users loadcomponent cake beforefilter auth php session cakephp authentication cookies

loadcomponent - CakePHP me recuerda con Auth

login cake php (8)

Recordarme no es otra cosa que la sesión identificada con una cookie, pero el tiempo de vida de la cookie se establece en infinito. Mire Config / core.php para la vida útil de la cookie de sesión.

He utilizado Auth con éxito, pero, por desgracia, parece que solo funciona con Session. Quiero que si el usuario marca la casilla "Recordarme", usaría Cookie y él estaría conectado durante 2 semanas. No encuentro nada en el libro oficial y en Google encontré pocas y pocas publicaciones en el blog. ¿Hay alguna forma de implementar esto sin reescribir el núcleo?

Vea esta URL, creo que es de mucha ayuda para usted.

O prueba esto

function login() { if ($this->Auth->user()) { if (!empty($this->data) && $this->data[''User''][''remember_me'']) { $cookie = array(); $cookie[''username''] = $this->data[''User''][''username'']; $cookie[''password''] = $this->data[''User''][''password'']; $this->Cookie->write(''Auth.User'', $cookie, true, COOKIE_EXPIRE); unset($this->data[''User''][''remember_me'']); } $this->LogDetail->Write(''activity'',''has logged IN''); $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect()); } if (empty($this->data)) { $cookie = $this->Cookie->read(''Auth.User''); if (!is_null($cookie)) { if ($this->Auth->login($cookie)) { $this->Session->destroy(''Message.Auth''); # clear auth message, just in case we use it. $this->LogDetail->Write(''activity'',''has been authenticated via cookie and is now logged IN''); $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect()); } else { $this->LogDetail->Write(''activity'',''attempted to gain access with an invalid cookie''); $this->Cookie->destroy(''Auth.User''); # delete invalid cookie $this->Session->setFlash(''Invalid cookie''); $this->redirect(''login''); } } } }

Creo que necesitas saber sobre los niveles de seguridad de CakePHP. Intenta reducir la seguridad de tu CakePHP. Documentación de las variables de configuración de CakePHP. Yo también había escrito un blog sobre esto hace mucho tiempo.

puedes intentar esto

if ($this->Auth->login()) { if (!empty($this->data[''User''][''remember''])) { $cookie = array(); $cookie[''login''] = $this->data[''User''][''login'']; $cookie[''password''] = $this->data[''User''][''password'']; $cookie[''language''] =$this->data[''User''][''language'']; $this->Cookie->write(''Auth.projectname'', $cookie, true, ''+1 years''); unset($this->data[''User''][''remember'']);

En su controlador de usuario:

public function beforeFilter() { $this->Auth->allow(array(''login'', ''register'')); parent::beforeFilter(); } public function login() { if ($this->request->is(''post'')) { if ($this->Auth->login()) { // did they select the remember me checkbox? if ($this->request->data[''User''][''remember_me''] == 1) { // remove "remember me checkbox" unset($this->request->data[''User''][''remember_me'']); // hash the user''s password $this->request->data[''User''][''password''] = $this->Auth->password($this->request->data[''User''][''password'']); // write the cookie $this->Cookie->write(''remember_me_cookie'', $this->request->data[''User''], true, ''2 weeks''); } return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect()); } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__(''Username or password is incorrect.'')); } } $this->set(array( ''title_for_layout'' => ''Login'' )); } public function logout() { // clear the cookie (if it exists) when logging out $this->Cookie->delete(''remember_me_cookie''); return $this->redirect($this->Auth->logout()); }

En la vista de inicio de sesión:

<h1>Login</h1> <?php echo $this->Form->create(''User''); ?> <?php echo $this->Form->input(''username''); ?> <?php echo $this->Form->input(''password''); ?> <?php echo $this->Form->checkbox(''remember_me''); ?> Remember Me <?php echo $this->Form->end(''Login''); ?>

En su AppController:

public $components = array( ''Session'', ''Auth'', ''Cookie'' ); public $uses = array(''User''); public function beforeFilter() { // set cookie options $this->Cookie->key = ''qSI232qs*&sXOw!adre@34SAv!@*(XSL#$%)asGb$@11~_+!@#HKis~#^''; $this->Cookie->httpOnly = true; if (!$this->Auth->loggedIn() && $this->Cookie->read(''remember_me_cookie'')) { $cookie = $this->Cookie->read(''remember_me_cookie''); $user = $this->User->find(''first'', array( ''conditions'' => array( ''User.username'' => $cookie[''username''], ''User.password'' => $cookie[''password''] ) )); if ($user && !$this->Auth->login($user[''User''])) { $this->redirect(''/users/logout''); // destroy session & cookie } } }

public function admin_login() { $this->layout = ''admin_login''; if (count($this->Session->read("Auth.User"))) { $usr = $this->Session->read("Auth.User"); if ($usr[''role''] == ''A'' || $usr[''role''] == ''RA'' || $usr[''role''] == ''MAfA'' || $usr[''role''] == ''Af'' || $usr[''role''] == ''FAA'') return $this->redirect(array(''controller'' => ''dashboard'', ''action'' => ''view'')); } if ($this->request->is(''post'')) { if ($this->request->data[''User''][''remember_me'']=="1") { // pr($this->request->data); // die(''sdd''); $this->Cookie->write(''username'', $this->request->data[''User''][''username''], true, ''1 year''); $this->Cookie->write(''password'', $this->request->data[''User''][''password''], true, ''1 year''); } else { $this->Cookie->destroy(); } /* * Check if email or username is passed in form */ $uname = $this->request->data[''User''][''username'']; //login via email if (filter_var($uname, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $u = $this->User->findByemail($uname); } else { //login via username $u = $this->User->findByusername($uname); } if ($u) { $this->request->data[''User''][''username''] = $u[''User''][''username'']; /* * * * Error if user is not active */ if ($u[''User''][''user_status''] != ''active'') { $this->Session->setFlash(__(''Sorry! Your account is not active.''), ''default'', array(''class'' => ''alert alert-danger'')); } elseif ($this->Auth->login()) { //if logged in $user_caps = $this->fetchCapabilitiesByRole($u[''User''][''role'']); $this->Session->write("Auth.User.privileges", array(''capabilities'' => $user_caps[''capabilities''], ''geo_areas'' => array())); if ($u[''User''][''role''] == ''A'' || $u[''User''][''role''] == ''RA'' || $u[''User''][''role''] == ''Af'' || $u[''User''][''role''] == ''MAfA'' || $u[''User''][''role''] == ''FAA'') return $this->redirect(array(''controller'' => ''dashboard'', ''action'' => ''view'')); return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect()); }else { //if invalid $this->Session->setFlash(__(''Invalid username or password.''), ''default'', array(''class'' => ''alert alert-danger'')); } } else {//if user does not exists $this->Session->setFlash(__(''User does not exists.''), ''default'', array(''class'' => ''alert alert-danger'')); } } }