINTERFACE : TGUID); var NotificationFilter: TDevBroadcastDeviceInterface; begin inherited Create; hRecipient := AllocateHWnd(WndProc); ZeroMemory(@NotificationFilter, SizeOf(NotificationFilter)); NotificationFilter.dbcc_size := SizeOf(NotificationFilter); NotificationFilter.dbcc_devicetype := DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE; NotificationFilter.dbcc_classguid := GUID_DEVINTERFACE; //register the device class to monitor FNotificationHandle := RegisterDeviceNotification(hRecipient, @NotificationFilter, DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE); end; procedure TDeviceNotifier.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); var Dbi: PDevBroadcastDeviceInterface; begin with Msg do if (Msg = WM_DEVICECHANGE) and ((WParam = DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) or (WParam = DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE)) then try Dbi := PDevBroadcastDeviceInterface(LParam); if Dbi.dbcc_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE then begin if WParam = DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL then begin if Assigned(FDeviceArrival) then FDeviceArrival(Self, PChar(@Dbi.dbcc_name)); end else if WParam = DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE then begin if Assigned(FDeviceRemoval) then FDeviceRemoval(Self, PChar(@Dbi.dbcc_name)); end; end; except Result := DefWindowProc(hRecipient, Msg, WParam, LParam); end else Result := DefWindowProc(hRecipient, Msg, WParam, LParam); end; destructor TDeviceNotifier.Destroy; begin UnregisterDeviceNotification(FNotificationHandle); DeallocateHWnd(hRecipient); inherited; end; procedure TForm17.arrival(Sender: TObject; const DeviceName: String); begin ShowMessage(DeviceName); end; procedure TForm17.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); const GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT : TGUID = ''{86E0D1E0-8089-11D0-9CE4-08003E301F73}''; begin DeviceNotifier:=TDeviceNotifier.Create(GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT); DeviceNotifier.FDeviceArrival:=arrival; end; procedure TForm17.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin DeviceNotifier.Free; end; end.