sonido reproducir poner para musica codigo archivo agregar abrir java plugins jar mp3 javax.sound.sampled

reproducir - player en java

Java-Error al intentar usar mp3plugin para reproducir un archivo mp3 (1)

Utilizo JavaSound directamente para reproducir audios en mp3 y funciona bastante bien

Aquí hay un código de trabajo completo (diviértase):

package XXXXXXXXXXXXXX import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.sound.sampled.*; public class AudioPlayer { private int bufferSize = 4096; // Tamanho de buffer padrão 4k private volatile boolean paused = false; private final Object lock = new Object(); private SourceDataLine line; private int secondsFade = 0; private ArrayList<AudioPlayerListener> _listeners = new ArrayList<AudioPlayerListener>(); public void stop() { if(line != null) { line.stop(); line.close(); } } public boolean isPaused() { return this.paused; } public void pause() { if(!this.isPaused()) paused = true; } public void resume() { if(this.isPaused()) { synchronized(lock){ lock.notifyAll(); paused = false; } } } public void play(File file) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException, IOException, LineUnavailableException, InterruptedException { AudioInputStream encoded = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(file); AudioFormat encodedFormat = encoded.getFormat(); AudioFormat decodedFormat = this.getDecodedFormat(encodedFormat); Long duration = null; AudioInputStream currentDecoded = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(decodedFormat, encoded); line = AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine(decodedFormat);; line.start(); boolean fezFadeIn = false; boolean fezFadeOut = false; byte[] b = new byte[this.bufferSize]; int i = 0; Map properties = null; try { properties = AudioUtil.getMetadata(file); duration = (Long) properties.get("duration"); } catch (Exception ex) { duration = 0L; } duration = duration < 0 ? 0 : duration; synchronized(lock) { //Parametro que ativa ou não o fade de acordo com o tamanho do áudio long paramFade = (secondsFade*2+1)*1000000; //long paramFade = 0; //Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).info("Arquivo: "+file+", DURACAO DO AUDIO: "+duration+", paramfade: "+paramFade); while(true) { if(secondsFade > 0 && !fezFadeIn && duration >= paramFade) { fezFadeIn = true; fadeInAsync(this.secondsFade); } if( secondsFade > 0 && duration > paramFade && !fezFadeOut && line.getMicrosecondPosition() >= duration - ((this.secondsFade+1)*1000000) ) { this.fireAboutToFinish(); fadeOutAsync(this.secondsFade); fezFadeOut = true; } if(paused == true) { line.stop(); lock.wait(); line.start(); } i =, 0, b.length); if(i == -1) break; line.write(b, 0, i); } } if( !fezFadeOut && line.isOpen() ) this.fireAboutToFinish(); line.drain(); line.stop(); line.close(); currentDecoded.close(); encoded.close(); } public synchronized void fadeInAsync(final int seconds) { if(line != null && line.isOpen()) { Thread t = new Thread(new Fader(true, this, secondsFade)); t.start(); } } public synchronized void fadeOutAsync(final int seconds) { if(line != null && line.isOpen()) { Thread t = new Thread(new Fader(false, this, secondsFade)); t.start(); } } public void setVolume(double value) { if(!line.isOpen()) return; // value is between 0 and 1 value = (value<=0.0)? 0.0001 : ((value>1.0)? 1.0 : value); try { float dB = (float)(Math.log(value)/Math.log(10.0)*20.0); ((FloatControl)line.getControl(FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN)).setValue(dB); } catch(Exception ex) { } } public boolean isPlaying() { return (line != null && line.isOpen()); } protected AudioFormat getDecodedFormat(AudioFormat format) { AudioFormat decodedFormat = new AudioFormat( AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, // Encoding to use format.getSampleRate(), // sample rate (same as base format) 16, // sample size in bits (thx to Javazoom) format.getChannels(), // # of Channels format.getChannels()*2, // Frame Size format.getSampleRate(), // Frame Rate false // Big Endian ); return decodedFormat; } public int getBufferSize() { return bufferSize; } public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) { if(bufferSize <= 0) return; this.bufferSize = bufferSize; } /** * @return the secondsFade */ public int getSecondsFade() { return secondsFade; } /** * @param secondsFade the secondsFade to set */ public void setSecondsFade(int secondsFade) { if(secondsFade < 0 || secondsFade > 10) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Erro ao configurar cross-fade com valor em segundos: "+secondsFade); this.secondsFade = secondsFade; } public void addAudioPlayerListener(AudioPlayerListener a) { this._listeners.add(a); } public void removeAudioPlayerListener(AudioPlayerListener a) { this._listeners.remove(a); } private void fireAboutToFinish() { for(AudioPlayerListener a : this._listeners) a.aboutToFinish(this); } } class Fader implements Runnable { private boolean fadeIn; private int seconds=0; private final AudioPlayer player; private float increaseParam; public Fader(boolean fadeIn, AudioPlayer player, int secondsToFade) { this.fadeIn = fadeIn; this.seconds = secondsToFade; this.player = player; if(fadeIn) increaseParam = 0.01F; else increaseParam = -0.01F; } @Override public void run() { try { encapsulateRun(); } catch(Exception ex) { if(fadeIn) player.setVolume(1.0F); else player.setVolume(0.0F); } } private void encapsulateRun() throws Exception { synchronized(player) { float per; if(fadeIn) { Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).info("Fazendo fade in"); per = 0.0F; } else { Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).info("Fazendo fade out"); per = 1.0F; } player.setVolume(per); if(fadeIn) { while(per < 1.00F) { per = per + increaseParam; player.setVolume(per); Thread.sleep(10*seconds); } } else { while(per > 0.00F) { per = per + increaseParam; player.setVolume(per); Thread.sleep(10*seconds); } } } } }

También tiene soporte para Fade in y out mp3 Todo lo que necesita es agregar 3 jar a su proyecto. He probado con esas versiones:

jl.1.0.1.jar (o más reciente) mp3spi1.9.5.jar (o más reciente)

encontrado en


encontrado en

import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; public class AudioUtil { private static ArrayList<FileMap> cache = new ArrayList<FileMap>(); private static int _CACHE_SIZE = 5; public static Map<String, Object> getMetadata(File filename) throws Exception { FileMap fm = new FileMap(filename, null); int index = cache.indexOf(fm); if(index >= 0) return cache.get(index).getMap(); AudioFileFormat format = AudioSystem.getAudioFileFormat(filename); Map<String, Object> mapa = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mapa.putAll(; if(mapa.get("author") == null && filename.getName().contains(" - ")) { mapa = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String[] s = filename.getName().split(" - "); mapa.put("author", s[0]); s[1] = s[1].substring(0, s[1].length()-4); mapa.put("title", s[1]); } if(mapa.get("author") == null) { mapa.put("author", "Desconhecido"); mapa.put("title", "Desconhecido"); } Object o ="duration"); if(o == null) mapa.put("duration", 0); fm.setMap(mapa); cache.add(fm); while(cache.size() > _CACHE_SIZE) cache.remove((int)0); return mapa; } } class FileMap { private File file; private Map<String, Object> map; public FileMap(File file, Map<String, Object> map) { this.file = file; = map; } public File getFile() { return file; } public void setFile(File file) { this.file = file; } public Map<String, Object> getMap() { return map; } public void setMap(Map<String, Object> map) { = map; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final FileMap other = (FileMap) obj; if (this.file != other.file && (this.file == null || !this.file.equals(other.file))) { return false; } return true; } }

Estoy escribiendo un visualizador de música y estoy tratando de reproducir archivos mp3 en Java usando un mp3plugin ( ). Sin embargo, he encontrado un error, probablemente debido a mi falta de experiencia en el uso de este complemento y la codificación de la música en general.

He probado este código con una amplia gama de archivos mp3, todos con el mismo problema, creo que puedo descartar con la confianza de que los archivos mp3 tienen la culpa.

Mi código a continuación:

AudioInputStream audioIn; try { JS_MP3FileReader m = new JS_MP3FileReader(); audioIn = m.getAudioInputStream(new File(ex.trackname)); //audioIn = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File(ex.trackname)); // Get a sound clip resource. Clip clip = AudioSystem.getClip(); // Open audio clip and load samples from the audio input stream.; clip.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

El error que recibo:

javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format MPEG1L3 48000.0 Hz, unknown bits per sample, stereo, unknown frame size, unknown frame rate, not supported. at$DirectDL.implOpen(Unknown Source) at$DirectClip.implOpen(Unknown Source) at Source) at$ Source) at$ Source) at Logic.Run$ at Source)

(tenga en cuenta que la instancia de clase que escribí que ejecuta este código se llama Ejecutar)

Mi estructura de proyecto a continuación, incluido el archivo de complemento: