tutorial transacciones query createcommand consultas app sql yii2 database-migration

sql - transacciones - ¿Cómo crear una clave primaria compuesta utilizando Migración en Yii2?

yii2 query builder (3)

Intenté ejecutar yii migrate , pero mostró el siguiente error:

create table news-cate ...Exception: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1075 Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key The SQL being executed was: CREATE TABLE `news-cate` ( `news-id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `cate-id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY

Aquí está mi código:

class m150821_083020_create_newscate_table extends Migration { public function safeUp() { $this->createTable(''news-cate'', [ ''news-id'' => $this->primaryKey(), ''cate-id'' => $this->primaryKey(), ]); $this->addForeignKey("fk_news_cate_nid", "news-cate", "news-id", "news", "id", "RESTRICT", "CASCADE"); $this->addForeignKey("fk_news_cate_cid", "news-cate", "cate-id", "category", "id", "RESTRICT", "CASCADE"); } public function safeDown() { echo "m150821_083020_create_newscate_table cannot be reverted./n"; $this->dropTable("news-cate"); return false; } }

Entonces, ¿cómo crear una clave primaria compuesta utilizando Migración en Yii2?

Lo ideal es crear unión para dos tablas. Puede usar la línea de comandos Yii para crear la migración con solo un código de línea:

php yii migrate/create create_junction_table_for_post_and_tag_tables --fields="created_at:bigInteger"

Se genera:

/** * Handles the creation for table `post_tag`. * Has foreign keys to the tables: * * - `post` * - `tag` */ class m160328_041642_create_junction_table_for_post_and_tag_tables extends Migration { /** * @inheritdoc */ public function up() { $this->createTable(''post_tag'', [ ''post_id'' => $this->integer(), ''tag_id'' => $this->integer(), ''created_at'' => $this->dateTime(), ''PRIMARY KEY(post_id, tag_id)'', ]); // creates index for column `post_id` $this->createIndex( ''idx-post_tag-post_id'', ''post_tag'', ''post_id'' ); // add foreign key for table `post` $this->addForeignKey( ''fk-post_tag-post_id'', ''post_tag'', ''post_id'', ''post'', ''id'', ''CASCADE'' ); // creates index for column `tag_id` $this->createIndex( ''idx-post_tag-tag_id'', ''post_tag'', ''tag_id'' ); // add foreign key for table `tag` $this->addForeignKey( ''fk-post_tag-tag_id'', ''post_tag'', ''tag_id'', ''tag'', ''id'', ''CASCADE'' ); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function down() { // drops foreign key for table `post` $this->dropForeignKey( ''fk-post_tag-post_id'', ''post_tag'' ); // drops index for column `post_id` $this->dropIndex( ''idx-post_tag-post_id'', ''post_tag'' ); // drops foreign key for table `tag` $this->dropForeignKey( ''fk-post_tag-tag_id'', ''post_tag'' ); // drops index for column `tag_id` $this->dropIndex( ''idx-post_tag-tag_id'', ''post_tag'' ); $this->dropTable(''post_tag''); } }

Y la estructura de la mesa sería así:

+------------+------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------+------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | post_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | tag_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | created_at | bigint(20) | YES | | NULL | | +------------+------------+------+-----+---------+-------+

Por favor revise la siguiente URL mencionada para referencia:


prueba de esta manera

public function safeUp() { $this->createTable(''news-cate'', [ ''news-id'' =>''int NOT NULL'', ''cate-id'' =>''int NOT NULL'', ''PRIMARY KEY (news-id,cate-id)'' ]); $this->addForeignKey("fk_news_cate_nid", "news-cate", "news-id", "news", "id", "RESTRICT", "CASCADE"); $this->addForeignKey("fk_news_cate_cid", "news-cate", "cate-id", "category", "id", "RESTRICT", "CASCADE"); }


A partir de la versión 2.06 puede usar el nuevo generador de esquemas:

<?php use yii/db/Migration; ... $this->createTable(''news-cate'', [ ''news-id'' => $this->integer()->notNull(), ''cate-id'' => $this->integer()->notNull(), ]); $this->addPrimaryKey(''news-cate_pk'', ''news-cate'', [''news-id'', ''cate-id'']); ... ?>


No agregue claves primarias en la creación de tablas, solo declare tipos:

use yii/db/Schema; ,,, $this->createTable(''news-cate'', [ ''news-id'' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . '' NOT NULL'', ''cate-id'' => Schema::TYPE_INTEGER . '' NOT NULL'', ]);

Después de eso, puede agregar la clave principal compuesta de esta manera:

$this->addPrimaryKey(''news-cate_pk'', ''news-cate'', [''news-id'', ''cate-id'']);

Para varias columnas, la matriz está permitida en el método addPrimaryKey() .

Esto es mejor que escribir sql crudo.