una tag plugin manager keywords imagen data colocar atributos agregar wordpress wordpress-theming

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¿Cómo crear paginación en el código de la página en wordpress? (2)

Hola, soy nuevo de wordpress. Quiero crear paginación en la página, pero todavía no puedo. Intento descargar el plugin o agregar código y serch en google en youtube, pero todavía no puedo hacerlo, ¿quién puede ayudarme, por favor?

este es mi código de página:

<?php $zerif_total_posts = get_option(''posts_per_page''); /* number of latest posts to show */ if( !empty($zerif_total_posts) && ($zerif_total_posts > 0) ): echo ''<section class="latest-news" id="latestnews">''; echo ''<div class="container">''; /* SECTION HEADER */ echo ''<div class="section-header">''; $zerif_latestnews_title = get_theme_mod(''zerif_latestnews_title''); /* title */ if( !empty($zerif_latestnews_title) ): echo ''<h2 class="dark-text">'' . $zerif_latestnews_title . ''</h2>''; else: echo ''<h2 class="dark-text">'' . __(''Our Client'',''zerif-lite'') . ''</h2>''; endif; /* our Client */ if(is_active_sidebar( ''menu_client'' )): echo ''<div id="menu_client">''; dynamic_sidebar( ''menu_client'' ); echo ''</div>''; endif; /* subtitle */ $zerif_latestnews_subtitle = get_theme_mod(''zerif_latestnews_subtitle''); if( !empty($zerif_latestnews_subtitle) ): echo ''<div class="dark-text section-legend">''.$zerif_latestnews_subtitle.''</div>''; endif; echo ''</div><!-- END .section-header -->''; echo ''<div class="clear"></div>''; echo ''<div id="carousel-homepage-latestnews" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">''; /* Wrapper for slides */ echo ''<div class="carousel-inners" role="listbox">''; $zerif_latest_loop = new WP_Query( array( ''post_type'' => ''post'', ''posts_per_page'' => $zerif_total_posts, ''order'' => ''DESC'',''ignore_sticky_posts'' => true ) ); $newSlideActive = ''<div class="item active">''; $newSlide = ''<div class="item">''; $newSlideClose = ''<div class="clear"></div></div>''; $i_latest_posts= 0; $paged = (get_query_var(''paged'')) ? get_query_var(''paged'') : 1; $page_id = get_the_ID(); if ( $zerif_latest_loop->have_posts() ) : while ( $zerif_latest_loop->have_posts() ) : $zerif_latest_loop->the_post(); $i_latest_posts++; if ( !wp_is_mobile() ){ if($i_latest_posts == 1){ echo $newSlideActive; } else if($i_latest_posts % 4 == 1){ echo $newSlide; } echo ''<div class="col-sm-3 latestnews-box">''; echo ''<div class="latestnews-img">''; echo ''<a class="latestnews-img-a" href="''.get_permalink().''" title="''.get_the_title().''">''; if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) : the_post_thumbnail(); else: echo ''<img src="''.esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ).''/images/blank-latestposts.png" alt="''.get_the_title().''" />''; endif; echo ''</a>''; echo ''</div>''; echo ''<div class="latesnews-content">''; echo ''<h3 class="latestnews-title"><a href="''.get_permalink().''" title="''.get_the_title().''">''.get_the_title().''</a></h3>''; the_excerpt(); echo ''</div>''; echo ''</div><!-- .latestnews-box"> -->''; /* after every four posts it must closing the ''.item'' */ if($i_latest_posts % 4 == 0){ echo $newSlideClose; } } else { if( $i_latest_posts == 1 ) $active = ''active''; else $active = ''''; echo ''<div class="item ''.$active.''">''; echo ''<div class="col-md-3 latestnews-box">''; echo ''<div class="latestnews-img">''; echo ''<a class="latestnews-img-a" href="''.get_permalink().''" title="''.get_the_title().''">''; if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) : the_post_thumbnail(); else: echo ''<img src="''.esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ).''/images/blank-latestposts.png" alt="''.get_the_title().''" />''; endif; echo ''</a>''; echo ''</div>''; echo ''<div class="latesnews-content">''; echo ''<h3 class="latestnews-title"><a href="''.get_the_permalink().''" title="''.get_the_title().''">''.get_the_title().''</a></h3>''; the_excerpt(); echo ''</div>''; echo ''</div>''; echo ''</div>''; } endwhile; endif; $max_num_pages = $loop->max_num_pages; sofg_pagination($max_num_pages,$paged,$page_id); if ( !wp_is_mobile() ) { // if there are less than 10 posts if($i_latest_posts % 4!=0){ echo $newSlideClose; } } wp_reset_postdata(); echo ''</div><!-- .carousel-inner -->''; /* Controls */ echo ''<a class="left carousel-control" href="#carousel-homepage-latestnews" role="button" data-slide="prev">''; echo ''</a>''; echo ''<a class="right carousel-control" href="#carousel-homepage-latestnews" role="button" data-slide="next">''; echo ''</a>''; echo ''</div><!-- #carousel-homepage-latestnews -->''; echo ''</div><!-- .container -->''; echo ''</section>''; endif; ?>

Prueba su funcionamiento ...

$zerif_total_posts = get_option(''posts_per_page''); /* number of latest posts to show */ if( !empty($zerif_total_posts) && ($zerif_total_posts > 0) ): echo ''<section class="latest-news" id="latestnews">''; echo ''<div class="container">''; /* SECTION HEADER */ echo ''<div class="section-header">''; $zerif_latestnews_title = get_theme_mod(''zerif_latestnews_title''); /* title */ if( !empty($zerif_latestnews_title) ): echo ''<h2 class="dark-text">'' . $zerif_latestnews_title . ''</h2>''; else: echo ''<h2 class="dark-text">'' . __(''Our Client'',''zerif-lite'') . ''</h2>''; endif; /* our Client */ if(is_active_sidebar( ''menu_client'' )): echo ''<div id="menu_client">''; dynamic_sidebar( ''menu_client'' ); echo ''</div>''; endif; /* subtitle */ $zerif_latestnews_subtitle = get_theme_mod(''zerif_latestnews_subtitle''); if( !empty($zerif_latestnews_subtitle) ): echo ''<div class="dark-text section-legend">''.$zerif_latestnews_subtitle.''</div>''; endif; echo ''</div><!-- END .section-header -->''; echo ''<div class="clear"></div>''; echo ''<div id="carousel-homepage-latestnews" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">''; /* Wrapper for slides */ echo ''<div class="carousel-inners" role="listbox">''; echo $zerif_total_posts; $zerif_latest_loop = new WP_Query( array( ''post_type'' => ''post'', ''posts_per_page'' => $zerif_total_posts, ''order'' => ''DESC'',''ignore_sticky_posts'' => true ) ); $newSlideActive = ''<div class="item active">''; $newSlide = ''<div class="item">''; $newSlideClose = ''<div class="clear"></div></div>''; $i_latest_posts= 0; $paged = (get_query_var(''paged'')) ? get_query_var(''paged'') : 1; $page_id = get_the_ID(); if ( $zerif_latest_loop->have_posts() ) : while ( $zerif_latest_loop->have_posts() ) : $zerif_latest_loop->the_post(); $i_latest_posts++; if ( !wp_is_mobile() ){ if($i_latest_posts == 1){ echo $newSlideActive; } else if($i_latest_posts % 4 == 1){ echo $newSlide; } echo ''<div class="col-sm-3 latestnews-box">''; echo ''<div class="latestnews-img">''; echo ''<a class="latestnews-img-a" href="''.get_permalink().''" title="''.get_the_title().''">''; if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) : the_post_thumbnail(); else: echo ''<img src="''.esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ).''/images/blank-latestposts.png" alt="''.get_the_title().''" />''; endif; echo ''</a>''; echo ''</div>''; echo ''<div class="latesnews-content">''; echo ''<h3 class="latestnews-title"><a href="''.get_permalink().''" title="''.get_the_title().''">''.get_the_title().''</a></h3>''; the_excerpt(); echo ''</div>''; echo ''</div><!-- .latestnews-box"> -->''; /* after every four posts it must closing the ''.item'' */ if($i_latest_posts % 4 == 0){ echo $newSlideClose; } } else { if( $i_latest_posts == 1 ) $active = ''active''; else $active = ''''; echo ''<div class="item ''.$active.''">''; echo ''<div class="col-md-3 latestnews-box">''; echo ''<div class="latestnews-img">''; echo ''<a class="latestnews-img-a" href="''.get_permalink().''" title="''.get_the_title().''">''; if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) : the_post_thumbnail(); else: echo ''<img src="''.esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ).''/images/blank-latestposts.png" alt="''.get_the_title().''" />''; endif; echo ''</a>''; echo ''</div>''; echo ''<div class="latesnews-content">''; echo ''<h3 class="latestnews-title"><a href="''.get_the_permalink().''" title="''.get_the_title().''">''.get_the_title().''</a></h3>''; the_excerpt(); echo ''</div>''; echo ''</div>''; echo ''</div>''; } endwhile; endif; $max_num_pages = $zerif_latest_loop->max_num_pages; sofg_pagination($max_num_pages,$paged,$page_id); if ( !wp_is_mobile() ) { // if there are less than 10 posts if($i_latest_posts % 4!=0){ echo $newSlideClose; } } wp_reset_postdata(); echo ''</div><!-- .carousel-inner -->''; /* Controls */ echo ''<a class="left carousel-control" href="#carousel-homepage-latestnews" role="button" data-slide="prev">''; echo ''</a>''; echo ''<a class="right carousel-control" href="#carousel-homepage-latestnews" role="button" data-slide="next">''; echo ''</a>''; echo ''</div><!-- #carousel-homepage-latestnews -->''; echo ''</div><!-- .container -->''; echo ''</section>''; endif;

Crear función en function.php

function sofg_pagination($max_num_pages,$paged,$page_id){ if($max_num_pages > 1){ echo ''<div class="post-wrap pgns">''; echo ''<ul class="pagination_list">''; echo ''<li><a href="''.get_permalink($page_id).''page/1">First</a></li>''; for($i=1; $i<= $max_num_pages; $i++){ if($paged==$i){ echo ''<li class="active"><a href="''.get_permalink($page_id).''page/''.$i.''">''.$i.''</a></li>''; } else{ echo ''<li><a href="''.get_permalink($page_id).''page/''.$i.''">''.$i.''</a></li>''; } } echo ''<li><a href="''.get_permalink($page_id).''page/''.$max_num_pages.''">Last</a></li>''; echo ''</ul></div>''; } }

Obtener Pagination Su listing page

Definir lazo anterior

$paged = (get_query_var(''paged'')) ? get_query_var(''paged'') : 1; $page_id = get_the_ID();

Usar After Loop

$max_num_pages_1 = $max_num_pages->max_num_pages; sofg_pagination($max_num_pages_1,$paged,$page_id);

Ver paginación http://hiddenwhy.igexsolutions.com/blog/