remarks generate c# generics reflection open-generics

generate - summary c# documentation

Obtenga todos los tipos implementando el tipo genérico abierto específico (3)

Esto devolverá todos los tipos que hereden una clase base genérica. No todos los tipos que heredan una interfaz genérica.

var AllTypesOfIRepository = from x in Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(AnyTypeInTargetAssembly)).GetTypes() let y = x.BaseType where !x.IsAbstract && !x.IsInterface && y != null && y.IsGenericType && y.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IRepository<>) select x;

Esto devolverá todos los tipos, incluidas las interfaces, los resúmenes y los tipos concretos que tienen el tipo genérico abierto en su cadena de herencia.

public static IEnumerable<Type> GetAllTypesImplementingOpenGenericType(Type openGenericType, Assembly assembly) { return from x in assembly.GetTypes() from z in x.GetInterfaces() let y = x.BaseType where (y != null && y.IsGenericType && openGenericType.IsAssignableFrom(y.GetGenericTypeDefinition())) || (z.IsGenericType && openGenericType.IsAssignableFrom(z.GetGenericTypeDefinition())) select x; }

Este segundo método encontrará ConcreteUserRepo y IUserRepository en este ejemplo:

public interface ConcreteUserRepo : IUserRepository {} public interface IUserRepository : IRepository<User> {} public interface IRepository<User> {} public class User {}

¿Cómo obtengo todos los tipos que implementan un tipo genérico abierto específico?

Por ejemplo:

public interface IUserRepository : IRepository<User>

Encuentra todos los tipos que implementan IRepository<> .

public static IEnumerable<Type> GetAllTypesImplementingOpenGenericType(Type openGenericType, Assembly assembly) { ... }

Solución implementada sin LINQ, buscando interfaces genéricas y no genéricas, filtrando el tipo de retorno a clases.

public static class SampleCode { public static void Main() { IList<Type> loadableTypes; // instance the dummy class used to find the current assembly DummyClass dc = new DummyClass(); loadableTypes = GetClassesImplementingAnInterface(dc.GetType().Assembly, typeof(IMsgXX)).Item2; foreach (var item in loadableTypes) {Console.WriteLine("1: " + item);} // print // 1: Start2.MessageHandlerXY loadableTypes = GetClassesImplementingAnInterface(dc.GetType().Assembly, typeof(IHandleMessageG<>)).Item2; foreach (var item in loadableTypes) { Console.WriteLine("2: " + item); } // print // 2: Start2.MessageHandlerXY // 2: Start2.MessageHandlerZZ } ///<summary>Read all classes in an assembly that implement an interface (generic, or not generic)</summary> // // some references // return all types implementing an interface // http://.com/questions/26733/getting-all-types-that-implement-an-interface/12602220#12602220 // // http://.com/questions/7889228/how-to-prevent-reflectiontypeloadexception-when-calling-assembly-gettypes // return all types implementing a generic interface // http://.com/questions/33694960/find-all-types-implementing-a-certain-generic-interface-with-specific-t-type // http://.com/questions/8645430/get-all-types-implementing-specific-open-generic-type // http://.com/questions/1121834/finding-out-if-a-type-implements-a-generic-interface // http://.com/questions/5849210/net-getting-all-implementations-of-a-generic-interface public static Tuple<bool, IList<Type>> GetClassesImplementingAnInterface(Assembly assemblyToScan, Type implementedInterface) { if (assemblyToScan == null) return Tuple.Create(false, (IList<Type>)null); if (implementedInterface == null || !implementedInterface.IsInterface) return Tuple.Create(false, (IList<Type>)null); IEnumerable<Type> typesInTheAssembly; try { typesInTheAssembly = assemblyToScan.GetTypes(); } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e) { typesInTheAssembly = e.Types.Where(t => t != null); } IList<Type> classesImplementingInterface = new List<Type>(); // if the interface is a generic interface if (implementedInterface.IsGenericType) { foreach (var typeInTheAssembly in typesInTheAssembly) { if (typeInTheAssembly.IsClass) { var typeInterfaces = typeInTheAssembly.GetInterfaces(); foreach (var typeInterface in typeInterfaces) { if (typeInterface.IsGenericType) { var typeGenericInterface = typeInterface.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); var implementedGenericInterface = implementedInterface.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); if (typeGenericInterface == implementedGenericInterface) { classesImplementingInterface.Add(typeInTheAssembly); } } } } } } else { foreach (var typeInTheAssembly in typesInTheAssembly) { if (typeInTheAssembly.IsClass) { // if the interface is a non-generic interface if (implementedInterface.IsAssignableFrom(typeInTheAssembly)) { classesImplementingInterface.Add(typeInTheAssembly); } } } } return Tuple.Create(true, classesImplementingInterface); } } public class DummyClass { } public interface IHandleMessageG<T> { } public interface IHandleMessage { } public interface IMsgXX { } public interface IMsgXY { } public interface IMsgZZ { } public class MessageHandlerXY : IHandleMessageG<IMsgXY>, IHandleMessage, IMsgXX { public string Handle(string a) { return "aaa"; } } public class MessageHandlerZZ : IHandleMessageG<IMsgZZ>, IHandleMessage { public string Handle(string a) { return "bbb"; } }

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myType.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.Type == openGenericType)