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¿Cómo escribir CDATA usando SimpleXmlElement? (5)

¡Lo tengo! Adapte el código de esta gran solución :

<?php // class SimpleXMLExtended extends SimpleXMLElement { public function addCData($cdata_text) { $node = dom_import_simplexml($this); $no = $node->ownerDocument; $node->appendChild($no->createCDATASection($cdata_text)); } } $xmlFile = ''config.xml''; // instead of $xml = new SimpleXMLElement(''<site/>''); $xml = new SimpleXMLExtended(''<site/>''); $xml->title = NULL; // VERY IMPORTANT! We need a node where to append $xml->title->addCData(''Site Title''); $xml->title->addAttribute(''lang'', ''en''); $xml->saveXML($xmlFile); ?>

Archivo XML generado:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <site> <title lang="en"><![CDATA[Site Title]]></title> </site>

Gracias Petah

Tengo este código para crear y actualizar el archivo xml:

<?php $xmlFile = ''config.xml''; $xml = new SimpleXmlElement(''<site/>''); $xml->title = ''Site Title''; $xml->title->addAttribute(''lang'', ''en''); $xml->saveXML($xmlFile); ?>

Esto genera el siguiente archivo xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <site> <title lang="en">Site Title</title> </site>

La pregunta es: ¿hay alguna manera de agregar CDATA con este método / técnica para crear código xml a continuación?

<?xml version="1.0"?> <site> <title lang="en"><![CDATA[Site Title]]></title> </site>

Aquí está mi solución combinada con agregar hijos con CDATA o agregar CDATA al nodo.

class SimpleXMLElementExtended extends SimpleXMLElement { /** * Add value as CData to a given XML node * * @param SimpleXMLElement $node SimpleXMLElement object representing the child XML node * @param string $value A text to add as CData * @return void */ private function addCDataToNode(SimpleXMLElement $node, $value = '''') { if ($domElement = dom_import_simplexml($node)) { $domOwner = $domElement->ownerDocument; $domElement->appendChild($domOwner->createCDATASection("{$value}")); } } /** * Add child node with value as CData * * @param string $name The child XML node name to add * @param string $value A text to add as CData * @return SimpleXMLElement */ public function addChildWithCData($name = '''', $value = '''') { $newChild = parent::addChild($name); if ($value) $this->addCDataToNode($newChild, "{$value}"); return $newChild; } /** * Add value as CData to the current XML node * * @param string $value A text to add as CData * @return void */ public function addCData($value = '''') { $this->addCDataToNode($this, "{$value}"); } } // Usage example: $xml_doc = ''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <offers xmlns:xsi="" version="1"> </offers>''; $xml = new SimpleXMLElementExtended($xml_doc); $offer = $xml->addChild(''o''); $offer->addAttribute(''id'', $product->product_id); $offer->addAttribute(''url'', ''some url''); $cat = $offer->addChildWithCData(''cat'', ''Category description as CDATA''); // or $cat = $offer->addChild(''cat''); $cat->addCData(''Category description as CDATA'');

Aquí está mi versión de esta clase que tiene un método rápido addChildWithCDATA, basado en su respuesta :

Class SimpleXMLElementExtended extends SimpleXMLElement { /** * Adds a child with $value inside CDATA * @param unknown $name * @param unknown $value */ public function addChildWithCDATA($name, $value = NULL) { $new_child = $this->addChild($name); if ($new_child !== NULL) { $node = dom_import_simplexml($new_child); $no = $node->ownerDocument; $node->appendChild($no->createCDATASection($value)); } return $new_child; } }

Simplemente úsalo así:

$node = new SimpleXMLElementExtended(); $node->addChildWithCDATA(''title'', ''Text that can contain any unsafe XML charachters like & and <>'');

También puede crear una función auxiliar para esto, si prefiere no extender SimpleXMLElement:

/** * Adds a CDATA property to an XML document. * * @param string $name * Name of property that should contain CDATA. * @param string $value * Value that should be inserted into a CDATA child. * @param object $parent * Element that the CDATA child should be attached too. */ $add_cdata = function($name, $value, &$parent) { $child = $parent->addChild($name); if ($child !== NULL) { $child_node = dom_import_simplexml($child); $child_owner = $child_node->ownerDocument; $child_node->appendChild($child_owner->createCDATASection($value)); } return $child; };

class MySimpleXMLElement extends SimpleXMLElement{ public function addChildWithCData($name , $value) { $new = parent::addChild($name); $base = dom_import_simplexml($new); $docOwner = $base->ownerDocument; $base->appendChild($docOwner->createCDATASection($value)); } } $simpleXmlElemntObj = new MySimpleXMLElement(''<site/>''); /* USAGE */ /* Standard */ $simpleXmlElemntObj->addChild(''Postcode'',''1111''); /* With CDATA */ $simpleXmlElemntObj->addChildWithCData(''State'',''Processing''); /* RESULT */ /* <?xml version="1.0"?> <site> <Postcode>1111</Postcode> <State><![CDATA[Processing]]></State> </site> */