tipos servidores listar equivalents equivalencias datos data c# .net sql-server system.version

servidores - sql server data types c# equivalents

Tipo de datos para System.Version en servidor sql (3)

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de almacenar System.Version en SQL Server?

Cuando uso varchar type, el resultado de order by asc es:

Para admitir la ordenación entre versiones de longitudes mixtas (por ejemplo, ''1.2'' vs ''''), se puede realizar una asignación a un decimal (como funciones con valores de tabla en línea).

create function Common.ufn_OrderableVersion(@pVersion nvarchar(100)) returns table as /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Provide a mapping from Versions of the form ''a.b.c.d'', ''a.b.c, ''a.b'', ''a'', null to an orderable decimal(25, 0) Since Parsename() doesn''t apply easily to mixed length comparisions (1.2 vs Test Cases: select * from Common.ufn_OrderableVersion(null); -- null select * from Common.ufn_OrderableVersion(''0''); -- 1000000000000000000000000 select * from Common.ufn_OrderableVersion(''1''); -- 1000001000000000000000000 select * from Common.ufn_OrderableVersion(''''); -- 1000001000002000003000004 select Version from ( select '''' as Version union all select '''' as Version union all select '''' as Version union all select '''' as Version union all select null as Version union all select '''' as Version union all select ''2'' as Version union all select ''1.2'' as Version union all select ''1'' as Version ) v order by (select Value from Common.ufn_OrderableVersion(Version)) Modified By Description ---------- -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2015.08.24 crokusek Initial Version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return -- 25 = 1 + VersionPositions * MaxDigitsPerSegment select convert(decimal(25,0), ''1'' + stuff((select format(Value, ''000000'') from ( select convert(int, Value) as Value, RowNumber -- Support empty string and partial versions. Null maps to null from Common.ufn_SplitUsingXml(@pVersion + ''.'', ''.'') -- pad right where RowNumber <= 4 -- trim right ) as v order by RowNumber for xml path ('''') ), 1, 0, '''') ) as Value go


create function Common.ufn_SplitUsingXml ( @pList nvarchar(max), @pDelimiter nvarchar(255) ) returns table as /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Split an Identifier using XML as an inline table valued function. Using the SQL Server CLR (C#) capability would be the most efficient way to support this. Warnings: Will not work if the input contains special XML characters like ''<'', ''>'' or ''&''. Caller must add "option (maxrecursion 0)" for lists greater than 100 (it can''t be added within the ufn) Modified By Description ---------- -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2015.08.24 inet http://sqlperformance.com/2012/07/t-sql-queries/split-strings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return ( select Value = y.i.value(''(./text())[1]'', ''nvarchar(4000)''), row_number() over (order by (select null)) as RowNumber from ( select x = convert(XML, ''<i>'' + replace(@pList, @pDelimiter, ''</i><i>'') + ''</i>'').query(''.'') ) AS a cross apply x.nodes(''i'') AS y(i) -- option (maxrecursion 0) must be added by caller for lists greater than 100 ); go


alter function Common.ufn_CompareVersions ( @pVersionA nvarchar(100), @pVersionB nvarchar(100) ) returns table as /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Compare Version of the form ''A.B.C.D''. Comparing versions of different lengths is also supported ''A.B''. Test Cases: select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions(''1'', null) -- 1 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions(null, ''1'') -- -1 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions(''1'', ''1'') -- 0 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions(''1'', ''2'') -- -1 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions(''2'', ''1'') -- 1 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions(''1'', ''1.2'') -- -1 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions(''1.2'', ''1'') -- 1 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions('''', '''') -- 0 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions(''1.2.3'', '''') -- -1 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions('''', ''1.2.3'') -- 1 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions('''', '''') -- 1 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions('''', '''') -- -1 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions(''1.002'', ''1.2'') -- 0 select Result from Common.ufn_CompareVersions(''1.2'', ''1.2.0'') -- 0 Modified By Description ---------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2015.08.24 crokusek Initial Version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return with Compares as ( select (select IsNull(Value, 0) from Common.ufn_OrderableVersion(@pVersionA)) as A, (select IsNull(Value, 0) from Common.ufn_OrderableVersion(@pVersionB)) as B ) select case when A > B then 1 when A < B then -1 else 0 end as Result from Compares go

Solo guárdelo como una varchar normal, lo cual es bueno para versiones de hasta 4 partes usando PARSENAME para dividir la cadena y ordenar en 4 columnas separadas.

es decir

ORDER BY PARSENAME(version,4), PARSENAME(version,3), PARSENAME(version,2), PARSENAME(version,1)

puedes usar una columna varchar

podrías ordenar así

SELECT * FROM t_version ORDER BY CAST(''/'' + vid + ''/'' AS HIERARCHYID)

El violín de SQL no está funcionando hoy, de lo contrario podría haber mostrado una demostración

Por favor, ejecuta esto para la prueba

SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ( '''' ), ( '''' ), (''''), ('''') ) AS vid ( vid ) ORDER BY CAST(''/'' + vid + ''/'' AS HIERARCHYID)