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¿Para qué sirve el complemento L9 vim? (1)

Me he dado cuenta de referencias a L9 en un par de lugares, recientemente de Vundle. Es cierto, no está documentado desde el principio. Pero hay comentarios decentes en el archivo fuente principal, autoload/l9.vim . Es un conjunto de funciones de utilidad de propósito general. Aquí está la mayor parte de su API, que aumenta el tratamiento de Vim de listas, números, cadenas, líneas, rutas, archivos, búferes, ventanas, búsqueda y más:

" returns false if the caller script should finish. " a:vimVersion: if 0, don''t check vim version " a:l9Version: same rule as v:version function l9#guardScriptLoading(path, vimVersion, l9Version, exprs) " Removes duplicates (unstable) " This function doesn''t change the list of argument. function l9#unique(items) " [ [0], [1,2], [3] ] -> [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] " This function doesn''t change the list of argument. function l9#concat(items) " [ [0,1,2], [3,4], [5,6,7,8] ] -> [ [0,3,5],[1,4,6] ] " This function doesn''t change the list of argument. function l9#zip(items) " filter() with the maximum number of items " This function doesn''t change the list of argument. function l9#filterWithLimit(items, expr, limit) " Removes if a:expr is evaluated as non-zero and returns removed items. " This function change the list of argument. function l9#removeIf(items, expr) " Snips a:str and add a:mask if the length of a:str is more than a:len function l9#snipHead(str, len, mask) " Snips a:str and add a:mask if the length of a:str is more than a:len function l9#snipTail(str, len, mask) " Snips a:str and add a:mask if the length of a:str is more than a:len function l9#snipMid(str, len, mask) " wildcard -> regexp function l9#convertWildcardToRegexp(expr) " Removes from the line matching with a:begin first to the line matching with " a:end next and returns removed lines. " If matching range is not found, returns [] function l9#removeLinesBetween(lines, begin, end) " returns the path separator charactor. function l9#getPathSeparator() " [ ''a'', ''b/'', ''/c'' ] -> ''a/b/c'' function l9#concatPaths(paths) " path: ''/a/b/c/d'', dir: ''/a/b'' => ''c/d'' function l9#modifyPathRelativeToDir(path, dir) " Almost same as readfile(). function l9#readFile(...) " Almost same as writefile(). function l9#writeFile(...) " :wall/:wall! wrapper. Useful for writing readonly buffers. function l9#writeAll() " Loads given files with :edit command function l9#loadFilesToBuffers(files) " Deletes all buffers except given files with :bdelete command function l9#deleteAllBuffersExcept(files) " move current window to next tabpage. function l9#shiftWinNextTabpage() " move current window to previous tabpage. function l9#shiftWinPrevTabpage() " move to a window containing specified buffer. " returns 0 if the buffer is not found. function l9#moveToBufferWindowInCurrentTabpage(bufNr) " returns 0 if the buffer is not found. function s:moveToOtherTabpageOpeningBuffer(bufNr) " move to a window containing specified buffer. " returns 0 if the buffer is not found. function l9#moveToBufferWindowInOtherTabpage(bufNr) " echo/echomsg with highlighting. function l9#echoHl(hl, msg, prefix, addingHistory) " input() with highlighting. " This function can take list as {completion} argument. function l9#inputHl(hl, ...) " only called by l9#inputHl() for completion. function l9#completeForInputHl(lead, line, pos) " returns last selected text in Visual mode. function l9#getSelectedText() " loads given text as Vim script with :source command function l9#loadScript(text) " Execute :vimgrep and opens the quickfix window if matches are found. " " a:pattern: search pattern. If ommitted, last search pattern (@/) is used. " a:files: List of files function l9#grepFiles(pattern, files) " Execute :vimgrep for buffers using l9#grepFiles() " See also: :L9GrepBuffer :L9GrepBufferAll function l9#grepBuffers(pattern, bufNrs) " Highlights lines using :sign define and :sign place. " a:linehl, a:text, a:texthl: See |signs|. Ignored if empty string. " a:locations: List of [{buffer number}, {line number}] for highlighting function l9#placeSign(linehl, text, texthl, locations) " Notify a message using an external program. " Currently supports Balloonly, Screen, and Tmux. function l9#notifyExternally(msg)

Recientemente me encontré con este extraño complemento para Vim y no pude entender cuál es su uso.

Casi no está documentado y nobdy realmente habla de ello, pero parece importante para algunos otros complementos.

Todo lo que encontré está aquí:


pero solo dicen "Es una biblioteca" y "Ver el código fuente".

Alguien sabe para qué sirve esto, si debería tenerlo, para qué propósito, o si puedo simplemente eliminarlo hasta que alguna dependencia no esté satisfecha en algún otro complemento.