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scrapy - selectors - ¿Por qué mi CrawlerProcess no tiene la función "crawl"?

show scrapy version (1)

Existe (¿hubo?) Un problema de compatibilidad entre Scrapy y Scrapyd. Necesitaba ejecutar Scrapy 0.24 y Scrapyd 1.0.1. Aquí está el problema en Github

import scrapy from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess from scrapy.contrib.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule from scrapy.contrib.linkextractors import LinkExtractor from items import BackpageItem, CityvibeItem from import inspect_response import re import time import sys class MySpider(CrawlSpider): name = ''example'' allowed_domains = [''''] # Set last_age to decide how many pages are crawled last_page = 10 start_urls = ['''' % page for page in xrange(1,last_page)] rules = ( #Follow all links inside <div class="cat"> and calls parse_item on each link Rule(LinkExtractor( restrict_xpaths=(''//a[@name="listing_link"]'')), callback=''parse_item''), ) # Extract relevent text from the website into a ExampleItem def parse_item(self, response): item = ExampleItem() item[''title''] = response.xpath(''string(//h2[@class="post-title"]/text())'').extract() item[''desc''] = response.xpath(''string(//div[@class="section post-body"]/text())'').extract() item[''url''] = response.url item[''location''] = response.xpath(''string(//div[@class="posting"]/div[2]/text())'').extract() item[''posted_date''] = response.xpath(''string(//div[@class="post-date"]/span/text())'').extract()"(?<=Posted/s*).*") item[''crawled_date''] = time.strftime("%c") # not sure how to get the other image urls right now item[''image_urls''] = response.xpath(''string(//div[@class="section post-contact-container"]/div/div/img/@src)'').extract() # I can''t find this section on any pages right now item[''other_ad_urls''] = response.xpath(''//a[@name="listing_link"]/@href'').extract() item[''phone_number''] = "".join(response.xpath(''//div[@class="post-info"]/span[contains(text(), "Phone")]/following-sibling::a/text()'').extract()) item[''email''] = "".join(response.xpath(''//div[@class="post-info"]/span[contains(text(), "Email")]/following-sibling::a/text()'').extract()) item[''website''] = "".join(response.xpath(''//div[@class="post-info limit"]/span[contains(text(), "Website")]/following-sibling::a/text()'').extract()) item[''name''] = response.xpath(''//div[@class="post-name"]/text()'').extract() #uncomment for debugging #inspect_response(response, self) return item # process1 = CrawlerProcess({ # ''ITEM_PIPELINES'': { # #''scrapy.contrib.pipeline.images.ImagesPipeline'': 1 # ''backpage.pipelines.GeolocationPipeline'': 4, # ''backpage.pipelines.LocationExtractionPipeline'': 3, # ''backpage.pipelines.BackpagePipeline'': 5 # } # }); process1 = CrawlerProcess({ ''USER_AGENT'': ''Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'' }) process1.crawl(MySpider) process1.start()

Mi araña funciona perfectamente cuando la ejecuto desde la línea de comando con

scrapy crawl example

pero tendré que ejecutar varias arañas, por lo que quiero ponerlas todas en una secuencia de comandos y usar CrawlerProcess. Cuando intento ejecutar esto obtengo el error,

AttributeError: ''CrawlerProcess'' object has no attribute ''crawl''

Esta es la versión de scrapy 0.24.6. Todos los artículos y tuberías son correctos, porque la araña funciona desde la línea de comando.