videos valor usar subir solucionar solucion solicitud servidor resueltos recibir página puede procesar por peticiones peticion pasar para otro metodo listos interno http_response_code hacer funciones funciona formularios formulario esta error enviar ejercicios ejemplos ejemplo defecto datos con como codigos codigo ahora 5xx php http

valor - recibir variables post php

¿Arreglo predefinido de errores HTTP para el uso de PHP? (5)

Si estás buscando un objeto útil, he encontrado éste desde here :

<?php /** * StatusCodes provides named constants for * HTTP protocol status codes. Written for the * Recess Framework ( * * @author Kris Jordan * @license MIT * @package recess.http */ class StatusCodes { // [Informational 1xx] const HTTP_CONTINUE = 100; const HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101; // [Successful 2xx] const HTTP_OK = 200; const HTTP_CREATED = 201; const HTTP_ACCEPTED = 202; const HTTP_NONAUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION = 203; const HTTP_NO_CONTENT = 204; const HTTP_RESET_CONTENT = 205; const HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206; // [Redirection 3xx] const HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300; const HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301; const HTTP_FOUND = 302; const HTTP_SEE_OTHER = 303; const HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED = 304; const HTTP_USE_PROXY = 305; const HTTP_UNUSED = 306; const HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307; // [Client Error 4xx] const errorCodesBeginAt = 400; const HTTP_BAD_REQUEST = 400; const HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED = 401; const HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402; const HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 403; const HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 404; const HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405; const HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406; const HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 407; const HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408; const HTTP_CONFLICT = 409; const HTTP_GONE = 410; const HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411; const HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412; const HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413; const HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414; const HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415; const HTTP_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = 416; const HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417; // [Server Error 5xx] const HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500; const HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501; const HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY = 502; const HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503; const HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504; const HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505; private static $messages = array( // [Informational 1xx] 100 => ''100 Continue'', 101 => ''101 Switching Protocols'', // [Successful 2xx] 200 => ''200 OK'', 201 => ''201 Created'', 202 => ''202 Accepted'', 203 => ''203 Non-Authoritative Information'', 204 => ''204 No Content'', 205 => ''205 Reset Content'', 206 => ''206 Partial Content'', // [Redirection 3xx] 300 => ''300 Multiple Choices'', 301 => ''301 Moved Permanently'', 302 => ''302 Found'', 303 => ''303 See Other'', 304 => ''304 Not Modified'', 305 => ''305 Use Proxy'', 306 => ''306 (Unused)'', 307 => ''307 Temporary Redirect'', // [Client Error 4xx] 400 => ''400 Bad Request'', 401 => ''401 Unauthorized'', 402 => ''402 Payment Required'', 403 => ''403 Forbidden'', 404 => ''404 Not Found'', 405 => ''405 Method Not Allowed'', 406 => ''406 Not Acceptable'', 407 => ''407 Proxy Authentication Required'', 408 => ''408 Request Timeout'', 409 => ''409 Conflict'', 410 => ''410 Gone'', 411 => ''411 Length Required'', 412 => ''412 Precondition Failed'', 413 => ''413 Request Entity Too Large'', 414 => ''414 Request-URI Too Long'', 415 => ''415 Unsupported Media Type'', 416 => ''416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable'', 417 => ''417 Expectation Failed'', // [Server Error 5xx] 500 => ''500 Internal Server Error'', 501 => ''501 Not Implemented'', 502 => ''502 Bad Gateway'', 503 => ''503 Service Unavailable'', 504 => ''504 Gateway Timeout'', 505 => ''505 HTTP Version Not Supported'' ); public static function httpHeaderFor($code) { return ''HTTP/1.1 '' . self::$messages[$code]; } public static function getMessageForCode($code) { return self::$messages[$code]; } public static function isError($code) { return is_numeric($code) && $code >= self::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; } public static function canHaveBody($code) { return // True if not in 100s ($code < self::HTTP_CONTINUE || $code >= self::HTTP_OK) && // and not 204 NO CONTENT $code != self::HTTP_NO_CONTENT && // and not 304 NOT MODIFIED $code != self::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED; } }

Tengo un archivo error.php adjunto a ErrorHandler que tomará el estado HTTP del error como una variable GET. ¿Hay una matriz que puedo encontrar que tiene una asignación de códigos de estado a nombres de error y descripciones, o tengo que escribir una yo mismo?

Si estás trabajando en una aplicación que tiene otras dependencias de Composer, hay algunos paquetes que proporcionan toda esta información para ti, como perf/http-status , que se usa como:

// Not Found (new Http11StatusRepository())->get(404)->getReason();

Si su servidor web es apache, creo que puede configurar un ../error.php?errno=404&errstr=Not Found errores como ../error.php?errno=404&errstr=Not Found

Versión de matriz asociativa

$http_codes = array( 100 => ''Continue'', 101 => ''Switching Protocols'', 102 => ''Processing'', 103 => ''Checkpoint'', 200 => ''OK'', 201 => ''Created'', 202 => ''Accepted'', 203 => ''Non-Authoritative Information'', 204 => ''No Content'', 205 => ''Reset Content'', 206 => ''Partial Content'', 207 => ''Multi-Status'', 300 => ''Multiple Choices'', 301 => ''Moved Permanently'', 302 => ''Found'', 303 => ''See Other'', 304 => ''Not Modified'', 305 => ''Use Proxy'', 306 => ''Switch Proxy'', 307 => ''Temporary Redirect'', 400 => ''Bad Request'', 401 => ''Unauthorized'', 402 => ''Payment Required'', 403 => ''Forbidden'', 404 => ''Not Found'', 405 => ''Method Not Allowed'', 406 => ''Not Acceptable'', 407 => ''Proxy Authentication Required'', 408 => ''Request Timeout'', 409 => ''Conflict'', 410 => ''Gone'', 411 => ''Length Required'', 412 => ''Precondition Failed'', 413 => ''Request Entity Too Large'', 414 => ''Request-URI Too Long'', 415 => ''Unsupported Media Type'', 416 => ''Requested Range Not Satisfiable'', 417 => ''Expectation Failed'', 418 => ''I/'m a teapot'', 422 => ''Unprocessable Entity'', 423 => ''Locked'', 424 => ''Failed Dependency'', 425 => ''Unordered Collection'', 426 => ''Upgrade Required'', 449 => ''Retry With'', 450 => ''Blocked by Windows Parental Controls'', 500 => ''Internal Server Error'', 501 => ''Not Implemented'', 502 => ''Bad Gateway'', 503 => ''Service Unavailable'', 504 => ''Gateway Timeout'', 505 => ''HTTP Version Not Supported'', 506 => ''Variant Also Negotiates'', 507 => ''Insufficient Storage'', 509 => ''Bandwidth Limit Exceeded'', 510 => ''Not Extended'' );

Versión de matriz normal

$http_codes = array( array(100, ''Continue''), array(101, ''Switching Protocols''), array(102, ''Processing''), array(103, ''Checkpoint''), array(200, ''OK''), array(201, ''Created''), array(202, ''Accepted''), array(203, ''Non-Authoritative Information''), array(204, ''No Content''), array(205, ''Reset Content''), array(206, ''Partial Content''), array(207, ''Multi-Status''), array(300, ''Multiple Choices''), array(301, ''Moved Permanently''), array(302, ''Found''), array(303, ''See Other''), array(304, ''Not Modified''), array(305, ''Use Proxy''), array(306, ''Switch Proxy''), array(307, ''Temporary Redirect''), array(400, ''Bad Request''), array(401, ''Unauthorized''), array(402, ''Payment Required''), array(403, ''Forbidden''), array(404, ''Not Found''), array(405, ''Method Not Allowed''), array(406, ''Not Acceptable''), array(407, ''Proxy Authentication Required''), array(408, ''Request Timeout''), array(409, ''Conflict''), array(410, ''Gone''), array(411, ''Length Required''), array(412, ''Precondition Failed''), array(413, ''Request Entity Too Large''), array(414, ''Request-URI Too Long''), array(415, ''Unsupported Media Type''), array(416, ''Requested Range Not Satisfiable''), array(417, ''Expectation Failed''), array(418, ''I/'m a teapot''), array(422, ''Unprocessable Entity''), array(423, ''Locked''), array(424, ''Failed Dependency''), array(425, ''Unordered Collection''), array(426, ''Upgrade Required''), array(449, ''Retry With''), array(450, ''Blocked by Windows Parental Controls''), array(500, ''Internal Server Error''), array(501, ''Not Implemented''), array(502, ''Bad Gateway''), array(503, ''Service Unavailable''), array(504, ''Gateway Timeout''), array(505, ''HTTP Version Not Supported''), array(506, ''Variant Also Negotiates''), array(507, ''Insufficient Storage''), array(509, ''Bandwidth Limit Exceeded''), array(510, ''Not Extended'') );