verificacion - se enviaron demasiados codigos iphone
¿Cómo obtener el código de llamada del país del usuario en iOS? (7)
con el uso de NSLocale
puede obtener el nombre del país, el código, etc. Eche un vistazo al código que a continuación le ayudará a hacerlo.
NSLocale *currentLocale = [NSLocale currentLocale]; // get the current locale.
NSString *countryCode = [currentLocale objectForKey:NSLocaleCountryCode]; // get country code, e.g. ES (Spain), FR (France), etc.
para el código de marcación de un país, puede visitar este código de referencia .
Estoy desarrollando una aplicación de iOS en la que el usuario ingresa su número de móvil. ¿Cómo obtengo el código de llamada de su país? Por ejemplo, si un usuario está en India, entonces +91
debe tener el prefijo automáticamente. ¿Hay alguna opción que agregue códigos de país automáticamente?
NSLocale *currentLocale = [NSLocale currentLocale]; // get the current locale.
NSString *countryCode = [currentLocale objectForKey:NSLocaleCountryCode];
// get country code, e.g. ES (Spain), FR (France), etc.
NSLog(@"country code is:%@",countryCode);
NSString*lower=[countryCode lowercaseString];
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"DiallingCodes" ofType:@"plist"];
NSDictionary *dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
NSMutableDictionary *_dictCountry=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
NSMutableArray *_CodeArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[_CodeArray addObject:dict];
_dictCountry = [_CodeArray objectAtIndex:0];
NSString*Country_code=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"+%@",[_dictCountry objectForKey:lower]];
let networkInfo = CTTelephonyNetworkInfo()
if let carrier = networkInfo.subscriberCellularProvider {
print("country code is: " + carrier.mobileCountryCode!);
//will return the actual country code
print("ISO country code is: " + carrier.isoCountryCode!);
Usa esta simple función
func getCountryCallingCode(countryRegionCode:String)->String{
let prefixCodes = ["AF": "93", "AE": "971", "AL": "355", "AN": "599", "AS":"1", "AD": "376", "AO": "244", "AI": "1", "AG":"1", "AR": "54","AM": "374", "AW": "297", "AU":"61", "AT": "43","AZ": "994", "BS": "1", "BH":"973", "BF": "226","BI": "257", "BD": "880", "BB": "1", "BY": "375", "BE":"32","BZ": "501", "BJ": "229", "BM": "1", "BT":"975", "BA": "387", "BW": "267", "BR": "55", "BG": "359", "BO": "591", "BL": "590", "BN": "673", "CC": "61", "CD":"243","CI": "225", "KH":"855", "CM": "237", "CA": "1", "CV": "238", "KY":"345", "CF":"236", "CH": "41", "CL": "56", "CN":"86","CX": "61", "CO": "57", "KM": "269", "CG":"242", "CK": "682", "CR": "506", "CU":"53", "CY":"537","CZ": "420", "DE": "49", "DK": "45", "DJ":"253", "DM": "1", "DO": "1", "DZ": "213", "EC": "593", "EG":"20", "ER": "291", "EE":"372","ES": "34", "ET": "251", "FM": "691", "FK": "500", "FO": "298", "FJ": "679", "FI":"358", "FR": "33", "GB":"44", "GF": "594", "GA":"241", "GS": "500", "GM":"220", "GE":"995","GH":"233", "GI": "350", "GQ": "240", "GR": "30", "GG": "44", "GL": "299", "GD":"1", "GP": "590", "GU": "1", "GT": "502", "GN":"224","GW": "245", "GY": "595", "HT": "509", "HR": "385", "HN":"504", "HU": "36", "HK": "852", "IR": "98", "IM": "44", "IL": "972", "IO":"246", "IS": "354", "IN": "91", "ID":"62", "IQ":"964", "IE": "353","IT":"39", "JM":"1", "JP": "81", "JO": "962", "JE":"44", "KP": "850", "KR": "82","KZ":"77", "KE": "254", "KI": "686", "KW": "965", "KG":"996","KN":"1", "LC": "1", "LV": "371", "LB": "961", "LK":"94", "LS": "266", "LR":"231", "LI": "423", "LT": "370", "LU": "352", "LA": "856", "LY":"218", "MO": "853", "MK": "389", "MG":"261", "MW": "265", "MY": "60","MV": "960", "ML":"223", "MT": "356", "MH": "692", "MQ": "596", "MR":"222", "MU": "230", "MX": "52","MC": "377", "MN": "976", "ME": "382", "MP": "1", "MS": "1", "MA":"212", "MM": "95", "MF": "590", "MD":"373", "MZ": "258", "NA":"264", "NR":"674", "NP":"977", "NL": "31","NC": "687", "NZ":"64", "NI": "505", "NE": "227", "NG": "234", "NU":"683", "NF": "672", "NO": "47","OM": "968", "PK": "92", "PM": "508", "PW": "680", "PF": "689", "PA": "507", "PG":"675", "PY": "595", "PE": "51", "PH": "63", "PL":"48", "PN": "872","PT": "351", "PR": "1","PS": "970", "QA": "974", "RO":"40", "RE":"262", "RS": "381", "RU": "7", "RW": "250", "SM": "378", "SA":"966", "SN": "221", "SC": "248", "SL":"232","SG": "65", "SK": "421", "SI": "386", "SB":"677", "SH": "290", "SD": "249", "SR": "597","SZ": "268", "SE":"46", "SV": "503", "ST": "239","SO": "252", "SJ": "47", "SY":"963", "TW": "886", "TZ": "255", "TL": "670", "TD": "235", "TJ": "992", "TH": "66", "TG":"228", "TK": "690", "TO": "676", "TT": "1", "TN":"216","TR": "90", "TM": "993", "TC": "1", "TV":"688", "UG": "256", "UA": "380", "US": "1", "UY": "598","UZ": "998", "VA":"379", "VE":"58", "VN": "84", "VG": "1", "VI": "1","VC":"1", "VU":"678", "WS": "685", "WF": "681", "YE": "967", "YT": "262","ZA": "27" , "ZM": "260", "ZW":"263"]
let countryDialingCode = prefixCodes[countryRegionCode]
return countryDialingCode!
Y llama como
let currentLocale = NSLocale.currentLocale()
let countryCode = currentLocale.objectForKey(NSLocaleCountryCode) as! String//get the set country name, code of your iphone
print("country code is /(countryCode)")
//change country region Settings>>General>>Language&Region>>Region
Puede solicitar esta url.
Para obtener CountryCode o ip , region_name , city , long , lat
NSURLRequest *request = [[NSURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
__block NSDictionary *json;
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request
queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]
completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *connectionError) {
json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:nil];
NSLog(@"Countrycode: %@", json[@"country_code"]);
Declaración de importación:
#import <CoreTelephony/CTTelephonyNetworkInfo.h>
puede obtener el código de país para el operador actual utilizando CoreTelephony framework:
CTTelephonyNetworkInfo *network_Info = [CTTelephonyNetworkInfo new];
CTCarrier *carrier = network_Info.subscriberCellularProvider;
NSLog(@"country code is: %@", carrier.mobileCountryCode);
//will return the actual country code
NSLog(@"ISO country code is: %@", carrier.isoCountryCode);