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significado - Trabaja con elm y selecciona

ul 1741 español (5)

ACTUALIZACIÓN: onInput funciona, vea otra respuesta a continuación con el código de trabajo 0.19:

Sí, deberá usar para controlar el evento de cambio. Si miras la fuente de otros controladores de eventos integrados en Elm, como onClick , verás que todos se crean utilizando la función on .

Este es un ejemplo que utiliza targetValueIntParse de elm-community/html-extra para convertir el valor de cadena de la opción en un int.

Actualizado a Elm-0.18

import Html exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (on) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Json.Decode as Json import String import Html.Events.Extra exposing (targetValueIntParse) main = beginnerProgram { model = { duration = 1 }, view = view, update = update } durationOption duration = option [ value (toString duration) ] [ text (toString duration) ] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Month selector" ] , select [ on "change" ( SetDuration targetValueIntParse) ] ( durationOption (List.range 1 12)) , div [] [ text <| "Selected: " ++ (toString model.duration) ] ] type Msg = SetDuration Int type alias Model = { duration : Int } update msg model = case msg of SetDuration val -> { model | duration = val }

Puede ejecutar este ejemplo en el navegador

Intento entender cómo funciona el olmo con un ejemplo personalizado.

durationOption duration = option [value (toString duration) ] [ text (toString duration)] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Month selector"] , select [] ( durationOption [1..12]) ]

Es un ejemplo fácil de trabajar con un selecto. Me gustaría, cada vez que cambio el valor del mes, se multiplica a valor por 10, por ejemplo. De acuerdo con la documentación, no hay eventos como onChange o onSelect , ¿tengo que crear el mío con on ?

Aquí hay una actualización para Elm 0.19:

module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (on) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Json.Decode as Json import String import Html.Events.Extra exposing (targetValueIntParse) main = Browser.sandbox { init = { duration = 1 }, view = view, update = update } durationOption duration = option [ value (String.fromInt duration) ] [ text (String.fromInt duration) ] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Month selector" ] , select [ on "change" ( SetDuration targetValueIntParse) ] ( durationOption (List.range 1 12)) , div [] [ text <| "Selected: " ++ (String.fromInt model.duration) ] ] type Msg = SetDuration Int type alias Model = { duration : Int } update msg model = case msg of SetDuration val -> { model | duration = val }

Esto funciona con Ellie en Elm 0.19.0:

Código completo:

import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (on) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Json.Decode as Json import String import Html.Events.Extra exposing (targetValueIntParse) main = Browser.sandbox { init = init, view = view, update = update } init = { duration = 1 } durationOption duration = option [ value (String.fromInt duration) ] [ text (String.fromInt duration) ] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Month selector" ] , select [ on "change" ( SetDuration targetValueIntParse) ] ( durationOption (List.range 1 12)) , div [] [ text <| "Selected: " ++ (String.fromInt model.duration) ] ] type Msg = SetDuration Int type alias Model = { duration : Int } update msg model = case msg of SetDuration val -> { model | duration = val }

Para futuras referencias de Elm-newbies (como yo): con Elm 0.18.0 + elm-lang / html 2.0.0, el evento onInput (ver código a continuación) works . (También note la diferencia en la notación de rango int ( List.range 0 12 lugar de [0..12] ).

import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onInput) main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = model , view = view , update = update } -- MODEL type alias Model = { duration : Int } model : Model model = Model 0 -- UPDATE type Msg = SetDuration String update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of SetDuration s -> let result = String.toInt s in case result of Ok v -> { model | duration = v } Err message -> model -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ select [ onInput SetDuration ] (List.range 0 12 |> intToOption) , div [] [ text <| "Selected: " ++ (toString model.duration) ] ] intToOption : Int -> Html Msg intToOption v = option [ value (toString v) ] [ text (toString v) ]

Un ejemplo con el controlador onInput (también puede verificar el Ellie ):

module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text, select, option) import Html.Attributes exposing (value, selected) import Html.Events exposing (onInput) import Dict exposing (Dict) type alias Model = { options : Dict Int (String, Bool) } initialModel : Model initialModel = { options = Dict.fromList [(0, ("All time", False)), (1, ("One week", True)), (2, ("24h", False))] } type Msg = Select String update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Select value -> case String.toInt value of Just selectedID -> let changeSelection id (label, _) = if id == selectedID then (label, True) else (label, False) in {model | options = changeSelection model.options} Nothing -> model view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let toOption (id, (label, isSelected)) = option [value (String.fromInt id), selected isSelected] [text label] in div [] [ select [onInput Select] ( toOption <| Dict.toList model.options) , div [] [text "DEBUG"] , div [] [text <| Debug.toString model.options] ] main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.sandbox { init = initialModel , view = view , update = update }