texto subrayar resaltar palabra negrita letra javascript textarea

javascript - subrayar - Resalta texto dentro de un área de texto

subrayar texto javascript (3)

¿Es posible resaltar texto dentro de un área de texto usando javascript? ¿Cambiando el fondo de solo una parte del área de texto o seleccionando una parte del texto?

Escritura fácil que escribí para esto: Jsfiddle


  1. Contador de caracteres opcional.
  2. Resalta varios patrones con diferentes colores.
  3. Regex.
  4. Recoge cerillas a otros contenedores.
  5. Estilo sencillo: fuentes de color y cara, fondos, radio de borde y altura de línea.
  6. Ctrl + Shift para cambio de dirección.

    //include function like in the fiddle! //CREATE ELEMENT: create_bind_textarea_highlight({ eleId:"wrap_all_highlighter", width:400, height:110, padding:5, background:''white'', backgroundControls:''#585858'', radius:5, fontFamilly:''Arial'', fontSize:13, lineHeight:18, counterlettres:true, counterFont:''red'', matchpatterns:[["(#[0-9A-Za-z]{0,})","$1"],["(@[0-9A-Za-z]{0,})","$1"]], hightlightsColor:[''#00d2ff'',''#FFBF00''], objectsCopy:["copy_hashes","copy_at"] //PRESS Ctrl + SHIFT for direction swip! }); //HTML EXAMPLE: <div id="wrap_all_highlighter" placer=''1''></div> <div id=''copy_hashes''></div><!--Optional--> <div id=''copy_at''></div><!--Optional-->

¡Que te diviertas!

Prueba este pedazo de código que escribí esta mañana, resaltará un conjunto definido de palabras:

<html> <head> <title></title> <!-- Load jQuery --> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- The javascript xontaining the plugin and the code to init the plugin --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { // let''s init the plugin, that we called "highlight". // We will highlight the words "hello" and "world", // and set the input area to a widht and height of 500 and 250 respectively. $("#container").highlight({ words: ["hello","world"], width: 500, height: 250 }); }); // the plugin that would do the trick (function($){ $.fn.extend({ highlight: function() { // the main class var pluginClass = function() {}; // init the class // Bootloader pluginClass.prototype.__init = function (element) { try { this.element = element; } catch (err) { this.error(err); } }; // centralized error handler pluginClass.prototype.error = function (e) { // manage error and exceptions here //console.info("error!",e); }; // Centralized routing function pluginClass.prototype.execute = function (fn, options) { try { options = $.extend({},options); if (typeof(this[fn]) == "function") { var output = this[fn].apply(this, [options]); } else { this.error("undefined_function"); } } catch (err) { this.error(err); } }; // ********************** // Plugin Class starts here // ********************** // init the component pluginClass.prototype.init = function (options) { try { // the element''s reference ( $("#container") ) is stored into "this.element" var scope = this; this.options = options; // just find the different elements we''ll need this.highlighterContainer = this.element.find(''#highlighterContainer''); this.inputContainer = this.element.find(''#inputContainer''); this.textarea = this.inputContainer.find(''textarea''); this.highlighter = this.highlighterContainer.find(''#highlighter''); // apply the css this.element.css(''position'',''relative''); // place both the highlight container and the textarea container // on the same coordonate to superpose them. this.highlighterContainer.css({ ''position'': ''absolute'', ''left'': ''0'', ''top'': ''0'', ''border'': ''1px dashed #ff0000'', ''width'': this.options.width, ''height'': this.options.height, ''cursor'': ''text'' }); this.inputContainer.css({ ''position'': ''absolute'', ''left'': ''0'', ''top'': ''0'', ''border'': ''1px solid #000000'' }); // now let''s make sure the highlit div and the textarea will superpose, // by applying the same font size and stuffs. // the highlighter must have a white text so it will be invisible this.highlighter.css({ ''padding'': ''7px'', ''color'': ''#eeeeee'', ''background-color'': ''#ffffff'', ''margin'': ''0px'', ''font-size'': ''11px'', ''font-family'': ''"lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif'' }); // the textarea must have a transparent background so we can see the highlight div behind it this.textarea.css({ ''background-color'': ''transparent'', ''padding'': ''5px'', ''margin'': ''0px'', ''font-size'': ''11px'', ''width'': this.options.width, ''height'': this.options.height, ''font-family'': ''"lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif'' }); // apply the hooks this.highlighterContainer.bind(''click'', function() { scope.textarea.focus(); }); this.textarea.bind(''keyup'', function() { // when we type in the textarea, // we want the text to be processed and re-injected into the div behind it. scope.applyText($(this).val()); }); } catch (err) { this.error(err); } return true; }; pluginClass.prototype.applyText = function (text) { try { var scope = this; // parse the text: // replace all the line braks by <br/>, and all the double spaces by the html version &nbsp; text = this.replaceAll(text,''/n'',''<br/>''); text = this.replaceAll(text,'' '',''&nbsp;&nbsp;''); // replace the words by a highlighted version of the words for (var i=0;i<this.options.words.length;i++) { text = this.replaceAll(text,this.options.words[i],''<span style="background-color: #D8DFEA;">''+this.options.words[i]+''</span>''); } // re-inject the processed text into the div this.highlighter.html(text); } catch (err) { this.error(err); } return true; }; // "replace all" function pluginClass.prototype.replaceAll = function(txt, replace, with_this) { return txt.replace(new RegExp(replace, ''g''),with_this); } // don''t worry about this part, it''s just the required code for the plugin to hadle the methods and stuffs. Not relevant here. //********************** // process var fn; var options; if (arguments.length == 0) { fn = "init"; options = {}; } else if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof(arguments[0]) == ''object'') { fn = "init"; options = $.extend({},arguments[0]); } else { fn = arguments[0]; options = $.extend({},arguments[1]); } $.each(this, function(idx, item) { // if the component is not yet existing, create it. if ($(item).data(''highlightPlugin'') == null) { $(item).data(''highlightPlugin'', new pluginClass()); $(item).data(''highlightPlugin'').__init($(item)); } $(item).data(''highlightPlugin'').execute(fn, options); }); return this; } }); })(jQuery); </script> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="highlighterContainer"> <div id="highlighter"> </div> </div> <div id="inputContainer"> <textarea cols="30" rows="10"> </textarea> </div> </div> </body> </html>

Esto fue escrito para otra publicación (http://facebook..com/questions/7497824/how-to-highlight-friends-name-in-facebook-status-update-box-textarea/7597420#7597420), pero parece ser lo que estás buscando

Versión mejorada desde arriba, también funciona con Regex y más campos TextArea:

<html> <head> <title></title> <!-- Load jQuery --> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- The javascript xontaining the plugin and the code to init the plugin --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { // let''s init the plugin, that we called "highlight". // We will highlight the words "hello" and "world", // and set the input area to a widht and height of 500 and 250 respectively. $("#container0").highlight({ words: [["hello","hello"],["world","world"],["(//[b])(.+?)(//[/b])","$1$2$3"]], width: 500, height: 125, count:0 }); $("#container1").highlight({ words: [["hello","hello"],["world","world"],["(//[b])(.+?)(//[/b])","$1$2$3"]], width: 500, height: 125, count: 1 }); }); // the plugin that would do the trick (function($){ $.fn.extend({ highlight: function() { // the main class var pluginClass = function() {}; // init the class // Bootloader pluginClass.prototype.__init = function (element) { try { this.element = element; } catch (err) { this.error(err); } }; // centralized error handler pluginClass.prototype.error = function (e) { // manage error and exceptions here //console.info("error!",e); }; // Centralized routing function pluginClass.prototype.execute = function (fn, options) { try { options = $.extend({},options); if (typeof(this[fn]) == "function") { var output = this[fn].apply(this, [options]); } else { this.error("undefined_function"); } } catch (err) { this.error(err); } }; // ********************** // Plugin Class starts here // ********************** // init the component pluginClass.prototype.init = function (options) { try { // the element''s reference ( $("#container") ) is stored into "this.element" var scope = this; this.options = options; // just find the different elements we''ll need this.highlighterContainer = this.element.find(''#highlighterContainer''+this.options.count); this.inputContainer = this.element.find(''#inputContainer''+this.options.count); this.textarea = this.inputContainer.find(''textarea''); this.highlighter = this.highlighterContainer.find(''#highlighter''+this.options.count); // apply the css this.element.css({''position'':''relative'', ''overflow'':''auto'', ''background'':''none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF'', ''height'':this.options.height+2, ''width'':this.options.width+19, ''border'':''1px solid'' }); // place both the highlight container and the textarea container // on the same coordonate to superpose them. this.highlighterContainer.css({ ''position'': ''absolute'', ''left'': ''0'', ''top'': ''0'', ''border'': ''1px dashed #ff0000'', ''width'': this.options.width, ''height'': this.options.height, ''cursor'': ''text'', ''z-index'': ''1'' }); this.inputContainer.css({ ''position'': ''absolute'', ''left'': ''0'', ''top'': ''0'', ''border'': ''0px solid #000000'', ''z-index'': ''2'', ''background'': ''none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent'' }); // now let''s make sure the highlit div and the textarea will superpose, // by applying the same font size and stuffs. // the highlighter must have a white text so it will be invisible var isWebKit = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebKit") > -1, isOpera = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") > -1, isIE /*@cc_on = true @*/, isIE6 = isIE && !window.XMLHttpRequest; // Despite the variable name, this means if IE lower than v7 if (isIE || isOpera){ var padding = ''6px 5px''; } else { var padding = ''5px 6px''; } this.highlighter.css({ ''padding'': padding, ''color'': ''#eeeeee'', ''background-color'': ''#ffffff'', ''margin'': ''0px'', ''font-size'': ''11px'' , ''line-height'': ''12px'' , ''font-family'': ''"lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif'' }); // the textarea must have a transparent background so we can see the highlight div behind it this.textarea.css({ ''background-color'': ''transparent'', ''padding'': ''5px'', ''margin'': ''0px'', ''width'': this.options.width, ''height'': this.options.height, ''font-size'': ''11px'', ''line-height'': ''12px'' , ''font-family'': ''"lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif'', ''overflow'': ''hidden'', ''border'': ''0px solid #000000'' }); // apply the hooks this.highlighterContainer.bind(''click'', function() { scope.textarea.focus(); }); this.textarea.bind(''keyup'', function() { // when we type in the textarea, // we want the text to be processed and re-injected into the div behind it. scope.applyText($(this).val()); }); scope.applyText(this.textarea.val()); } catch (err) { this.error(err) } return true; }; pluginClass.prototype.applyText = function (text) { try { var scope = this; // parse the text: // replace all the line braks by <br/>, and all the double spaces by the html version &nbsp; text = this.replaceAll(text,''/n'',''<br/>''); text = this.replaceAll(text,'' '',''&nbsp;&nbsp;''); text = this.replaceAll(text,'' '',''&nbsp;''); // replace the words by a highlighted version of the words for (var i=0;i<this.options.words.length;i++) { text = this.replaceAll(text,this.options.words[i][0],''<span style="background-color: #D8DFEA;">''+this.options.words[i][1]+''</span>''); //text = this.replaceAll(text,''(//[b])(.+?)(//[/b])'',''<span style="font-weight:bold;background-color: #D8DFEA;">$1$2$3</span>''); } // re-inject the processed text into the div this.highlighter.html(text); if (this.highlighter[0].clientHeight > this.options.height) { // document.getElementById("highlighter0") this.textarea[0].style.height=this.highlighter[0].clientHeight +19+"px"; } else { this.textarea[0].style.height=this.options.height; } } catch (err) { this.error(err); } return true; }; // "replace all" function pluginClass.prototype.replaceAll = function(txt, replace, with_this) { return txt.replace(new RegExp(replace, ''g''),with_this); } // don''t worry about this part, it''s just the required code for the plugin to hadle the methods and stuffs. Not relevant here. //********************** // process var fn; var options; if (arguments.length == 0) { fn = "init"; options = {}; } else if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof(arguments[0]) == ''object'') { fn = "init"; options = $.extend({},arguments[0]); } else { fn = arguments[0]; options = $.extend({},arguments[1]); } $.each(this, function(idx, item) { // if the component is not yet existing, create it. if ($(item).data(''highlightPlugin'') == null) { $(item).data(''highlightPlugin'', new pluginClass()); $(item).data(''highlightPlugin'').__init($(item)); } $(item).data(''highlightPlugin'').execute(fn, options); }); return this; } }); })(jQuery); </script> </head> <body> <div id="container0"> <div id="highlighterContainer0"> <div id="highlighter0"></div> </div> <div id="inputContainer0"> <textarea id="text1" cols="30" rows="15">hello world</textarea> </div> </div> <h1> haus </h1> <div id="container1"> <div id="highlighterContainer1"> <div id="highlighter1"></div> </div> <div id="inputContainer1"> <textarea cols="30" rows="15">hipp hipp hurra, [b]ich hab es jetzt![/b]</textarea> </div> </div> </body>