see remarks example cref c# keyword xml-documentation

c# - example - remarks/>

¿Cómo hago referencia a una palabra clave de C#en la documentación XML? (1)

cref está destinado a referirse a otro miembro: una clase, un método, etc.

¿A qué esperas que se vincule en este caso? En general, ¿cuál quieres que sea el efecto general?

De acuerdo con esta excelente guía de documentos XML , la etiqueta <see> tiene un atributo de langword no langword :

<see langword="switch" />

¿Eso te ayudaría? Podría valer la pena intentarlo solo para ver lo que hace.

Si solo desea utilizar un hipervínculo normal, use href en lugar de cref:

<see href="">switch</see>

<see cref="switch" /> , por ejemplo, no funciona. Recibo la advertencia de compilación: el XML comment on ... has syntactically incorrect cref attribute ''switch''

Contexto para los interesados.

/// <summary>Provides base functionality for hand-coded abstractions of API method wrappers, mostly those that abstract over /// parameters that are required to be JSON-encoded.</summary> public class FacebookArgs : Dictionary<String, Object> { /// <summary>Initializes an instance of <see cref="FacebookArgs" />.</summary> public FacebookArgs() { } /// <summary>Intializes an instance of <see cref="FacebookArgs" />, that contains elements copied from <paramref name="dictionary "/>.</summary> /// <param name="dictionary"></param> public FacebookArgs(IDictionary<String, Object> dictionary) : base(dictionary) { } /// <summary>Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key.</summary> /// <param name="key">The key of the value to get or set.</param> /// <returns>The value associated with the specified key.</returns> /// <remarks>This implementation hides the base indexer implementation such that specifying a key that does not exist returns null rather than throwing a <see cref="KeyNotFoundException" />.</remarks> public new Object this[String key] { get { Object value; if (this.TryGetValue(key, out value)) return value; else return null; } set { base[key] = value; } } /// <summary>In derived classes, provides specialized serialization logic for specific properties contained in this object.</summary> /// <param name="key">The key of the property to serialize.</param> /// <param name="args">A reference to a dictionary of arguments that will be passed directly to a <see cref="FacebookRequest" /> object.</param> /// <remarks> /// <para>This method allows specialized serialization logic, such as JSON encoding, to be applied to specific properties.</para> /// <para>To implement, use a <c>switch</c> (<c>Select</c> in VB.NET) statement to filter based on <paramref name="key" /> and provide the property-specific logic. /// The resulting value should then be added to <paramref name="args" /> using the same <paramref name="key "/>. /// </para> /// <para>Properties that do not require additional processing (strings, integral values, etc) should be ignored.</para> /// </remarks> protected virtual void SerializeProperty(String key, ref IDictionary<String, Object> args) { } /// <summary>Returns a dictionary of key/value pairs suitable to be passed a <see cref="FacebookRequest" /> object.</summary> /// <returns>A dictionary of key/value pairs suitable to be passed a <see cref="FacebookRequest" /> object.</returns> /// <remarks>This method calls the <see cref="SerializeProperty" /> for each key in the object, which allows property-specific processing /// to be done on any property.</remarks> /// <seealso cref="SerializeProperty" /> public IDictionary<String, Object> GetArgs() { IDictionary<String, Object> args = new Dictionary<String, Object>(); foreach (String key in this.Keys) { this.SerializeProperty(key, ref args); if (!args.ContainsKey(key) && this[key] != null) { args.Add(key, this[key]); } } return args; } }

La etiqueta en cuestión se puede encontrar en la etiqueta <remarks> para SerializeProperty . Me estoy equivocando en el lado de la documentación detallada. También planeo proporcionar algunos <example> , aún no he llegado a eso.