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''InlineAssignHelper'' no se declara al convertir C#a VB.Net (1)

Agrega una función como esta:

Private Shared Function InlineAssignHelper(Of T)(ByRef target As T, ByVal value As T) As T target = value Return value End Function

Aquí está mi código en C #:

ListBox l = new ListBox(); foreach (string[] s in Regex.Matches(new WebClient().DownloadString(""), @"(?:<td class=""leftborder timestamp""(?s).+?<style>)((?s).+?)/s*<td>/s+(/d{2,5})</td>").Cast<Match>().Select(m => new string[] { m.Groups[1].Value, m.Groups[2].Value })) { Regex.Matches(s[0], @"/.([^/{]+)/{([^/}]+)/}").Cast<Match>().ToList().ForEach(m => s[0] = s[0].Replace(string.Format(@"class=""{0}""", m.Groups[1].Value), string.Format(@"style=""{0}""", m.Groups[2].Value)));

Ahora aquí está lo que se descuenta después de convertirlo usando esto :

Dim l As New ListBox() For Each s As String() In Regex.Matches(New WebClient().DownloadString(""), "(?:<td class=""leftborder timestamp""(?s).+?<style>)((?s).+?)/s*<td>/s+(/d{2,5})</td>").Cast(Of Match)().[Select](Function(m) New String() {m.Groups(1).Value, m.Groups(2).Value}) Regex.Matches(s(0), "/.([^/{]+)/{([^/}]+)/}").Cast(Of Match)().ToList().ForEach(Function(m) InlineAssignHelper(s(0), s(0).Replace(String.Format("class=""{0}""", m.Groups(1).Value), String.Format("style=""{0}""", m.Groups(2).Value)))) l.Items.Add(String.Concat(Regex.Matches(Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(s(0), "<(span|div) style=""display:none"">[/d/.]+<//1>", String.Empty).Remove(0, s(0).IndexOf("/style>")), "class=""/d+""", String.Empty), "[/d/.]+").Cast(Of Match)().[Select](Function(m) m.Value)) & ":" & s(1)) Next

Me aparece un mensaje de error que dice:

Error 1 ''InlineAssignHelper'' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.

¿Qué debería ser InlineAssingHelper ?