multihilos hilos c# events multithreading delegates

multihilos - hilos en c# windows forms

C#¿Eventos entre hilos ejecutados en su propio hilo(Cómo)? (4)

Me gustaría tener dos hilos. Llamémoslos:

  • Hilo A
  • Hilo B

El hilo A dispara un evento y el hilo B escucha este evento. Cuando se ejecuta el escucha de eventos del subproceso B, se ejecuta con el ID de subproceso del subproceso A, así que supongo que se ejecuta dentro del subproceso A.

Lo que me gustaría hacer es poder disparar el evento al subproceso B diciendo algo como: "hey, hay un dato listo para ti, puedes manejarlo ahora". Este evento debe ejecutarse en su propio subproceso porque utiliza cosas a las que solo él puede acceder (como los controles de UI).

Cómo puedo hacer eso ?

Gracias por tu ayuda.

La forma más fácil es, probablemente, suscribirse con un controlador de eventos que simplemente marque la llamada del controlador "real" en el subproceso B. Por ejemplo, el controlador podría llamar a Control.BeginInvoke para realizar un trabajo en el subproceso B:

MethodInvoker realAction = UpdateTextBox; foo.SomeEvent += (sender, args) => textBox.BeginInvoke(realAction); ... private void UpdateTextBox() { // Do your real work here }

Si está utilizando Windows Forms o WPF, y no tiene una referencia de Control a la mano de sus controladores de eventos, también puede capturar la referencia de System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current en algo que se ejecuta en el subproceso de la interfaz de usuario y exponer esa referencia a sus gestores de eventos.

Luego, cuando necesite ejecutar algo en el subproceso de la interfaz de usuario, invoque Post() o Send() en la referencia de SynchronizationContext capturada desde su controlador de eventos, dependiendo de si desea que se ejecute de forma asíncrona o síncrona.

Básicamente, solo se trata de capturar una referencia de Control y llamar a Invoke() , pero puede simplificar el código.

Solo he estado usando C # durante unas pocas semanas, pero me encontré con la misma pregunta de cómo disparar eventos a través de hilos. No hay muchos ejemplos completos disponibles (¿alguno?) Y fue difícil entender todas las piezas individuales de varios expertos. Después de un tiempo, finalmente desarrollé algo que funciona, así que quería compartir un ejemplo completo en este hilo para los recién llegados como yo. También doy la bienvenida a cualquier consejo experto o crítica, ya que soy bastante nuevo en C # y seguramente esto puede mejorarse.

Este es un ejemplo completo menos un formulario pequeño con 3 botones y una barra de seguimiento vertical, todos con nombres predeterminados. Cree el formulario en Designer y sobrescríbalo con la clase TestEvent que tengo, luego conecte los 3 botones de eventos OnClick. La barra de seguimiento se puede utilizar para seleccionar el hilo al que desea que se dispare un evento a través de los botones, y se escalará automáticamente cuando cambie numThreads en void Main (). Button2 enviará un evento para cerrar el hilo.

La clase MyEvent se puede usar junto con cualquier clase que implemente la interfaz IMyEventActions. La clase que utiliza MyEvent recibirá automáticamente eventos activados en OnSomethingHappened (...). Además, la clase que crea una instancia de MyEvent puede suscribirse a otros eventos de clases de forma recursiva. Los eventos de disparo se logran fácilmente a través del método MyEvent.Fire (...).

// Create a designer form with 3 buttons and a vertical trackbar and overwrite //it with "TestEvent" class near bottom of code, then hook up the buttons to //button<1/2/3>_OnClick. Event Sibling Subscribing section explains why the //first 4 event threads all fire at once. using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Threading; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace TestingEventsApplication { using Extensions; public delegate void OnSomethingHappenedDel(MyEventArgs e); public delegate void EventMarshalDel(IMyEventActions sender, MyEventArgs e); static class Program { /// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Console.WriteLine("Thread Main is Thread#" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); //This controls how many threads we want to make for testing int numThreads = 10; QuickSync quickSync = new QuickSync(); MyThread[] myThreads = new MyThread[numThreads]; TestEvent GUI = new TestEvent(myThreads); GUI.TrackbarVal = numThreads-1; for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { myThreads[i] = new MyThread(); Thread thread = new Thread(delegate() { myThreads[i].Start(quickSync); }); thread.Name = "Thread#" + thread.ManagedThreadId.ToString(); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); while (!thread.IsAlive || !quickSync.Sync) { Thread.Sleep(1); } myThreads[i].thread = thread; Console.WriteLine(thread.Name + " is alive"); quickSync.Sync = false; } #region Event Sibling Subscribing // ********* Event Sibling Subscribing ********* // Just for example, I will link Thread 0 to thread 1, then // 1->2,2->3,3->4 so when thread 0 receives an event, so will // thread 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Noncommutative.) // Loops are perfectly acceptable and will not result in // eternal events. // e.g. 0->1 + 1->0 is OK, or 0->1 + 1->2 + 2->0... No problem. if (numThreads > 0) myThreads[0].Event.SubscribeMeTo(myThreads[1].Event); //Recursively add thread 2 if (numThreads > 1) myThreads[1].Event.SubscribeMeTo(myThreads[2].Event); //Recursively add thread 3 if (numThreads > 2) myThreads[2].Event.SubscribeMeTo(myThreads[3].Event); //Recursively add thread 4 if (numThreads > 3) myThreads[3].Event.SubscribeMeTo(myThreads[4].Event); #endregion Application.Run(GUI); } } /// <summary> /// Used to determine when a task is complete. /// </summary> public class QuickSync { public bool Sync { get { lock (this) return sync; } set { lock (this) sync = value; } } private bool sync; } /// <summary> /// A class representing the operating body of a Background thread. /// Inherits IMyEventActions. /// </summary> /// <param name="m">a QuickSync boxed bool.</param> public class MyThread : IMyEventActions { /// <summary> /// An reference to the Thread object used by this thread. /// </summary> public Thread thread { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Tracks the MyEvent object used by the thread. /// </summary> public MyEvent Event { get; set;} /// <summary> /// Satisfies IMyEventActions and provides a method to implement /// Event actions /// </summary> public void OnSomethingHappened(MyEventArgs e) { switch ((MyEventArgsFuncs)e.Function) { case MyEventArgsFuncs.Shutdown: Console.WriteLine("Shutdown Event detected... " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " exiting"); Event.Close(); break; case MyEventArgsFuncs.SomeOtherEvent: Console.WriteLine("SomeOtherEvent Event detected on " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name); break; case MyEventArgsFuncs.TheLastEvent: Console.WriteLine("TheLastEvent Event detected on " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name); break; } } /// <summary> /// The method used by a thread starting delegate. /// </summary> public void Start(QuickSync quickSync) { //MyEvent inherits from Form which inherits from Control which is //the key to this whole thing working. It is the BeginInvoke method //of Control which allows us to marshal objects between threads, //without it any event handlers would simply fire in the same thread //which they were triggered. We don''t want to see this form though //so I''ve moved it off screen and out of the task bar Event = new MyEvent(); Event.MyEventSender = this; Event.SomethingHappened += new EventMarshalDel(Event.EventMarshal); Event.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; Event.ShowInTaskbar = false; Event.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; Event.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(-10000, -10000); Event.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1, 1); System.Windows.Forms.Application.Idle += new EventHandler(OnApplicationIdle); quickSync.Sync = true; Application.Run(Event); } /// <summary> /// The operating body of the thread. /// </summary> private void OnApplicationIdle(object sender, EventArgs e) { while (this.AppStillIdle) { //Do your threads work here... Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } /// <summary> /// Monitors the Threads msg procedure to make sure we handle messages. /// </summary> public bool AppStillIdle { get { Win32.NativeMessage msg; return !Win32.PeekMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, 0); } } } /// <summary> /// Houses all of the plumbing necessary to fire cross thread events. /// </summary> public class MyEvent : System.Windows.Forms.Form { /// <summary> /// A reference to the object using this MyEvent, used during recursion. /// </summary> public IMyEventActions MyEventSender { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Lock for somethingHappened delegate access. /// </summary> public readonly object someEventLock = new object(); /// <summary> /// Public access to the event SomethingHappened with a locking /// subscription mechanism for thread safety. /// </summary> public event EventMarshalDel SomethingHappened { add { lock (someEventLock) somethingHappened += value; } remove { lock (someEventLock) //Contributes to preventing race condition somethingHappened -= value; } } /// <summary> /// The trigger of MyEvent class. /// </summary> public void Fire(MyEventArgs e) { //After rigorous testing I found this was the simplest way to solve //the classic event race condition. I rewired RaiseEvent and //EventMarshal to increase race condition tendency, and began //looping only iterating between 20 and 200 times I was able to //observe the race condition every time, with this lock in place, //I have iterated 10''s of thousands of times without failure. lock (someEventLock) somethingHappened.RaiseEvent(MyEventSender, e); Thread.Sleep(1); //Optional, may make things more fluid. } /// <summary> /// The Event Marshal. /// </summary> public void EventMarshal(IMyEventActions sender, MyEventArgs e) { if (sender.Event.InvokeRequired) //Without the lock in Fire() a race condition would occur //here when one thread closes the MyEvent form and another //tries to Invoke it. sender.Event.BeginInvoke( new OnSomethingHappenedDel(sender.OnSomethingHappened), new object[] { e }); else sender.OnSomethingHappened(e); if (SiblingEvents.Count > 0) Recurs(e); } /// <summary> /// Provides safe recursion and event propagation through siblings. /// </summary> public void Recurs(MyEventArgs e) { e.Event.Add(this); foreach (MyEvent m in SiblingEvents) lock (m.someEventLock) //Prevents Race with UnSubscribeMeTo() if (!e.Event.Contains(m)) //Provides safety from Eternals m.Fire(e); } /// <summary> /// Adds sibling MyEvent classes which to fire synchronously. /// </summary> public void SubscribeMeTo(MyEvent m) { if (this != m) SiblingEvents.Add(m); } /// <summary> /// Removes sibling MyEvent''s. /// </summary> public void UnSubscribeMeTo(MyEvent m) { lock (m.someEventLock) //Prevents race condition with Recurs() if (SiblingEvents.Contains(m)) SiblingEvents.Remove(m); } protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) { SomethingHappened -= somethingHappened; base.OnFormClosing(e); } /// <summary> /// Delegate backing the SomethingHappened event. /// </summary> private EventMarshalDel somethingHappened; /// <summary> /// A list of siblings to Eventcast. /// </summary> private List<MyEvent> SiblingEvents = new List<MyEvent>(); } /// <summary> /// The interface used by MyThread to enlist OnSomethingHappened arbiter. /// </summary> public interface IMyEventActions { void OnSomethingHappened(MyEventArgs e); MyEvent Event { get; set; } } public enum MyEventArgsFuncs : int { Shutdown = 0, SomeOtherEvent, TheLastEvent }; /// <summary> /// Uses a string-referable enum to target functions handled /// by OnSomethingHappened. /// </summary> public class MyEventArgs : EventArgs { public int Function { get; set; } public List<MyEvent> Event = new List<MyEvent>(); public MyEventArgs(string s) { this.Function = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(MyEventArgsFuncs), s); } } /// <summary> /// This is a form with 3 buttons and a trackbar on it. /// </summary> /// <param name="m">An array of MyThread objects.</param> // Create a designer form with 3 buttons and a trackbar and overwrite it // with this, then hook up the buttons to button<1/2/3>_OnClick. public partial class TestEvent : Form { public TestEvent() { InitializeComponent(); } public TestEvent(MyThread[] t) : this() { myThreads = t; } /// <summary> /// This button will fire a test event, which will write to the /// console via OnSomethingHappened in another thread. /// </summary> private void button1_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Firing SomeOtherEvent from Thread#" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " (Main)"); myThreads[TrackbarVal].Event.Fire(new MyEventArgs("SomeOtherEvent")); } /// <summary> /// This button will fire an event, which remotely shut down the /// myEvent form and kill the thread. /// </summary> private void button2_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Firing Shutdown event from Thread#" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " (Main)"); myThreads[TrackbarVal].Event.Fire(new MyEventArgs("Shutdown")); } /// <summary> /// This button will fire TheLastEvent, which will write to the /// console via OnSomethingHappened in another thread. /// </summary> private void button3_OnClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Firing TheLastEvent from Thread#" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " (Main)"); myThreads[TrackbarVal].Event.Fire(new MyEventArgs("TheLastEvent")); } public int TrackbarVal { get { return this.trackBar1.Value; } set { this.trackBar1.Maximum = value; } } private MyThread[] myThreads; } /// <summary> /// Stores Win32 API''s. /// </summary> public class Win32 { /// <summary> /// Used to determine if there are messages waiting /// </summary> [System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] [DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool PeekMessage(out NativeMessage message, IntPtr handle, uint filterMin, uint filterMax, uint flags); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct NativeMessage { public IntPtr handle; public uint msg; public IntPtr wParam; public IntPtr lParam; public uint time; public System.Drawing.Point p; } } } namespace Extensions { using System; using TestingEventsApplication; /// <summary> /// An extension method to null test for any OnSomethingHappened /// event handlers. /// </summary> public static class Extension { public static void RaiseEvent(this EventMarshalDel @event, IMyEventActions sender, MyEventArgs e) { if (@event != null) @event(sender, e); } } }

Tendrá que reunir la información de nuevo en el hilo de la interfaz de usuario.

Normalmente, manejaría esto en su controlador de eventos. Por ejemplo, digamos que el subproceso A era su subproceso de la interfaz de usuario: cuando se suscribió a un evento en un objeto en el subproceso B, el controlador del evento se ejecutará dentro del subproceso B. Sin embargo, puede agregarlo nuevamente al subproceso de la interfaz de usuario:

// In Thread A (UI) class... private void myThreadBObject_EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.button1.BeginInvoke( new Action( () => { // Put your "work" here, and it will happen on the UI thread... })); }