language-agnostic code-golf rosetta-stone

language agnostic - Code Golf: Imprime toda la canción de "12 días de Navidad" en la menor cantidad de líneas de código

language-agnostic code-golf (30)

Python (71 + 467 incluyendo espacios en blanco)

import sys sys.path += [""] import TDOC TDOC.print_verse()

Donde (467 bytes) contiene

def print_verse(presents="""/ twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eigth maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five gold rings, four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.""".split("/n")): if presents: print_verse(presents[1:]) number = presents[0].split(" ", 1)[0] print("On the %s day of Christmas my true love gave to me %s" % ( dict(a="first", two="second", three="third", five="fifth").get(number, number+"th"), " ".join(presents)))

Imprime los 12 versos de la popular canción navideña .

Por 12 versos me refiero a la repetición de cada línea como se canta en la canción, es decir,

Verso uno: El primer día de Navidad mi verdadero amor me dio una perdiz en un peral.

Verso dos En el segundo día de Navidad mi verdadero amor me dio dos tórtolas y una perdiz en un peral.


Verso N: El día n de la Navidad, mi verdadero amor me dio (versículo N-1 sin la primera línea) (línea añadida en el versículo N)

Usando el Toolkit de plantillas

perl -MTemplate -e ''Template->new()->process("")''

[% list = [ { day => ''first'', item => ''A partridge in a pear tree.''}, { day => ''second'', item => ''Two turtle doves, and ''}, { day => ''third'', item => ''Three french hens, ''}, { day => ''fourth'', item => ''Four calling birds, ''}, { day => ''fifth'', item => ''Five gold rings, ''}, { day => ''sixth'', item => ''Six geese a-laying, ''}, { day => ''seventh'', item => ''Seven swans a-swimming, ''}, { day => ''eighth'', item => ''Eight maids a-milking, ''}, { day => ''nineth'', item => ''Nine ladies dancing, ''}, { day => ''tenth'', item => ''Ten lords a-leaping, ''}, { day => ''eleventh'', item => ''Eleven pipers piping, ''}, { day => ''twelfth'', item => ''Twelve drummers drumming, ''} ]; -%] [% FOREACH list; present = item _ present; -%] On the [% day %] day of Christmas my true love gave me [% present %] [% END %]

Aquí hay una solución de PHP:

$day = Array(''first'',''second'',''third'',''fourth'',''fifth'',''sixth'',''seventh'', ''eighth'',''ninth'',''tenth'',''eleventh'',''twelfth''); $gifts = Array(''Twelve drummers drumming,'', ''Eleven pipers piping,'', ''Ten lords a-leaping,'', ''Nine ladies dancing,'', ''Eight maids a-milking,'', ''Seven swans a-swimming,'', ''Six geese a-laying,'', ''FIVE GOLDEN RINGS,'', ''Four calling birds,'', ''Three French hens,'', ''Two turtle doves, and'', ''A partridge in a pear tree''); for ($i = 0; $i < 12; ++$i) { printf("On the $day[$i] of Christmas my true love gave to me/n" . implode("/n", array_slice($gifts,-($i+1))) . "/n/n"); }


string[] s = new string[]{ "a partridge in a pear tree.", "two turtle doves, and ", "three french hens, ", "four calling birds, ", "five gold rings, ", "six geese a-laying, ", "seven swans a-swimming, ", "eight maids a-milking, ", "nine ladies dancing, ", "ten lords a-leaping, ", "eleven pipers piping, ", "twelve drummers drumming, " }; string t = ""; for (int x = 0; x < s.Length; x++) { t = s[x] + t; Console.Write("On the " + (x + 1).ToString() + (x == 0 ? "st" : (x == 1 ? "nd" : (x == 2 ? "rd" : "th"))) + " day of christmas, my true love gave to me: " + t + "/n"); }

574 caracteres, sin contar la sangría. Agrega algunos caracteres adicionales para obtener las extensiones de número correctas. Sin embargo, probablemente pueda mejorarse bastante.

No es mío, pero es interesante ...

Este es un ejemplo bien conocido de (autor: James O. Coplien):

#include <stdio.h> main(t,_,a)char *a;{return!0<t?t<3?main(-79,-13,a+main(-87,1-_, main(-86,0,a+1)+a)):1,t<_?main(t+1,_,a):3,main(-94,-27+t,a)&&t==2?_<13? main(2,_+1,"%s %d %d/n"):9:16:t<0?t<-72?main(_,t, "@n''+,#''/*{}w+/w#cdnr/+,{}r/*de}+,/*{*+,/w{%+,/w#q#n+,/#{l,+,/n{n+,/+#n+,/#/ ;#q#n+,/+k#;*+,/''r :''d*''3,}{w+K w''K:''+}e#'';dq#''l / q#''+d''K#!/+k#;q#''r}eKK#}w''r}eKK{nl]''/#;#q#n''){)#}w''){){nl]''/+#n'';d}rw'' i;# / ){nl]!/n{n#''; r{#w''r nc{nl]''/#{l,+''K {rw'' iK{;[{nl]''/w#q#n''wk nw'' / iwk{KK{nl]!/w{%''l##w#'' i; :{nl]''/*{q#''ld;r''}{nlwb!/*de}''c / ;;{nl''-{}rw]''/+,}##''*}#nc,'',#nw]''/+kd''+e}+;#''rdq#w! nr''/ '') }+}{rl#''{n'' '')# / }''+}##(!!/") :t<-50?_==*a?putchar(31[a]):main(-65,_,a+1):main((*a==''/'')+t,_,a+1) :0<t?main(2,2,"%s"):*a==''/''||main(0,main(-61,*a, "!ek;dc i@bK''(q)-[w]*%n+r3#l,{}:/nuwloca-O;m .vpbks,fxntdCeghiry"),a+1);}

"Aunque ininteligible a primera vista, es un programa legal de C que, cuando se compila y ejecuta, generará los 12 versos de Los 12 días de Navidad. Contiene todas las cadenas necesarias para el poema en una forma codificada con el código en línea. itera a través de los 12 días mostrando lo que necesita ".

Aunque no ganará golf, tiene unos 830 bytes.

No puedo vencer a la versión de Lisp, pero sigue siendo divertido.

La versión Delphi:

procedure TheTwelfDaysOfChristmas(const AVerse: TStrings); const cPresentList : array[1..12] of string = ( ''a partridge in a pear tree'', ''two turtle doves, and '', ''three french hens, '', ''four calling birds, '', ''five gold rings, '', ''six geese a-laying, '', ''seven swans a-swimming, '', ''eigth maids a-milking, '', ''nine ladies dancing, '', ''ten lords a-leaping, '', ''eleven pipers piping, '', ''twelve drummers drumming, '' ); cTime : array[1..12] of string = ( ''first'', ''second'', ''third'', ''fourth'', ''fifth'', ''sixth'', ''seventh'', ''eighth'', ''nineth'', ''tenth'', ''eleventh'', ''twelfth'' ); var present : string; i : Integer; begin present := ''''; for i := 1 to 12 do begin present := cPresentList[i] + present; AVerse.Add(Format(''On the %s day of Christmas my true love gave me %s.'', [cTime[i], present])); end; end;

Por cierto, para todos ustedes, felices fiestas y excelente programación en 2009.


$g = array("a partridge in a pear tree./n", "two turtle doves, and", "three french hens,", "four calling birds,", "five gold rings,", "six geese a-laying,", "seven swans a-swimming,", "eight maids a-milking,", "nine ladies dancing,", "ten lords a-leaping,", "eleven pipers piping,", "twelve drummers drumming," ); $d = array("first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "nineth", "tenth", "eleventh", "twelfth"); foreach($d as $i=>$v){ echo "On the $v day of Christmas my true love gave to me"; for($j=$i;$j>=0;$j--) echo " ",$g[$j]; }


use Lingua::EN::Numbers qw(num2en_ordinal); print ''On the '', num2en_ordinal($_+1),'' day of Christmas my true love gave to me, '', reverse(( split //|/, "a partridge in a pear tree./n|two turtle doves, and |three french hens, |four calling birds, |five gold rings, |six geese a-laying, |seven swans a-swimming, |eight maids a-milking, |nine ladies dancing, |ten lords a leaping, |eleven pipers piping, |twelve drummers drumming, ")[ 0 .. $_ ]) for 0 .. 11;

(459 caracteres)

Quería hacerlo un poco más agradable y expresivo, pero este es un desafío de golf .

Este estilo viola los estándares de codificación adecuados de alguna manera. Pero eso es golf para ti.

Lingua :: EN :: Número

Aquí está la versión menos compacta con menos trucos furtivos.

use Lingua::EN::Numbers qw(num2en_ordinal); my @gifts = ( ''a partridge in a pear tree.'', ''two turtle doves, and '', ''three french hens, '', ''four calling birds, '', ''five gold rings, '', ''six geese a-laying, '', ''seven swans a-swimming, '', ''eight maids a-milking, '', ''nine ladies dancing, '', ''ten lords a leaping, '', ''eleven pipers piping, '', ''twelve drummers drumming, '' ); for my $verse_id ( 0 .. $#gifts ) { printf ''On the %s day of Christmas my true love gave to me, '', num2en_ordinal($verse_id +1); print reverse @verse[ 0 .. $verse_id ]; print "/n"; }

Rubí. Creo que esto es bastante conciso (el trabajo duro es todo en una línea):

days = %w{First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth} presents = [ "twelve drummers drumming", "eleven pipers piping", "ten lords a leaping", "nine ladies dancing", "eight maids a-milking", "seven swans a-swimming", "six geese a-laying", "five gold rings", "four calling birds", "three french hens", "two turtle doves, and", "a partridge in a pear tree" ] 0.upto(11) { |i| puts "On the #{days[i]} of Christmas my true love gave to me " + presents.last(i+1).join(", ") }

Usando F #:

#light open System.Net; open System.Text.RegularExpressions printf "%s" ((new WebClient()).DownloadString("") |> (fun x -> (new Regex("Lines: /d+/s+([/s/S]+)--")).Match(x).Groups.[1].Value))

Resultados de los días de Twelth:

For the twelfth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me Tell them it''s a feature Say it''s not supported Change the documentation Blame it on the hardware Find a way around it Say they need an upgrade Reinstall the software Ask for a dump Run with the debugger Try to reproduce it Ask them how they did it and See if they can do it again.

class TrueLove: ITrueLove { List<IPresent> give(int day) { List<IPresent> lovesLabourLost = new List<IPresent>(); //if this was C++ could you replace this with a Figgy Duff Device? for (int i=1; i<=day; i++) { if(day > 1 && i<=2) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new TurtleDove());} if(day > 2 && i<=3) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new FrenchHen());} if(day > 3 && i<=4) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new CallingBird());} if(day > 4 && i<=5) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new GOLDRING());} if(day > 5 && i<=6) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new LayingGeese());} if(day > 6 && i<=7) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new SwimmingSwan());} if(day > 7 && i<=8) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new MilikingMaid());} if(day > 8 && i<=9) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new DancingLady());} if(day > 9 && i<=10) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new LeapingLord());} if(day > 10 && i<=11) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new PipingPiper());} if(day > 11 && i<=12) {lovesLabourLost .Add(new DrummingDrummer());} } return lovesLabourLost && (new PartridgeInPearTree()); } } static class Me: IDemanding { static ITrueLove myTrueLove = new TrueLove(); static List<IPresent> myPresents = new List<IPresent>(); static void demandPresents() { for (int i=1; i<=daysOfChristmas; i++) { List<IPresent> MOAR = myTrueLove.give(i); foreach (IPresent another in MOAR) { myPresents.Add(another); } } } } const int daysOfChristmas = 12; Me.demandPresents();

for d in range(12):print"On the %s day of Christmas, my true love gave to me/n/t%s/n"%("first|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eighth|ninth|tenth|eleventh|twelfth".split("|")[d],"/n/t".join("twelve drummers drumming|eleven pipers piping|ten lords a-leaping|nine ladies dancing|eight maids a-milking|seven swans a-swimming|six geese a-laying|five gold rings|four calling birds|three french hens|two turtle doves and|a partridge in a pear tree.".split("|")[11-d:]))

Python, 422 caracteres


En mi lenguaje inventado, donde el comando h imprime "¡Hola, mundo!". Oh, espera, ¿te refieres a que no es de lo que estamos hablando?

¿Qué tal una línea? Esto está en C #.

Xmas(){Console.WriteLine("On the first day of Christmas,/r/nmy true love sent to me/r/nA partridge in a pear tree./r/n/r/nOn the second day of Christmas,/r/nmy true love sent to me/r/nTwo turtle doves,/r/nAnd a partridge in a pear tree./r/n/r/nOn the third day of Christmas,/r/nmy true love sent to me/r/nThree French hens,/r/nTwo turtle doves,/r/nAnd a partridge in a pear tree./r/n/r/nOn the fourth day of Christmas,/r/nmy true love sent to me/r/nFour calling birds,/r/nThree French hens,/r/nTwo turtle doves,/r/nAnd a partridge in a pear tree./r/n/r/nOn the fifth day of Christmas,/r/nmy true love sent to me/r/nFive golden rings,/r/nFour calling birds,/r/nThree French hens,/r/nTwo turtle doves,/r/nAnd a partridge in a pear tree./r/n/r/nOn the sixth day of Christmas,/r/nmy true love sent to me/r/nSix geese a-laying,/r/nFive golden rings,/r/nFour calling birds,/r/nThree French hens,/r/nTwo turtle doves,/r/nAnd a partridge in a pear tree./r/n/r/nOn the seventh day of Christmas,/r/nmy true love sent to me/r/nSeven swans a-swimming,/r/nSix geese a-laying,/r/nFive golden rings,/r/nFour calling birds,/r/nThree French hens,/r/nTwo turtle doves,/r/nAnd a partridge in a pear tree./r/n/r/nOn the eighth day of Christmas,/r/nmy true, love sent to me/r/nEight maids a-milking,/r/nSeven swans a-swimming,/r/nSix geese a-laying,/r/nFive golden rings,/r/nFour calling birds,/r/nThree French hens,/r/nTwo turtle doves,/r/nAnd a partridge in a pear tree./r/n/r/nOn the ninth day of Christmas,/r/nmy true love sent to me/r/nNine ladies dancing,/r/nEight maids a-milking,/r/nSeven swans a-swimming,/r/nSix geese a-laying,/r/nFive golden rings,/r/nFour calling birds,/r/nThree French hens,/r/nTwo turtle doves,/r/nAnd a partridge in a pear tree./r/n/r/nOn the tenth day of Christmas,/r/nmy true love sent to me/r/nTen lords a-leaping,/r/nNine ladies dancing,/r/nEight maids a-milking,/r/nSeven swans a-swimming,/r/nSix geese a-laying,/r/nfive golden rings,/r/nFour calling birds,/r/nThree French hens,/r/nTwo turtle doves,/r/nAnd a partridge in a pear tree./r/n/r/nOn the eleventh day of Christmas,/r/nmy true love sent to me/r/nEleven pipers piping,/r/nTen lords a-leaping,/r/nNine ladies dancing,/r/nEight maids a-milking,/r/nSeven swans a-swimming,/r/nSix geese a-laying/r/nFive golden rings,/r/nFour calling birds,/r/nThree French hens,/r/nTwo turtle doves,/r/nAnd a partridge in a pear tree./r/n/r/nOn the twelfth day of Christmas,/r/nmy true love sent to me/r/nTwelve drummers drumming,/r/nEleven pipers piping,/r/nTen lords a-leaping,/r/nNine ladies dancing,/r/nEight maids a-milking,/r/nSeven swans a-swimming,/r/nSix geese a-laying,/r/nFive golden rings,/r/nFour calling birds,/r/nThree French hens,/r/nTwo turtle doves,/r/nAnd a partridge in a pear tree!");}

Aquí hay una versión de Haskell:

import Data.List main=putStrLn$unlines$map(uncurry(/n->(++)("On the "++show n++case n of{1->"st";2->"nd";3->"rd";_->"th"}++" day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: ")))$zip[1..]$(/a->(drop 4$head a):tail a)$ map(intercalate", ".reverse)$tail$inits["and a partridge in a pair tree","two turtle doves","three french hens","four calling birds","five gold rings","six geese a-laying","seven swans a-swimming","eight maids a milking","nine ladies dancing","ten lords a-leaping","eleven pipers piping","twelve drummers drumming"]

Viene a 527 caracteres. Dado que sin un buen espaciado es bastante incomprensible, aquí hay una versión más extendida:

import Data.List main = putStrLn $ unlines $ map (uncurry (/n -> (++) ("On the " ++ show n ++ case n of { 1 -> "st"; 2 -> "nd"; 3 -> "rd"; _ -> "th"} ++ " day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: "))) $ zip [1..] $ (/a -> (drop 4 $ head a) : tail a) $ tail $ map (intercalate ", " . reverse) (inits ["and a partridge in a pair tree", "two turtle doves", "three french hens", "four calling birds", "five gold rings", "six geese a-laying", "seven swans a-swimming", "eight maids a milking", "nine ladies dancing", "ten lords a-leaping", "eleven pipers piping", "twelve drummers drumming"])

En el lenguaje de programación D, utilizando el enunciado switch statement:

import std.stdio; void main() { for(uint i = 1; i < 13; i++) { writeln("On the ", i, " day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:"); switch(i) { case 12: writeln("twelve drummers drumming,"); case 11: writeln("eleven pipers piping,"); case 10: writeln("ten lords a-leaping,"); case 9: writeln("nine ladies dancing,"); case 8: writeln("eight maids a-milking,"); case 7: writeln("seven swans a-swimming,"); case 6: writeln("six geese a-laying,"); case 5: writeln("five gold rings,"); case 4: writeln("four calling birds,"); case 3: writeln("three french hens,"); case 2: writeln("two turtle doves, and"); case 1: writeln("a partridge in a pear tree./n"); } } }

Linq a los objetos, en 580 caracteres (sin espacios en blanco)

Console.WriteLine(Enumerable.Range(1, 13).SelectMany(day => Enumerable.Repeat("/nOn the " + day + (day == 1 ? "st" : (day == 2 ? "nd" : (day == 3 ? "rd" : "th"))) + " day of Christmas my true love gave to me ", 1) .Concat((new [] { "twelve drummers drumming,", "eleven pipers piping,", "ten lords a-leaping,", "nine ladies dancing,", "eight maids a-milking,", "seven swans a-swimming,", "six geese a-laying,", "five gold rings,", "four calling birds,", "three french hens,", "two turtle doves, and", "a partridge in a pear tree." }).Reverse().Take(day).Reverse())) .Aggregate((a, b) => a + "/n" + b));

Objective-C / Cocoa

NSArray *days = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"first", @"second", @"third", @"forth", @"fifth", @"six", @"seventh", @"eigth", @"ninth", @"tenth", @"eleventh", @"twelth", nil]; NSArray *gifts = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"a partridge in a pear tree./n/n", @"two turtle doves, and/n", @"three french hens,/n", @"four calling birds,/n", @"five gold rings,/n", @"six geese a-laying,/n", @"seven swans a-swimming,/n", @"eigth maids a-milking,/n", @"nine ladies dancing,/n", @"ten lords a-leaping,/n", @"eleven pipers piping,/n", @"twelve drummers drumming,/n", nil]; NSMutableString *aggregator = [NSMutableString string]; for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { [aggregator insertString:[gifts objectAtIndex:i] atIndex:0]; printf("on the %s day of xmas, my true love gave to me %s", [[days objectAtIndex:i] UTF8String], [aggregator UTF8String]); }

Otro C #

var l="a partridge in a pear tree.|two turtle doves, and|three french hens,|four calling birds,|five gold rings,|six geese a-laying,|seven swans a-swimming,|eight maids a-milking,|nine ladies dancing,|ten lords a-leaping,|eleven pipers piping,|twelve drummers drumming,".Split(''|''); for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++) Console.Write( "On the {0}{2} day of christmas/rmy true love gave to me /r{1}/r/r", i, string.Join("/r", l.Take(i).Reverse().ToArray()), (i==1?"st":i==2?"nd":i==3?"rd":"th"));

Prestado en gran medida de las respuestas anteriores (hey, reutilización del código) al tiempo que agrega ahorros adicionales.

481 caracteres una vez que saques espacios en blanco innecesarios:

var l="a partridge in a pear tree.|two turtle doves, and|three french hens,|four calling birds,|five gold rings,|six geese a-laying,|seven swans a-swimming,|eight maids a-milking,|nine ladies dancing,|ten lords a-leaping,|eleven pipers piping,|twelve drummers drumming,".Split(''|'');for(int i=1;i<13;i++)Console.Write("On the {0}{2} day of christmas, my true love gave to me /r{1}/r/r",i,String.Join("/r",l.Take(i).Reverse().ToArray()),(i==1?"st":i==2?"nd":i==3?"rd":"th"));

PHP: 375 caracteres

$v=split(":",":a partridge in a pear tree./n:two turtle doves, and:three french hens:four calling birds:five gold rings:six geese a-lay:seven swans a-swimm:eigth maids a-milk:nine ladies danc:ten lords a-leap:eleven pipers pip:twelve drummers drumm");while($i<12){?>On the <?=date(jS,$i*86400)," day of Christmas my true love gave to me",$s=", ".$v[++$i].($i>5?''ing'':'''').$s;}

Editar: versión actualizada ejecutable (377) caracteres

<?$v=split(":",":a partridge in a pear tree./n:two turtle doves, and:three french hens:four calling birds:five gold rings:six geese a-lay:seven swans a-swimm:eigth maids a-milk:nine ladies danc:ten lords a-leap:eleven pipers pip:twelve drummers drumm");while($i<12){?>On the <?=date(jS,$i*86400)," day of Christmas my true love gave to me",$s=", ".$v[++$i].($i>5?''ing'':'''').$s;}

En C ++,

std::cout << boost::12_days_of_christmas;

Aquí hay una versión de Erlang (~ 586 caracteres):

-module (xmas). -export ([xmas/0]). xmas() -> W = ["twelve drummers drumming, ", "eleven pipers piping, ", "ten lords a-leaping, ", "nine ladies dancing, ", "eight maids a-milking, ", "seven swans a-swimming, ", "six geese a-laying, ", "five gold rings, ", "four calling birds, ", "three french hens, ", "two turtle doves, and ", "a partridge in a pear tree."], io:format(lists:foldl( fun(X,Acc) -> Acc ++ X ++ "~n" end, "", ["On the " ++ day_str(Q) ++ " day of Christmas, my true love gave me " ++ lists:foldl( fun(X,Acc)-> Acc++X end, "", lists:nthtail(12-Q,W)) || Q <- lists:seq(1,12)]),[]). day_str(Q) -> case Q of 1 -> "1st"; 2 -> "2nd"; 3 -> "3rd"; N -> erlang:integer_to_list(N,10) ++ "th" end.

Common Lisp:

(mapc #''princ (reverse (maplist #''(lambda(l) (format nil "On the ~:R day of Christmas my true love gave to me~%~{~a~%~}~%" (length l) l)) ''("twelve drummers drumming," "eleven pipers piping," "ten lords a-leaping," "nine ladies dancing," "eight maids a-milking," "seven swans a-swimming," "six geese a-laying," "five gold rings," "four calling birds," "three french hens," "two turtle doves, and" "a partridge in a pear tree."))))


Arriba hay 412 caracteres si saca el espacio en blanco.


(let ((g)) (dotimes (i 12) (format t "On the ~:R day of Christmas my true love gave to me~%~{~R ~:*~ ~[~;~;turtle doves and~;french hens,~;calling birds,~;gold rings,~ ~;geese a-laying,~;swans a-swimming,~;maids a-milking,~ ~;ladies dancing,~;lords a-leaping,~;pipers piping,~ ~;drummers drumming,~]~%~}a partridge in a pear tree~2%" (1+ i) g) (push (+ i 2) g)))

es 344 caracteres si saca espacios en blanco y ~ líneas nuevas citadas en la cadena de formato:

(let((g))(dotimes(i 12)(format t"On the ~:R day of Christmas my true love gave to me~%~{~R ~:*~[~;~;turtle doves and~;french hens,~;calling birds,~;gold rings,~;geese a-laying,~;swans a-swimming,~;maids a-milking,~;ladies dancing,~;lords a-leaping,~;pipers piping,~;drummers drumming,~]~%~}a partridge in a pear tree~2%"(1+ i)g)(push(+ i 2)g)))


Parece que la pregunta ha seguido su curso, y el sitio me insiste para que acepte una respuesta. Por lo que puedo ver, este es el más corto. Tengo un poco de miedo de lo que hará el sitio si acepto mi propia respuesta; probablemente me otorguen una insignia de Narcissist o Masturbator.

No puedes aceptar tus propias respuestas. Lo suficientemente justo. Lo dejaré abierto Gracias a todos los que respondieron.


a=["and a partridge in a pear tree","turtle doves","French hens","calling birds","golden rings","geese a-laying","swans a-swimming","maids a-milking","ladies dancing","lords a-leaping","pipers piping","drummers drumming"] b=["","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine","ten","eleven","twelve"] c=["first","second","third","fourth","fifth","sixth","seventh","eighth","nineth","tenth","eleventh","twelfth"] 0.upto(11){|d|puts "On the "+c[d]+" day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:/n"+b[d]+" "+a[d]+",";(d-1).downto(0){|e| f=", ";f = "." if e==0;puts b[e]+" "+a[e]+f;}}

Total: 593bytes usando UNIX LF.

LilyPond, 340 caracteres (más corto que Common Lisp)

¡Es la temporada! (Y bastante apropiado, dado que LilyPond se usa principalmente para componer música ... Uno puede adaptar fácilmente este código para producir partituras para la canción, además de solo las letras).

Adaptado de la solución de fizzer.

#(map(lambda(x)(format #t"On the ~:R day of Christmas my true love gave to me~{ ~R~:*~[~;~;turtle doves and~;French hens,~;calling birds,~;gold rings,~;geese a-laying,~;swans a-swimming,~;maids a-milking,~;ladies dancing,~;lords a-leaping,~;pipers piping,~;drummers drumming,~]~} a partridge in a pear tree. "x(iota(1- x)x -1)))(iota 12 1))

Uso: $ lilypond

Esta versión, en 341 caracteres, coincide exactamente con la salida de fizzer, pero tiene tres bytes menos :

#(map(lambda(x)(format #t"On the ~:R day of Christmas my true love gave to me~{ ~R ~:*~[~;~;turtle doves and~;french hens,~;calling birds,~;gold rings,~;geese a-laying,~;swans a-swimming,~;maids a-milking,~;ladies dancing,~;lords a-leaping,~;pipers piping,~;drummers drumming,~]~} a partridge in a pear tree "x(iota(1- x)x -1)))(iota 12 1))

C #, 421 Personajes

var t="";for(int i=0;i++<12;)Console.Write("On the {0}{1} day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: {2}/n",i,i<2?"st":i<3?"nd":i<4?"rd":"th",t="|a partridge in a pear tree.|two turtle doves, and |three french hens,|four calling birds,|five gold rings|six geese a-lay@seven swans a-swimm@eight maids a-milk@nine ladies danc@ten lords a-leap@eleven pipers pip@twelve drummers drumm@".Replace("@","ing,|").Split(''|'')[i]+t);

Versión espaciada:

var t=""; for(int i = 0; i++ < 12;) Console.Write("On the {0}{1} day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: {2}/n", i, i < 2 ? "st" : i < 3 ? "nd" : i < 4 ? "rd" : "th", t="|a partridge in a pear tree. |two turtle doves, and |three french hens, |four calling birds, |five gold rings |six geese a-lay @seven swans a-swimm @eight maids a-milk @nine ladies danc @ten lords a-leap @eleven pipers pip @twelve drummers drumm@" .Replace("@","ing,|") .Split(''|'')[i]+t);


string[] days = new string[] {"First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth", "Sixth", "Seventh", "Eighth", "Ninth", "Tenth", "Eleventh", "Twelfth"}; string[] presents = new string[] {"a partridge in a pear tree.", "two turtle doves, and", "three french hens,", "four calling birds,", "five gold rings,", "six geese a-laying,", "seven swans a-swimming,", "eigth maids a-milking,", "nine ladies dancing,", "ten lords a-leaping,", "eleven pipers piping,", "twelve drummers drumming,"}; int cnt =0; foreach (string s in presents) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("On the {0} day of Christmas my true love gave to me", days[cnt++])); foreach (string p in presents.Take(cnt).Reverse()) Console.WriteLine(p); Console.WriteLine(System.Environment.NewLine); }

VB.Net - 530 Chars (sin espacios), 634 (espacios)

Module ChristmasSong Sub Main() Dim i&, f$ : Dim d$() = {"first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth", "tenth", "eleventh", "twelfth"}, g$() = {"a partridge in a pear tree.", "two turtle doves, and ", "three french hens, ", "four calling birds, ", "five gold rings, ", "six geese a-laying, ", "seven swans a-swimming, ", "eigth maids a-milking, ", "nine ladies dancing, ", "ten lords a-leaping, ", "eleven pipers piping, ", "twelve drummers drumming, "} For i = 0 To 11 : f = g(i) & f : Console.WriteLine("On the {0} day of Christmas, my true love gave to me {1}", d(i), f) : Next End Sub End Module