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ASP.NET MVC: ¿Cómo puedo hacer que el navegador abra y muestre un PDF en lugar de mostrar un mensaje de descarga? (4)

En el nivel HTTP, su encabezado ''Content-Disposition'' debe tener ''en línea'' no ''adjunto''. Desafortunadamente, FileResult (o sus clases derivadas) no lo admite directamente.

Si ya está generando el documento en una página o manejador, simplemente puede redirigir el navegador allí. Si eso no es lo que quiere, puede subclasificar FileResult y agregar soporte para la transmisión de documentos en línea.

public class CustomFileResult : FileContentResult { public CustomFileResult( byte[] fileContents, string contentType ) : base( fileContents, contentType ) { } public bool Inline { get; set; } public override void ExecuteResult( ControllerContext context ) { if( context == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "context" ); } HttpResponseBase response = context.HttpContext.Response; response.ContentType = ContentType; if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( FileDownloadName ) ) { string str = new ContentDisposition { FileName = this.FileDownloadName, Inline = Inline }.ToString(); context.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader( "Content-Disposition", str ); } WriteFile( response ); } }

Una solución más simple es no especificar el nombre del archivo en el método Controller.File . De esta forma, no obtendrá el encabezado ContentDisposition, lo que significa que perderá la pista del nombre del archivo al guardar el PDF.

Ok, entonces tengo un método de acción que genera un PDF y lo devuelve al navegador. El problema es que en lugar de abrir automáticamente el PDF, IE muestra una solicitud de descarga a pesar de saber qué tipo de archivo es. Chrome hace lo mismo. En ambos navegadores, si hago clic en un enlace a un archivo PDF que está almacenado en un servidor, se abrirá correctamente y nunca mostrará un aviso de descarga.

Aquí está el código que se llama para devolver el PDF:

public FileResult Report(int id) { var customer = customersRepository.GetCustomer(id); if (customer != null) { return File(RenderPDF(this.ControllerContext, "~/Views/Forms/Report.aspx", customer), "application/pdf", "Report - Customer # " + id.ToString() + ".pdf"); } return null; }

Aquí está el encabezado de respuesta del servidor:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: ASP.NET Development Server/ Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 06:14:13 GMT X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319 X-AspNetMvc-Version: 2.0 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Report - Customer # 60.pdf" Cache-Control: private, s-maxage=0 Content-Type: application/pdf Content-Length: 79244 Connection: Close

¿Debo agregar algo especial a la respuesta para que el navegador abra el PDF automáticamente?

¡Cualquier ayuda es muy apreciada! ¡Gracias!

Tuve el mismo problema, pero ninguna de las soluciones funcionó en Firefox hasta que cambié las Opciones de mi navegador. En Options

ventana, luego la Application Tab cambia el Portable Document Format a Preview in Firefox .

Uso las siguientes clases para tener más opciones con el encabezado de disposición de contenido.

Funciona bastante bien como la respuesta de Marnix , pero en lugar de generar completamente el encabezado con la clase ContentDisposition , que desafortunadamente no cumple con RFC cuando el nombre de archivo debe ser codificado con utf-8, ajusta el encabezado generado por MVC, que cumple con RFC .

(Originalmente, escribí eso en parte usando esta respuesta a otra pregunta y esta otra ).

using System; using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace Whatever { /// <summary> /// Add to FilePathResult some properties for specifying file name without forcing a download and specifying size. /// And add a workaround for allowing error cases to still display error page. /// </summary> public class FilePathResultEx : FilePathResult { /// <summary> /// In case a file name has been supplied, control whether it should be opened inline or downloaded. /// </summary> /// <remarks>If <c>FileDownloadName</c> is <c>null</c> or empty, this property has no effect (due to current implementation).</remarks> public bool Inline { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Whether file size should be indicated or not. /// </summary> /// <remarks>If <c>FileDownloadName</c> is <c>null</c> or empty, this property has no effect (due to current implementation).</remarks> public bool IncludeSize { get; set; } public FilePathResultEx(string fileName, string contentType) : base(fileName, contentType) { } public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) { FileResultUtils.ExecuteResultWithHeadersRestoredOnFailure(context, base.ExecuteResult); } protected override void WriteFile(HttpResponseBase response) { if (Inline) FileResultUtils.TweakDispositionAsInline(response); // File.Exists is more robust than testing through FileInfo, especially in case of invalid path: it does yield false rather than an exception. // We wish not to crash here, in order to let FilePathResult crash in its usual way. if (IncludeSize && File.Exists(FileName)) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(FileName); FileResultUtils.TweakDispositionSize(response, fileInfo.Length); } base.WriteFile(response); } } /// <summary> /// Add to FileStreamResult some properties for specifying file name without forcing a download and specifying size. /// And add a workaround for allowing error cases to still display error page. /// </summary> public class FileStreamResultEx : FileStreamResult { /// <summary> /// In case a file name has been supplied, control whether it should be opened inline or downloaded. /// </summary> /// <remarks>If <c>FileDownloadName</c> is <c>null</c> or empty, this property has no effect (due to current implementation).</remarks> public bool Inline { get; set; } /// <summary> /// If greater than <c>0</c>, the content size to include in content-disposition header. /// </summary> /// <remarks>If <c>FileDownloadName</c> is <c>null</c> or empty, this property has no effect (due to current implementation).</remarks> public long Size { get; set; } public FileStreamResultEx(Stream fileStream, string contentType) : base(fileStream, contentType) { } public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) { FileResultUtils.ExecuteResultWithHeadersRestoredOnFailure(context, base.ExecuteResult); } protected override void WriteFile(HttpResponseBase response) { if (Inline) FileResultUtils.TweakDispositionAsInline(response); FileResultUtils.TweakDispositionSize(response, Size); base.WriteFile(response); } } /// <summary> /// Add to FileContentResult some properties for specifying file name without forcing a download and specifying size. /// And add a workaround for allowing error cases to still display error page. /// </summary> public class FileContentResultEx : FileContentResult { /// <summary> /// In case a file name has been supplied, control whether it should be opened inline or downloaded. /// </summary> /// <remarks>If <c>FileDownloadName</c> is <c>null</c> or empty, this property has no effect (due to current implementation).</remarks> public bool Inline { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Whether file size should be indicated or not. /// </summary> /// <remarks>If <c>FileDownloadName</c> is <c>null</c> or empty, this property has no effect (due to current implementation).</remarks> public bool IncludeSize { get; set; } public FileContentResultEx(byte[] fileContents, string contentType) : base(fileContents, contentType) { } public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) { FileResultUtils.ExecuteResultWithHeadersRestoredOnFailure(context, base.ExecuteResult); } protected override void WriteFile(HttpResponseBase response) { if (Inline) FileResultUtils.TweakDispositionAsInline(response); if (IncludeSize) FileResultUtils.TweakDispositionSize(response, FileContents.LongLength); base.WriteFile(response); } } public static class FileResultUtils { public static void ExecuteResultWithHeadersRestoredOnFailure(ControllerContext context, Action<ControllerContext> executeResult) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); if (executeResult == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("executeResult"); var response = context.HttpContext.Response; var previousContentType = response.ContentType; try { executeResult(context); } catch { if (response.HeadersWritten) throw; // Error logic will usually output a content corresponding to original content type. Restore it if response can still be rewritten. // (Error logic should ensure headers positionning itself indeed... But this is not the case at least with HandleErrorAttribute.) response.ContentType = previousContentType; // If a content-disposition header have been set (through DownloadFilename), it must be removed too. response.Headers.Remove(ContentDispositionHeader); throw; } } private const string ContentDispositionHeader = "Content-Disposition"; // Unfortunately, the content disposition generation logic is hidden in an Mvc.Net internal class, while not trivial (UTF-8 support). // Hacking it after its generation. // Beware, do not try using System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition instead, it does not conform to the RFC. It does some base64 UTF-8 // encoding while it should append ''*'' to parameter name and use RFC 5987 encoding. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6266#section-4.3 // And https://.com/a/22221217/1178314 comment. // To ask for a fix: https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc // Other class : System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue looks better. But requires to detect if the filename needs encoding // and if yes, use the ''Star'' suffixed property along with setting the sanitized name in non Star property. // MVC 6 relies on ASP.NET 5 https://github.com/aspnet/HttpAbstractions which provide a forked version of previous class, with a method // for handling that: https://github.com/aspnet/HttpAbstractions/blob/dev/src/Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers/ContentDispositionHeaderValue.cs // MVC 6 stil does not give control on FileResult content-disposition header. public static void TweakDispositionAsInline(HttpResponseBase response) { var disposition = response.Headers[ContentDispositionHeader]; const string downloadModeToken = "attachment;"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(disposition) || !disposition.StartsWith(downloadModeToken, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return; response.Headers.Remove(ContentDispositionHeader); response.Headers.Add(ContentDispositionHeader, "inline;" + disposition.Substring(downloadModeToken.Length)); } public static void TweakDispositionSize(HttpResponseBase response, long size) { if (size <= 0) return; var disposition = response.Headers[ContentDispositionHeader]; const string sizeToken = "size="; // Due to current ancestor semantics (no file => inline, file name => download), handling lack of ancestor content-disposition // is non trivial. In this case, the content is by default inline, while the Inline property is <c>false</c> by default. // This could lead to an unexpected behavior change. So currently not handled. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(disposition) || disposition.Contains(sizeToken)) return; response.Headers.Remove(ContentDispositionHeader); response.Headers.Add(ContentDispositionHeader, disposition + "; " + sizeToken + size.ToString()); } } }

Uso de muestra:

public FileResult Download(int id) { // some code to get filepath and filename for browser ... return new FilePathResultEx(filepath, System.Web.MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(filename)) { FileDownloadName = filename, Inline = true }; }

Tenga en cuenta que especificar un nombre de archivo con Inline no funcionará con Internet Explorer (11 incluidos, Windows 10 Edge incluido, probado con algunos archivos pdf), mientras que funciona con Firefox y Chrome. Internet Explorer ignorará el nombre del archivo. Para Internet Explorer, necesitas hackear tu ruta url, lo cual es bastante malo. Vea esta respuesta .

Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=foo.pdf"); return File(...