utorrent ultima peliculas para paginas now gratis español descargar php laravel laravel-5 bittorrent

php - ultima - paginas para descargar peliculas utorrent

BitTorrent: la descarga no comienza (2)

Estoy tratando de implementar un rastreador de bittorrent en Laravel . Sin embargo, estoy atascado en este momento ya que la descarga no comenzará. Hay un par que parece estar sembrando y estoy 100% seguro de que es conectable. Pero, cuando ejecuto un segundo cliente en una máquina diferente, la descarga no se iniciará. Está atascado en "Conectando a compañeros" (uTorrent).

Desde el rastreador estoy enviando la siguiente respuesta cuando el cliente hace un anuncio:

d8:intervali1000e12:min intervali300e5:peers18:�ؤ�i�ؑ�XÚJU�6e

En el cliente de descarga tengo los siguientes datos:

Aquí está mi código de anuncio:

<?php namespace App/Http/Controllers/Announce; use App/Helpers/BencodeHelper; use App/Models/Peer; use App/Models/PeerTorrent; use App/Models/Torrent; use App/Models/User; use Illuminate/Http/Request; use Illuminate/Http/Response; use Illuminate/Routing/Controller; use Illuminate/Support/Facades/Input; use Illuminate/Support/Facades/Log; class AnnounceController extends Controller { const __INTERVAL = 1000; const __TIMEOUT = 120; const __INTERVAL_MIN = 60; const __MAX_PPR = 20; public function announce(Request $request) { Log::info($request->fullUrl()); $status = 200; $content = ""; $passkey = Input::get(''passkey''); $peer_id = Input::get(''peer_id''); $port = Input::get(''port''); $info_hash = Input::get(''info_hash''); $downloaded = Input::get(''uploaded'') ? intval(Input::get(''uploaded'')) : 0; $uploaded = Input::get(''uploaded'') ? intval(Input::get(''uploaded'')) : 0; $left = Input::get(''left'') ? intval(Input::get(''left'')) : 0; $compact = Input::get(''compact'') ? intval(Input::get(''compact'')) : 0; $no_peer_id = Input::get(''no_peer_id'') ? intval(Input::get(''no_peer_id'')) : 0; $ipAddress = ''''; // Check for X-Forwarded-For headers and use those if found if (isset($_SERVER[''HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'']) && ('''' !== trim($_SERVER[''HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'']))) { $ipAddress = (trim($_SERVER[''HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR''])); } else { if (isset($_SERVER[''REMOTE_ADDR'']) && ('''' !== trim($_SERVER[''REMOTE_ADDR'']))) { $ipAddress = (trim($_SERVER[''REMOTE_ADDR''])); } } $port = $_SERVER[''REMOTE_PORT'']; /*if(!$port || !ctype_digit($port) || intval($port) < 1 || intval($port) > 65535) { $content = BencodeHelper::track("Invalid client port."); $status = 401; return (new Response(AnnounceController::track($content), $status)) ->header(''Content-Type'', $value); } if ($port == 999 && substr($peer_id, 0, 10) == ''-TO0001-XX'') { die("d8:completei0e10:incompletei0e8:intervali600e12:min intervali60e5:peersld2:ip12:"); }*/ if (!$passkey) { $content = BencodeHelper::track("Missing passkey."); $status = 401; return (new Response(AnnounceController::track($content), $status)) ->header(''Content-Type'', $value); } $torrent = Torrent::getByInfoHash(sha1($info_hash)); if (!$torrent || $torrent == null) { $content = "Torrent not registered with this tracker."; $status = 404; return (new Response(AnnounceController::track($content), $status)) ->header(''Content-Type'', $value); } $user = User::has(''passkeys'', ''='', $passkey)->get(); if ($user == null) { $content = BencodeHelper::track("Invalid passkey."); $status = 401; return (new Response(AnnounceController::track($content), $status)) ->header(''Content-Type'', $value); } $peer = Peer::getByHashAndPasskey(bin2hex($peer_id), $passkey); if ($peer == null) { $peer = Peer::create([ ''hash'' => bin2hex($peer_id), ''user_agent'' => $_SERVER[''HTTP_USER_AGENT''], ''ip_address'' => $ipAddress, ''passkey'' => $passkey, ''port'' => $port ]); } if (!$info_hash || strlen($info_hash) != 20) { $content = BencodeHelper::track("Invalid info_hash."); $status = 401; return (new Response(AnnounceController::track($content), $status)) ->header(''Content-Type'', $value); } $peer_torrent = PeerTorrent::getByPeerAndTorrent($peer, $torrent); if ($peer_torrent == null) { $peer_torrent = PeerTorrent::create([ ''peer_id'' => $peer->id, ''torrent_id'' => $torrent->id, ''uploaded'' => $uploaded, ''downloaded'' => $downloaded, ''left'' => $left, ''stopped'' => false ]); } else { $peer_torrent->uploaded = $uploaded; $peer_torrent->downloaded = $downloaded; $peer_torrent->left = $left; $peer_torrent->save(); } $seeders = $torrent->getSeedersCount(); $leechers = $torrent->getLeechersCount(); $resp = ""; if ($compact != 1) { $resp = "d" . $this->benc_str("interval") . "i" . AnnounceController::__INTERVAL . "e" . $this->benc_str("peers") . "l"; } else { $resp = "d" . $this->benc_str("interval") . "i" . AnnounceController::__INTERVAL . "e" . $this->benc_str("min interval") . "i" . 300 . "e5:" . "peers"; } $peer = array(); $peer_num = 0; foreach ($torrent->getPeersArray() as $row) { if ($compact != 1) { if ($row["peer_id"] === $peer->hash) { continue; } $resp .= "d" . $this->benc_str("ip") . $this->benc_str($row[''ip'']); if ($no_peer_id == 0) { $resp .= $this->benc_str("peer id") . $this->benc_str($row["peer_id"]); } $resp .= $this->benc_str("port") . "i" . $row["port"] . "e" . "e"; } else { $peer_ip = explode(''.'', $row["ip"]); $peer_ip = pack("C*", $peer_ip[0], $peer_ip[1], $peer_ip[2], $peer_ip[3]); $peer_port = pack("n*", (int)$row["port"]); $time = intval((time() % 7680) / 60); if ($left == 0) { $time += 128; } $time = pack("C", $time); $peer[] = $time . $peer_ip . $peer_port; $peer_num++; } } if ($compact != 1) { $resp .= "ee"; } else { $o = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $peer_num; $i++) { $o .= substr($peer[$i], 1, 6); } $resp .= strlen($o) . '':'' . $o . ''e''; } $this->benc_resp_raw($resp); } public function benc_resp($d) { return $this->benc_resp_raw($this->benc(array(''type'' => ''dictionary'', ''value'' => $d))); } public function benc_resp_raw($x) { header("Content-Type: text/plain"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); if ($_SERVER[''HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING''] == ''gzip'') { header("Content-Encoding: gzip"); echo gzencode($x, 9, FORCE_GZIP); } else { echo $x; } } function benc($obj) { if (!is_array($obj) || !isset($obj["type"]) || !isset($obj["value"])) return; $c = $obj["value"]; switch ($obj["type"]) { case "string": return $this->benc_str($c); case "integer": return $this->benc_int($c); case "list": return $this->benc_list($c); case "dictionary": return $this->benc_dict($c); default: return; } } public function benc_str($s) { return strlen($s) . ":$s"; } public function benc_int($i) { return "i" . $i . "e"; } public function benc_list($a) { $s = "l"; foreach ($a as $e) { $s .= $this->benc($e); } $s .= "e"; return $s; } public function benc_dict($d) { $s = "d"; $keys = array_keys($d); sort($keys); foreach ($keys as $k) { $v = $d[$k]; $s .= $this->benc_str($k); $s .= $this->benc($v); } $s .= "e"; return $s; } public function hex2bin($hex) { $r = ''''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($hex); $i += 2) { $r .= chr(hexdec($hex{$i} . $hex{($i + 1)})); } return $r; } }

No estoy muy seguro de qué me estoy perdiendo aquí.

$port = $_SERVER[''REMOTE_PORT''];

Creo que el problema es que el rastreador en lugar de registrar el puerto que el par de conexión envía en la cadena de anuncio, el rastreador registra el puerto remoto desde el que se conecta el par.
Es casi seguro que es el puerto incorrecto para usar.

Tal vez es porque estableces constantemente

->header(''Content-Type'', $value);

sin configurar nunca el valor de $value ? ¿Entonces la "Anunciar-Respuesta" está malformada?