examples español google-chrome mobile vue.js opentok

google chrome - español - Opentok en streamCreated subscribe hace que Chrome se congele

tokbox web (1)

Estoy desarrollando chat webRTC en la plataforma opentok y vue.js. Si bien todo está bien en desctop y en el navegador móvil Firefox, el Chromebook móvil se bloquea cuando intentas suscribirte al evento. Stream. Lo extraño es que si activo las herramientas de desarrollador, funcionará en Chrome para dispositivos móviles como se espera, por lo que no puedo depurar el registro de errores en este. He estado analizando mi cerebro sobre esto durante tres días. Si alguien puede ayudarme, ¡lo agradecería! Aquí está la parte relevante de mi código:

//start the live vicdeo sessiion startLivevideoSession: function(session){ this.call = true; //set call to true //initiate opentok session this.LiveVideo_session = OT.initSession(session.apiKey, session.session) //define on streamcreated method this.LiveVideo_session.on(''streamCreated'', function(event) { //this is the problem: this.LiveVideo_session.subscribe(event.stream, ''stream_video1'', { height: ''100%'', width: ''100%'', showControls: true, style: { audioLevelDisplayMode: ''auto'', buttonDisplayMode: ''off'', nameDisplayMode: ''off'', videoDisabledDisplayMode: ''auto'', showArchiveStatus: false } }, this.handleError) //problem ends }.bind(this)) //define on sessionDisconnected method this.LiveVideo_session.on("sessionDisconnected", function (event) { if(this.call){ this.stopVideoButtonPress() //stop on going chat session if any bus.$emit(''showModal'', "stopLivevideoSessionLeft"); //notify user that other user left the page } }.bind(this)) //define connect method this.LiveVideo_session.connect(session.token, function(error) { if(error){ this.handleError(error) }else{ //if call mode is chat, do not publish chat at all if(this.call_mode != ''chat''){ this.LiveVideo_session.publish(this.my_video); //publish my video to chatroom } //if testsession, publish stream also to stream_video1 if(this.testSession){ this.LiveVideo_session.publish(this.test_publisher) } } }.bind(this)); //store session.premium_session to premium_session this.premium_session = session.premium_session //wait for UI elements to be created on page before OT.initPublisher setTimeout(() => { //setup my_video if(this.call_mode == "audio") //if only audio is selected var publisherOptions = { videoSource: null, name: this.connection_setup.stream_video_description+" (vain ääni)", width: ''100%'', height: ''100%'', opaque: ''1'', style: { nameDisplayMode: "on", audioLevelDisplayMode: "on", } } else //setup my_video for videochat var publisherOptions = { name: this.connection_setup.stream_video_description, width: ''100%'', height: ''100%'', opaque: ''1'', style: { nameDisplayMode: "on", audioLevelDisplayMode: "on", } } //if call mode is chat, do not publish chat at all if(this.call_mode != ''chat''){ console.log("call mode"+this.call_mode) this.my_video = OT.initPublisher(''my_video'', publisherOptions, this.handleError) } //if testsession, publish stream also to stream_video1 if(this.testSession){ console.log("call testSession "+this.testSession) publisherOptions.name = ''Sinun kuvasi keskustelukumppanin näkemänä''; this.test_publisher = OT.initPublisher(''stream_video1'', publisherOptions, this.handleError) } }, 600); },