type read handling archivo error-handling char pascal

error handling - read - Pascal: tipos incompatibles: se esperaba "LONGINT" "CHAR"

seek in pascal (1)

¿Entonces, cuál es el problema?

BowlDieResult es un char pero le estás asignando un longint .

Mi pascal está un poco oxidado, pero prueba

BowlDieResult := chr(49 + Random(6));

Sigo recibiendo el error "98/39 comp1_ ~ 1.pas: tipos incompatibles: se esperaba el" CHARGO "de" LONGINT ". Esto se refiere a la línea 6. Cualquier ayuda, por favor.

Function RollBowlDie(VirtualDiceGame : Boolean) : Integer; Var BowlDieResult : Char; Begin If VirtualDiceGame Then BowlDieResult := Random(6) + 1 Else Begin Repeat Writeln(''Please roll the bowling die and then enter your result.''); Writeln; Writeln(''Enter 1 if the result is a 1''); Writeln(''Enter 2 if the result is a 2''); Writeln(''Enter 3 if the result is a 4''); Writeln(''Enter 4 if the result is a 6''); Writeln(''Enter 5 if the result is a 0''); Writeln(''Enter 6 if the result is OUT''); Writeln; Write(''Result: ''); Readln(BowlDieResult); If not (BowlDieResult in [''1''..''6'']) Then Begin Writeln; Writeln(''That was not one of the allowed options. Please try agai:''); End; Until BowlDieResult in [''1''..''6'']; End; RollBowlDie := Ord(BowlDieResult) - Ord(''0''); End;