rango numeros llenar lista generar entre datos como azar aleatorios php random path grid coordinates

php - numeros - Genera una ruta de coordenadas aleatorias en una grilla

generar numeros aleatorios en excel entre un rango (2)

¿Lo que quiero?

Quiero en PHP una función o clase / método que devuelva una matriz de generar ruta en una grilla (9x9) ver (código: grilla con ruta) . Esta es la condición:

  • El bloque no se puede superponer entre sí
  • Hay una ruta de dirección (ver debajo: ¿Qué tengo? ). Esta ruta puede ser aleatoria y se requieren instrucciones.
  • Es posible salir por la derecha / arriba y continuar la ruta a la izquierda / abajo (ver ejemplo a continuación). Viceversa también es posible.
  • El número de pasos es variable y no puede superponerse entre sí.
  • Devuelve una matriz ( código: cuadrícula con ruta ). Necesito las coordenadas de los puntos naranja en el siguiente ejemplo de imagen. En realidad, son las coordenadas en secuencia en una matriz (de los dotes de color naranja) suficiente. Pero si es más fácil usar la cuadrícula de matriz completa de 9x9, está bien.

¿Qué tengo?

  • Una matriz vacía (código: cuadrícula vacía) :
  • Una posición de inicio aleatorio (ver "Inicio" en el ejemplo de la imagen)
  • Una dirección en este caso 1234123 (puede ser diferente) (1: arriba, 2: derecha, 3: abajo, 4: izquierda)

¿Necesita información adicional?

Si necesita información adicional o algo no está claro? por favor preguntame. ¡Gracias!

código: cuadrícula vacía:

array( array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), )

código: cuadrícula con ruta (1 = inicio, 8 = fin):

array( array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 2, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(6, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), array(5, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), )

@Wranorn ¡Gracias por tu respuesta! Lo pruebo y funciona. Mientras tanto, también hice un script que genera una grilla. Con suerte, uno de estos scripts ayuda a otras personas con la misma pregunta. Aquí está mi fragmento:

<?php class Grid{ //propertys to create grid path private $aDirections = array(1,2,3,4,1,2,3); // 1: up, 2: right, 3: down, 4: left private $aGridTemp = array(); private $aGridDefinitive = array(); private $iLastX = null; private $iLastY = null; private $iStep = 0; private $aAllSteps = array(); private $sUniqueKey = ""; //create empty Unique Key (length of each block range) /* * Return a grid array * @return $this->_generateGridPath */ public function getGridPath(){ //cal method thats generate a Path for the grid return $this->_generateGridPath(); } /* * (GENERATE GRID) * Create a grid path */ private function _generateGridPath() { //(Re)Set grid data $this->iStep = 0; $this->iLastX = rand(1, 7); $this->iLastY = rand(1, 7); $this->sUniqueKey = ""; $this->aAllSteps = array(); //set first step to steparray $this->aAllSteps[] = array(''iCellX'' => $this->iLastX, ''iCellY'' => $this->iLastY); //create empty grid and save it to temp grid $this->aGridDefinitive = $this->_getEmptyGridArray(); $this->aGridTemp = $this->aGridDefinitive; //set start position $this->aGridTemp[$this->iLastY][$this->iLastX] = 0; //loop trhough all direction steps foreach ($this->aDirections AS $iDirection) { $iNumberOfBlocks = rand(2, 8); //check the new coordinate is posible (check if there no overlapping) do { //check the new coordinate is posible (check if there no overlapping) $coordinateCheck = $this->_checkNewCoordinatesIsPossible($iDirection, $iNumberOfBlocks); if ($coordinateCheck) { //if success add to unique key $this->sUniqueKey .= $iNumberOfBlocks; //set temp to to definitive grid $this->aGridDefinitive = $this->aGridTemp; $this->iStep++; $this->iLastX = $coordinateCheck[''iCellX'']; $this->iLastY = $coordinateCheck[''iCellY'']; //add to all steps array $this->aAllSteps[] = array(''iCellX'' => $coordinateCheck[''iCellX''], ''iCellY'' => $coordinateCheck[''iCellY'']); break; } else { //break out each if check is false $this->aGridTemp = $this->aGridDefinitive; $iNumberOfBlocks--; } } while ($iNumberOfBlocks > 2); } //if unique key is not complete (not the same length as the number of directions) rebuild grid if (strlen($this->sUniqueKey) != count($this->aDirections)) { $this->_generateGridPath(); } //return the grid path data return $this->aGridDefinitive; } /* * (GENERATE GRID) * Check if Coordinate is possible * $iDirection, $iNumberOfBlocks */ private function _checkNewCoordinatesIsPossible($iDirection, $iNumberOfBlocksNew){ //set check boolean $return = true; //if first step than step - 1 $iNumberOfBlocks = $this->iStep == 0 ? ($iNumberOfBlocksNew-1) : $iNumberOfBlocksNew; //set new block position $iCurrentY = ""; $iCurrentX = ""; //check the direction to fill the blocks the right way switch ($iDirection) { case 1: //direction up (go positif (higher) coordinate) $iCurrentX = $this->iLastX; $iCurrentY = $this->_getCoordinatePosition($this->iLastY, $iNumberOfBlocks, false); break; case 3: //direction down (go negative (lower) coordinate) $iCurrentX = $this->iLastX; $iCurrentY = $this->_getCoordinatePosition($this->iLastY, $iNumberOfBlocks, true); break; case 2: //direction right (go positif (higher) coordinate) $iCurrentY = $this->iLastY; $iCurrentX = $this->_getCoordinatePosition($this->iLastX, $iNumberOfBlocks, true); break; case 4: //direction left (go negative (lower) coordinate) $iCurrentY = $this->iLastY; $iCurrentX = $this->_getCoordinatePosition($this->iLastX, $iNumberOfBlocks, false); break; } //check the direction to fill the blocks the right way switch ($iDirection) { case 1: //direction up //check if the current block is positioning under or above the last block if($iCurrentY < $this->iLastY){ //Loop from last position Y to current postiont Y // ($this->iLastY-1 do not overwrite the last item) for($iPosY = ($this->iLastY-1); $iPosY > ($iCurrentY-1); $iPosY--) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; } }else{ //Loop from last position Y to top row (pos y: 1) // ($this->iLastY-1 do not overwrite the last item) for($iPosY = ($this->iLastY-1); $iPosY >= 0; $iPosY--) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; } //loop from bottom to current pos Y for($iPosY = 8; $iPosY > ($iCurrentY-1); $iPosY--) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; } } break; case 3: //direction down //check if the current block is positioning under or above the last block if($iCurrentY > $this->iLastY){ //Loop from last position Y to current postiont Y // ($this->iLastY+1 do not overwrite the last item) for($iPosY = ($this->iLastY+1); $iPosY <= $iCurrentY; $iPosY++) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; } }else{ //Loop from top to current item row // ($iCurrentY-1 do not current the current item) for($iPosY = 0; $iPosY <= $iCurrentY; $iPosY++) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; } //loop from bottom to last to bottom pos Y // ($this->iLastY+1 do not overwrite the last item) for($iPosY = ($this->iLastY+1); $iPosY <= 8; $iPosY++) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iPosY][$iCurrentX] = $this->iStep; } } break; case 2: //direction right //check if the current block is positioning left or right from the last block if($iCurrentX > $this->iLastX){ //Loop from last position X to current postiont X // ($this->iLastX+1 do not overwrite the last item) for($iPosX = ($this->iLastX+1); $iPosX < ($iCurrentX+1); $iPosX++) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; } }else{ //Loop from left to current item to right // ($iCurrentX-1 do not current the current item) for($iPosX = 0; $iPosX <= $iCurrentX; $iPosX++) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; } //loop from left to last to right pos X // ($this->iLastX+1 do not overwrite the last item) for($iPosX = ($this->iLastX+1); $iPosX <= 8; $iPosX++) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; } } break; case 4: //direction left //check if the current block is positioning under left or right from the last block if($iCurrentX < $this->iLastX){ //Loop from last position X to current postiont X // ($this->iLastX-1 do not overwrite the last item) for($iPosX = ($this->iLastX-1); $iPosX > ($iCurrentX-1); $iPosX--) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; } }else{ //Loop from last position X to left row (pos x: 1) // ($this->iLastX-1 do not overwrite the last item) for($iPosX = ($this->iLastX-1); $iPosX >= 0; $iPosX--) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; } //loop from left to current pos X for($iPosX = 8; $iPosX > ($iCurrentX-1); $iPosX--) { //check if not null if($this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] !== null){ $return = false; } $this->aGridTemp[$iCurrentY][$iPosX] = $this->iStep; } } break; } //if there ar no errros (if return is true)? return the X and Y position if($return === true){ $return = array(''iCellX'' => $iCurrentX, ''iCellY'' => $iCurrentY); } //return data (false or position) return $return; } /* * (GENERATE GRID) * Reset grid array * @return an empty grid array */ private function _getEmptyGridArray(){ return array( array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), ); } /* * (GENERATE GRID) * If heigher than 8? continue 0. If lower than 0? continue 8 * $iCurrentPosition, $iBlockLength, $bIsPositive */ private function _getCoordinatePosition($iCurrentPosition, $iBlockLength, $bIsPositive = true){ $iNewCoordinate = $iCurrentPosition; //check if its a positive or negative integer if($bIsPositive){ //loop the number of block for ($i = 1; $i <= $iBlockLength; $i++) { $iNewCoordinate++; //if higher than 8 go back to 0 if($iNewCoordinate > 8){ $iNewCoordinate = 0; } } }else{ //loop the number of block for ($i = 1; $i <= $iBlockLength; $i++) { $iNewCoordinate--; //if higher than 8 go back to 0 if($iNewCoordinate < 0){ $iNewCoordinate = 8; } } } return $iNewCoordinate; } } $oGrid = new Grid; $aGrid = $oGrid->getGridPath(); ?> <table> <?php foreach ($aGrid AS $row): ?> <tr> <?php foreach ($row AS $col): ?> <td style="border: 1px solid red;"><?php echo $col; ?> &nbsp; </td> <?php endforeach; ?> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table>

Esto debería ayudarte a comenzar (Coloca una demo @ http://tinker.bit-nibble-byte.com/grid.php )

Por favor perdone la sintaxis alternativa, odio las llaves.

<style> td { width: 30px; height: 30px; font-size: 15px; text-align: center; } td.S { color: black; background-color: orange; } td.D { color: black; background-color: #44c; } td.R { color: black; background-color: #c44; } td.U { color: black; background-color: #cc4; } td.L { color: black; background-color: #4c4; } td.E { color: black; background-color: #c4c; } </style> <?php $data = pathField(50, 25, 50, 10); dumpField($data[''FIELD'']); dumpCoor($data[''COOR'']); /** * @param int $width Width of the playing field * @param int $height Height of the playing field * @param null $steps Number of direction changes * @param int $legChange Odds of changing direction (1-99) * #param null $minLegLength Minimum length of a straight line (or until it hits a wall) * @param null $startX Start X Position * @param null $startY Start Y Position * @return array */ function pathField($width = 10, $height = 10, $steps = null, $legChange = 50, $minLegLength = 3, $startX = null, $startY = null) { $coord = array(); // Coordinates where direction was changed if (!$startX): $startX = rand(1, $width); // Random X start position endif; if (!$startY): $startY = rand(1, $height); // Random Y start position endif; if (!$steps): $steps = $width * $height; // Will cause run until "painted in a corner" endif; $coord[] = array(''X'' => $startX, ''Y'' => $startY); // Set First/Start coordinate $field = array_fill(1, $height, array_fill(1, $width, null)); // Create the empty playing field $field[$startY][$startX] = ''S''; // Flag start position $pos = array(''X'' => $startX, ''Y'' => $startY, ''D'' => null, ''L'' => $minLegLength + 1); // Set current position while (count($coord) < $steps): // Go until we have enough steps $go = array ( // Calculate the directions positions for ''left'' => (($pos[''X''] - 1) < 1) ? $width : ($pos[''X''] - 1), // Left ''right'' => (($pos[''X''] + 1) > $width) ? 1 : ($pos[''X''] + 1), // Right ''up'' => (($pos[''Y''] - 1) < 1) ? $height : ($pos[''Y''] - 1), // Up ''down'' => (($pos[''Y''] + 1) > $height) ? 1 : ($pos[''Y''] + 1), // Down ); $validMoves = array(); // Reset valid moves if ($field[$pos[''Y'']][$go[''left'']] == null): // Check if we can move left $validMoves[''L''] = array( ''X'' => $go[''left''], ''Y'' => $pos[''Y''], ''D'' => ''L'', ''P'' => rand(1,$width) ); endif; if ($field[$pos[''Y'']][$go[''right'']] == null): // Check if we can move right $validMoves[''R''] = array( ''X'' => $go[''right''], ''Y'' => $pos[''Y''], ''D'' => ''R'', ''P'' => rand(1,$width) ); endif; if ($field[$go[''up'']][$pos[''X'']] == null): // Check if we can move up $validMoves[''U''] = array( ''X'' => $pos[''X''], ''Y'' => $go[''up''], ''D'' => ''U'', ''P'' => rand(1,$height) ); endif; if ($field[$go[''down'']][$pos[''X'']] == null): // Check if we can move down $validMoves[''D''] = array( ''X'' => $pos[''X''], ''Y'' => $go[''down''], ''D'' => ''D'', ''P'' => rand(1,$height) ); endif; if (count($validMoves) == 0): // If there are no valid moves, it means... break; // Painted myself into a corner! endif; // Keep going in the same direction or are we changing? if (array_key_exists($pos[''D''], $validMoves) && (($pos[''L''] < $minLegLength) || (rand(1, 100) < $legChange))): $moveDir = $validMoves[$pos[''D'']]; // Get Last Direction $pos[''L'']++; // Increase Leg Length else: $moveDir = $validMoves[array_rand($validMoves, 1)]; // Get A Random Direction endif; // If we''re changing directions record the point in the coordinate array if ($moveDir[''D''] != $pos[''D'']): $coord[] = array( ''X'' => $moveDir[''X''], ''Y'' => $moveDir[''Y''] ); $pos[''L''] = 1; // Reset leg Length endif; // Update our current position $pos = array(''X'' => $moveDir[''X''], ''Y'' => $moveDir[''Y''], ''D'' => $moveDir[''D''], ''L'' => $pos[''L'']); // Update the playing field $field[$pos[''Y'']][$pos[''X'']] = $moveDir[''D'']; endwhile; $field[$pos[''Y'']][$pos[''X'']] = ''E''; // Flag the end point return array(''FIELD'' => $field, ''COOR'' => $coord); // Return the fields and the coors } function dumpCoor(array $coor) { foreach($coor as $point): echo $point[''X''] . '', '' . $point[''Y''] . ''<br>''; endforeach; } function dumpField(array $field) { $height = count($field); $width = count($field[1]); echo $width . ''x'' . $height; echo "<table border=''1''>"; foreach ($field as $key => $row): echo "<tr>"; foreach ($row as $key => $cell): if ($cell): echo "<td class=/"$cell/">$cell</td>"; else: echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>"; endif; endforeach; echo "</tr>"; endforeach; echo "</table>"; }