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javascript - example - jsdoc forma correcta de documentar socket.on(''evento'', función(){}) y enrutador de rutas

jsdoc return (1)

Cómo documentar API usando jsdoc que tiene la siguiente forma (archivo único)

// api.js exports.addSocketEvents = function(socket) { /** * This will do that and ... * @param {Object} data Some data * @param {string} data.bla Something about bla * @param {number} data.n Some number */ socket.on(''something_1'', function(data) { ... }); /** * Another function that will do .. * @param {string} id of something */ socket.on(''something_2'', function(id) { ... }); ... }; exports.addRoutes = function(app) { /** * PATCH /something/:id/juhu * Will do this and that and will respond with ... * @param {string} _id Id of bonus document */ app.patch(''/something/:id/juhu'', function(req, res) {...}); /** * GET /something * Will fetch and respond back with ... */ app.get(''/something'', function(req, res) {...}); ... };

Mi única idea es agregar @namespace sobre las exportaciones y @lends sobre las funciones anónimas, pero eso da como resultado una documentación vacía.

Estoy usando Angular y luego el documento Angular para JSDoc. Como tal, estoy documentando mi clase principal y funciones similares a las siguientes.

/** * @class MyApp.Teams * @ngdoc class * @memberOf MyApp * @description * Module to handle the interface to the Teams, data and views. */ angular.module(''MyApp'').factory( ... /** * @name TeamRecord * @ngdoc factory * @memberOf MyApp.Teams * @returns Record Clears the Structure to "" * @description * Team Data Record structure */

Entonces, con tu texto de arriba, podría verse como:

/** * @class MyApp.socketio * @ngdoc class * @memberOf MyApp * @description * Module to handle the interface to the Teams, data and views. */ /** * @name addSocketEvens * @ngdoc function * @memberOf MyApp.socketio * @param {Object} data Some data * @param {string} data.bla Something about bla * @param {number} data.n Some number * @description * This will do that and ... */ exports.addSocketEvents = function(socket) { socket.on(''something_1'', function(data) { ... }); /** * Another function that will do .. * @param {string} id of something */ socket.on(''something_2'', function(id) { ... }); ... }; /** * @name addRoutes * @ngdoc function * @memberOf MyApp.socketio * @param {string} _id Id of bonus document * @description * Will do this and that and will respond with ... */ exports.addRoutes = function(app) { app.patch(''/something/:id/juhu'', function(req, res) {...}); /** * GET /something * Will fetch and respond back with ... */ app.get(''/something'', function(req, res) {...}); ... };