specification objects example array rest documentation-generation swagger

rest - objects - Swagger con la documentación estática

swagger ui (2)

He creado archivos json estáticos para swagger antes. Falta documentación en la descripción del json necesario para que Swagger funcione.

Si miras su spec y miras su ejemplo petstore.json . Deberías poder tener una buena idea de cómo estructurar tu json.

O mira mis ejemplos.

Si tienes más preguntas no dudes en preguntar.


{ "apiVersion": "0.0.4542.22887", "swaggerVersion": "1.0", "basePath": "http://local.api.com/api/doc", "apis": [ { "path": "/donuts", "description": "Operations about donuts" }, { "path": "/cakes", "description": "Operations about cakes" }, { "path": "/bagels", "description": "Operations about bagels" } ] }


{ "apiVersion": "0.0.4542.22887", "swaggerVersion": "1.0", "basePath": "http://local.api.com/api", "resourcePath": "/donuts", "apis": [ { "path": "/donuts/{page}/{pagesize}", "description": "Get donuts by page", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "GET", "notes": "Get a donut with page and size", "nickname": "getDonutsByPageAndSize", "summary": "Get a collection of donuts by page and pagesize.", "parameters": [ { "name": "page", "description": "the page of the collection", "dataType": "int", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "paramType": "path" }, { "name": "pagesize", "description": "the size of the collection", "dataType": "int", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "paramType": "path" } ], "errorResponses": [ ] } ] }, ] }

Estoy buscando usar Swagger para documentar mi interfaz de descanso. El problema es que no quiero generar automáticamente mi documentación anotando mi código. Básicamente, no quiero acoplar mi modelo de datos interno al modelo de datos virtual expuesto por la interfaz. Parece que solo puedo hacer que mi servidor proporcione un archivo Resources.json y luego un archivo JSON correspondiente para cada controlador de recursos. Sin embargo, cuando intenté esto me encontré con muchos errores mientras intentaba definir la sintaxis JSON correcta y proporcionar los campos de respuesta de encabezado HTTP correctos.

¿Alguien ha usado Swagger de esta manera? ¿Alguien tiene alguna documentación o ejemplos? Todo lo que pude encontrar centrado simplemente en utilizar las bibliotecas cliente para generar cosas para ti.

He creado json a partir de archivos PHP usando swagger PHP aquí está mi código si alguien está buscando, espero que ayude

<?php namespace carParking/Resources; use Swagger/Annotations as SWG; /** * @package * @category * @subpackage * * @SWG/Resource( * apiVersion="1.0.0", * swaggerVersion="1.2", * basePath="", * resourcePath="/car", * description="Car Parking System", * produces="[''application/json'',''application/xml'',''text/plain'',''text/html'']" * ) */ class Car { /** * @SWG/Api( * path="/car/car.php?carId={carId}", * @SWG/Operation( * method="GET", * summary="Find car by ID", * notes="Returns a car based on ID", * type="Car", * nickname= "getCarById", * authorizations={}, * @SWG/Parameter( * name="carId", * description="ID of car that needs to be fetched", * required=true, * type="integer", * format="int64", * paramType="path", * allowMultiple=false * ), * @SWG/ResponseMessage(code=400, message="Invalid ID supplied"), * @SWG/ResponseMessage(code=404, message="car not found") * ) * ) */ public function getCarById() { echo "getCarById"; } /** * @SWG/Api( * path="/car/fetchAll.php", * @SWG/Operation( * method="GET", * summary="Fetch all parked cars", * notes="Returns all cars parked", * type="Car", * nickname= "getAllParkedCars", * authorizations={}, * @SWG/ResponseMessage(code=404, message="car not found") * ) * ) */ public function getAllParkedCars() { echo "getAllParkedCars"; } /** * @SWG/Api( * path="/car/delete.php", * @SWG/Operation( * method="DELETE", * summary="Deletes a Car", * notes="Delete a parked car", * type="void", * nickname= "deleteCar", * @SWG/Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), * authorizations={}, * @SWG/Parameter( * name="carId", * description="ID of car that needs to be deleted", * required=true, * type="integer", * format="int64", * paramType="form", * allowMultiple=false * ), * @SWG/ResponseMessage(code=400, message="Invalid ID supplied"), * @SWG/ResponseMessage(code=404, message="car not found") * ) * ) */ public function deleteCar() { echo "deleteCar"; } /** * @SWG/Api( * path="/car/add.php", * @SWG/Operation( * method="POST", * summary="Add Car", * notes="Add car to parking", * type="array", * @SWG/Items("car"), * nickname= "addCar", * authorizations={}, * @SWG/Parameter( * name="parking_section_id", * description="Parking Area ID", * required=true, * type="integer", * format="int64", * paramType="form", * allowMultiple=false * ), * @SWG/Parameter( * name="car_number", * description="Car Number", * required=true, * type="integer", * format="int64", * paramType="form", * allowMultiple=false * ), * @SWG/Parameter( * name="cost", * description="Cost of Parking", * required=true, * type="integer", * format="int64", * paramType="form", * allowMultiple=false * ), * @SWG/ResponseMessage(code=400, message="Invalid ID supplied"), * @SWG/ResponseMessage(code=404, message="car not found") * ) * ) */ public function addCar() { echo "addCar"; } /** * @SWG/Api( * path="/car/getCost.php", * @SWG/Operation( * method="POST", * summary="Parking Cost of the Car Parked", * notes="Parking Cost of the Car Parked", * type="void", * nickname= "getCost", * authorizations={}, * @SWG/Parameter( * name="carId", * description="Parking Area ID", * required=true, * type="integer", * format="int64", * paramType="form", * allowMultiple=false * ), * @SWG/ResponseMessage(code=405, message="Invalid input") * ) * ) */ public function getCost() { echo "getCost"; } /** * @SWG/Api( * path="/car/deleteAll.php", * @SWG/Operation( * method="DELETE", * summary="Delete all car parking", * notes="Delete all car parking", * type="void", * nickname= "deleteAll", * @SWG/Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), * authorizations={} * ) * ) */ public function deleteAll() { echo "deleteAll"; } /** * @SWG/Api( * path="/car/testPut.php", * @SWG/Operation( * method="PUT", * summary="Testing Put", * notes="Testing Put", * type="void", * nickname= "testWithFormPut", * @SWG/Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), * authorizations={}, * @SWG/Parameter( * name="firstPara", * description="First Parameter", * required=true, * type="integer", * format="int64", * paramType="form", * allowMultiple=false * ), * @SWG/Parameter( * name="secondPara", * description="Second Parameter", * required=true, * type="integer", * format="int64", * paramType="form", * allowMultiple=false * ), * @SWG/ResponseMessage(code=405, message="Invalid input") * ) * ) */ public function testWithFormPut() { echo "testWithFormPut"; } /** * @SWG/Api( * path="/car/testPatch.php", * @SWG/Operation( * method="PATCH", * summary="Testing Patch", * notes="Testing Patch", * type="void", * nickname= "testWithFormPatch", * @SWG/Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), * authorizations={}, * @SWG/Parameter( * name="firstPara", * description="First Parameter", * required=true, * type="integer", * format="int64", * paramType="form", * allowMultiple=false * ), * @SWG/Parameter( * name="secondPara", * description="Second Parameter", * required=true, * type="integer", * format="int64", * paramType="form", * allowMultiple=false * ), * @SWG/ResponseMessage(code=405, message="Invalid input") * ) * ) */ public function testWithFormPatch() { echo "testWithFormPatch"; } /** * @SWG/Api( * path="/car/carJsonTest.php", * @SWG/Operation( * method="POST", * summary="Send and parse JSON", * notes="Send and parse JSON", * type="void", * authorizations={}, * @SWG/Parameter( * name="body", * description="Sample JSON need to be passed", * required=true, * type="Car", * paramType="body", * allowMultiple=false * ), * @SWG/ResponseMessage(code=405, message="Invalid input") * ) * ) */ public function carJsonTest() { echo "carJsonTest"; }

Código del modelo:

<?php namespace carStore/Models; use Swagger/Annotations as SWG; /** * @package * @category * @subpackage * * @SWG/Model(id="Car",required="parking_section_id, car_number, cost") */ class Car { /** * @SWG/Property(name="parking_section_id",type="integer",format="int64",minimum="0.0",maximum="100.0",description="unique identifier for the parking") */ public $parking_section_id; /** * @SWG/Property(name="car_number",type="integer",format="int64",description="unique identifier for the car") */ public $car_number; /** * @SWG/Property(name="cost",type="integer",format="int64",description="cost for the parking") */ public $cost; }


Aquí usamos el código JSON para swagger UI:

{ "basePath": "", "swaggerVersion": "1.2", "apiVersion": "1.0.0", "resourcePath": "/car", "apis": [ { "path": "/car/add.php", "operations": [ { "method": "POST", "summary": "Add Car", "nickname": "addCar", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "car" }, "parameters": [ { "paramType": "form", "name": "parking_section_id", "type": "integer", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "description": "Parking Area ID", "format": "int64" }, { "paramType": "form", "name": "car_number", "type": "integer", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "description": "Car Number", "format": "int64" }, { "paramType": "form", "name": "cost", "type": "integer", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "description": "Cost of Parking", "format": "int64" } ], "responseMessages": [ { "code": 400, "message": "Invalid ID supplied" }, { "code": 404, "message": "car not found" } ], "notes": "Add car to parking", "authorizations": { } } ] }, { "path": "/car/car.php?carId={carId}", "operations": [ { "method": "GET", "summary": "Find car by ID", "nickname": "getCarById", "type": "Car", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "path", "name": "carId", "type": "integer", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "description": "ID of car that needs to be fetched", "format": "int64" } ], "responseMessages": [ { "code": 400, "message": "Invalid ID supplied" }, { "code": 404, "message": "car not found" } ], "notes": "Returns a car based on ID", "authorizations": { } } ] }, { "path": "/car/carJsonTest.php", "operations": [ { "method": "POST", "summary": "Send and parse JSON", "nickname": "carJsonTest", "type": "void", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "body", "name": "body", "type": "Car", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "description": "Sample JSON need to be passed" } ], "responseMessages": [ { "code": 405, "message": "Invalid input" } ], "notes": "Send and parse JSON", "authorizations": { } } ] }, { "path": "/car/delete.php", "operations": [ { "method": "DELETE", "summary": "Deletes a Car", "nickname": "deleteCar", "type": "void", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "form", "name": "carId", "type": "integer", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "description": "ID of car that needs to be deleted", "format": "int64" } ], "responseMessages": [ { "code": 400, "message": "Invalid ID supplied" }, { "code": 404, "message": "car not found" } ], "notes": "Delete a parked car", "consumes": [ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ], "authorizations": { } } ] }, { "path": "/car/deleteAll.php", "operations": [ { "method": "DELETE", "summary": "Delete all car parking", "nickname": "deleteAll", "type": "void", "notes": "Delete all car parking", "consumes": [ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ], "authorizations": { } } ] }, { "path": "/car/fetchAll.php", "operations": [ { "method": "GET", "summary": "Fetch all parked cars", "nickname": "getAllParkedCars", "type": "Car", "responseMessages": [ { "code": 404, "message": "car not found" } ], "notes": "Returns all cars parked", "authorizations": { } } ] }, { "path": "/car/getCost.php", "operations": [ { "method": "POST", "summary": "Parking Cost of the Car Parked", "nickname": "getCost", "type": "void", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "form", "name": "carId", "type": "integer", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "description": "Parking Area ID", "format": "int64" } ], "responseMessages": [ { "code": 405, "message": "Invalid input" } ], "notes": "Parking Cost of the Car Parked", "authorizations": { } } ] }, { "path": "/car/testPatch.php", "operations": [ { "method": "PATCH", "summary": "Testing Patch", "nickname": "testWithFormPatch", "type": "void", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "form", "name": "firstPara", "type": "integer", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "description": "First Parameter", "format": "int64" }, { "paramType": "form", "name": "secondPara", "type": "integer", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "description": "Second Parameter", "format": "int64" } ], "responseMessages": [ { "code": 405, "message": "Invalid input" } ], "notes": "Testing Patch", "consumes": [ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ], "authorizations": { } } ] }, { "path": "/car/testPut.php", "operations": [ { "method": "PUT", "summary": "Testing Put", "nickname": "testWithFormPut", "type": "void", "parameters": [ { "paramType": "form", "name": "firstPara", "type": "integer", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "description": "First Parameter", "format": "int64" }, { "paramType": "form", "name": "secondPara", "type": "integer", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "description": "Second Parameter", "format": "int64" } ], "responseMessages": [ { "code": 405, "message": "Invalid input" } ], "notes": "Testing Put", "consumes": [ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ], "authorizations": { } } ] } ], "models": { "Car": { "id": "Car", "required": [ "car_number", "cost", "parking_section_id" ], "properties": { "parking_section_id": { "description": "unique identifier for the parking", "type": "integer", "format": "int64", "minimum": "0.0", "maximum": "100.0" }, "car_number": { "description": "unique identifier for the car", "type": "integer", "format": "int64" }, "cost": { "description": "cost for the parking", "type": "integer", "format": "int64" } } } }, "produces": [ "application/json", "application/xml", "text/plain", "text/html" ] }

Dar la ruta json en api-doc.json