jquery controller cakephp-2.3

Haciendo jquery ajax llamada desde la vista al controlador en cakephp 2.x

controller cakephp-2.3 (1)

/*IN THE AJAX REQUEST YOU SHOULD HAVE*/ $.ajax({ ..... success: function(data){ $(''#MYDIV'').html(data);}, //YOU CAN APPEND OR REPLACE THE CONTENT OF A CONTAINER WITH THE RESPONSE ... }); //in DealsController::topdeals() you should have at the begining if ($this->request->isAjax()): $this->layout = null; $this->view = ''view_ajax''; //Other view that doesn''t needs layout, only if necessary endif; /*DO WHATEVER YOU WANT HERE, SEND IT TO THE VIEW, THE VIEW GETS RENDERD AND RETURN AS A RESULT*/

Estoy tratando de hacer una solicitud de ajax desde la vista al controlador, ajax requst está funcionando bien, pero desde el controlador no se devuelve nada a la vista. No sé dónde está el problema. Lo que intento es, en mi opinión, mostrar algunos datos del controlador y hay un cuadro de selección. Cuando selecciono una ciudad del cuadro de selección, llama a la solicitud de ajax y debe mostrar el resultado de esa ciudad en particular en view.ctp.

$(''#cityid'').change(function() { $city_id= $(''#cityid :selected'').val(); alert($city_id); $.ajax({ url : "<?php echo Router::url(array(''controller'' => ''deals'', ''action'' =>''topdeals''), true); ?>", type : "POST", cache : false, data : {city_id: city_id}, success : function(data){ alert(data); } }); }); });

y en la vista

<div id="form"> <?php echo $this->Form->create(''Deal'', array(''action''=>''topdeals'',''type''=>''post''));?> <?php echo $this->Form->input(''city_id'', array(''label''=>''City'',''type''=>''select'', ''id''=>''city_id'',''empty''=>''select City'',''options'' =>$city)); echo $this->Form->end(); ?> </div> <div class="line"></div> <?php if(!empty($topdealsortbyrank)) { foreach($topdealsortbyrank as $topdealsortbyrank) {?> <div class="items"> <div class="itemslogo" > <?php echo $this->Html->image(''deal/dealimage/''.$topdealsortbyrank[''Deal''][''image''],array(''width''=>"100px",''height''=>"80px"));?> </div><!-- items Logo ends--> <div class="itemdetails"> <b><?php echo $topdealsortbyrank[''Advertiser''][''name'']?></b> <p class="red"><?php echo $topdealsortbyrank[''Deal''][''title'']?></p> <?php } }?>

Y en el controlador

function topdealajax() { $this->log(''Ajax call -----------------''); if ($this->request->isAjax()) { $this->log(''inside if request is ajax -----------------''); $this->layout = null; $this->view = ''topdeals''; if(!empty($this->request->data)) { $this->log(''inside if not empty of params -----------------''); $data = $this->request->data[''city_id'']; $this->log($data); $city_id=$data[''city_id'']; $this->log($city_id); $city_id= $this->request->data[''city_id'']; // $this->log($city_id); $topDealSortbyRank1=$this->Deal->find(''all'', array(''conditions''=>array(''date_expiry >='' =>date(''Y-m-d '') , ''date_expiry <='' => ''date_expiry'',''Deal.city_id''=>$city_id),''order''=>array(''Deal.deal_rank ASC''))); //$this->log($topDealSortbyRank1); $this->set(''topdealsortbyrank'',$topDealSortbyRank1); $this->render(''topdeals''); } } }