todas titulo tabla services repetir pie pagina mantener las hojas hoja filas fijo encabezado cómo como columnas cabecera flex datagrid flex4.5 flex-spark

flex - titulo - repetir pie de pagina excel

¿Cómo se puede mostrar un encabezado de columna de varias líneas con la cuadrícula de datos Flex Spark? (6)

¿Cómo se puede mostrar un encabezado de columna de varias líneas utilizando la cuadrícula de datos Flex Spark para Flex 4.5?

Haga una copia de DataGridSkin y colóquelo en su código fuente. Luego edita la línea 154 a esto -

<fx:Component id="headerRenderer"> <s:DefaultGridHeaderRenderer maxDisplayedLines="2"/> </fx:Component>

Espero que esto ayude,


Intenta usar headerRenderer personalizado de la siguiente manera:

<s:DataGrid> <s:columns> <s:ArrayList> <s:GridColumn headerRenderer="MyRenderer" /> </s:ArrayList> </s:columns> </s:DataGrid>

El procesador de muestra con encabezado de línea única se puede encontrar aquí {flex4.5 SDK root}/frameworks/projects/spark/src/spark/skins/spark/DefaultGridHeaderRenderer.mxml .

No veo la propiedad headerRenderer de GridColumn en el SDK que estoy usando, así que no pude aceptar las otras respuestas. Aquí estaba mi solución:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" autoDrawBackground="true"> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import spark.components.supportClasses.GridColumn; ]]> </fx:Script> <s:TextArea editable="false" text="{(data as GridColumn).headerText}" /> </s:ItemRenderer>

Una función init en la vista con la cuadrícula de datos:

public function init():void{ dataGrid.columnHeaderBar.firstItemRenderer = new ClassFactory(MultiLineColumnHeaderRenderer); dataGrid.columnHeaderBar.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(MultiLineColumnHeaderRenderer); }

Y usando &#13; en el headerText para la GridColumn:

<s:GridColumn headerText="Line1&#13;Line2&#13;Line2"/>


Si no desea crear un Renderer nuevo solo para 1 propiedad, puede establecer las propiedades de esta manera:

... <s:GridColumn width="100" dataField="myDataField" headerText="myHeaderText"> <s:headerRenderer> <fx:Component> <s:DefaultGridHeaderRenderer maxDisplayedLines="2" /> </fx:Component> </s:headerRenderer> </s:GridColumn> ...

Si observa el código dentro del componente DefaultGridHeaderRenderer , verá que cuando se establece, cambia el valor en la etiqueta. Mostrar

Pero, si tiene muchas columnas, y puede ser aburrido poner el mismo código mucho tiempo, solo cree un nuevo componente que extienda la chispa Datagrid (o anide según su necesidad), luego coloque el código:

public function set columns(value:IList):void { for each (var gridColumn:GridColumn in value.toArray()) { var headerRenderer:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(DefaultGridHeaderRenderer); = {maxDisplayedLines: 2}; gridColumn.headerRenderer = headerRenderer; } _columns = value; } [Bindable] public function get columns():IList { return _columns; }

Tienes que hacer esto: -Crear un skin personalizado SparkDatagrid creando una copia del predeterminado -Crea un DataGrid HeaderRenderer personalizado -solo crear un nuevo GridItemRenderer (A) y poner el código del DataGridHeaderRenderer predeterminado dentro del nuevo GridItemRenderer (A) - Vaya a la etiqueta "labelDisplay" dentro de A y cambie su propiedad "maxDisplayedLines" de 1 a 2 -Ahora devuelva su Spark Satagrid Skin personalizado y busque el componente "headerRenderer". -Replacelo con una instancia de su GridItemRender personalizado (A)

Me funcionó ... espero que hagas lo mismo por ti


Para ampliar la respuesta de Constantiner, tendrá que crear un HeaderRenderer personalizado y establecer maxDisplayedLines a 2. Aquí hay un procesador de muestras que encontré :


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. --> <!--- The DefaultGridHeaderRenderer class defines the default header renderer for the columns of a Spark DataGrid control. <p>Subclasses defined in MXML can redefine the values of the <code>labelDisplay</code> and <code>sortIndicator</code> properties.</p> @see spark.components.DataGrid @see spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup @see spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer @langversion 3.0 @playerversion Flash 10 @playerversion AIR 2.0 @productversion Flex 4.5 --> <s:GridItemRenderer minWidth="21" minHeight="21" xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://"> <fx:Declarations> <!--- The default value of the <code>sortIndicator</code> property. It must be an IFactory for an IVisualElement. <p>This value is specified in a <code>fx:Declaration</code> block and can be overridden by a declaration with <code>id="defaultSortIndicator"</code> in an MXML subclass.</p> @langversion 3.0 @playerversion Flash 10 @playerversion AIR 2.0 @productversion Flex 4.5 --> <fx:Component id="defaultSortIndicator"> <s:Path data="M 3.5 7.0 L 0.0 0.0 L 7.0 0.0 L 3.5 7.0" implements="spark.components.gridClasses.IGridVisualElement"> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import spark.components.DataGrid; import spark.components.Grid; /** * @private */ public function prepareGridVisualElement(grid:Grid, rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int):void { const dataGrid:DataGrid = grid.dataGrid; if (!dataGrid) return; const color:uint = dataGrid.getStyle("symbolColor"); arrowFill1.color = color; arrowFill2.color = color; } ]]> </fx:Script> <s:fill> <s:RadialGradient rotation="90" focalPointRatio="1"> <!--- @private --> <s:GradientEntry id="arrowFill1" color="0" alpha="0.6" /> <!--- @private --> <s:GradientEntry id="arrowFill2" color="0" alpha="0.8" /> </s:RadialGradient> </s:fill> </s:Path> </fx:Component> <!--- Displays the renderer''s label property, which is set to the column''s <code>headerText</code>. It must be an instance of a <code>TextBase</code>, like <code>s:Label</code>. <p>This visual element is added to the <code>labelDisplayGroup</code> by the renderer''s <code>prepare()</code> method. Any size/location constraints specified by the labelDisplay define its location relative to the labelDisplayGroup.</p> <p>This value is specified with a <code>fx:Declaration</code> and can be overridden by a declaration with <code>id="labelDisplay"</code> in an MXML subclass.</p> @langversion 3.0 @playerversion Flash 10 @playerversion AIR 2.0 @productversion Flex 4.5 --> <s:Label id="labelDisplay" verticalCenter="1" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" textAlign="start" fontWeight="bold" verticalAlign="middle" maxDisplayedLines="2" showTruncationTip="true" /> </fx:Declarations> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import spark.components.gridClasses.IGridVisualElement; import mx.core.IVisualElement; import spark.components.DataGrid; import spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup; import spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn; /** * @private */ private function dispatchChangeEvent(type:String):void { if (hasEventListener(type)) dispatchEvent(new Event(type)); } //---------------------------------- // maxDisplayedLines //---------------------------------- private var _maxDisplayedLines:int = 1; [Bindable("maxDisplayedLinesChanged")] [Inspectable(minValue="-1")] /** * The value of this property is used to initialize the * <code>maxDisplayedLines</code> property of this renderer''s * <code>labelDisplay</code> element. * * @copy spark.components.supportClasses.TextBase#maxDisplayedLines * * @default 1 * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 10 * @playerversion AIR 1.5 * @productversion Flex 4.5 */ public function get maxDisplayedLines():int { return _maxDisplayedLines; } /** * @private */ public function set maxDisplayedLines(value:int):void { if (value == _maxDisplayedLines) return; _maxDisplayedLines = value; if (labelDisplay) labelDisplay.maxDisplayedLines = value; invalidateSize(); invalidateDisplayList(); dispatchChangeEvent("maxDisplayedLinesChanged"); } //---------------------------------- // sortIndicator //---------------------------------- private var _sortIndicator:IFactory; private var sortIndicatorInstance:IVisualElement; [Bindable("sortIndicatorChanged")] /** * A visual element that''s displayed when the column is sorted. * * <p>The sortIndicator visual element is added to the <code>sortIndicatorGroup</code> * by this renderer''s <code>prepare()</code> method. Any size/location constraints * specified by the sortIndicator define its location relative to the sortIndicatorGroup.</p> * * @default null * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 10 * @playerversion AIR 1.5 * @productversion Flex 4.5 */ public function get sortIndicator():IFactory { return (_sortIndicator) ? _sortIndicator : defaultSortIndicator; } /** * @private */ public function set sortIndicator(value:IFactory):void { if (_sortIndicator == value) return; _sortIndicator = value; if (sortIndicatorInstance) { sortIndicatorGroup.includeInLayout = false; sortIndicatorGroup.removeElement(sortIndicatorInstance); sortIndicatorInstance = null; } invalidateDisplayList(); dispatchChangeEvent("sortIndicatorChanged"); } /** * @private * Create and add the sortIndicator to the sortIndicatorGroup and the * labelDisplay into the labelDisplayGroup. */ override public function prepare(hasBeenRecycled:Boolean):void { super.prepare(hasBeenRecycled); if (labelDisplay && labelDisplayGroup && (labelDisplay.parent != labelDisplayGroup)) { labelDisplayGroup.removeAllElements(); labelDisplayGroup.addElement(labelDisplay); } const column:GridColumn = this.column; if (sortIndicator && column && column.grid && column.grid.dataGrid && column.grid.dataGrid.columnHeaderGroup) { const dataGrid:DataGrid = column.grid.dataGrid; const columnHeaderGroup:GridColumnHeaderGroup = dataGrid.columnHeaderGroup; if (columnHeaderGroup.isSortIndicatorVisible(column.columnIndex)) { if (!sortIndicatorInstance) { sortIndicatorInstance = sortIndicator.newInstance(); sortIndicatorGroup.addElement(sortIndicatorInstance); } // Initialize sortIndicator sortIndicatorInstance.visible = true; const gridVisualElement:IGridVisualElement = sortIndicatorInstance as IGridVisualElement; if (gridVisualElement) gridVisualElement.prepareGridVisualElement(column.grid, -1, column.columnIndex); sortIndicatorGroup.includeInLayout = true; sortIndicatorGroup.scaleY = (column.sortDescending) ? 1 : -1; } else { if (sortIndicatorInstance) { sortIndicatorGroup.removeElement(sortIndicatorInstance); sortIndicatorGroup.includeInLayout = false; sortIndicatorInstance = null; } } } } ]]> </fx:Script> <s:states> <s:State name="normal" /> <s:State name="hovered" /> <s:State name="down" /> </s:states> <!-- layer 1: shadow --> <!--- @private --> <s:Rect id="shadow" left="-1" right="-1" top="-1" bottom="-1" radiusX="2"> <s:fill> <s:LinearGradient rotation="90"> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" color.down="0xFFFFFF" alpha="0.01" alpha.down="0" /> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" color.down="0xFFFFFF" alpha="0.07" alpha.down="0.5" /> </s:LinearGradient> </s:fill> </s:Rect> <!-- layer 2: fill --> <!--- @private --> <s:Rect id="fill" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0"> <s:fill> <s:LinearGradient rotation="90"> <s:GradientEntry color="0xFFFFFF" color.hovered="0xBBBDBD" color.down="0xAAAAAA" alpha="0.85" /> <s:GradientEntry color="0xD8D8D8" color.hovered="0x9FA0A1" color.down="0x929496" alpha="0.85" /> </s:LinearGradient> </s:fill> </s:Rect> <!-- layer 3: fill lowlight --> <!--- @private --> <s:Rect id="lowlight" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0"> <s:fill> <s:LinearGradient rotation="270"> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" ratio="0.0" alpha="0.0627" /> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" ratio="0.48" alpha="0.0099" /> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" ratio="0.48001" alpha="0" /> </s:LinearGradient> </s:fill> </s:Rect> <!-- layer 4: fill highlight --> <!--- @private --> <s:Rect id="highlight" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0"> <s:fill> <s:LinearGradient rotation="90"> <s:GradientEntry color="0xFFFFFF" ratio="0.0" alpha="0.33" alpha.hovered="0.22" alpha.down="0.12"/> <s:GradientEntry color="0xFFFFFF" ratio="0.48" alpha="0.33" alpha.hovered="0.22" alpha.down="0.12" /> <s:GradientEntry color="0xFFFFFF" ratio="0.48001" alpha="0" /> </s:LinearGradient> </s:fill> </s:Rect> <!-- layer 5: highlight stroke (all states except down) --> <!--- @private --> <s:Rect id="highlightStroke" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" excludeFrom="down"> <s:stroke> <s:LinearGradientStroke rotation="90" weight="1"> <s:GradientEntry color="0xFFFFFF" alpha.hovered="0.22" /> <s:GradientEntry color="0xD8D8D8" alpha.hovered="0.22" /> </s:LinearGradientStroke> </s:stroke> </s:Rect> <!-- layer 6: highlight stroke (down state only) --> <!--- @private --> <s:Rect id="hldownstroke1" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" includeIn="down"> <s:stroke> <s:LinearGradientStroke rotation="90" weight="1"> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" alpha="0.25" ratio="0.0" /> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" alpha="0.25" ratio="0.001" /> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" alpha="0.07" ratio="0.0011" /> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" alpha="0.07" ratio="0.965" /> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" alpha="0.00" ratio="0.9651" /> </s:LinearGradientStroke> </s:stroke> </s:Rect> <!--- @private --> <s:Rect id="hldownstroke2" left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1" includeIn="down"> <s:stroke> <s:LinearGradientStroke rotation="90" weight="1"> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" alpha="0.09" ratio="0.0" /> <s:GradientEntry color="0x000000" alpha="0.00" ratio="0.0001" /> </s:LinearGradientStroke> </s:stroke> </s:Rect> <s:HGroup left="7" right="7" top="5" bottom="5" gap="8" verticalAlign="middle"> <s:BitmapImage source="54.gif" /> <!-- layer 7: Container for labelDisplay:TextBase --> <!--- Defines the size and location of the labelDisplay visual element. <p>The <code>labelDisplay</code> is added to this Group by the renderer''s <code>prepare()</code> method. Any size/location constraints specified by the labelDisplay define its layout relative to the labelDisplayGroup.</p> @langversion 3.0 @playerversion Flash 10 @playerversion AIR 2.0 @productversion Flex 4.5 --> <s:Group id="labelDisplayGroup" width="100%" /> <!-- layer 8: Container for sortIndicator:IVisualElement --> <!--- Defines the size and location of the sortIndicator visual element. <p>The <code>sortIndicator</code> is added to this Group by the renderer''s <code>prepare()</code> method. Any size/location constraints specified by the sortIndicator define its layout relative to the sortIndicatorGroup. This Group is only included in the layout when the sortIndicator is visible.</p> @langversion 3.0 @playerversion Flash 10 @playerversion AIR 2.0 @productversion Flex 4.5 --> <s:Group id="sortIndicatorGroup" includeInLayout="false" /> </s:HGroup> </s:GridItemRenderer>

Y luego para usarlo en su DataGrid, simplemente siga el ejemplo de Constantiner:

<s:DataGrid> <s:columns> <s:ArrayList> <s:GridColumn headerRenderer="MyRenderer" /> </s:ArrayList> </s:columns> </s:DataGrid>